Article by Stanka Parac

Beautiful event last night. Culture came back to life with a great spectacle! Thanks to everyone who made it possible for all of us – music and art lovers but also all the citizens. We are very happy and proud that we have this chance to host and enjoy the music of such a fantastic Orchestra and watch our favourite movies outdoor.

This is one of the comments by the audience in Novi Sad and Subotica (Serbia), Ilok and Vukovar (Croatia) after four concerts by the Zagreb Philharmonic Orchestra held in open air in September and October this year, taking due care of safety measures during the Covid 19 pandemics. This event was not just an ordinary concert. The musicians from both sides of the border selected a shared cultural topic: Charlie Chaplin’s films, one of the most famous and recognisable figures in movie history to celebrate his birthday. In its outdoor location, at the beautiful “Trg slobode”, FILMHarmonia delighted thousands of spectators of all ages who sat not only on chairs, but also on concrete paths, bikes, roofs of cars, or watched the programme from nearby windows.

The FILMHarmonia is an exact representation of how creative artists visualise a new cultural product that brings together not only films and music but also the music performers and the audience from two neighbouring countries with a long history of bilateral conflicts. Rita Kinka, one of the renowned pianists from Novi Sad who joined the Zagreb Philharmonic Orchestra in this amazing cultural venture said after the concert: It was a great pleasure for me to incorporate the sound of the piano, under my fingers, into a joint sound. It was also a great challenge in every sense. This project is a place where ethnic and cultural borders are erased in the name of shared creation. Music is beyond all borders. Music brings people together. This project strongly confirms shared cultural values in our neighbourhood. 

Art on the River brings together the curators from eight countries of the Danube basin: Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, Romania and Bulgaria whose main role is to select up to four artists from their countries to represent two (old and young) generations of artists: artists aged over 50 years and artists younger than 30, who grew up before and after the fall of the Berlin wall. Eight cities along the Danube river bank serve here as the main open stages and exhibition halls, while the touring exhibition “Art on the River” brings forward a continuous inter-generational dialogue. It takes place without any preconceptions or clichés not only about the artistic neighbourhoods of formerly divided countries in the Danube region, but also celebrates the existent diversities of cultural identities. The exhibition provides a deep insight into traditional and out of the box artistic expressions and positions across different generations who share the same need for crossing the boundaries in the search of beauty. This ongoing travelling exhibition will be on the move in 2020 and 2021 and will also connect the two European Capitals of Culture, Novi Sad 2022 and Timisoara 2023.

Good neighbours creating common future, development of tourism and preserving cultural and natural heritage

As early as 2007, the Hungary-Serbia border region has seen a plethora of inter-cultural exchange and cooperation projects connecting local people, local communities and a wide range of organisations and institutions located at the distance of some 8-10 km, but divided by the borderline between the EU and Serbia. In many ways, it was exactly the borderline between the two countries that inspired the people living in this neighbourhood to seek ways for cross-border communication and keep the shared cultural heritage alive as well as to promote it in order to make it better known on both sides of the border. Theatre art as a regional hub for children’s socialisation connects children’s theatres from Subotica and Szeged provides an innovative learning and exchange tool for the purpose of education, information, promotion and experience exchange in the field of theatre art for children. However, this project is about more than engaging children in artistic creative workshops on both sides of the borderline. It is also about interactive learning of Hungarian and Serbian as neighbouring but very different, not so easy to learn, languages.

Our Borderless Art Nouveau Culture project connecting the culture of twin cities Szeged and Subotica, shows how important this architectural heritage is at the border area of Hungary and Serbia (and in particular for the multicultural region of Vojvodina). The architectural style was most prominent between 1890 and 1910 during Austro-Hungarian times often inspired by natural forms such as the sinuous curves of plants and flowers. The most outstanding architects Jakab Dezso (1864–1932) and Komor Marcell (1868–1944), designed the synagogues, nursing homes, public buildings, and private villas which today are a significant part of urban architectural heritage in this region. Their major projects include the Synagogue and the City Hall of Subotica (considered as the most beautiful city administration hall in Southeast Europe), the municipality building of Tirgu Mures, Romania, and a concert hall in Bratislava. Therefore, the preservation and promotion of this distinctive cultural heritage makes the cities of Szeged in Hungary and Subotica in Serbia unique cultural tourist destinations. Art Nouveau buildings and the heritage of the two twin towns form a complementary local and regional attraction that serves also as the solid basis for a joint tourist destination in the border region of Hungary and Serbia.

Three strongly trending activities among modern holiday makers in Europe today are: visiting cultural monuments, authentic nature experience and physical activity. Therefore, it comes as no surprise, that cycling tourism has the strongest growth of all the tourism segments, thus becoming one of the priorities within a number of Interreg Cross-border cooperation programmes connecting countries in the Danube region. In many way, cycling and the cycling routes along the Danube River, across large Pannonian plains connects the desire to pursue sport activities with the discovery of natural and cultural heritage in a unique way. Veloregio or Pannonian 8 are some of the successful stories that utilise this cross-border potential, so that the natural and cultural heritage combined with cycling tourism also help increase overnight stay and enables mobility of workforce. The famous bicycle path along the Danube leads as far as from Germany through Austria, Hungary, Slovakia and northern Serbia. This is one of the illustrations how the Danube river cooperation programme connects people and cultures and helps improve the quality of life in both urban and rural communities in this large region.

The above mentioned examples of connecting people and local communities in border areas of many countries and along the Danube River are made possible owing to Interreg CBC Programmes and EU Danube Macro Regional Strategy (EUSDR). Since 2007, the majority of the countries in the Danube region are EU countries, and it was in 2011 that the EU Council recognised this potential by endorsing the Communication and the accompanying Action Plan on the EUSDR revised according to identified priorities in 2019-2020. Good neighbours creating common future, development of tourism and preserving cultural and natural heritage, cooperation beyond borders are some of the key messages conveyed across communities in respective border areas engaged in making their overall quality of life better, through people-to-people and economic cooperation, while cherishing the common identity and shared European values and by promoting the richness of cultural and historical heritage.


The article is produced within the framework of the project “Shared or contested heritage”, implemented by ALDA Skopje and Forum ZFD. The aim of the project is to improve cross-border cooperation between North Macedonia, Greece and Bulgaria. The project raises awareness of the role of contested histories and shared cultural heritage for the EU integration processes among heritage practitioners and cultural workers. The content of the interview is the sole responsibility of the interviewee and does not always reflect the views and attitudes of ALDA and Forum ZFD.

On December 8th, 2020 took place the Final Performance realised in the framework of the project IMPACT – Inclusion Matters! organized by the Coalition of Youth organizations SEGA from North Macedonia.

