The 41st session of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities took place in Strasbourg from 26 to 28 October 2021. Two days of intense and fruitful dialogue on several key topics, very close to ALDA’s commitment and mission. Thus, having the Congress among the statutory members of ALDA Governing Board, it comes with itself that the relation between the Association and the Institution is simply part of the essence of ALDA itself.

The agenda of this year’s session was rich in terms of content and speakers. Debates focused, among others, on: 

  • Post-COVID Recovery;
  • Migration;
  • Hate speech and fake news;
  • Cross-border cooperation for better integration and
  • Education and young generation

Furthermore, particularly relevant and in line with the recents ALDA’s mission, the debate on the decentralisation process in North Macedonia. Mr. Zoran Dimitrovski, Deputy Minister for Local Self Government, also met by ALDA Secretary General Antonella Valmorbida in early October, intervened during the “Monitoring of the European Charter of Local Self-government: North Macedonia” session, taking place on Wednesday 27th.

 Being able to join the Congress 41st session in presence, gave this event the feeling of “nearness and human bond” 

After two years of intense work, yet from remote due to the health crisis, being able to join the Congress 41st session in presence, gave this event the feeling of “nearness and human bond” which were quite missed. Meeting representatives from other countries, organisations and institutions definitely further stimulated ALDA in keeping its commitment and hard work in being a key stakeholder in developing democracy and good-governance in Europe and beyond.

More on an internal note, this occasion also gave the possibility to ALDA’s staff from Vicenza to meet colleagues from the Strasbourg office. Thus, the “Staff Meeting” served as a great moment of sharing, dialoguing and getting to know each other better. Last but not least, after the 41st session of the Congress, the staff also had the opportunity to walk around the city, having a lovely dinner!  

More information:

CSOs Networking for Better Local Democracy in the Balkans is a project with a self-explanatory name. The main focus of the project is to address the challenges of civil society organizations within the region of the Western Balkans. It concluded its affairs around October of 2021 and is implemented by the Balkan Network for Local Democracy and funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, or SIDA.

There are many challenges in the region related to the CSOs sector, and this project seeks to highlight and support it and its development. The project has the goal of being a major resource for civil society in the region, through methods such as research, providing and spreading information, and encouraging further capacity building in the sector, on local and regional levels. To be able to accomplish that sort of goal, a knowledge sharing platform is necessary, which this project seeks to provide.

Raise awareness, provide resources, facilitate exchange, create cooperation, and strengthen CSOs

An important principle within the function of this project is general awareness raising and promotion. To accomplish this end, under the banner of the project we have seen :

  • 9 animated videos,
  • 9 video interviews,
  • 2 newsletters,
  • 1 large social media campaign,
  • the creation of a resource hub for information,
  • 3 extensive comparative studies and
  • 9 individual local-level case studies, and it was all highlighted with a regional Best Practice Fair.

The 3 comparative studies all examined local factors such as self-government, CSO cooperation with government and involvement in local-level processes, decentralization, and public participation in policymaking. The resource hub, meanwhile, is a designated area of the website that compiles together resources, documents, infographics, studies, research, etc. all about local democracy within the Western Balkans region.

The time spent on this project was highlighted with the Best Practice Fair, a two-day hybrid event that brought together multiple CSO representatives, BNLD members, public authorities, and members of other groups, where the individual delegations present their best practices for encouraging participation of citizens in local government. This event provided a good opportunity for the participating parties to exchange ideas and programmes. The comparative studies and the individual case studies were presented here, along with their findings and accomplishments respectively.

In conclusion, this project has taken steps necessary to raise awareness, provide resources, facilitate exchange, create cooperation, and generally strengthen CSOs within the realm of the Western Balkans.

The project “CSOs Networking for Better Local Democracy in the Balkans” was supported by the Project “Protecting Civic Space – Regional Civil Society Development Hub” financed by Sida and implemented by BCSDN”.

Three comparative studies have been done, examining the level of citizen participation in decision-making process at local levels within the six Western Balkans countries (WB6);  under the work of the project “CSOs Networking for Better Local Democracy in the Balkans”, funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) and implemented by the Balkan Civil Society Development Network (BCSDN), each of the above-mentioned studies focuses on a different facet of citizen participation. Yet, taken as a whole, they represent one comprehensive analysis.

