From the 27th to the 30th of September, ALDA Secretary General, Ms. Antonella Valmorbida, took part in an institutional mission in Kosovo* and North Macedonia to convene with colleagues, delegates and ministers at local and European level.

More specifically, on September 28, ALDA Secretary General Ms. Valmorbida, and Director of the ALDA Office in Skopje and SEE Coordinator , Ms. Katica Janeva had a meeting with Mr. Frank Power – Head of Office of the Council of Europe, in Pristina, Kosovo*. The meeting, which was held in the Council of Europe Offices, consolidated the longstanding connection between ALDA and the Council.

The next day, September 29, Ms Valmorbida and Ms Janeva were received by Ms. Lejla Dervisagic and Ms. Katalin Tamus, respectively: Head of Operations  and Head of Programmes from the Council of Europe, in Skopje, North Macedonia, for another fruitful encounter.

Both of these meetings were meant to lay the foundation for the implementation of the European Label of Governance Excellence (ELoGE) program, for which, in 2021, ALDA received the accreditation from the Council of Europe to implement it both in North Macedonia and Croatia until 2023. ALDA is already a partner organisation in the implementation of ELoGE in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The aforementioned project aims to contribute to activate different Local Authorities from North Macedonia

More in depth, ELoGE is designed to support municipalities to enhance their performance and provide high quality services in an improved system of local self-government. Local government offices who want to take part in the program must evaluate the quality of their own implemented public services through the 12 principles of Good Governance (developed by the Centre of Expertise during the past 10 years) to assess the performance of the Local Governments in the Council of Europe Member States. Principles range from responsiveness to rule of law, ethical conduct, sound financial management, fair conduct of elections, representation and participation. If a local Government scores proves to be efficient enough in these sectors, it gets the label ELoGE – European Label of Governance Excellence. 

ALDA is currently implementing the ELoGE programme in North Macedonia, while in Kosovo* the application is being evaluated and more information will be disclosed in the following weeks. More specifically, the “European Label of Governance Excellence (ELoGE) in North Macedonia” is a 2 year project funded by the Council of Europe and implemented by the European Association for Local Democracy – ALDA in partnership with the Center of Expertise for Local Government Reform of the Council of Europe.  Both program offices of the Council of Europe in Pristina and Skopje are willing to support this project and to contribute to its implementation and promotion.

The aforementioned project aims to contribute to activate different Local Authorities from North Macedonia:

  • by providing selected Municipalities from North Macedonia with trainings on good local governance standards and methods; 
  • by raising awareness among selected Municipalities in North Macedonia on the role of CoE and the 12 Principles of Good Governance; 
  • by informing citizens about the existence of tools to measure the performance of their Local Authorities and make them aware of what good governance means by facilitating citizen participation in all the decision-making processes and involving civil society organisations in the implementation of good governance principles in North Macedonia and 
  • finally by  assisting the selected Municipalities in the application process for the ELoGE accreditation at the Council of Europe.

As an entity fully accredited to implement ELoGE, ALDA is committed to do so in a meaningful number of municipalities, within a set timeline, by making necessary adaptations, identifying the municipalities who wish to implement ELoGE and helping them undertake the different steps required to meet the criteria.

These two days of the mission, as well as the others, were rewarding, inspiring and beneficial to everyone involved.   

More information about the mission can be found here

After a long period of virtual contacts and meeting, ALDA Secretary General took the occasion to visit in person some key Western Balkan countries where ALDA is working.

Thus, on September 28th, 2021, Antonella Valmorbida landed in Kosovo* where she arranged a meeting with the Ministry of Local Government Administration, Elbert Krasniqi, and the deputy General Secretary in the Ministry, Trim Berisha  and other Minister’s councillors.

The main objective was to work on a concrete proposal to support good local governance in Kosovo*.

Bearing in mind the commitment of Kosovo* to achieve EU integration, the challenges of governance and local development, ALDA proposed to support the role of Local Authorities in the EU integration process, raise awareness among the local authorities and the central government about the importance of the local dimension in the integration process.

Meeting  M. Krasniqi to work on a concrete proposal to support good local governance in Kosovo*

Moreover, ALDA’s large European network can put in place advocacy activities for Kosovar local authorities towards EU institutions and other key stakeholders in Brussels.

Such a proposal is rooted in the major role ALDA has been playing in enhancing the capacity development of municipalities all over Europe. Thus, the delivery of capacity building for the good management of EU funds, the promotion of EU programmes, as well as needs assessment for the development of municipalities is among the priorities of this proposal.

The meeting concluded on an important not, underlying the prominence of cross-border cooperation as a fuel for local development and regional cooperation in the Balkans.

All in all, ALDA wants to bring new perspective and new visions in the Balkan region and put in place concrete tools to support local municipalities.

On September 30th, 2021, another important institutional meeting took place in North Macedonia, in the premises of the Ministry.

