On March 1st our colleague Alexandru Coica – on behalf of LDA Moldova – joined the consultation organised by the Moldovan President so that to face the current political crisis. Thus, in order to overcome the latter,  CSOs,  judges and professionals gathered together sharing their expertise as far as – for example – respect for the rule of law and democracy concern. Hence, in these days, Moldova is looking for solutions so that to break the political stalemate, which results from the dichotomy among the corruption-based attitudes of PSRM-Sor parliamentary majority on the one hand; and population will of change and desire of sovereignty on the other.

Moldova has to play the fundamental role of being a stable and mature democracy in Eastern Partnership

Inviting civil society’s representatives at the debate is a positive signal from the national authorities and, as mentioned by Alexandru himself, “large consultations within different society levels are important to ensure that a democratic, legal and representative solution is identified”.

Key and crucial aspects raised during the debate have to be kept in mind: the solution – no matter what it will be – should be focused on citizen’s well-being. Besides it should be taken within a short period of time, for the best of the population. Furthermore, one should not forget the geographical perspective. We are all well aware of the current situations in Belarus, Georgia as well as Armenia and Azerbaijan; therefore, Moldova has to play the fundamental role of being a stable and mature democracy in Eastern Partnership.

Taking part in this crucial debate not only testifies the importance of LDA Moldova as a key strategic partner at political level, but it also spurs all of us to continue our work as a democracy promoters, close to local realties and citizens’ needs.

On the 11th February 2021, the Municipality of Patos in Albania have organised an event on the topic Young People as Agents of Change. This activity was designed as a coffee talk, engaging a group of young people, with different occupations, educational backgrounds, and previous engagements in local processes.

With the participation of two experts, one specialized in intercultural dialogue and the other, a former participant in various exchange programs, the group discussed different ways on how to increase intercultural dialogue in this multicultural world.

Participants stated very clearly that nobody should perceive diversity as a threat, and that all must help each other in approaching citizens coming from different backgrounds

The young people have shared their visions of the role that the community should have in resolving issues, conflicts, and smoothing out the different cultural traditions and perceptions that exist in our city.

Participants stated very clearly that nobody should perceive diversity as a threat, and that all must help each other in approaching citizens coming from different backgrounds to participate in social and decision-making process.

Being an active group of young people in the city, they agreed to have future meetings and discuss on the possibility of creating new projects together.

This activity was organised within the VALID project financially supported by the Europe for Citizens programme.

Since October 2020, ALDA has been a partner in the implementation of the Project PIECE: Participation Inclusion and Engagement of Communities in Europe. Funded by the ERASMUS + Programme and led by Kairos Europe Limited UK, the project includes 4 partners from Italy, Greece, Spain and France.

This project aims to address the needs of communities in Europe through the training, education, and empowerment of community workers. The people that will take part in the project and benefit from the project’s intellectual outputs will enhance their skills and employability and in turn enhance the social inclusion, skills, and employability of the people they will train, involve in their activities, and come in contact with, thus creating a virtuous circle of empowerment. In doing so, this project has the potential to impact not only community workers and existing communities, but also to help people create community spaces and activities.

An analysis of the needs of community workers and stakeholders involved in community engagement and development will be designed

Among the various activities implemented through this project, an analysis of the needs of community workers and stakeholders involved in community engagement and development will be designed. In order to do so, ALDA and the other partners are collecting qualitative and quantitative data through online surveys, interviews and focus groups!

Are you a person working with local communities? Are you interested in free open access resources for the training and upskilling of community workers? Do you want to contribute to help community workers empower the people they work with?

Help us by taking 5 minutes to fill out this survey as part of the PIECE project and by sharing this link with your network!

Let’s catch up during the next months to discover the first activities and outputs of the projects!

The International Women Day represents, every year, a very important recurrence for ALDA, in light of our commitment towards a more just and inclusive society, where males and females enjoy equal rights, and none is victim of discrimination nor injustices.