The first book is about local self-government and decentralization in the Western Balkans. Decentralization is one of the most prominent series of reforms in the region. Across the different government systems in the region though, the level of decentralization differs due to various domestic factors. We see examinations of key features, structures, and mechanisms within the local government of multiple internal systems in the countries.

The publishing of these comparative analysis is meant to inform and act as a guide for interested citizens and groups

The second book is about CSOs and participation in decision and policymaking on the local level. Based on this, one can consider how the civil sector is important in strengthening democracy and accountability in the region, and to what extend CSOs play various roles with varying levels of political involvement. In addition, the study examines policies, initiatives, and mechanisms within the targeted region; acting as a guide for those who want to engage in local participation.

The third book is about local community participation in decision-making within the Western Balkans. Citizens’ participation is one of the hallmarks of democratic functioning, and each country has their own mechanisms and laws for regulating it. The purpose of the analysis is to further examine the interests, initiatives, and degree of participation in various municipalities.

Overall, local democracy and citizen participation continue to be a major fundamental focus in the empowerment of the Western Balkans region. The publishing of these comparative studies is meant to inform and act as a guide for interested citizens and groups.

You can download the comparative analysis available in 4 languages, English, Albanian, Macedonian and Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian here or visit our Resource Hub.

The second transnational meeting within the DAFLS project “Developing Applied Foreign Language Skills“ took place on 18 and 19 October 2021 in Belgrade. The Faculty of Philology from the University of Belgrade hosted the event. Around 20 participants from the partners organisations followed the presentations concerning the creation of the Bachelor Degrees in Applied Foreign Language in the University of Belgrade and University “Saint Cyril and Methodius” from Skopje.

Starting from the next year, students in Serbia and Nord Macedonia will have the chance to develop their skill in project management through the distance learning language courses of Bachelors and Masters Degrees . The proposed study courses intend to offer a higher level of education to students in order to remain competitive with other universities. Ambitious and motivated teaching teams from both universities will take up the challenge of creating a new course.

The Faculty of Philology from the University of Belgrade hosted the event

The new study program will offer a development of digital educational resources following the example of the Masters degree in European Project Management at Caen University, France.  

Close collaboration with professionals in this field is seen as mandatory in order to motivate students and present them the market realities. 

It is an original study itinerary combining local project engineering with a European dimension.  Its objective is to train specialists in the setting up and management of projects in a transnational framework, working for the development of a territory on the economic, scientific, and cultural level.

ALDA’s team from the Skopje office is supporting this project with concrete examples of EU project management and how to work with local stakeholders.

The project is funded by the European Commission’s Erasmus+ Programme and implemented by the University of Caen Normandy, The University St. Cyril et Methodius of Skopje, the University of Belgrade and ALDA’s office in Skopje

Within the framework of the 19th European Week of Regions and Cities, on the 12th of October 2021, ALDA, together with the European Partnership for Democracy, organized the online workshop “Boosting territorial recovery through innovative citizens’ participation”.

The main theme of the workshop was citizens’ engagement, and how it can improve local governance and play a key role in addressing the main challenges the EU is facing right now related to the environment, digitalisation, social inclusion and economic recovery, along with the revitalization of European cities in the post-pandemic reality.

Within the framework of the 19th European Week of Regions and Cities,  ALDA  organized the online workshop “Boosting territorial recovery through innovative citizens’ participation”

The speakers, coming from all over the European Union, were:

  • Gonçalo Lobo Xavier from the European Economic and Social Comittee, who presented the EESC work and recommendations to promote investments in education, infrastructure and industrial policies that can raise employment in EU’s Member States, 
  • Gary Glaukka from Demo Finland, presenting Demo Finland’s approach to enhance democracy through collaborative projects between Finnish political parties and parties in new and developing democracies, 
  • Krzysztof Izdebski from the Open Spending EU Coalition, who presented the Open Spending EU Coalition work to improve transparency, decision making and services in governments through collaboration with activists and citizens,
  • Valentina Minazzi from Legambiente, with a presentation on the effect of citizens’ participation in raising awareness and promoting actions about climate change, and on how to further promote citizens participation for the future, and 
  • Antonella Valmorbida – ALDA Secretary General, who presented ALDA’s work in supporting citizens and local authorities affected by the Covid-19 crisis. 