Hence, Antonella Valmordiba – ALDA Secretary General, and Katica Janeva – ALDA Skopje Director and SEE Coordinator, and Emir Coric – Governing Board member, met Zoran Dimitrovski, Deputy Minister of Local Self-Government of North Macedonia.

The Ministry and ALDA have a long-standing history of cooperation, that started in 2007 at the occasion of the implementation of the project for decentralised cooperation between Normandy Region (France) and North Macedonia.  Thereafter, ALDA implemented numerous projects and activities in cooperation with local authorities and regional stakeholders, continuing the cooperation with the Ministry through different action and programmes.

Mr Dimitrovski and ALDA: focus on ALDA’s work in the field of local development and local democracy in North Macedonia

At first, the meeting with Mr Dimitrovski focused on ALDA’s work in the field of local development and local democracy in North Macedonia.

Then the discussion shifted toward EU enlargement and the role of the Local authorities in this process, as well as ALDA’s long and rich experience in assisting local authorities to be prepared for the EU accession.

In this vein, ALDA representatives presented the project ELoGE, supported by the Council of Europe, conceived to support municipalities to enhance their performance and provide high quality services in an improved system of local self-government. The project aims at contributing to activate different local authorities from North Macedonia in order to get the ELoGE accreditation at the Council of Europe, thus increasing the number of Municipalities awarded by the Label as a guarantee of good governance for all citizens in North Macedonia.

Implemented for more than two years and funded by the European Commission’s Erasmus+ programme, the FACE project aimed to address and prevent the growing phenomenon of cyberbullying among young people, through innovative methodologies combining multidisciplinary artistic approaches.

The project enabled different stakeholders to work together to tackle cyberbullying: young people, parents, youth workers but also local authorities and municipalities worked together to find alternative solutions to this increasingly frequent social issue.

FACE project enabled different stakeholders to work together to tackle cyberbullying

The event held on 22 September in Genova, hosted by our Italian partners Cittadini Digitali, was an opportunity for the nine partners, from all over Europe and its neighbourhood, to meet in a hybrid event.

It was an occasion to share all the achievements, the difficulties during the pandemic and all the satisfaction this project gave us. Besides, the event marked the conclusion of a great journey in such an important topic.

In these two years different productions were created:

Even though the project has come to an end, all the results achieved and all the products developed are still alive and they can be consulted on the official project website

We keep to #LetsFaceUp and stop cyberbullying!

We have reached the end of two intense weeks that were filled with events organized by the LIFE Metro Adapt project – funded by the LIFE program of the European Union. Metro Adapt was part of the initiatives related to Pre-Cop26 in Milan, the preparatory event for the 26th UN Climate Summit in Glasgow and All4 Climate, which brings together all the events dedicated to the fight against climate change.

Starting on September 21st, in the morning, the International Workshop “Climate Change Adaptation Strategies in European Metropolises” took place online and in English. The workshop was addressed to both national and international, local and regional authorities and, specifically, to European metropolitan areas, with the aim of creating a space for dialogue and exchange of good practices of adaptation to climate change in urban areas. Furthermore, it included a satellite event of the Covenant of Mayors 2021 Ceremony, which was an opportunity to bring attention to various experiences in different territories, united in the challenge of climate change adaptation.

The day continued in the late morning with the exchange meeting with the Climate Knowledge Network at the Spirit de Milan (MI). The aim of this interesting meeting was to share the Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) monitoring tool created by the Metro Adapt LIFE Project and to encourage the creation of synergies among participants. The meeting was very fruitful and saw professionals and technical experts in climate sharing their ideas and experiences related to the project in the metropolitan area.

In addition, besides LIFE Metro Adapt partners, the table was attended by local authorities:

  • City of Milan;
  • Meteorological Observatory Milan Cathedral;
  • Lombardy Foundation for the Environment;
  • Italian Society of Landscape Ecology (SIEP-IALE);
  • ERSAF (Regional Agency for Services to Agriculture and Forestry);
  • Polytechnic of Milan and
  • IUAV University of Venice.

“We are very proud indeed of the fact that the Life Metro Adapt project has always worked hand in hand with the Climate Knowledge Network, confirming how much Milan’s territorial system is able to identify climatological problems and implement multi-objective adaptation measures” explains Cinzia Davoli

The meetings will be held at the Palazzo Festari, in Corso Italia 63 in Valdagno (VI). In order to participate it is necessary to register on the online form, briefly describing the project idea that would be developed during the workshop.

Participants must demonstrate proof of vaccination or a negative covid test done within the previous 48 hours.

FIRST MEETING MON 25 OCTOBER h. 9:00 – 12:00

  • Context
  • What is crowdfunding
  • Facts and figures on crowdfunding in Italy
  • Co-design, CSR and Open Innovation

SECOND MEETING TUE 26 October h. 9:00 – 12:00

  • How to communicate a crowdfunding campaign
  • How to plan the communication
  • How to support your crowdfunding campaign
  • How to upload a project

THIRD MEETING WED 27 October h. 9:00 – 12:00

  • Practical workshop, let’s work on your projects!