Therefore, ALDA is proud to be among the organisers of a series of events aimed at celebrating the key role of women in the society and raising awareness on the role that women have played and still play as leaders and change promoters.

Managed by the EPD network, the two online appointments will take place on March 4th: starting in the morning with an EU-level roundtable, event open to practitioner and policymakers, the afternoon will be dedicated to a public event celebrating inspiring stories of women engaged at the political and community level.

ALDA is proud to be among the organisers of a series of events aimed at celebrating the key role of women in the society

Women who lead”: here is the title of the public event, occurring in the afternoon of Thursday March 4th, from 3PM to 4.15PM during which participants will be delighted to discover women leaders’ journeys and achievements. Inspiring stories shared with the aim of motivate action and sow seeds of change for equality and justice.

The conversation will be animated by women from all around the globe and with different backgrounds:

  • Imarn Ayton – Actress, activist and leading voice in the #BlackLivesMatter UK protests and founder of the Black Reformist Movement
  • Tamara Adrián – Venezuelan lawyer and academic, and the first trans woman to win a seat as a member of the country’s Congress
  • Sidita Zaja – Executive Director of the NGO ProLGBT, fighting for the rights of the LGBTI community in Albania
  • Sophie Heesen – Politician and Councillor for the Dutch Labour party (PvdA) in Gouda, campaigning for LGBTI rights, anti-discrimination policies and gender equality
  • Krishala Tamang – One of the youngest elected Vice-Chairpeople of Doramba Rural Municipality in Nepal’s Ramechhap district, and national-level martial arts expert
  • Nabila Ramdani, award-winning journalist and broadcaster and one of the WEF’s 2012 Young Global Leaders, will moderate the discussion.

How these women succeeded in overcoming pollical and societal barriers? Which were the main obstacles they met during their path?

Join the event and follow the #Womenwave!

Sign up HERE to participate to the discussion and follow this link for more details.

Despite the restrictions, ALDA goes on with the organisation of training sessions to support and empower our members and partners.

Last February 4th, 2021, our colleague and expert trainer Anna Ditta, led a virtual course on the theme “The New Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027: What opportunities?”, addressed to the members’ network of the Management Support Programme of the Anna Lindh Foundation (FAL), ALDA’s French member and supported by the Foundation’s French Network.

This hybrid training, with participants attending on-site in Strasbourg and others connected online, aimed to give information about the new EU Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027 and the priorities set by the European Union through the different funding programmes.

A partnership stimulating contacts with organisations working in all corners of the Mediterranean, fostering cooperation activities and joint advocacy

The training was conducted in two stages: a first theoretical part on negotiations, priorities and programmes, followed by a second practical part, where attendees were divided in sub-groups, thus facilitating the learning and the acquainting with project development tools. The training allowed good interaction among participants, both online and on-site, and ALDA’s trainers and facilitators. The aim of this practical exercise was to create cohesion and develop connections between the representatives of the associations.

After the training, a presentation of the European Parliament was given by Mrs Stina Stangren, Head of Unit for Visits to the Parliament. Thus, attended had the opportunity to ask more specific questions about the work of the Parliament, but also about the role of citizens within the institution.

Since 2019, ALDA has been engaged in the REF – Réseau Euromed France, a network reuniting French organisations working in the Mediterranean area who share common values and cover a variety of topics, such as youth and education, arts and culture, migration, social and solidarity economy, the environment, gender equality, human rights…

ALDA is particularly engaged, as a member of the Steering Committee:

  • in the MAJALAT programme, which seeks to create spaces for dialogue between civil society organisations of the Southern shore of the Mediterranean and the EU
  • and in the Jeunesses Mediterranéennes programme, a pluri-thematic network of young Mediterranean activists.

ALDA, and specifically its Middle East & Africa department, brings its expertise on topics such as good governance, citizens participation but also migration, thematics on which we co-organised workshops in the framework of the Jeunesses Méditerranéennes meetings in Tunis in April 2019. We as well are engaged to organise the next meetings which should take place in Marseille in July 2021.