After an introduction by ALDA’s own Project Manager Nadia Di Iulio, the speakers shared their experiences and examples of participatory processes and bringing together different expertises. 

Between the speaker presentations, videos were shown introducing European projects currently facing these issues through citizen participation, such as SMART – Small Museums Alliance Representing Territories, Food Wave, P-CUBE and LIME – Labour Integration for Migrant Employment.

A final part of the workshop was dedicated to the participants’ questions for the speakers, discussing further some of the practices and ideas brought to this event.

ALDA is proud to have participated in the organization of this event, and will be thrilled to participate in the European Week of Regions in the future as well! 

You can watch the projects videos here: (link to a youtube playlist – soon available)

Curious about the workshop? You can watch the recording online here

While the Conference on the Future of Europe (CoFoE) is at its peak, the Civil Society Convention on the Future of Europe is working unceasingly to back the CoFoE to ensure a total and wide inclusion of civil society organisations in such a unique and crucial process.

Indeed, on Tuesday October 12th, a Plenary of the Civil Society Convention on the Future of Europe took place. After receiving the latest updates by the institutional representatives, the core of the conversation focused on the methods to give voice to Civil Society Organisations from all over Europe and listening to their aspirations and concerns.
Such an ambitious goal will be reached, among others, thanks to the spread of a set of surveys elaborated by each cluster in order to get thematic feedbacks from Civil Society Organisations.

Results are not to be awaited. After a work of research and consultation, the 5 thematic clusters have produced a questionnaire each, as a valuable instrument to boost the dialogue with major stakeholders, encouraging the latter to consider the perceptions and the vision of European citizens.

We invite all Civil Society Organisations’ representatives to join the survey by filling one or more questionnaires, according to your area of competence

Thus, each cluster has produced a coherent and representative sheet to be submitted to key policymakers to ensure that the voice of CSOs is heated and taken into consideration for the elaboration of policies and plans.

Find below the clusters and the link to each survey:

  1. Environment, steered by Green 10: the goal is to face the challenges brought by climate change. Questionnaire coming soon.
  2. Social Europe, chaired by SOLIDAR, aims at outlining the future priorities of the EU. Join the survey and fill in the questionnaire here
  3. Europe’s digital transformation, chaired by ECAS, focuses on setting standards on technology and data’s management, also considering not loosing sovereignty on the topic. Find the survey here
  4. Our European life, chaired by Volonteurope and CEV, focuses on rights, values, new and unexplored challenges such as space and migration. Find their questionnaire here
  5. The Union’s democratic foundations, and how to strengthen democratic processes governing the European Union – To make Europe a citizens’ project, chaired by ALDA and ECOLISE, focuses on boosting citizens engagement, involvement and participation to guarantee a high qualitative social development. Join the survey, choose your language and fill in the questionnaire in English, French or Italian


About the Civil Society Convention on the Future of Europe (#CSOCoFoE): the role of the Convention is that of working as a bridge between civil society organisations and the institutional setting of the Conference on the Future of Europe (CoFoE). The Convention has kicked off in February 2021 and is committed to examine the democratic functioning of the Conference and ensure a real involvement of citizens and their representative associations in this process.

It gathers over 75 European networks and platforms, thus reuniting millions of citizens from all across Europe. Its work is managed by a steering committee and 5 thematic clusters, reflecting the political priorities and pillars of the EU.

ALDA, following its vocation and mission, has an active role in the Convention, not only participating as a member, but also as part of the steering committee, represented by ALDA Secretary General, Antonella Valmorbida. Moreover, ALDA is also colliding the cluster on democracy, by making available its expertise on democratic processes, good governance and citizens participation.

Read more on the Civil Society Convention’s website

The project Culture Twinning: Twinning Tourism Promoting Cultural Heritage, which started in 2018, is coming to an end with an upcoming last meeting online to close the project and sum up the results.