Angelo Rindone

Considered one of the pioneers of Italian crowdfunding, he founded Produzioni dal Basso, the first Italian donation/reward crowdfunding platform, in 2005. Managing Director of Folkfunding srl Benefit, a leading company in Italy for the development of Crowd Economy strategies and tools that provides consultancy for crowd investing projects for the lending and equity market. He has overseen the development of several community platforms, including Intesa Sanpaolo’s Donation Platform, and developed CSR and Open Innovation projects for large Italian companies. Consultant on crowdfunding issues for Banca Bper and Banca Etica. Member of the Scientific Committee of the Italian Equity Crowdfunding Association (AIEC) and lecturer for The FundRaising School of Aiccon and Sole24ore Business School.

Crowdfunding: thanks to the project AVATAR  “Alto Vicentino Alliance for Networked Action”, it is now possible to participate in a unique training opportunity dedicated to associations, Civil Society organization and informal groups that have a project idea that could be financed through a crowdfunding campaign.

Crowdfunding is a practice of grassroots micro-financing, a tool for fundraising and collective financing through digital platforms. Thanks to this tool it is possible to activate collaborative processes to support the work of your organisation, and learn how to communicate in the correct way online. This course offers three intense days of training and workshops to learn how to best use this increasingly important tool for the nonprofit world. Moreover, thanks to the practical workshop during the course it will be possible to build one’s own crowdfunding campaign in order to start putting into practice the notions acquired right away.

Crowdfunding free training! Register on the online form

The meetings will be held at the Palazzo Festari, in Corso Italia 63 in Valdagno (VI). In order to participate it is necessary to register on the online form, briefly describing the project idea that would be developed during the workshop.

Participants must demonstrate proof of vaccination or a negative covid test done within the previous 48 hours.

FIRST MEETING MON 25 OCTOBER h. 9:00 – 12:00

  • Context
  • What is crowdfunding
  • Facts and figures on crowdfunding in Italy
  • Co-design, CSR and Open Innovation

SECOND MEETING TUE 26 October h. 9:00 – 12:00

  • How to communicate a crowdfunding campaign
  • How to plan the communication
  • How to support your crowdfunding campaign
  • How to upload a project

THIRD MEETING WED 27 October h. 9:00 – 12:00

  • Practical workshop, let’s work on your projects!


Angelo Rindone

Considered one of the pioneers of Italian crowdfunding, he founded Produzioni dal Basso, the first Italian donation/reward crowdfunding platform, in 2005. Managing Director of Folkfunding srl Benefit, a leading company in Italy for the development of Crowd Economy strategies and tools that provides consultancy for crowd investing projects for the lending and equity market. He has overseen the development of several community platforms, including Intesa Sanpaolo’s Donation Platform, and developed CSR and Open Innovation projects for large Italian companies. Consultant on crowdfunding issues for Banca Bper and Banca Etica. Member of the Scientific Committee of the Italian Equity Crowdfunding Association (AIEC) and lecturer for The FundRaising School of Aiccon and Sole24ore Business School.

December 29th, 2020 marked a crucial moment for millions of people in the area around Glina and Sisak. Thus, few minutes after midday an earthquake hit the two towns as well as the  the surrounding territory of epicentre, which was only 5 Km from Petrinja.

Being Sisak, the one of first seeds of the Association, the news left everybody speechless. In 1996, in fact, the third Local Democracy Agency (LDA) opened in the city, years before the creation of ALDA itself. It comes with itself that astonishment, disorentiation, and a sense of helplessness spread around ALDA’s offices soon after having received the news.

Yet, one question remains. How is the situation after 9 months?

Unfortunately, much is still to be done, the going is heavy and reconstruction is far from being completed. Sadly, several buildings and Municipal premises are unsafe for normal use, leading to a shortage of working spaces. More concrete, it took 4 months for LDA Sisak, and other organisations, to find suitable offices.

LDA Sisak launched a dedicated crowdfunding campaign in order to raise funds to be invested in the development of the two centers

From a general perspective, emergency measures are still in place and the situation is chaotic. Nonetheless, with a great spirit of solidarity and initiative, LDA Sisak with other organisations started a joint campaign to build a new Social-cultural Centres. Similarly, this initiative is also replicated in Petrinja.

While waiting for fundings, containers have been placed in each town, serving as a temporary spot for the Social-cultural Centres. A dedicated crowdfunding campaign has been launched in order to raise funds to be invested in the development of the two centers. Why social-cultural centres, then? Besides primary needs, it is essential to provide meeting spaces, allowing people to gather, to talk, to engage in volunteering activities and much more. Considering the circumstances it is believed that supporting citizens and local realities with cultural initiatives is essential for the well-being of the communities.