A partnership stimulating contacts with organisations working in all corners of the Mediterranean, fostering cooperation activities and joint advocacy

In 2020, ALDA has been awarded a “FAIRgrant by the network, in partnership with the French NGO Solidarité Laïque, which is supporting the organisation of a seminar on the topic of french-tunisian decentralised cooperation and the role of civil society in this process which will take place the next 5th March.

Moreover, the participation in this network allows ALDA to be in constant contact with organisations working in all corners of the Mediterranean, and represents a great opportunity for partnership building and joint advocacy.

Let’s see what else we can build together!

Environmental sustainability, education and youth leadership are among the main areas of interests in which the US National Civic League is actively involved. Specifically, civic engagement is considered to be crucial in order to tackle the above-mentioned sphere of interests. the National Civic League has been part of the activities of ALDA thanks to the cooperation established with the Kettering Foundation. Together, we study and develop mechanisms of citizens participation to make local democracy work as it should !

The idea behind the Council of Advisors is to create a platform to discuss on specific topics and issues as far as citizens participation and local democracy concern

Considering the great experience of ALDA in promoting local participation and supporting citizens’ initiatives, our Secretary General, Antonella Valmorbida, continues to actively participate in the Council of Advisors. The latter includes prominent professionals and experts, who work within the realm of citizens participation and CSOs. Thus, the idea behind the Council of Advisors is to create a platform to discuss on specific topics and issues as far as the above-mentioned areas concern.

The renewal of this strategic participation of ALDA within National Civic League’s Council of Advisors not only is the perfect occasion to exchange knowledge, but it also confirms the role of ALDA as a key stakeholder at international level.

To know more please visit National Civic League website

Networking, debating and sharing ideas with other actors  – be they Civil Society Organisations, Municipalities, Citizens or Institutions – is a fundamental aspect in the overall ALDA mission.

Thus, our Secretary General Antonella Valmorbida has an active role within the European Movement International (EMI), specifically in the political committee (PC) working on Democracy, Citizen Participation and Fundamental Values.

From a general perspective, the focus of EMI is to discuss on EU policies, while including European civil society in the debate, and influence the decision-making process in Brussels and beyond. At the moment there are three committees:

Great effort from the PC is directed in ensuring that the civil society is actively involved

As previously mentioned, ALDA is actively involved in the first one, whose policy areas go from fostering citizen’s participation, to increasing transparency of decision-making; as well as defending the EU’s fundamental values. Specific attention is also give to the Conference on the Future of Europe. In this case, great effort from the PC is directed in ensuring that the civil society is actively involved throughout the process of preparing, delivering and following-up the Conference itself.

This new role within EMI is not only a great opportunity for ALDA to consolidate its relations, but also it is the perfect occasion to take another step in supporting good local governance and citizen participation.

To know more please visit EMI website

By Kljajić Sara – unmo.academia.edu/SaraKljajić

I come from a small country in Europe, named Bosnia and Herzegovina. We recently started recovering from consequences of the war that happened less than 30 years ago, and never fully got on our feet again.

For a couple of years now, media headlines have been constantly buzzing about the “refugee crisis”, highlighting articles that propagate intolerance and revulsion towards members of such groups, exaggerating and sometimes even falsely presenting possible conflict situations in which migrants were involved (or maybe not?).

I am immensely sorry for we have become insensitive to other people’s misfortune and pain in hard times, neglecting the fact most of us or our families had to run from their home during a (mentioned) war outbreak. We forget so easily what it’s like to leave everything and run away, simply live by running, but run for life… What it’s like to wish to belong somewhere again, to have a constant environment, at least for a while. Overwhelmed with change and fear of attachment, these people are scared to adopt any habits, because they know they will eventually have to leave and start all over.