The local event’s main purpose was to share the results of the project and to raise awareness about the richness and the importance of diversity, thus fighting racism and intolerance and promoting mutual understanding.

Impact project: promotion of inclusion and diversity through art

During the final Performance, the Coalition of Youth organizations SEGA shared with the public themethodology developed by the project in anexhibition arranged by local artists:a great opportunity for the local public to get familiar with the project outcomes, in a playful and interactive way.

To have an idea of the general atmosphere of the event, have a look at the pictures of the event!


The project IMPACT is funded by the Erasmus+ programme and is implemented by the Coalition of Youth Organizations SEGA in cooperation with VIFIN – Videnscenter for Integration – Denmark, as lead partner, ALDA – France, La Piccionaia – Italy, LDA – Montenegro, LDA – Bosnia & Herzegovina, Association for Developing Voluntary Work – Novo Mesto and the Urban Development Center – Serbia.

ALDA’s new path towards a wider spread of good governance’s principles and a deeper regional impact has officially started, thanks to the 4 online discussions to share our strategic views with local stakeholders.

These events took place between the 7th and the 21st December with the aim of unfolding ALDA’s new Strategic Plan for 2020-2024 adopted during the General Assembly of October to increase the impact and scope of our action, at the occasion of ALDA’s 20th anniversary.

ALDA is not slowing down: despite the restrictions on movements, we stayed close to our members and we maintain a positive look on the future – underlined ALDA’s Vice-President, Mr Alessandro Perelli during the meeting on the Mediterranean area – We believe our work consists in promoting shared values of democracy, active citizenship and equal opportunities also, but not only, in African and Middle Eastern countries.”

Decentralization, subsidiarity and citizens’ participation are still the core of our strategy.

This represents an important milestone for the whole Association: after 20 years of activity and a network which has consistently grown, especially in the last decade, ALDA is now ready to expand its area of action, and this is happening in a historical moment where acting at the community level is a key priority to assure the sustainability of our communities. As also pointed out by Mrs Natasa Vuckovic, member of ALDA Governing Board, “next year is going to be a crucial year and the role of ALDA will be greater and more important than ever, mostly because of the pandemic, which has deepened the need of citizens to which ALDA offers services and different kinds of supports.

All in all, the 4 webinars saw a good participation of members and partners, curious not only to discover the new priorities for 2020-2024, but also to start paving the way to future projects and collaborations according to such a strategy and our common goals.

With a specific regional focus, each webinar involved local stakeholders and members of ALDA’s new Governing Board active in the area of discussion.

We are dedicated to EU values and this is strategic for us. We are working on decentralization, subsidiarity and citizens’ participation. This is still the core of our strategy”, highlighted ALDA President Mr Oriano Otočan during the first webinar focusing on Europe.

Moreover, ALDA’s Governing Board members contributed with precious insights and inputs, proving once again their deep commitment in being active actors in the implementation of the new strategic views.  “As a person who comes from the Western Balkans region, – stated the newly elected Governing Board member Mr Emir Coric –I think I can and I will help ALDA in increasing the cooperation with local authorities and I will directly support those municipalities in implementing good governance principles and citizens participation”.

From this moment onwards, the work to make this plan real has begun, but what is more important is to keep nourishing the conversation with our members and partners, reason why we encourage everyone to get in touch with us to join our mission, a shared mission.

21 projects ideas will receive a contribution of up to 3000 € to support the fight against climate change and create a fair and sustainable global food system!

The Food Wave project – co-funded by the EU under the Development Education and Awareness Raising Programme (DEAR) and promoted by the Municipality of Milan together with ActionAid Italia, ACRA, Mani Tese and 25 project partners in 17 countries, including ALDA – aims at creating awareness on sustainable patterns of food consumption and production for climate change mitigation, activating young people and enabling them to influence institutional decisions.

What is the objective of the call for proposals? 

The Project, under the coordination of the European Association for Local Democracy – ALDA, established a sub-granting scheme that will contribute to the Food Wave overall objective, supporting grass-root initiatives in the field of climate-friendly food consumption behaviors and involving smaller youth organizations interested in supporting the action but lacking the necessary means to do so.

Join the change: answer to the call for proposals and send us your project idea

Who can apply? 

The first round of the call for proposals will be launched in January 2021 and it will be directed to Youth and Small Civil Society organizations to carry out actions addressing the nexus between food and climate change.

Which is the thematic focus? 

The proposed projects must address at least one of the following thematic axes:

  • Sustainable diets to reduce the impact on the planet and protect human rights.
  • Local alternative food systems, local producers and territorial markets.
  • Fight against food waste.
  • Sustainable food education and knowledge sharing dissemination.
  • Fight against climate change and equal access to healthy, sustainable and fair food.

Where can the project be implemented? 

Activities must take place in one of the following EU Member States: Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, UK.

The call for proposals will be published in January 2021! Stay tuned and follow Food Wave Facebook and Instagram pages to stay updated!

21 projects ideas will receive a contribution of up to 3000 € to support the fight against climate change and create a fair and sustainable global food system!

The Food Wave project – co-funded by the EU under the Development Education and Awareness Raising Programme (DEAR) and promoted by the Municipality of Milan together with ActionAid Italia, ACRA, Mani Tese and 25 project partners in 17 countries, including ALDA – aims at creating awareness on sustainable patterns of food consumption and production for climate change mitigation, activating young people and enabling them to influence institutional decisions.

What is the objective of the call for proposals? 

The Project, under the coordination of the European Association for Local Democracy – ALDA, established a sub-granting scheme that will contribute to the Food Wave overall objective, supporting grass-root initiatives in the field of climate-friendly food consumption behaviors and involving smaller youth organizations interested in supporting the action but lacking the necessary means to do so.

Join the change: answer to the call for proposals and send us your project idea

Who can apply? 

The first round of the call for proposals will be launched in January 2021 and it will be directed to Youth and Small Civil Society organizations to carry out actions addressing the nexus between food and climate change.

Which is the thematic focus? 

The proposed projects must address at least one of the following thematic axes:

  • Sustainable diets to reduce the impact on the planet and protect human rights.
  • Local alternative food systems, local producers and territorial markets.
  • Fight against food waste.
  • Sustainable food education and knowledge sharing dissemination.
  • Fight against climate change and equal access to healthy, sustainable and fair food.

Where can the project be implemented? 

Activities must take place in one of the following EU Member States: Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, UK.

The call for proposals will be published in January 2021! Stay tuned and follow Food Wave Facebook and Instagram pages to stay updated!

The ALDA Talks episod-series go on providing a safe space of discussion to explore important topics of our times with a shared approach.