ALDA is very much committed to concretely support this initiative, and invites everyone to take part in it too. For any further information please read the LDA Sisak article

Useful information:

ALDA Secretary General – Antonella Valmorbida – together with Katica Janeva – Director of ALDA Skopje office and South Eastern Europe Coordinator – visited Kosovo* and North Macedonia on an institutional mission, from September 27th until 30th. Several meetings and events on the agenda, one of which with Emir Coric, ALDA Governing Board Member.

Yet, before proceeding, a few primary remarks are needed. From a general perspective, with no doubt ALDA is considered a stable and strategic partner for members and stakeholders in the region, in view of the operational office in Skopje, the 8 Local Democracy Agencies and the over 40 members ALDA counts in the area. Last but not least, ALDA is also among the founders of the Balkan Network for Local Democracy (BNLD), since 2019.

Having that in mind, on September 29th,  Ms. Valmorbida together with Ms. Janeva had a meeting with Emir Coric, ALDA Governing Board Member (GB), and representative of the Municipality of Centar, in Nord Macedonia. Considering the great and fruitful relation among ALDA and its GB Members, this occasion of sharing and dialogue has been as positive and stimulating as expected. Thus, key issues were discussed, especially as far as ALDA’s new strategy and vision with members in the Balkan Region concerns.

Mr. Coric, Governing Board Member, stressed that the “Association’s priorities for the Region has to be translated into decentralization, subsidiarity and interaction with citizens”

More in depth, larger discussion about ALDA’s initiatives to support regional cooperation and EU integration processes in the Region was at the heart of the matter. Hence, promoting  local democracy and citizens’ participation as a precondition for local sustainable development is essential in ALDA’s work and engagement in the Balkan areas. 

Moreover, the positive examples of:

  • Link4Cooperation” the project is based on the ELoGE principle; 
  • VALID” – a Europe for Citizens project, lead by Municipality of Peja; and 
  • DAFLS” – ERASMUS+ project with University Caen, University of Skopje and University of Belgrade

clearly testify the great and positive impacts that ALDA, and its members, have in the area. Thus, as also stressed by Mr. Coric, “the Association’s priorities for the Region has to be translated into decentralization, subsidiarity and interaction with citizens”. 

Overall, the meeting has served not only as a great occasion for discussing together the future of the Association in the Balkan Region, but also to see each other in person, spending valuable time together.

Macedonians got their game on, during the promotion of the video game Rude Awakening in Bitola. On the 15th of September 2021, the Macedonian Centre for Photography organized a multimedia promotional event in the newly restored Manaki Cinema in the historical center of the city. The idea? Raising awareness and knowledge on World War I, and the game developed during the “Rude Awakening” Project.

“We made an educative videogame about the First world war without firing a single bullet” as said during the presentation, the game sends a message of peace not war. The event was organized on the anniversary of the Battle of Dobro Pole, that changed the course of the WW1 on the Balkan territory. The date was symbolically chosen in order to remember the past while looking at the future.

“We made an educative videogame about the First world war without firing a single bullet” as said during the presentation in Bitola

Respecting the sanitary measures, the Manaki cinema was filled with total of 45 persons, from which 30 youngsters, representatives of the Museum of Bitola, the State Archive, different CSOs working in the field of WW1 and finally the Mayor of Bitola, Natasa Petrovska.

After a screen presentation of the project and the game, youngsters were divided in groups and were able to try the game on the computers. Even though the game seamed easy at the beginning youth generations had tough time to finish it and gradually getting more exited the more they played.

This event attracted major media coverage and picked the interest of many institutions and organizations. The Manaki cinema continued to organize game sessions with the local elementary schools and high schools, and several institutions in North Macedonia are interested to feature the game in their activities.

Starting in September, the game will be available in all museums of project partners in Austria, Slovenia and North Macedonia. It will be available in five languages: English, Italian, French, German and Macedonian, with four levels of play for five hours. The game will be available online in early 2022

ALDA is very much glad to be part of this project, to spur young generations to increase their knowledge on key historical facts… without forgetting to have fun!

Celia, Project manager at ALDA, with colleagues joined the 3 STEPS event!

A presentation of the 3 STEPS project was made by ALDA FRANCE’s team to members and volunteers of different associations working with migrants on the topic of inclusion and integration of young (low-skilled) migrants and refugees, on 25 September in the Lieu d’Europe.

Participants were presented with both methods that the project aims to adapt in France – “Basic Education Classes” and “TANDEM NOW” – selected as best practices by the European Commission in 2017. It was followed by an exchange on the programme of the future training of teachers/educators on intercultural competence, inclusion and shared values, and training of mentors on the above-mentioned subject through a ‘blended mentoring approach’ to develop their social and professional skills.

3 STEPS: sharing experiences in working toward the inclusion and integration of young people

Similarly, those that joined the event shared their experiences in working toward the inclusion and integration of young people and gave back feedback on the methods and tools presented by the project team.

This exchange serves as a basis for the implementation of future trainings for trainers/educators and mentors within the 3 STEPS project by ALDA before the end of the year; to which participants expressed their interest.

It has been a great event, and many more are on the way!