The project, funded by Europe for Citizens programme of the European Union, is led by the Municipality of Novo Mesto (Slovenia) in partnership with ALDA, the Development Centre of Novo Mesto (Slovenia) and the municipalities of Herceg Novi (Montenegro), Torun (Poland), Vilafranca de Penedés (Spain), Trnava (Slovakia), Langhenagen (Germany), Bühl (Germany), Bihać (Bosnia and Herzegovina).

The main objective of this two-year-long project was creation of a strong network of twinned towns to mutually promote cultural tourism and raise awareness among citizens on the importance of cultural heritage. This resulted in the creation of a network of towns that promote cultural heritage in a long-term perspective, and which developed opportunities for mutual understanding, intercultural learning, solidarity and social engagement.

The objective was successfully achieved!

Cultural heritage is more than historical monuments left behind from the past. It defines who we are as individuals, as communities, as regions.

Through project’s activities, partners had the opportunity to meet each other and present their respective towns and their cultural heritage and also to interact with local actors operating in the field.

All events implemented aimed at discovering the rich cultural heritage of each town of the network. In Italy an interactive guided tour for kids took place, in order to stress the importance of educating young generations on local cultural heritage, while in Herceg Novi the international conference “Strategic Tourism Development Based on the Valorization of Cultural Heritage” presented examples of good practice of proper valorisation of cultural heritage in European cities.

In Novo mesto a hackathon was organised where kids presented inspiring examples of good practice of innovative cultural tourism, as well as a visit to the 4th festival of Iron age living and cookery.

Another meeting was in the beautiful and historical city of Trnava, one of the oldest cities in Slovakia, where participants could enjoy the unique medieval atmosphere, culinary specialities and hospitality during the Traditional Trnava Market.

In Vilafranca  exchanged ideas about the methods for creating cultural knowledge, enhancing culture in society and fostering the weight of culture in promoting quality cultural tourism. The participants learnt about the culture of “castellers” through a wide range of activities related to their world.

The sixth and the last meeting of the project, which contributed to the involvement of citizens and awareness of cultural heritage in several European partner cities through education and lifelong learning, took place in Bihać. The urban pulse of the city with an extremely diverse and unique history of different cultures and religions enriches the offer on the river Una.

The event has officially concluded this joint adventure, but the established connections between partners will live on and create common stories backed with richness of natural and cultural heritage. The project has reached an incredible number of citizens, more than 460 direct participants in the events and more than 40.000 indirect participants through the project’s website, partners’ websites, press conferences, news and articles.


Why CUT – Culture Twinning Project? 

Cultural heritage consists of cultural and creative resources with a value for society that has been publicly recognised in order to preserve it for future generations. The rich and diverse cultural heritage of central Europe is one of the key attractions for tourists visiting the area. That is why local heritage has become an important economic factor. Efforts to preserve and utilise cultural heritage can help generate tour¬ism income in particular for remote regions, far from economic centres, rely on tourism-related services for employment. The sustainable use of cultural heritage is essential to ensure that central Europe will remain a popular destination to visit and to live in.
Through the exchange of good practice, experience and expertise of involved partners, we have increased involvement of citizens and raised awareness of the importance of Eu¬rope’s cultural heritage through different events and promotion. Through the activities of the project, we have strengthened the tolerance and mutual understanding between European citizens respecting and promoting cultural and linguistic diversity, while contributing to intercultural dialogue.


Useful links:

The educational content for DEVOTE’s future open online course is now available in 6 languages!

The DEVOTE team has worked hard to develop the structure of a 6-module course for teachers and educators, aiming to provide them with skills and tools to integrate students with migrant backgrounds in schools.

The team developed the above-mentioned modules using feedbacks from students with migrant backgrounds and their teachers, collected through a survey. Their insight highlighted the necessity to discuss the assessment practices for students with migrant backgrounds and the difficulties they can encounter regarding the national language. Therefore, DEVOTE Project designed educational content aiming to give teachers tools and guidance to better support students while fostering their success in school.

DEVOTE Project designed educational content aiming to give teachers tools and guidance to better support students while fostering their success in school

However, the survey conducted also demonstrated the importance of both the environment and the social setting for students with migrant backgrounds. To address these matters, the team created modules on parents’ engagement, on psychosocial support and on the “Whole school approach”. The latter involves all parts of schools’ staff to answer students’ holistic needs. Finally, this exercise provides examples of good practices in intercultural education.