The ALDA Talk which took place in the afternoon of Wednesday 16th December faced the issue of Gender Equality and Empowerment, a very relevant topic for achieving sustainable development, based on the SDG5.

Despite some gains in the past years, many challenges remain to achieve real gender equality and the effects related to COVID-19 have exacerbated the situation.

This ALDA talk, organised in collaboration with the project BRIGHT, was introduced by our project manager Dolinda Cavallo, who moderated a panel of gender equality experts who contributed to the discussion by addressing the issue from various points of views, such as gender work-life balance, inequalities, discrimination and welfare power relations.

An ALDA Talk tackling Gender Equality all around

Members, partners and everyone who participated to the talk had the opportunity to assist and contribute to the following presentations:

  • Rosanna Scaricabarozzi, Head of Unit Gender & Economic Justice at ActionAid Italia drew the lines around the Bright for Women project and the WE-GO project, a project having as its core mission the women economic empowerment, funded by the REC (Rights, Equality and Citizenship) programme of the European Union. 
  • Stanimira Adjimitova, from the Center for Sustainable Communities Development (CSCD – Bulgaria) pointed the attention on the reasons why gender equality actually matters nowadays.
  • Giovanna Vingelli, from the University of Calabria (Center of Women Studies “Milly Villa” – Italy) presented the “Strategic Engagement for Gender Equality 2016 – 2019”.
  • Fiori A. Zafeiropoulou from the SOFFA – Social Fashion Factory (Greece) discussed about “The new era of feminism. The role of female power in systemic change in the textile industry”.
  • Diana Georgieva, who is also working for the Center for Sustainable Communities Development (CSCD – Bulgaria) run a seminar on “Good practice: Economic Empowerment – a way out of Intimate Partner Violence”.

You did not have the possibility to join the talk? Keep an eye on ALDA Youtube account: we will soon upload the podcast!

On the 2nd and 3rd of December 2020, the project Mind Inclusion 2.0, funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Commission, organised a series of events to celebrate the official closure of the project and present the numerous results produced during the past 2 years.

It was not a chance that the event took place on December 3rd, being the International Day of People with Disabilities: a perfect recurrence to draw the attention on the daily challenges faced by people with disabilities, especially in this period.

Indeed, Mind Inclusion 2.0 aims at finding sustainable and inclusive solutions to help caregivers improving their skills and allowing disabled individuals to actively participate to the social life of their community.

“A digital APP to help disabled people to access public spaces and exercise their rights”

The abovementioned webinars saw the participation of great speakers and experts who animated interesting and enriching debates around 3 topics: the impact of COVID-19 on people with disabilities, the vision of youth about disability and inclusive technology and, last but not least, the link between digital and people with disabilities.

We would like to warmly thank all the participants and panelists who contributed to the success of this 2 days online event:

All the online conferences also served to present and disseminate the main output of the project, namely a digital APP conceived to help people with disabilities to have access to public spaces and to exercise their rights.

Mind Inclusion 2.0 is a project lead by Margherita: Società Cooperativa Onlus (Italy) together with Polibienestar Research Institute, INTRAS Foundation (Spain), Social IT Software & Consulting Srl (Italy), Lietuvos sutrikusio intelekto zmoniu globos bendrija «Viltis» (Lithuania) and ALDA (France).

If you wish to know more about the project, you can contact the project manager, Andrea Giaretta at:

Following the disclosure of ALDA’s strategic views 2020-2024, we are extremely proud to announce that the name of one of the regional areas covered by ALDA has officially changed, from MED – Mediterranean to MEA – Middle East & Africa.

Such a change derives from the growing presence of ALDA on the whole African Continent through partnerships, projects and activities, for an action that is no longer limited to the Southern Neighbourhood of the European Union.

In fact, if on the one hand, ALDA is consolidating relations with already existing partners, on the other new collaborations are being developed with several African countries, such as Togo, Ivory Coast and Guinea.

This strategy keeps on following ALDA’s pillars and belief that local democracy is a universal value meant to be shared with as many communities as possible, surely adapting our approach to the peculiarities of each context and with the support of local partners.

All this, pursuing the goal that since its beginnings characterised ALDA: the will to support motivated and committed communities in improving local governance through a participatory approach, thus providing tools to civil society and local authorities to cooperate and reach to the implementation of sustainable, fair and shared policies and projects.

We wish our MEA – Middle East & Africa department all the best for their upcoming partnerships and… stay tuned to discover the new projects on the way!

Have you already marked on your agenda the appointment with the Regional Forum “Remembrance and intercultural dialogue”, taking place on the 21st and 22nd of December on Zoom?

Do not miss this online event to know more about how remembrance and intercultural dialogue in the Balkan countries could lead to a common narrative in the region fostering cooperation and EU integration.

“The occasion to discuss the challenges and the possibility to build a common narrative for the Balkan region”

To resume, the main purpose of this event is to contribute to the EU approximation to Western Balkan countries through regional cooperation, intercultural dialogue and reconciliation.

This online event is organised by ALDA – European Association for Local Democracy (in Skopje) in cooperation with the Balkan Network for Local Democracy – BNLD and is funded by the Central European Initiative (CEI), the Program Normandy for Peace of the Region Normandy, the Western Balkans Fund and the EU Commission.


Register before Friday 18th December and join one or more sessions organised within the Regional Forum, among:

  • Panel Discussion: “EU integration – vector of peace and reconciliation in the Western Balkans” – on December 21st, from 10.30 to 12.00
  • Panel Discussion: “Can multicultural dialogue help ease tensions on the ‘Balkan Route’ of migrations?” – on December 21st, from 12.30 to 14.00
  • Interactive Panel Discussion for youth: “Peace and reconciliation in new digital world: How can young people take a lead?” – on December 21st, from 14.30 to 16.00 (limited number of participants)
  • Workshop for youth: “Reconciliation: Dealing with the Past through Storytelling” – on December 21st, from 16.30 to 18.00 (limited number of participants)
  • Panel Discussion: “Shared cultural heritage, factor for intercultural dialogue in the Balkans” – on December 22nd, from 10.00 to 11.30
  • Panel Discussion: “Memorial tourism, potential for local development and cultural understanding” – on December 22nd, from 12.00 to 13.30
  • Panel Discussion: “Linguistic diversity and intercultural policy approaches” – on December 22nd, from 14.00 to 15.30
  • Workshop for youth: “Target audience mapping and positive narratives as essential tools for combating disinformation” – on December 22nd, from 16.00 to 17.30 (limited number of participants)

The Balkan region’s recent history is marked by periods of conflicts, wars and decisions aiming at redrawing the region’s borders. All these events will furthermore define the political, economic and social systems in the Balkan countries, bearing in mind that the legacy of the recent past – the remembrance – still remains a fundamental issue that must be considered from an interdisciplinary perspective in order to intensify our efforts to build a solid democracy and guarantee a sustainable future in this region.