From the 24th to the 26th of September, the municipality of Lavarone welcomed European partners of the project DESIRE and the Rude Awakening. 

→ The Rude Awakening project is ending on a high note. 

We are glad to have been able to meet even if it was for the first and last time in the framework of the project. Indeed the project started in January 2019 and 2 months after the World health crisis started. The project has been run in an online mode. Today, all the partners are happy to have collaborated together to create a great tool: a video game

→ A good start for the DESIRE project 

It was the first time for the partners to meet together face-to-face and share the local activities already done. On this occasion, the project website has been presented to all the partners. Now, all the information regarding the project is gathered in one website. Discover the DESIRE website soon! Keep it posted.

This international event was the opportunity to exchange ideas and best practices among the partners of both projects. It was a time of exchange and of learning from each other.

Partners of The Rude Awakening and Desire together in Lavarone

About the DESIRE project

DEclaration of Schuman: Initiative for Revitalizing Europe (DESIRE) is a Europe for Citizens funded project. The project aims to raise people and especially youth’s awareness on the historical importance and the meaning of the Declaration of Schuman for the EU. The objective is to actively involve youth in approaching history in a proactive way. Through the co-creation of artistic tools, as videos, theatre, games, audio narratives, partners will accompany groups of youth citizens in re-discovering history and in debating on EU values as intercultural dialogue, peace and solidarity. The consortium is leading by Comune di Lavarone (Italy) and composed by Fondazione Belvedere-Gschwent (Italy), Union of bulgarian black sea local authorities (Bulgaria), Municipio de Valongo (Portugal), Danube 1245 (Serbia), Zdruzenie Institut za razvoj na zaednicata (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia), Administration Communale de Grez-Doiceau (Belgium), Fundacio de la Comunitat Valencia de Patrimoni Insdustrial i (Spain), Kulturni centar Osijek (Croatia), ALDA (France).

About “The Rude Awakening” project

“The Rude Awakening – a multimedia journey in the footsteps of frontline soldiers’ everyday life”, is a European project that aims to raise the awareness and interest of younger generations (between 13 to 20 years old) on the topic of war and peace. With the support of digital and audiovisual contents based on the stories of WWI soldiers, “The Rude Awakening” wants to lead a new educational and emotional perspective on war and peace, whereby visitors will learn by doing as they fill the shoes of a soldier all along the museum visit, thus better understanding war memories and soldier life thanks to technology. It’s a co-funded project by the European Union MEDIA programme, a sub-programme of Creative Europe, which gathered Fondazione Belvedere-Gschwent as the lead partner, and as project partners: Comune di Lavarone, ALDA, 101 Percento, Mémoire pour la vie, Gornjesavski Muzej Jesenice, Danube Connect, World of NGOs and the Macedonian Center of Photography. 

For more information on the project and how to join it, please contact the artistic Director, Mr Renzo Carbonera:

After the summer break it is time to start courses and trainings again… Hurry up, only 3 spots are still available!

Starting in October 2021 the online course will focus on “European Funding: new programming and new opportunities”- Italian version. During the course attendees will be provided with experience-based, good tips and insights useful to know when approaching this topic (course infopack here).


Based on ALDA’s long lasting experience, being actively operating within the sector of European democracy support and project development for more than 20 years, ALDA + is able to provide valuable and professional courses on several topics, mostly related to European funding, Policy Analysis and Project Development.


By joining the course participants will get:

  • Practical knowledge to be able to understand and recognised the differences among the European funding programmes
  • Teaching materials will be distributed during course, providing concrete examples of projects implemented
  • Support after the training is available! Our staff will answers questions and doubts also after the course
  • Certificate of attendance will be given at the end of the course
  • Professional Trainers will guide participants through the course


Marco Boaria is the Head of ALDA’s Resources and Development Unit, since 2004. With more than 15 years of experience, he has developed projects in different areas, based on different programs of the European Union (and beyond), interacting with different DGs of the European Commission. He has worked as project coordinator, with particular focus on issues such as democracy, participation, youth and has assumed the role of external supervisor in European projects developed by public and private entities. His specialization as a trainer mainly concerns the following topics/areas: project cycle management, European funds, participatory methods, non-formal education, youth.

Anna Ditta has 10 years of experience in the field of project development and implementation, particularly with reference to European Union funding programs. She holds a degree in International Political Science from the University of Padua and a Master in European Studies and Project Management from Brussels. She worked for several years for the Veneto Region, Brussels Directorate, dealing specifically with cooperation with the Balkans. At ALDA she deals with fundraising and project development, focusing on active citizenship, youth, cooperation with third countries in the field of participatory democracy and good local governance.

Lavinia Traina works in the Programmes and Development Department of ALDA and she is in charge of the development of projects funded by the European Union. Interested in the issues of good governance, human rights, social inclusion, active citizenship, youth, environment and sustainable development, she is involved in the drafting of projects within the ERASMUS+, Europe for Citizens, LIFE, IMCAP and Creative Europe programs of the European Union. She has worked in the management of projects dealing with human rights, with particular attention to the defense of vulnerable people such as women, indigenous peoples, migrants and homeless with experiences in Italy and abroad.