You can find all the modules in English below. If you want to download them in another language, check this page.

Module 1 – The Whole School Approach DOWNLOAD

Module 2 – Assessment of students with migrant backgrounds DOWNLOAD

Module 3 – National Linguistic Support DOWNLOAD

Module 4 – Parental Involvement DOWNLOAD

Module 5 – Psychosocial support DOWNLOAD

Module 6 – Best practices in Intercultural Education DOWNLOAD

The publication of DEVOTE’s educational content brings us closer to the creation of our Massive Open Online Course (MOOC), and we want it to be as helpful and instructive as possible for you, so please give us your feedback on the modules by filling in the following survey in your preferred language:

English Dutch / French / Slovenian / Turkish Italian Greek

The CAP-PERI project had its start on the 29th and 30th of September with the Kick Off Meeting that saw partners coming to Vicenza to discuss the implementation of the project and the organization of the educational activities.

During the second day they had the opportunity to visit to the rural area of Carpaneda, the perfect place to analyse how to define themes such as the connection between town and country; as well as the inter-exchange among the rural and urban worlds. At the same time, it is a place that expresses the urgency of developing and promoting a “culture of agriculture” open to all citizens, as far as the following topics concern:

  • Food & Health;
  • Safeguarding biodiversity and the rural landscape and
  • Adapting the territory to the challenges posed by climate change.

CAP-PERI is expecting to improve citizens and youths’ awareness on the social, economic, and environmental implications of the CAP at National and European level

The itinerant walk was hosted by the local associations of “Comunità Vicentina per l’Agroecologia” and the “Laboratorio Spazi Rurali e Boschi Urbani”; enhancing the value of the territory as a place of dialogue between the city and the rural area. Similarly, the occasion was perfect to size the possibility for it to become the centre of new agriculture and sustainability.

In the late afternoon the public presentation of the project was held at a Teatro Astra where a performance followed.

CAP-PERI is expecting to improve citizens and youths’ awareness on the social, economic, and environmental implications of the CAP at National and European level.

CAP-PERI will shed lights on how the Future CAP Strategic Plans will be the instrument to achieve the Green Deal goals, how they will support EU policies in managing the transition towards a sustainable food system and in strengthening the efforts of farmers to contribute to the EU’s climate objectives and to protect the environment.

The project methodologies are innovative as children and young people will have the opportunity to learn social research and theatre techniques through augmented reality tools and seminars with experts.

The project is led by ALDA (lead partner) together with LaPiccionaia, CESIE, ISBEM Scarl, IRS – Institute for Social Research and Replay Network.

Meeting with representatives from Solidarité Laïque took place on October 5th, together with Antonella Valmorbida – ALDA Secretary General; Abdelaziz Bouslah – Project Manager from ALDA Tunisia. Auray Aun, Director of alliances and networks at Solidarité Laïque; Ilyes Gaidi, Director Solidarité Laïque Méditerranée and Sirine Khedher, Project Manager at Solidarité Laïque Méditerranée.

Already collaborating within “Municivile -Municivil” project aiming at encouraging and supporting the construction of effective local democracy in Tunisia, the aim of the meeting was to present the projects of the two organisations while considering avenues of further collaboration in Tunisia and in the region.

Avenues of further collaboration in Tunisia and in the region together with Solidarité Laïque

Welcomed in the office of the organisation in Tunis, this fruitful meeting was a good moment to reflect on how to build further initiatives as far as capacity building, decentralisation and encouragement of citizens’ participation in Tunisia concern. 

With great pleasure ALDA met representatives from Solidarité Laïque and it looks forward to further initiatives to implement together.
More on the mission in Tunisia:

On October 15th 2021, the city of Edremit hosted the opening ceremony of the newly established Local Democracy Agency (LDA).  Bartek Ostrowski – Vice President of ALDA; Antonella Valmorbida – ALDA Secretary General; and Giulia Sostero – ALDA Middle East and Africa (MEA) Coordinator, arrived in the Turkish city for the opening ceremony and official beginning, as well as the signature of the “Memorandum of Understanding” among the following founding partners:

  • Edremit Municipality and Edremit City Council (Turkey);
  • ALDA – European Association for Local Democracy;
  • Budva Municipality (Montenegro); 
  • Lushnjë Municipality (Albania) ; 
  • Ahmetbey Municipality (Turkey)  
  • CSOs representatives. 