Moreover, the narrative should be presented in a way that takes into account various experiences on different levels and social groups.

The online Regional Forum will be the occasion to discuss the challenges and the possibility to build a common narrative for the Balkan region. The conference will highlight good practices about remembrance and intercultural dialogue, including sessions for the exchange of experiences on various sub-topics such as youth, cultural tourism, languages, EU integration and fake news. The Forum will gather representatives of civil society organizations as well as cultural and educational institutions working on the topics of reconciliation and intercultural dialogue.

Last but not least of the series of webinars promoted by ALDA to unfold our new Strategic Plan, the fourth online meeting-discussion will focus on our project and development strategy in the Eastern Partnership Countries, namely Moldova, Ukraine, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia.

As outlined by Mr Vassilis Maragos, Head of Unit – DG Near of the European Commission in a recent interview dated July 2020 “[….] shaping relations with the Eastern Partnership is a fundamental step towards European integration”. He also pointed the attention on the fact that “democracy and the rule of law remain two pillars on which every other socio-economical-political issue such as, green transition, digital transformation and fair partnerships must rely on.

Join us for an online webinar on December 21st, 2020 at 2pm to learn about our strategy in the Eastern Partnership region!

Absolutely in line with those principles, the webinar will unfold ALDA’s views and plan of action to contribute to the process of transformation and empowerment of Eastern Partnership-based communities.

The appointment, open to all ALDA members and partners, is on Monday, December 21st, 2020, at 2pm CET.

Ms Antonella Valmorbida, ALDA Secretary General will open the panel and the webinar will be held by Ms Shorena Khukhua, freshly elected Governing Board member and by Mr Alexandru Coica, EaP Regional Coordinator.

To have a finest framework of the situation, it is essential to bear in mind that the Eastern Partnership area is a key working path for ALDA, since 2006. Our strategic objectives for the forthcoming years are to strengthen our presence in this region, by empowering local authorities and implementing decentralisation and territorial reforms.

ALDA members and partners, you can register THROUGH THIS LINK to join the conversation and give us your personal vision and opinion about our plan and start thinking about possible cooperation and projects in the area!

As previously announced, ALDA has revealed the launch of 4 regional webinars, free and open to ALDA’s members and partners, with the aim of unfolding the NewStrategic Plan for 2020-2024.

The first online meeting-discussion will focus on the European area and ALDA’s future strategy to strengthen local democracy in the Old Continent.

Join the 1st European Regional Webinar and discover our new Strategic Plan for 2020-2024!

The appointment is on Monday, December 7th, 2020, at 2pm CET and it is open to all ALDA members and partners.

The conversation will be conducted by Mr Oriano Otočan, President of ALDA, Ms Antonella Valmorbida, ALDA Secretary General, Mr Francesco Zarzana and Mr Bartłomiej Ostrowski, ALDA Vice Presidents.

ALDA’s network is Europe is well developed and varied: yet a further effort to engage local stakeholders is fundamental in order to make an impact and be, together, strong change drivers. 

ALDA members and partners, REGISTER HERE to join the conversation and let’s meet each other online to discover our strategy, planned actions and pillar values!

Despite all the restrictions imposed in order to limit the spread of the virus, ALDA decided not to give up on its trainings, which are coming back… online!

Indeed, this is a crucial moment of convergences for people and stakeholders involved in the European project management and for those who wish to start taking advantage of the numerous opportunities offered by the European funding.

Take advantage of the countless opportunities offered by the European funding to fuel your projects

Back to ALDA’s trainings, here are the ones kicking off in the month of December:

  • European Project Cycle Management training, online, to learn all the information and tools needed to get acquainted with the development of good quality project proposals in the framework of the EU funding programs, elaborate a coherent budget and manage a project throughout all its phases. The training consists of 10 sessions, once a week, from December 10th, 2020 to February 18th, 2021.

Go to the training’s page for all details or read the infopack now!

  • New Multiannual Financial Framework online workshop – a 2-hour session to discover the key priorities set by the New European financial planning for 2021-2027. This represents crucial information to understand how much the European Union intends to invest in each thematic area for the next seven-year period. The workshop will take place on December 16th, from 5pm to 7pm and it will provide information and tools needed to guide the participants in this new European programmatic frame, thus be ready and get acquainted with the new EU funding opportunities.

Go to the workshop’s page for all details or read the infopack now!

An interview with Tosho Spiridonov, historian, anthropologist and archaeologist from Sophia, Bulgaria, by Ana Frangovska, art historian and curator

Tosho Spiridonov is a leading expert in the field of ancient Thrace, historical geography, historical ethnography, anthropology, archaeology and has particular expertise in digitisation of cultural and historical heritage. He is an associate professor of history at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and director of the National Centre for Digitalisation of the National Scientific Expeditionary Club UNESCO. Mr Spiridonov participated in the creation of numerous projects in the fields of cultural tourism, ethnology and folklore. He was a director at the Museum of History and an expert at the Ministry of Culture.

He has great collaboration with colleagues from North Macedonia, very close exchange with the Faculty of Philosophy at the University “St. Cyril and Methodius”, especially in the field of digitalisation of the cultural heritage and in the creation of a software for the Museums in Macedonia that is ready for implementation.

We do have heritage that can evoke different – sometimes difficult or competing – views and emotions, depending on the approach and viewpoint. The challenge of dealing with such divergence lies in the attempt to simultaneously convey different views and voices when presenting this heritage to the public. Do you agree and do you think that this is an essential task when dealing with heritage and histories that speak to different people in different ways?

Tosho: The answer to all questions related to historical heritage has been and will always be complex. It is complex because it has always been influenced by the political situation, which pursues its own goals, and in the name of which it is ready to ignore the historical truth which in itself is complex. That is why heritage should be seen as something that has two sides. One side is the legacy related to the lives of the people who created it, who actually participated in its creation and used it in their daily lives. The other side is to contextualise the heritage through the perspective present life. The present context dictates to scientists and politicians (because they study, use and present this heritage to today’s people) what exactly to say, how exactly to present heritage, having today’s tasks that they have to solve.That is why the analysis of heritage has two sides that must be clearly defined and presented to the people: in what historical context this heritage was created; how we “read” this legacy today. Without this unity, society will always be subject to the influence of one or the other side of the heritage’s interpretation. That is why I believe that presenting heritage in its integrality is very important for today’s society in order to understand its past and participate in building its future.