14October 2021 17.00-19.00
21 October 2021 17.00-19.00
28 October 2021 17.00-19.00
4 November 2021 17.00-19.00

200 euro (10% discount for ALDA members and students under 26 years old)

Please register at the following link
Read the agenda here

Please contact Eleonora Bertin for further information


Do not miss the next course onProject Cycle Management – the development of the project idea“. Find out more and be among the participants!
The course will start in November 2021.


Attendees will be involved within a reality that has more than 20 year of experiences, established in 1999 at the initiative of the Council of Europe to coordinate and support the network of Local Democracy Agencies (LDAs), which are self- sustainable, locally registered NGOs acting as promoters of good governance and local self-government, with which ALDA collaborates in many activities. Our history and activities in a glance:




After the training on European Funding, it’s now time to better understand the project cycle management!

Starting in November 2021 the course will focus on “development of the project idea”. The course will be delivered online and in Italian. During the 4 days course attendees will be provided with concrete examples and professional insights on how to developed a project. Take a look at the the agenda and infopack here


Based on its long lasting experience, being actively operating within the sector of European democracy support and project development for more than 20 years, ALDA + is able to provide valuable and professional courses on several topics, mostly related to European funding, Policy Analysis and Project Development.


By joining the course participants will get:

  • Practical knowledge to be able to understand and recognised the differences among the European funding programmes
  • Writing and Reporting Workshop during which participants will see how to write a project and manage its budget
  • Teaching materials will be provided during course, providing concrete examples of projects implemented
  • Support after the training is available! Our staff will answers questions and doubts also after the course
  • Certificate of attendance will be given at the end of the course
  • Professional Trainers will guide participants through the course


Marco Boaria is the Head of ALDA’s Resources and Development Unit, since 2004. With more than 15 years of experience, he has developed projects in different areas, based on different programs of the European Union (and beyond), interacting with different DGs of the European Commission. He has worked as project coordinator, with particular focus on issues such as democracy, participation, youth and has assumed the role of external supervisor in European projects developed by public and private entities. His specialization as a trainer mainly concerns the following topics/areas: project cycle management, European funds, participatory methods, non-formal education, youth.

Anna Ditta has 10 years of experience in the field of project development and implementation, particularly with reference to European Union funding programs. She holds a degree in International Political Science from the University of Padua and a Master in European Studies and Project Management from Brussels. She worked for several years for the Veneto Region, Brussels Directorate, dealing specifically with cooperation with the Balkans. At ALDA she deals with fundraising and project development, focusing on active citizenship, youth, cooperation with third countries in the field of participatory democracy and good local governance.


12 November 2021 15.00-18.00
19 November 2021 15.00-18.00
26 November 2021 15.00-18.00
3 December 2021 15.00-18.00

300 euro (10% discount for ALDA members and students under 26 years old)

Please register at the following link
Read the agenda here

Please email Eleonora Bertin for any further question or call +39 0444 54 01 46


Attendees will be involved within a reality that has more than 20 year of experiences, established in 1999 at the initiative of the Council of Europe to coordinate and support the network of Local Democracy Agencies (LDAs), which are self- sustainable, locally registered NGOs acting as promoters of good governance and local self-government, with which ALDA collaborates in many activities. Our history and activities in a glance:




In October 2021, ALDA Secretary General – Antonella Valmorbida – will join the second Marmara Urban Forum (MARUF). Organised by the ALDA Member Marmara Municipalities Union, the event gathers experts and professionals from all over the world to discuss the necessity of rethinking the urban space and policies in the aftermath of COVID-19.

In lights of  recents events, such as the health crisis and forced migration, reconsidering the urban spaces, reflecting on the cities in relation to their people and communities are crucial aspects that need to be discussed at international level. Therefore, based on the six axes, which are “healthy,” “inclusive,” innovative,” “resilient,” “sustainable,” and “creative” cities, Marmara Urban Forum will serve as a platform of mutual learning and exchange of knowledge on these important issues.

Register to MARUF 21

Entitled “Cities Developing Solutions: Re-Think, Co-Act”, and in line with the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the forum is addressing daily issues from  climate change and local development; to public health and infrastructure. Over 90 partners – be they international organisations, universities, NGOs – will join the second edition of MARUF. Just to mention a few, together with ALDA, also UN-Habitat, the Turkish Ministry of Environment and Urbanization, Energy Cities, CDP, WRI, UNDP will be present at the event.

Ms. Valmorbida, as been invited as keynote speakers in two different sessions.