Participants, gathering both online and offline, were eager to be present in such an historical moment for the development of democracy. Hence, LDAs embody a positive and effective experiment of supporting democracy, by engaging local governments and civil society organizations in Europe and beyond. Thus, as recalled by the Mayor Selman Hasan Arslanthe opening of the LDA in Edremit is the demonstration that what we are doing in the framework of local democracy and citizens’ participation is right and we are following the right path”. 

The activity of ALDA in the MEA region is solid and fruitful, as also testified by the two projects now implemented in Turkey: DEVOTE project and TEAM 4TEAM, tackling migrants’ inclusion and reinforcement of civil society respectively. From a broader perspective, benefitting from citizens’ involvement; capacity building and multi-stake approach, ALDA together with local partners and LDAs is playing a strategic role in the development of local democracy.

LDA Edremit “is a sign of hope in dark times”

Precisely, more than 1 million people benefited from the projects’ implementation in the whole MEA region. Yet, this is not possible without common efforts. Thus, as stressed by Bartek Ostrowski, the relation has to be based on reciprocity, and dialogue, being a “two-way road for mutual benefit”. Based on values, such as common good and good governance the Association is very much committed to have a concrete and tangible impact in local communities; and it is therefore, very much glad for this new achievement.

The opening LDA Edremit “is a sign of hope in dark times” – said Antonella Valmorbida – stressing the essential role of the agency as “an instrument of peace, social cohesion” reinforcing the dialogue among CSOs and local authorities, as well as among partners, citizens and the whole community. More on a broad perspective, LDAs serve, in fact, as a bridge among countries and the European Union, based on a programme set up more than 20 years ago by the Council of Europe.

Specifically on the LDA Edremit, thanks to a participative approach in the decision making process and multilateral decentralised cooperation, it will work on information exchange and empowerment of other CSOs; citizens’ participation and involvement. Furthermore, as illustrated by Giulia Sostero, it will design its actions and activities in tackling several topics and issues, such as: 

  • Cultural heritage and tourism;
  • Relationship between local authorities and citizens stressing the importance of accountability; 
  • Migration; 
  • Gender;
  • Disability

Overall, the opening of this 16th LDA in Edremit paves the way to new horizons, and further steps in the development of democracy. The ceremony ended with the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding, and it  coincided with the reception by Edremit of the Plaque of Honour, awarded by the Parliamentary assembly of the Council of Europe.

ALDA is very much glad to have promoted such a great achievement, and thank the Municipality of Edremit for its courage and spirit of initiative, as well as all other partners that believe in this new adventure: the journey has just started!


Watch the opening ceremony online at this link

[Picture from Edremit Municipality and ALDA colleagues]

On September 30th the training course for young leaders “50xcento” took place in the home of the Associazione Caracol Olol Jackson in Vicenza, Italy.

The free course was directed at young people who wanted to be “the real engine of Italian development”, who were interested in the growth of the community in which they live and who wanted to become active protagonists of a new life of  society by putting people first.

The main objective of the course was that the young leaders learn the basic values and skills to be truly “generative” and not let the system of instant gratification and consumerism affect their drive to change their environment for the better. It looks like they have!

50xcento to be the real engine of Italian development

More than 20 bright young people gathered in Vicenza, from morning until late afternoon, to reflect and work on the questions and ideas proposed by the coordinator Paolo Pezzanatrainer from Generatività. Participants had also the opportunity to share a meal and enjoy beautiful performances of live music and dance.

During the experience young adults worked together to build a cardboard structure representing what they would like their own city to be like, learning from each other and appreciating the fact that everybody had a unique personal skill set to share in order to make something everybody would be proud of.

After an entire day spent together, caring for and learning from each other, the participants set off to a nearby park to take pictures and share on social media the fruits of their labour, in order to further the scope of the change that, if they so wish, they can begin to achieve.