Which are peaceful and tolerant ways of reading and presenting facts about  shared or contested history according to you?

Tosho: Reading history has two sides. One side is personal, because everyone reads it, breaking it through their personal history. For example, in Bulgaria I see that there are people who curse the time of socialism, because then the government took away some of their property  or they suffered other type of losses as a result of the system. Others, on the contrary, regret socialism, because this system  gave them the opportunity to study and achieve something in their lives. And although this example is not directly related to heritage, it is indicative of the refraction of common history through personal history. How to read and present historical facts?

The simple answer is – through compromises on both sides, in the name of the future of both parties in the dispute. If there are insurmountable points of contention, they must be set aside. They should be the subject of calm scientific debates and discussions, with all the source materials and evidence on the table. Throughout these discussions, both sides should not be subjected to political and media pressure until a positive result is achieved.

Do you engage in cross-border cooperation with professionals from North Macedonia and do you find any difficulties in its realisation?

Tosho: Yes, I have cooperation with colleagues from North Macedonia. So far I have no difficulties in this cooperation – on the contrary, I meet a positive response to our initiatives and I respond alike to their initiatives.

Can you think of an example of a case study of shared or contested heritage related to your particular field of interest (ethno-music, history, archaeology, contemporary art, art history etc.) and how would you approach its presentation?

Tosho: I work in the field of ancient history, historical geography and archaeology. With the DIOS Society and the National Research and Expedition Club – UNESCO – Sofia  we engaged in cooperation with colleagues from the University of Skopje and the archaeological site in Stobi and we jointly developed software for the work of Macedonian museums and it is ready for implementation in practice.

Together with my colleague Svilen Stoyanov we participated in a conference in Ohrid, dedicated to the preservation of cultural heritage in North Macedonia.

I must say that I see small issues pertaining to the lack of geographical coordinates of each archaeological site, which will prevent the localisation of these sites in their exact place on the archaeological map and will make it difficult to work together. However, it opens room for a joint work in which we could cooperate – we can train Macedonian archaeologists to deal with this problem, which is essential in archaeological practice; the same is true of ethnographers and historians.

How we choose to remember the past and how we choose to move forward are the critical issues of today. What does cultural heritage mean in different national and regional contexts? Who can claim it as theirs, and who decides how it is preserved, displayed, or restored? How to share cultural heritage?

Tosho: Remembering the past is a matter of experience, and the experience is either personal or public. The personal experience of the past determines “my” attitude towards this past, which may not coincide with the public one. Social experience depends on many factors, the most important of which is the goal of today’s society and by what means can this goal will be achieved. Public experience forms the national context of cultural heritage, because it determines what selected points of reference in the history of this society will lay in the pursuit of its current goals. The regional context is something else, and it depends on the geographical location, on the local development of the given area and on the relations with the neighbouring areas. One geographical area may be more related or less related to another, and this is the most important factor as we go back in time. It all depends on the geographical location – whether an important trade route passes through a given region, whether the conditions allow a certain craft to develop, whether the region is influenced by this or that neighbouring region.Each region belongs to one or other society/state. All this happened as a consequence of the historical development of the given lands. Therefore, it is the job of this society/state to take into account the interests of each region that has fallen as a result of this historical development in this society/state. In this manner only will it be possible to build a cohesive society – when the interests of each region are taken into account. Neglecting the interests of a region leads to differences in society, which in turn leads to an unstable society. Hence the answer to the question – each region wants to preserve samples of its culture – restored, preserved, displayed. Because the further back in time we go, the greater the differences in cultural development between the different regions we see due to the weaker communications between the different regions of a country.Man has not come up with many different ways to share the patterns of cultural heritage. In summary, these are three ways – research, education and cultural tourism, each has its own specifics and can be considered at length.

“What signifies the national narratives are that they do not include layers; they are one-sided, often chronological and has a sense of a fixed, static, historical truth, about them, said Anderson in 1991.” Do you agree with this citation and why?

Tosho: What Anderson says is mostly about national stories, and it’s true. What is the purpose of these stories? The national narrative has one important task – to unite the people of one territory by telling a chronologically constructed story that tells them the historical truth about themselves. He somewhat ignores the past, because there may be facts that will make one doubt whether this society is really as homogeneous as presented, whether there are no separate groups of people in it who think differently, and so on. In other words – if we start from the rule that the nation is a new stage in the ethnic 

“Remembering the past is a matter of experience, and the experience is either personal or public” development of society, it must have its own history; with it begins a new ethnic formation.

Another method of challenging the national narrative, regarding shared or contested heritage, would be to go from the particular to the universal. Cornelius Holtorf writes: “(…) the new cultural heritage can transcend cultural particularism by promoting values and virtues derived from humanism and a commitment to global solidarity.” What do you think about this?

Tosho: The national narrative built on humanism and global solidarity is in the same direction as Anderson’s thinking. The same is important for Holtroff – he thinks that in no cultural heritage can be found in the past that would unite the population of a given country in the present. That is why it is important to find a new heritage – these are new “monuments of cultural heritage”, subordinated to humanism, to solidarity between the people in a country. Leaving aside to some extent the specific suggestion of the old monuments, these new “monuments” are universal, and they will unite people in the name of the future goal. These may be brand new monuments, but they may also be some of the past that will receive a new interpretation, subject to the goal – to unite the population around a single red thread – from the past. However, these old monuments must be carefully selected so as not to disturb the feelings of people who perceive them differently.

When we discuss about shared or contested heritage the issue of time is essential, and in extreme cases of recent turmoil, the best method for reconciliation might not be to address the past as individually relatable; but rather that the past should hopefully remain in the past. Do you think that this can be implemented into our context?

Tosho: The past is the past! It must not be distorted or transformed in the light of today’s political or national tasks. Such a transformation will lead to greater complications within the society/state itself and to greater difficulties in solving today’s tasks. A new nation must be built on two main pillars. The first is the past, the second is the future. The past – no matter what it is, is not crucial, it only tells us that a population lived in this area in the past. That is why a certain point in time is chosen, from which the gradual formation of the new nation begins – no matter what the reasons. It is important what the roots are, but more important is what today’s population creates, how they process the knowledge about themselves. It could be as (planting one variety of apple on another tree – a rough but true principle – the roots are old, with their “history”, but the apple already represents a new variety, and this is more important.

Do you think that being more polyvocal, engaging, diverse, (self-)reflective and participatory may solve some of the obstacles on the way of presenting cultural heritage (shared or contested)?