Imagine everything beginning to seem strange and no longer being sure if you are completely yourself. Like you left little pieces of you along the way. I would start to wonder if I have anything left…

I started to think if there was something we could all do to make their journey a little more bearable. Suddenly, an unexpected joy came into my life – the great joy of meeting and communicating with those very same people.

Cooperation experience

Interactive workshops started in December 2019, as a part of the IMPACT project funded by the EU Erasmus + program, and implemented as a process of cooperation between the Local Democracy Agency Mostar and the Mostar Youth Theater, of which I am a member (along with more volunteers). We were meeting for five weeks – a total of 15 times for 2 or 3 hours and, simply put, exchanged Love.

Usually, different families would come to each workshop, often there were children, too. But, some of them came two, three or even more times and always begged us to participate and come with us again, when we came to the Salakovac Refugee Camp in a van, in which the number of passengers is limited to seven. Sometimes, one of us, organizers and volunteers, would undertake additional transportation by their personal vehicle, so that no one of the refugees would be disappointed. Read More History of France

At first, it was very difficult sparking them to open up. We did not want to push it, since it’s understandable how painful it can be to talk about everything they’ve run away from, to share shocking experiences that we, especially young ones, have heard only in the stories of the elderly, who took part in the war.

We tried to encourage the conversation with music, dance, jokes and games. On one occasion we placed several objects on the stage. Those were objects commonly seen in one’s home: an undershirt, a pot lid, a coffee cup, one shoe… They were scattered, almost as if someone had left them in such a hurry, grabbing everything he could manage to bring. This shook them, probably revived the memories and they started to speak more honestly and openly about their feelings. We listened, quietly. Because, what clever can be said about the testimony of the man whose brother was killed, in front of his eyes?! That you understand!? His pain??!!

NO, we could, nor say or feel that…

Just listen…

From that moment, many encounters, that took place in Studentski hotel Mostar, passed by us listening to these unimaginable experiences, and slowly becoming more aware that it could have befallen any of us. To feel still unhealed scars of their pain, loss and fear, but to be a pillar, a support, a crying shoulder, to someone, without him feeling weaker because of it, is truly a great success and a blessing.

As nights passed by, each one of them burdened my consciousness with the same dream, over and over again. Whenever I wake up, turn around and go back to sleep, it just goes on like someone pressed play. I was waking up visibly tired. War, fear, uncertainty, suspense, danger, escape… The list just went on and on. At least, while sleeping, I felt, at least a part of those intimidating feelings. I realized on some strange level, what it’s like when fear becomes your main actuator, but also a source of inconceivable strength. Helplessness, loss, persecution… All that matters, is to survive and escape.

People often claim that we cannot significantly help a person if we haven’t experienced similar life circumstances on our own. I usually agree with the popular saying about “walking in someone’s shoes first”. But isn’t it even easier for us, young people, who have not yet tasted this torment, to be supportive, to take a part of that pain, which we still don’t understand, onto ourselves, to gift them humanly compassion, a smile, a hug?

We sang together, drew each other, and then rolled in laughter. We played sports with the children and taught them to draw an elephant, a flower, a tree… They showed us their traditional steps in dance. One kind Iraqi gentleman even brought ukulele and performed and old Kurdish song.

“I am immensely sorry for we have become insensitive to other people’s misfortune and pain”

Nothing can stop you

Although we often had language barriers, even when there were no translators, we managed to communicate with our hands, eyes, sounds. The result was a magnificent synthesis of many different cultures. While we always organized a snack, toured the city, took them to try delicious cakes – physical and material support could hardly be compared to the strength of the mental help we succeeded to provide, for which they were deeply grateful.

The motive that guided us through this whole process is the ideal of equality. So, during one of the workshops, we were making masks. Whoever wanted his mask to be made, would lie on the nylon and we would start working. That wasn’t a short process. Sometimes it lasted up to 20 minutes or more. Most of the “models” were children who were lying still and patiently all the time. We were delighted with the absence of hyperactivity and the need to constantly provoke someone’s attention, which we almost always encounter among younger ages. When the masks were done, we would explain to them why we made them in the first place:

“Looking at the mask, we can’t conclude anything about the skin color, nationality, religion or any other imaginary traits we associate with people as padlocks of prejudice.”