Beginning on October 1st (15.00 UCT+3), the first discussion she will join in entitled: “City Networks: Keep calm and meet globally“.
Sitting with her at the virtual table:

  1. Anna Lisa Boni, Secretary General, EUROCITIES
  2. Floriane Cappelletti, Communications&Overall Coordination, Energy Cities
  3. Júlia López Ventura, European Regional Director, C40
  4. Karen Vancluysen, Secretary General, POLIS

Moreover, with a special focus on “Local Administration Reform Project III” – (LAR III), Antonella Valmorbida will also participate at the session taking place on October 3rd at 14.30 (UCT+3), together with:

  • Neslihan Yumukoğlu – Project Manager, Local Administration Reform Phase III Project, UNDP
  • Metehan Gültaşlı – Senior Expert, LAR-3 Project, UNDP
  • Erbay Arıkboğa – Prof., Faculty of Political Sciences, Marmara University
  • Muhittin Acar – Prof., Political Science and Public Administration, Hacettepe University
  • Hüseyin Gül – Prof., Political Science and Public Administration, Süleyman Demirel University

ALDA is very much glad to be part of this great initiative, while sharing its expertise and knowledge with other stakeholders. 

To register MARUF21:
For more information on MARUF21:

“I don’t want young people to change country,
I want young people to change the country.”
(Rinaldo Sidoli)

ARC Research Centre of the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore of Milan, Alliance for Social Generativity, with the support of Fondazione Cattolica are looking for 50 young leaders to share ideas and energies and become the real engine of our country, through Social Generativity.

On 30 September in Vicenza, participate in 50xcento, a free training and activation experience on the theme of Social Generativity, a new paradigm for the development of a territory and its community, aimed at a heterogeneous group of 50 young people from the Vicenza area.

But what is Social Generativity?

Social generativity is a new way of thinking and acting, both personal and collective, which describes the possibility of a type of socially oriented, creative, connective, productive and responsible action, capable of having a positive impact on the forms of producing, innovating, living, caring, organising and investing, by injecting new life.

WHO CAN PARTICIPATE – who are the young contribution leaders

50 young people aged 20 to 40 years, resident and/or domiciled in the territory of Vicenza and its Province, who wish to take up the challenge of the “50xcento” and share the logic of contribution, to be active protagonists of a new season of development, local and national, with people at the centre, starting from the spaces and opportunities for growth offered and present in the territory of Vicenza.

Together to be the real engine of Italian development, through Social Generativity

HOW – Learning by doing: theory at the service of practice.

Overall, the 50xcento day can be thought of as an articulated collective performance, which begins with a traditional conference setting and evolves progressively, in a crescendo.

Through the use of different and integrated languages, making the most of the performative aspects in the group work, the participants will be presented with the theme and the pillars of Social Generativity and proposed a performative action:

1st Pillar – Desire: Reflection and dialogue on the following questions: What is blocking the future today? What prevents us from looking beyond? What inhibits desire in my area?

2nd Pillar – Bringing into the world: constructing and generating elements that are considered to be positive for one’s own city, future and society  

3rd Pillar – Taking care: having lunch together to underline the importance of conviviality as a value for building sustainable and productive social dynamics.

4th Pillar – Letting go: the performative action to be carried out involves leaving the elements built in the second pillar in a point considered significant in one’s own territory, and taking a photo.

At the end of the training day, the young participants in the 50xcento will have the opportunity to participate in the presentation of the European project CAP- PERI (CAP – Peer Education Resources in Italy), co-funded by the European Union Programme IMCAP, in which the following organisations participate ALDA – Association of Local Democracy Agencies (Vicenza), IRS – Institute for Social Research (Milan), Replay Network (Rome), ISBEM – Euro Mediterranean Biomedical Scientific Institute (Mesagne) and CESIE – European Centre of Studies and Initiatives (Palermo).

Join the free training! Fill in the form

SKILLS AND SKILLS – The 50xcento for my growth

Through this initiative, participants will acquire various soft skills that will enable them to generate and seize opportunities for development and change in their local contexts and become cultural promoters around social generativity, initiating supra-local relations and networks of exchange of reflections and generative practices with other territories.

Participation in the CAP-PERI conference offers a concrete example of the development of a project idea and also provides an opportunity to meet and exchange ideas with experienced organisations and to draw inspiration, stimuli and ideas.


To join the free training please fill in the form

Deadline to apply: 20 SEPTEMBER 2021


Membership of the event is free of charge, there is no cost to participate.
Lunch is included.
Timetable: 9.00 – 18.00
Venue: ALDA – European Association for Local Democracy – Viale Milano 36 – Vicenza

Contact: Nadia Di Iulio (ALDA)  or (+39) 324 6257381


50Xcento is promoted by ARC, the Research Centre of the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore of Milan, and by the Alliance for Social Generativity, a constantly expanding national project born from a movement developed within ARC, which brings together different organisations, especially enterprises, promoting generative culture in the country.
50xcento is sponsored by Fondazione Cattolica

Recently ALDA colleagues, Giulia and Lea from Middle East and Africa Department joined the DEVOTE meeting in Zonguldak, Turkey. Yet, what was it about?