Tosho: I believe that anyone who deals with cultural heritage and works with good intentions and commitment can solve at least one of the problems. The disputed heritage must be considered in the context of the time in which it was created. At that precise moment it met the requirements of that society. However, viewed in the context of today’s society heritage looks (or presents itself) in a different way. It’s all a matter of how today’s society “sees” this legacy, not what it represented then. In the theory of the ethnos, each new ethnic group is built on the basis of at least two other, relatively different ethnic groups. If we do not recognise these ethnic groups, then obviously we will have difficulties in building “ours”, today’s ethnic group.

Do you think that the realm of words can influence the way the audience read the stories related to heritage (shared or contested)?

Tosho: As is well known, politics is an art of compromise. If the story is written in a way that respects the views of both parties, anyone who reads it can find in it what interests them. Then the cultural heritage will be clearer, understandable and accepted by society.


The interview is conducted within the framework of the project “Shared or contested heritage”, implemented by ALDA Skopje and Forum ZFD. The aim of the project is to improve cross-border cooperation between North Macedonia, Greece and Bulgaria. The project raises awareness of the role of contested histories and shared cultural heritage for the EU integration processes among heritage practitioners and cultural workers. The content of the interview is the sole responsibility of the interviewee and does not always reflect the views and attitudes of ALDA and Forum ZFD.

An interview with Maria Tsantsanoglou, Acting General Director at MOMus and the artistic director of MOMus-Museum of Modern Art- Costakis Collection, Thessaloniki, Greece, interviewed by Ana Frangovska, art historian and curator.

Maria Tsantsanoglou is Acting General Director at MOMus and the artistic director of MOMus-Museum of Modern Art- Costakis Collection in Thessaloniki, Greece. Her research field and publications mostly refer to the period of Russian avant-garde. She has specifically dealt with subjects such as synthesis of arts, visualpoetry, art and politics as well as with Russian and Greek contemporary art and contemporary art in Caucasus and Central Asia. She was member of the State Committee of the Ministry of Culture for the Costakis Collection reception (1998). She collaborated with the Ministry of Press and Mass Media as a scientific associate on subjects related to the cultural furtherance and promotion at the Greek Embassy in Moscow (1994-1997) and later on as Press Attaché (1997 – 2002). She taught History of Greek Art at the Moscow State Lomonosov University (1997-2001). She published a significant number of articles  and participated in numerous conferences in Greece and abroad. She was the co-curator of the 1st Thessaloniki Biennale of Contemporary Art (2007) and the director of the 2nd Thessaloniki Biennale of Contemporary Art (2009). She established an excellent cooperation with the Museum of Contemporary Art in Skopje and hereafter she shares with us her opinion on ‘shared or contested heritage’.

We do have heritage that can evoke different – sometimes difficult or competing – views and emotions, depending on the approach and viewpoint. The challenge of dealing with such divergence lies in the attempt to simultaneously convey different views and voices when presenting this heritage to the public. Do you agree and do you think that this is an essential task when dealing with heritage and histories that speak to different people in different ways?

Maria: Tangible and intangible cultural heritage has the peculiarity that on the one hand it is transmitted, protected and valued, but on the other hand it is identified and redefined by society itself as it belongs to it. Cultural heritage cannot be imposed and impressed through artificial ways neither in society as a whole nor in a part of society. In this sense, any different approach of cultural heritage by part of the society should be governed by the rules of respect for human rights.

Which are peaceful and tolerant ways of reading and presenting facts about the shared history or contested history according to you?

Maria: History, shared history as well, has the objectivity of the recorded facts (what undoubtedly happened) and the subjectivity of their interpretation. It has also been many times a subject of falsification. History is studied and taught by scholars, who present the facts and openly discuss them and is not an object of political manipulation. When politicians deal with history for nationalistic reasons, people should be cautious.

Do you engage in cross-border cooperation with professionals from North Macedonia and do you find any difficulties in its realisation?

Maria: I represent a big cultural organisation for visual arts in Thessaloniki and I consider the cooperation with North Macedonia important and seriously pursued it not only out of self-interest but because I believe that this could mutually enrich our relationship. I met exceptional, creative and inspiring people in North Macedonia. I am especially speaking about the colleagues from the Museum of Contemporary Art of Skopje who also sought a substantial cooperation with us but I am sure that this practice applies to other institutions as well. Now we have the best possible relations, we are very proud to be friends with great prospects for further mutual cultural events.

Can you think of an example of a case study of shared or contested heritage related to your particular field of interest (ethno-music, history, archaeology, contemporary art, art history etc.) and how would you approach its presentation?

Maria: The organisation of two exhibitions, one produced by the Museum of Contemporary Art (MoCA) in Skopje and presented in Thessaloniki entitled “All that we have in common” and the other produced by the MOMus – Museum of Contemporary Art of Thessaloniki and presented in Skopje entitled “Am I that name or that image” gave the first incentive of a case study. Other collaborations will follow that will embrace the culture of our region as we believe that what unites us is much more and important than what may separate us.

How we choose to remember the past and how we choose to move forward are the critical issues of today. What does cultural heritage mean in different national and regional contexts? Who can claim it as theirs, and who decides how it is preserved, displayed, or restored? How to share cultural heritage?

Maria:I believe that cultural heritage does not always belong exclusively to a single nation but leaves its mark on a wider geographical area, where different nations interact and share common experiences over time. Hence the rich common Balkan folk tradition in music, dances, fairy tales etc. This interaction should be seen as a treasure trove of cooperation and good relationships.

“Cultural heritage is a treasure trove of cooperation and good relationships”

“What signifies the national narratives are that they do not include layers; they are one-sided, often chronological and has a sense of a fixed, static, historical truth, about them”, said Anderson in 1991. Do you agree with this citation and why?

Maria: I would rather not talk about fixed national narratives but about important cultural events that have been recorded in the collective memory through heritage and oral tradition and have been historically recorded and preserved.

Of course, these retain their importance as long as they are listed as acts that promote human values and protect the peoples’ freedom and social justice with emphasis not on hostility but on the question of brotherhood and good neighbourliness of the peoples.

Another method of challenging the national narrative, regarding shared or contested heritage, would be to go from the particular to the universal. Cornelius Holtorf writes: “(…) the new cultural heritage can transcend cultural particularism by promoting values and virtues derived from humanism and a commitment to global solidarity.” What do you think about this?

Maria: I think that my previous answer partly answers this question as well. Cultural heritage can be the best example of cultural dialogue and cooperation when it is not limited to the national narrative and, of course, when it is not interpreted to serve narrow nationalistic purposes. Especially when there are similar features of cultural heritage, such as music, folk dances, fairy tales, as is often the case in the Balkan region.