The message is quite clear. We are all the same kind, we are all human, and we all need Love. It is the source of energy that drives the world and brings together even complete strangers. LET’S JUST LOVE EACH OTHER!! Read Oldest Language in the World

Changing the world

Civic activism at this time, except political turmoil and business scandals, must focus on other burning questions of the community in which it inhabits, without ignoring the above, no matter how much it is subject to insecurity and prejudice by passive citizens and stereotypically, never discussed among them.

From the collected stories and experiences, we decided to make a play and speak publicly about the life of refugees. We hope that with this act we will remind other people to do to others only what they would like to experience on, and in their own skin.

The play is called “GAME”, for many symbolic reasons. The premiere is coming soon and, in the future, we are determined to travel across the world, sharing this painful, but beautiful experience through forms of art, and perform on many famous stages in honor of human compassion and the almightiness of LOVE!

In the end, no matter how small your country might be on the map, you can still make a BIG difference in world becoming a better and a warmer place! Keep on going.

When talking about youth empowerment and participation, one cannot forget to mention the European Youth Capital Award, a great opportunity for youngsters to actively take part in reshaping and reconsidering how to participate in the life and decision-making processes of their cities. In other words, young people are given the change to raise up their voices for the future of their cities.

Young people are given the change to raise up their voices for the future of their cities

This time, at the starting blocks, there are ten great cities, from Belgium and France to Moldova and Georgia; and from Poland and Hungary to Portugal and Ukraine.

The cities will be evaluated according to the steps the will make in order to create a  friendly urban environment. This leads us to mention the Jury, which is composed of representatives of local and regional authorities; civil society experts; international and European institutions, youth representatives, and journalists. Hence, ALDA, thanks to its long expertise and mission, is actively involved in this process, having a seat in the Jury. Finally, the role of the latter is to select five cities, which will have access to the second round of the competition. Then, the winner will be announced in November 2021 during the official EYC 2024 Award Ceremony.

To know more please visit European Youth Forum

Let’s close the APProach project with the last and final conference of the project and gather online to celebrate the work done by the consortium these last years.

After 2 years of implementation marked by the European Parliament’s elections in May 2019, the change of a new cabinet at the European Commission in July 2019 as well as the current global health crisis, COVID19, the APProach project will present the results of its work during the online final conference. The project partners will share their experiences, their views on the use of digital technologies to improve the exercise of the European Mobile Citizens (called EUMCs or European expatriates) and present the main output of the project: The APProach online platform.

During this 3-days event, it will be the occasion to gather experts to share their views, comments on the link between digitalization and citizenship. 3 webinars to understand better the digitalization of our social and civic life.

The APProach project is working to fill an existing gap that limits the exercises of citizens’ civic rights by co-creating an online platform, the APProach platform

  • March 5, 2021 at 14h00 (Brussels time), the first webinar on: The APProach project: Digital Ecosystem at the service of citizens ! Registration is required. Link: Here
  • March 9, 2021 at 17h00 (Brussels time), the second webinar on: The impact of the COVID19 on the use of digital tools ! Registration is required. Link: Here
  • March 11, 2021 at 16h00 (Brussels time), the third and last webinar on: E-citizenship is the solution to civic participation? ! Registration is required. Link: Here

The webinar is free, but don’t forget to register here. Follow us on the Facebook of the project APProach and stay up to date!

Register and Join us to these great talks!