50Xcento is promoted by ARC, the Research Centre of the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore of Milan, and by the Alliance for Social Generativity, a constantly expanding national project born from a movement developed within ARC, which brings together different organisations, especially enterprises, promoting generative culture in the country. 50xcento is sponsored by Fondazione Cattolica

Tunisia welcomed ALDA Secretary General during one of her latest tours in October 2021. Thus, on October 8th, Antonella Valmorbida travelled to Kairouan, meeting Afaf Zaddem, Statutory Member of the Governing Board and Delegate of the Local Democracy Agency (ADL) in the city; together with Monua Alouini, Project Assistant, and Abdealaziz Bouslah, colleague and Project Manager from the Tunis office. With great enthusiasm and joy in seeing each other after a long time, the occasion served as a moment to reflect and analyse the achievements of the LDA and the future steps.

Similarly, ALDA Secretary General took time to talk and discuss with colleagues from the AUTREMENT project, while visiting the office, and sharing with Younes Aggoun, head of the mission, Kenza Yusfi, communication officer, and  Fatma Mnif, logistic and financial officer, on the implementation and progress of the project itself. Focusing on slow mobility in Tunisia, AUTREMENT project launched several initiatives in 2021, such as the bike parade, and this meeting was the perfect opportunity to discuss the project’s future events.

Together in developing democracy in Tunisia, in Europe and beyond

Yet, the day proceeded with lunch with the Municipality of Kairouan. Together with ALDA colleague Abdealaziz Bouslah, Antonella Valmorbida met Radhouen Bouden, President of the Municipal Council of Kairouan. Thus, the city not only is involved in ALDA projects, as the one mentioned before, but it also hosts one of the 16 LDAs. Therefore, it represents a key place in Tunisia, as also discussed among the three.

Last but not least, even though only for few hours, meeting old and new colleagues, representatives of the municipality and LDA gave to ALDA a new-found sense of community and belonging, together in developing democracy in Tunisia, in Europe and beyond

More on the mission in Tunisia:

After the successful experience in Moldova and Ukraine, the project to support good local governance and local stakeholders through participative democracy in Tunisia has come to its end.

Empowering local authorities and civil society to deliver solutions with Participative Democracy ” – here it the project’s title – supported by the Tunisian branch of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Foundation officially ended on October 6th, during a final event held in cooperation with the Municipalities of Carthage and La Goulette, also project partners.

“Empowering local authorities and civil society to deliver solutions with Participative Democracy ” supported by the Tunisian branch of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Foundation officially ended on October 6th

In addition, the event was particularly dedicated to council members, technicians and administrators and members of civil society in the two municipalities mentioned above. Together with participants, colleagues from ALDA Tunisia and “Autrement” project took part in the session as well.

Overall, this event has to be understood within a greater context. Hence, Antonella Valmorbida had the occasion to have meetings, moments of sharing and exchange with other key players, committed, as well as ALDA, for the best of local communities in Tunisia. 

After more than a year, the training session in Sousse marked not only an important moment for the implementation of the project, but also an essential occasion to meet old and new staff members, delegates from the ADL and all the friends of ALDA in the amazing country of Tunisia.

More on the mission in Tunisia:

Sousse, the lovely town on the Mediterranean coast, hosted a training session within the “Autrement” Project. With great joy and happiness in meeting colleagues and friends, ALDA Secretary General – Antonella Valmorbida got to the city during a warm tunisian day, at the beginning of October 2021.

Targeting “Local and Participatory Democracy and Social Accountability”, Ms. Valmorbida delivered a valuable and interactive training session on October 7th, for the Municipality of Mahdia and the Municipality of Kairouan. Several participants gathered at the conference room in Sousse, where the session was taking place. 

Round tables; a projector and a board were everything needed to start the training with enthusiasm! Gathered around tables, participants joined the morning session, tackling the key aspects and tools when it comes to implementing local democracy. Furthermore, the occasion offered time and space for   questions, dialogue and sharing on crucial issues related to the topic. 

Sousse, the lovely town on the Mediterranean coast, hosted a training session within the “Autrement” Project

In addition, the event was particularly dedicated to council members, technicians and administrators and members of civil society in the two municipalities mentioned above. Together with participants, colleagues from ALDA Tunisia and “Autrement” project took part in the session as well.

Overall, this event has to be understood within a greater context. Hence, Antonella Valmorbida had the occasion to have meetings, moments of sharing and exchange with other key players, committed, as well as ALDA, for the best of local communities in Tunisia. 