When we discuss about shared or contested heritage the issue of time is essential, and in extreme cases of recent turmoil, the best method for reconciliation might not be to address the past as individually relatable; but rather that the past should hopefully remain in the past. Do you think that this can be implemented into our context?

Maria: Culture can also be defined as a tool for better understanding and defence of humanitarian values, it speaks an all-human language and nations contribute with their cultural achievements to this universal language. In this sense, cultural exchanges contribute to the building of a better future.

Do you think that being more polyvocal, engaging, diverse, (self-)reflective and participatory may solve some of the obstacles on the way of presenting cultural heritage (shared or contested)? 

Maria: Definitely, I do believe this. Through pluralism, diversity and participation, cultural workers aim to create conditions of tolerance and mutual understanding that could potentially solve such obstacles.

Do you think that the realm of words can influence the way the audience reads the stories related to heritage (shared or contested)?

Maria: Genuine art does not have one single level of interpretation, it is the object of thought and not of absolute knowledge. A creation that is interpreted unilaterally and one-dimensionally is either incomplete as a work of art or its approach is problematic.


The interview is conducted within the framework of the project “Shared or contested heritage”, implemented by ALDA Skopje and Forum ZFD. The aim of the project is to improve cross-border cooperation between North Macedonia, Greece and Bulgaria. The project raises awareness of the role of contested histories and shared cultural heritage for the EU integration processes among heritage practitioners and cultural workers. The content of the interview is the sole responsibility of the interviewee and does not always reflect the views and attitudes of ALDA and Forum ZFD.

Coalition of youth organizations SEGA worked on the project IMPACT – Inclusion matters!, implementing its activities, including local youth, foreigners residing in the country and the diligent hands of young children. In fact, we were working on a mutual message that was sent by drawing a picture on a canva.

“Art is one of the most important and powerful ways to get involved in society”

The process of art stimulates emotional and cognitive development, enabling the creation of connections as well as reducing destructive behavior in people, regardless of their attitudes. Through art and expression, in particular through a picture we provided to the participants when organizing local workshops, our goal was to enable social inclusion and active involvement of local youth as well as inclusion of those who left their country and decided to continue living in our country, crossing through the risks and the fears of the unknown.

By organizing more activities of this kind, we strive to move forward to animate citizens with a different spectrum, offering opportunities for social inclusion, by overcoming social prejudices, acquiring skills, techniques, and also learning about new cultures and traditions.

Art is one of the most important and powerful ways to get involved in society. Involvement is important!

Author: Lela Jurukova, Coalition of youth organizations SEGA

An interview with Vladimir Martinovski, professor at the University of “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” in Skopje, Department of Comparative Literature, interviewed by Ana Frangovska, art historian and curator.

Vladimir Martinovski is a poet, prose writer, literary critic, translator and musician. He is a professor at the General and Comparative Literature Department of the “Blaze Koneski” Faculty of Philology, “Ss Cyril and Methodius” University, Skopje. He received his Bachelor and Master’s degrees at the Faculty of Philology, and his PhD at the University of the New Sorbonne – Paris III. He has authored the following books: “From Image to Poem – Interference between Contemporary Macedonian Poetry and Fine Arts” (a study, 2003), “Maritime Moon” (haiku and tanka, 2003), “Hidden Poems”
(haiku, 2005), “And Water and Earth and Fire and Air” (haiku, 2006), “Comparative Triptychs” (studies and essays, 2007), “Les Musées imaginaires” or “Imaginary Museums” (a study, 2009), “A Wave Echo” (haibuns, 2009), “Reading Images – Aspects of Ekphrastic Poetry” (a study, 2009) and “Quartets” (poetry, 2010). He co-edited the books: “Ut Pictura Poesis – Poetry in Dialogue with Plastic Arts – a Thematic Selection of Macedonian Poetry” (with Nuhi Vinca, 2006), “Metamorphoses and Metatexts” (with Vesna Tomovska, 2008).

If we are to promote our rich cultural heritage, then the most logical thing to do is to preserve both the tangible and intangible cultural heritage in writing… consequently literature. Literature survives the test of time and is always apprehended. Interviewing Vladimir Martinovski on issues related to ‘shared or contested heritage’ gave us very knowledgeable, tasty and rich context in the research.

Cultural heritage tends to promote the creation of icons, which simultaneously tend to create stereotypes that risk negatively affecting individuals and groups. Such an icon needs to be critically deconstructed. What is your opinion about this discourse?

Vladimir: As the word suggests, cultural heritage is something we have inherited from previous generations. And, as well, we have borrowed it from the future ones, on behalf of whom we have an obligation to protect it. Yet, cultural heritage is something we should earn. Let us enter into living communication and save it from oblivion. Cultural heritage should enrich and ennoble our lives. To help us better understand the people of the past, and better understand each other today. To help us understand that the great achievements in art and culture belong to all mankind as signposts pointing out the best in any human. Andre Malraux said that art is one of the few things that humanity can be proud of. But when the complexity of cultural heritage is neglected, and simplifications are made based on looking through the national dioptre, it is quite easy to fall into the traps of stereotypes such as “we are the cultured ones, the others are the barbarians”. Therefore, the creation of “icons”” has two faces. On one hand, it is good to have examples from people of the past, to know and respect their meaning, and to constantly strive for their achievements and values. But even here a measure is needed. On the other hand, there is the danger of indulging in the temptations of uncritical idealisation, hyperbole, and simplification, which can lead to an idolatrous relationship, emptied of essence.

Do you think that the realm of words can influence the way the audience read the stories related to heritage (shared or contested)?

Vladimir: Words are always necessary, so there is a huge responsibility in them. The novelist Michel Butor said that all “”dumb artefacts” (artistic or architectural) are interpreted with the help of verbal discourse, “which surrounds them”, starting from the titles of the works. In other words, material, immovable cultural heritage, among other things, requires to be interpreted, explained through language. The attitude towards cultural heritage could certainly be compared to “reading” and interpreting stories. Some stories go on for millennia, some are forgotten. If the present or future generations are not shown the value, meaning, uniqueness of an object from the past, they could neglect it completely, leaving it to oblivion and the “ravages of time”. Cultural heritage requires care. Although intangible, language is also a cultural heritage site, one of the most valuable. It is through language that we realise that cultural heritage is something alive, in which each of us participates.

When dealing with shared history and heritage, international cooperation has the potential to foster more understanding within and between cultures. Do you agree? What is your personal experience?