About the “APProach” project

Starting in April 2018, the project is co-funded by the European Union’s Rights, Equality and Citizenship programme, aiming to facilitate the circulation of information towards EU mobile citizens for them to effectively exercise their rights in their welcoming city. The APProach project is working to fill an existing gap that limits the exercises of citizens’ civic rights by co-creating an online platform, the APProach platform. This digital ecosystem was designed with the active participation of EU mobile citizens and our partner cities: Etterbeek (Belgium), Milan (Italy), Nea Smyrni (Greece), Paris (France), Vejle (Denmark), Lisbon (Portugal), Amsterdam (Netherlands) & Warsaw (Poland).

For more information about the APProach project, contact us via email: approachproject@aldaintranet.org

ALDA is continuously supporting activities in the field of active European citizenship and international solidarity.

In this perspective, ALDA has been granted a special fund called FONJEP ECSI – Education for Citizenship and International Solidarity – for the triennium 2021-2023.

Behind this acronym lies the Cooperation Fund for Youth and Popular Education, funded by the French Ministry of Europe and International Affairs and the French Development Agency (AFD). The aim is to encourage individual and collective contribution to the construction of a just, united and sustainable world.

The grant will serve to encourage individual and collective contribution to the construction of a just, united and sustainable world

Thus, the programme of FONJEP ECSI co-finances a job in international solidarity or popular education associations in order to develop awareness-raising, information and training activities for the general public on issues of citizenship, international solidarity and development.

This recognition is of crucial importance for ALDA, which works hard for local democracy, international solidarity and citizens’ participation. This fund will enable ALDA to create networks with new partners at local level but also throughout France, but also to implement several innovative actions over the next three years.

As we have all experienced,  2020 has been a year of great challenges, which has – to some extent – put to test our cornerstone habits, methods and ways of life. The COVID-19 pandemic resulted, and still does, in moments of grief and sadness. Yet, it may also serve an opportunity to stop and reflect on how to reconstruct our society, so that no-one will be left behind.

Having that in mind, the virtual 2021 EESC Civil Society Days gain a significant importance in gathering European citizens, civil society organisations and the European institutions together to discuss our future.

In order to reach a Sustainable Recovery for the Future of Europe’s citizens, ecological and digital transitions have to be guaranteed, without losing our key values – be they solidarity, human rights respect, social justice, equality and democracy.

How to reconstruct our society, so that no-one will be left behind

In the occasion of the EESC Civil Society Days, which will take place on the first week of March – from 1st to 5th – different workshops have been organised, on key topics: from youth activism, to Green Deal, and from social economy to multilateral sustainable democracy.

During the first online workshop, ALDA General Secretary, Antonella Valmorbida, will join the event entitled  “Promoting democracy at different levels and in the digital era”, together with other experts and professionals, as Ken Godfrey, EPD Executive Director; Esther Nass, Director EU Affairs, Civocracy; and Cristian Pîrvulescu, President of the FRRL Group, European Economic and Social Committee

To know more please check the Civil Society Days webpage and the workshop programme or watch the teaser video

To register fill in the form

On February 1st 2021, the kick-off meeting of the project DEVOTE – Developing the Competencies of Teachers to Integrate Students from Migrant Background into European Schools took place online and was hosted by ALDA, project’s leader.

Funded by the European Commission’s Erasmus+ programme, the project will run for 24 months and include 5 partners from Italy, Turkey, Slovenia, Greece and Belgium.

The project DEVOTE aims to strengthen the integration of students with migrant backgrounds in schools and improve their success in education by providing training, coaching and guidance to teachers.

Starting the meeting with a small game, the partners were able to learn a foreign word, which reflects a term or theme related to the school environment. This great exercise enabled participants to put themselves both in the position of a student who does not know the language of a country but who wishes to understand it and in the position of a teacher who tries to teach students a new language. This simulation allowed the participants to better understand the issues at stake in the project.

DEVOTE will strengthen the integration of students with migrant backgrounds in schools and improve their success in education

The partners involved also had the opportunity to share their experiences related to the situation in their country in terms of school management in times of health crisis. But despite the constraints of this situation, they all showed motivation and commitment to the success of the project.