Teams from the 6 partner organizations attended a hybrid transnational meeting on September 15th and 16th in Zonguldak, Turkey and through the Zoom platform online. It was the occasion to finally meet in person, but also to discuss the progress made after one year of project’s implementation and to talk about the future steps to be taken.

Zonguldak was the occasion to finally meet in person, but also to discuss the progress made

What we achieved so far:

  • The publication of our report of primary research and literature review outlining the current situation of the integration of students with migrant backgrounds into schools.

The very next step:

  • The publication of the Educational content translated in all 6 languages of our partner organizations – coming soon

DEVOTE – Developing the Competencies of Teachers to Integrate Students from Migrant Background into European Schools, is a project funded by the Erasmus+ Programme and implemented by a consortium of 6 organizations from France, Slovenia, Turkey, Greece, Italy and Belgium.

The aim of the project? Equipping teachers and educators with skills and tools to strengthen the inclusion of students with migrant backgrounds and to improve their success in education.

With great enthusiasm, the DEVOTE project is making great steps forward, and this meeting Zonguldak, Turkey, encouraged once more partners and people involved in keeping on with this initiative, supporting students and teachers in Europe and beyond!


Check DEVOTE’s website, subscribe to its newsletter and follow the project on social medias if you want to know more:

Facebook account

LinkedIn profile 

ALDA colleague Morgane Egerton has been participating in the event European Meetings on Participation – Inventing together the democracy of tomorrow

The five day event, which took place all over the city of Amiens (France) for the first three days and held online for the last two, was a sizable gathering of many different people. Every day was filled with various activities, like workshops, tours and talks, that functioned as learning experiences as well as moments to socialise and network, all in the name of citizen participation. Participants were encouraged to choose from an array of possibilities to fill their day with as many informative and constructive opportunities as they wished.

In Amiens, inventing together the democracy of tomorrow

The main focus that brought everyone together was the one sentence at the heart of the event  «Imaginer ensemble la démocratie de demain».

During the three days of in-person debates on citizen participation, many speakers – coming from different structures – were able to share their ideas, opinions on different topics linked to the main focus, and thus provided an opportunity for all participants to reflect on their own practices, learn and share new and more effective ones and then bring that knowledge home.

Thanks to Morgane’s participation in this event, ALDA is certain that learning about this amazing experience from her will be greatly beneficial to our cause and future plans concerning citizen participation.

The city of Ravenna recently celebrated the 700th anniversary of the death of the epic poet and father of the Italian Language, Dante Alighieri. With this major event passing by and in the occasion of the third transnational meeting, participants of the VALID project took the days of September 10-13 to visit the culturally monumental city and engage in various cultural exchanges and activities, alongside partners of the event presenting their own delegations of the project. Participants included representatives of partner municipalities, local authorities of Ravenna, youth and culture groups, NGOs, artists, and interested citizens.

Looking at the activities that those involved participated in, they had plenty of opportunities to exchange amongst one another experiences such as what their respective groups are involved in and do, and special attention was paid to the theatrical and artistic side of Ravenna. The delegations had the opportunity to hear about several initiatives that the Municipality of Ravenna supports.

The “Teatro delle Albe” theater group, which is a partner of the city, presented multiple performances done by the youth of Ravenna such as plays, and the final results of a Rap Lab. This all tied further into the topic of Dante and what he means to the people of Italy. The aim of the theater troupe is to promote the local culture and bring the people of Ravenna together, and they took the time to share how they have gone about that and helped further promote the local cultural abundance. Part of the program is delegated towards the inclusion of migrants through theater, in particular, a group from Senegal, and showing that despite our differences, we can all find a shared heritage to unite us.

The participants experienced the rich culture of Ravenna

The participants experienced the rich culture of Ravenna, and explored around the city, seeing the art, and major landmarks, many preserved for hundreds of years, such as the San Francesco Basilica. Functioning as both a library and a museum, the ancient site is a piece of history in the present and houses art related to Dante and the Divine Comedy.

As part of the celebration the Valid project partners took part in the traditional reading of the Devine Comedy in front of Dante’s tomb. Several event participants read part of the Divine Comedy to the Tomb in their respective languages, with the event being livestreamed. The spectators were able to hear the lines of the famous poem in Slovenian, Macedonian, Albanian, Bosnian and Italian. It is part of a daily happening in which anyone can sign up to read part of the Divine Comedy to the tomb, restarting on a yearly basis, as the city’s gift to Dante.

Now back at home, all delegations are organizing their own local paths and working with their communities after this event to identify various community art forms and facilitate their own dialogue and exchanges for phase 2 of this third transnational meeting.

The VALID project is a bottom-up level project centered around building a strong network of towns to foster intercultural exchange and encourage intercultural dialogue and active local participation. It takes place across a period of around 2 years and involves the organization of several international events across multiple countries, this being one of the major stops. Ravenna is a very culturally rich city, and all the partners involved were able to experience that firsthand.