After more than a year, the training session in Sousse marked not only an important moment for the implementation of the project, but also an essential occasion to meet old and new staff members, delegates from the ADL and all the friends of ALDA in the amazing country of Tunisia.

More on the mission in Tunisia:

On Friday 8th October, following the training session in Sousse, Antonella Valmorbida, ALDA Secretary General, took part in the training course with “Tamkeen For development” (T4D). The latter is involved with ALDA, and with the support of the United Nations Democracy Fund – UNDEF, in the implementation of the project “Youth empowerment to build local democracy in Tunisia”.

Analysing especially how to equip young people to be experts and assist local governments, while implementing participatory mechanisms, the project is directed to several municipalities in Tunisia, such as: Béja; Ghardimaou Jendouba; Kairouan; Mahdia; Bardo; Ben Arous and Ezzahra.

UNDEF T4D and ALDA working for youth empowerment in Tunisia

Specifically on the training session, Chekib Besbes (Head of T4D project); Aysha Karafi, (Trainer); Abdelaziz bouslah (ALDA Tunisia) and Antonella Valmorbida (ALDA Secretary General) were part event, whose main topics in agenda were:

  • Conception of ideas;
  • Project assembly;
  • Citizen mobilisation;
  • Advocacy techniques and 
  • Functioning of local authorities.

Overall, participants had the opportunity to interact, and to understand in first person, important aspects to take into account when it comes to youth empowerment. Hence, training sessions play a fundamental role within the project. Already at the beginning of the year a series of workshops were delivered in Tabarka and Hammamet.

Benefitting from the support of UNDEF, and working together with T4D, ALDA is being able to concretely make the difference at local level in several communities in Tunisia. Finally, this visit marked the last stage of the ALDA Secretary General mission in Tunisia.

More on the mission in Tunisia:

The Avatar project, which started in October 2020, is planning new events, training-courses and services useful to citizens, companies, learning institutions and to the third sector.

The development of activities is characterised by a strong multi-level participation of partners, stakeholders and beneficiaries. Here are 2 examples of activities the project and its partnership has been developing:

Young digital citizen journalists, with whom we hold meetings both for training and for sharing ideas and projects to be developed in collaboration with the project media partners. Indeed, the empowerment of young citizens towards new technologies and aware communication methods is among the pillar values the project carries on.

– The first 5 web-apps, co-designed and built with data provided by the 12 partner municipalities and offering many new services to citizens in the area. These are new and innovative apps that aim at enhancing the public information heritage of data held by the public administration or through the production of Open Data sets. Check the official website to learn more:

Discover the 5 web apps AVATAR has developed to facilitate citizens’ everyday life

Avatar is a project that feeds on ideas that are constantly shared, discussed, enriched and implemented, demonstrating that the benefits of a participatory decision-making process far outweigh the efforts needed to involve the parties!

More info and contacts:

Do you need a new place to work after a long period of smart working? A bright and stimulating place that allows you to make the most of your skills and at the same time meet dynamic and… a bit out-of-the-box professionals?  

Then read this article carefully and discover the new coworking proposal by ALDA!


In recent years, the patterns and ways of working to which we were accustomed have changed substantially, and concepts such as flexibility and dynamism have imposed themselves unanimously.

In the light of all this, ALDA’s coworking space has been transformed to meet the new needs of professionals.

This is how SINERGIE – Coworking by ALDA was born, a space designed for dynamic and innovative minds, attentive to the needs of their business locally, but with an eye to Europe, and beyond.

SINERGIE is the ideal coworking space for individuals, associations, small companies and start-ups who want to work in a young and international environment, while remaining in the comfortable city dimension of Vicenza.

SINERGIE is the coworking space for dynamic and innovative minds with a local focus and an eye on Europe

Entering our coworking means knowing that you can count on a team of professionals at any time, with whom you can interact, create synergies and winning projects, providing each other with their knowledge to achieve great results together.

See the infographic to find out about all the services and advantages of SINERGIE – Coworking by ALDA, available with the standard offer of 249 euros per month plus VAT.

Special needs? Contact us for a personalised quote at +390444.540.146 or write to us at