But what are the next steps? The project partners are about to launch a needs analysis directed to teachers and students of the 6 target countries. This will serve to better understand their needs and eventually develop Educational Content which will be at disposal of teachers working with students with migrant backgrounds.

Let’s catch up during the next months to discover the first phase of the project!

Following the great start of last December, on Thursday, 11t-h of February, the Governing Board of ALDA met online for the first time in 2021.

As the last time, the agenda was full of important and stimulating issues. Members of the governing board especially focused on the division of delegations to the Governing Board members, adopted the action plan for the selection of the Advisory Board members and for setting the Working Groups among our members.

As every year, the Governing Board also started the year evaluating and assessing the work of the LDAs for the label approval and took decision on the support and assessment processes to be followed for the year ahead, and also planning the steps for the opening of new LDAs in our enlarged vision.

Resilience, Accountability, Sustainability and Inclusion were among the key words

The implementation of the newly adapted ALDA strategy (here) also was among the main topics discussed and Resilience, Accountability, Sustainability and Inclusion were among the key words!

Once again, this meeting was the occasion for the Governing Board not only to take relevant and meaningful decisions, but also it allowed the members to share their opinions and ideas, always working for the best of ALDA.

After several postponements linked to the health crisis, the first conference of the AUTREMENT project (Urban Territorial Development to Reinvent Mobility and Engage Tunisians) finally took place in Kairouan (Tunisia) and live from Strasbourg and several other cities in Tunisia and Europe!

This project, co-financed by the European Union (95%), aims to promote sustainable urban development in the Tunisian cities of Kairouan and Mahdia and thus improve the quality of life of their inhabitants and the economic and tourist attractiveness of the area. The development of active mobility, mainly cycling, through the implementation of dedicated facilities, and the strengthening of citizen participation in local governance are the cornerstones around which the project, which started in June 2020 for a period of 30 months, is structured.

AUTREMENT is one of the two Tunisian winners of the “Local Authorities: Partnership for Sustainable Cities” call for projects launched by the EU in 2018.

The first AUTREMENT conference was held on 27 January in Kairouan in compliance with the health regulations in force, in the presence of the municipalities of Kairouan and Mahdia. The other stakeholders were able to contribute remotely to this major event, mainly the members of the consortium based in France: the City and Eurometropolis of Strasbourg – lead partner of the project -, the European Association for Local Democracy (ALDA), the CODATU network and the CEREMA study centre.

This conference was marked by the presence – physical or virtual – of the representatives of the three local authorities partners of the project who inaugurated the day: the Mayor of Kairouan, M. The Mayor of Kairouan, Mr Radhouen Bouden, the Mayor of Mahdia, Mrs Feiza Belkhir, and two women elected representatives from Strasbourg representing the Mayor of Strasbourg, Mrs Jeanne Barseghian: Mrs Sophie Dupressoir, Deputy City Councillor in charge of cycling and walking, and Mrs Carole Zielinski, Deputy Mayor in charge of local democracy, initiatives and citizen participation.

The representatives of the three technical partners of the project also spoke: Ms Antonella Valmorbida, Secretary General of ALDA and Mr Didier Duboisset, member of the ALDA Board of Directors; Mr Yannick Prebay, Technical Director for Town and Country Planning at CEREMA; and Mr Thibault de Lambert, Deputy Secretary General of CODATU.

Mr. Quentin Peignaux, Programme Officer for Environment, Energy and Climate Change at the Delegation of the European Union in Tunisia underlined the singularity of AUTREMENT, a unique project embodying EU efforts and actions in favour of decentralisation and sustainable development in Tunisia.

Mrs Sandrine Millet, Coordinator of the Solidarity and International Partnerships Unit at the City and Eurometropolis of Strasbourg and Mrs Refka Kharbouchi, Deputy Mayor of Kairouan, went back over the content of the partnership between Strasbourg and Kairouan since 2015 and the fruitful exchanges that led to the birth of the AUTREMENT project. Mr. Mohamed Bossoffara, Head of International Partnerships at the city of Mahdia spoke about the role and place of his city in the partnership.
Mr. Younes Aggoun, Head of Mission presented the project and its stakes, surrounded by the project office team.

Through the development of active mobility, AUTREMENT will improve quality of life, economic and tourist attractiveness of the area

Two multi-stakeholder workshops on the theme of sustainable mobility brought together experts from CODATU, CEREMA and the City and Eurometropole of Strasbourg’s Transport Department, and no less relevant actors from outside the project, such as representatives from the University and the Alliance Française of Kairouan.

The first workshop was the beginning of a reflection on the project to create a Maison du vélo in Kairouan, enriched by the experiences of the Strasbourg association CADR 67 and Vélorution Tunisie. The second workshop offered a broad overview of existing methodologies in terms of cycle facilities, enabling concrete progress to be made on the projects underway in Mahdia and Kairouan, two cities that intend to become models and pilots on these issues.
The AUTREMENT project is launched and it starts with the best conditions!

Curious to know more about the AUTREMENT project and its latest news? Then, come and visit (and enjoy!) the Facebook page of the @projetAUTREMENT!

How can we talk about the Schuman Declaration? How to foster the civic engagement of younger generations? How art can help talking about solidarity, diversity and citizenship? This is the goal of the European project: DESIRE – DEclaration of Schuman: Initiative for Revitalizing Europe, a project funded by Europe for Citizens programme.

The beginning of the year is often a great opportunity to start new activities and actions. In this light, the DESIRE project’s project partners met on the 26th of January.  The consortium,  gathering municipalities, NGOs, and cultural centres from different parts of Europe, is leaded by Comune di Lavarone (Italy) and composed by Fondazione Belvedere-Gschwent (Italy), Union of Bulgarian black sea local authorities (Bulgaria), Municipio de Valongo (Portugal), Danube 1245 (Serbia), Zdruzenie Institut za razvoj na zaednicata (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia), Administration Communale de Grez-Doiceau (Belgium), Fundacio de la Comunitat Valencia de Patrimoni Insdustrial i (Spain), Kulturni centar Osijek (Croatia), ALDA (France).

“This project aims at involving youth about solidarity, diversity, citizenship”

This project wants to involve the younger generation on the topics of solidarity, diversity, citizenship, and in particular on the construction of the European Union and the Schuman Declaration.

The main objective is to actively involve youth in approaching history in a proactive way. Through the co-creation of artistic tools, as videos, theatre, games, audio narratives, partners will accompany groups of youth citizens in re-discovering history and in debating on EU values as intercultural dialogue, peace and solidarity. Each partner will create, imagine and implement art activities with each group of young people.

Let’s catch up during the next months to discover the stunning work they are doing!


On January 28th 2021, our Secretary General, Antonella Valmorbida, took part in the annual EACEA meeting “New Year Event”.

The European Executive Agency  for Education, Audiovisual and Culture (EACEA) kicked its year off with an online meeting, setting the guidelines for the new projects in the 7 upcoming years.  From a general standpoint, EACEA is focused on developing citizens’ participation as well as developing projects and activities within the cultural sector.

“ALDA and EACEA: a strong partnership to strengthen citizens’ participation at the local level”

Themis Christophidou, the Director General of the DG EAC, started the conference, followed by other speakers, such as Roberto Carlini – EACEA Director; Dr Marinos Ioannides, Director of the Digital Heritage Lab of the Cyprus University of Technology; and of course ALDA General Secretary Antonella Valmorbida.  During her speech, Mrs. Valmorbida explained how ALDA was able to cope with the challenges arisen throughout 2020, as well as how to set the 2021. Around 400 people joined the online event, having also the opportunity to actively contribute during the two “live interaction” sessions.

Participating at this event was the occasion, once again, not only to underline the importance of the collaboration between ALDA and EACEA, but also to share ALDA ideas and experiences in this area and to reaffirm our long-standing partnership.