Vladimir: International cooperation is crucial for both mutual understanding as well as understanding the concept of cultural heritage. Although there is a tendency to talk about national cultural heritage, which is quite legitimate, in essence no culture exists in isolation from others and all great achievements in culture belong to all mankind. As a phenomenon, culture is a palimpsest and the whole of culture is essentially shared. Understanding many phenomena in art, literature and culture at the national level necessarily leads us to intercultural dialogues, exchanges, as well as facing the fact that there are regional cultural achievements, as well as larger cultural zones. Great art crosses all boundaries. I have participated in many international literary festivals, where literary works are practiced by the authors to be read in the mother tongue, and then read in translation so that the local audience can understand them. It is wonderful to hear the diversity of languages, the different “music” of each language. Poets create in a language they inherited from their ancestors. But every song in the original and when translated, is not only the fruit of a linguistic tradition, it also belongs to world literature. Some of the most beautiful achievements in all segments of art are created precisely because of the mixing of cultures.

We do have heritage that can evoke different – sometimes difficult or competing – views and emotions, depending on the approach and viewpoint. The challenge of dealing with such divergence lies in the attempt to simultaneously convey these different views and voices when presenting this heritage to the public. Do you agree and do you think that this is an essential task when dealing with heritage and histories that speak to different people in different ways?

Vladimir: Unfortunately, just as material heritage (from fields to old family homes) can be a kind of “apple of discord”, likewise is the nationality of important personalities, artists or works of art from the past get bitterly disputed. Instead of critically perceiving the importance, value, and worth of those individuals or works, the discourse of belonging and possession is sometimes forced and absolutised. Some authors belong to more cultures and I do not see anything wrong with that. On the contrary. There are authors who have created in multiple languages, in multiple environments, under the influence of multiple cultures and poetics. Instead of stubbornly arguing over their belonging to a single culture, it is far better to look at them as bridges between cultures or as a common, shared value.

“The attitude towards cultural heritage could certainly be compared to “reading” and interpreting stories”

Do you think that being more polyvocal, engaging, diverse, (self-)reflective and participatory may solve some of the obstacles on the way of presenting cultural heritage (shared or contested)? 

Vladimir: The epithets you enumerate are beautiful: diversity and pluralism and self-reflection and criticism are needed, as well as scientific acrimony and readiness for different opinions, arguments and interpretations. Cultural heritage should be preserved, nurtured, to be a part of our lives.

Can you think of an example of a case study of shared or contested heritage related to your particular field of interest (ethno-music, history, archaeology, contemporary art, art history etc.) and how would you approach its presentation? 

Vladimir: As an example for shared heritage I could point to the poem “Ο Αρματωλός” / “The Serdar” (1860) by Gligor Prlichev (1830-1893), a work written in Greek, in which thematic patterns and stylistic features from Homer’s epics, the Byzantine epic tradition, the Renaissance epic and the Macedonian folklore are intertwined in a masterful way, all through the talent of an exceptional poet, who received the epithet “the Second Homer”. This poetic masterpiece dedicated to the death of the hero Kuzman Kapidan has been translated many times in both Bulgarian and Macedonian, and with its value certainly enters among the most important literary works created not only in the Balkans, but also in Europe in the XIX century. As an example of shared heritage, I would like to point out the Old Slavic language, Old Slavic literacy and literature, as a common root of all Slavic languages, including, of course, Macedonian. Challenging the authenticity of the Macedonian language due to daily political agendas which we are witnessing these days is extremely problematic, as it could translate as a challenge or dispute of the Macedonian literature, art and culture.

In a context of uncertainties and dystopias, what is the role of cultural heritage?

Vladimir: In these pandemic circumstances, we have all become convinced of the fragility, vulnerability and insecurity of today’s humanity. Due to insatiable consumerism and greed for profit, we have become a threat to other forms of existence, as well as to our cultural heritage. In a short time, our everyday life began to look like a dystopian novel. We have seen that war conflicts in the last decade in different parts of the world have irreversibly damaged significant cultural treasures. The economic crisis that is inseparable from the pandemic crisis can also affect the neglect of cultural heritage. However, let us not give in to pessimism. Just as Boccaccio’s Decameron was created during a plague epidemic, these difficult months on our planet are sure to create works of art that will grow into a significant cultural heritage site. We learn to appreciate some things only when we realise that we can easily lose them.

One of the challenges for researchers and practitioners in the field of cultural heritage is to develop more inclusive approaches to share heritage in order to transgress social and national boundaries. Any ideas on how this approach could be implemented into your particular field of interest?

Vladimir: We live in a digital age, in which inclusiveness and accessibility to different forms of cultural heritage is also realised through the Internet: from digitised manuscripts and books to accessible sound libraries and virtual visits to buildings and museums. These “digital versions” of cultural heritage are important both for archiving, as well as for new ways of presentation, close to contemporary and future generations. However, this does not exonerate us from the responsibility for permanent protection of the existing cultural heritage.

Another method of challenging the national narrative, regarding shared or contested heritage, would be to go from the particular to the universal. Cornelius Holtorf writes: “(…) the new cultural heritage can transcend cultural particularism by promoting values and virtues derived from humanism and a commitment to global solidarity.” What do you think about this?

Vladimir: I agree with Holtorf. It is in these times of crisis that we see how much these values are needed, and to what extent the values and virtues of humanism and global solidarity have been forgotten. We are all connected and we can all help each other in many areas, with the care for cultural heritage being one of them.

When we discuss shared or contested heritage, the issue of time is essential, and in extreme cases of recent turmoil, the best method for reconciliation might not be to address the past as individually relatable; but rather that the past should hopefully remain in the past. Do you think that this can be implemented into our context?

Vladimir: We can learn a lot from the past. Among other things, that we should not allow ourselves to sacrifice the present and the future for the sake of the past. As difficult and arduous as they are, mutual reconciliation, acceptance and cooperation are the real tasks of today’s generations, to leave a better world for future generations.


The interview is conducted within the framework of the project “Shared or contested heritage”, implemented by ALDA Skopje and Forum ZFD. The aim of the project is to improve cross-border cooperation between North Macedonia, Greece and Bulgaria. The project raises awareness of the role of contested histories and shared cultural heritage for the EU integration processes among heritage practitioners and cultural workers. The content of the interview is the sole responsibility of the interviewee and does not always reflect the views and attitudes of ALDA and Forum ZFD.

Although this year has been particularly difficult, ALDA is even more determined to support local and participative democracy as well as to strengthen citizens’ local approach and resilience.

With its 20th anniversary and also taking into consideration the crisis generated by the worldwide outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, which adds to other already existing challenges, ALDA adopted a new Strategic Plan for 2020-2024 during the Annual General Assembly to increase the impact of its action and we are now proud and excited to present our networks this new strategy!

“Democracy and citizens’ engagement are and will be a key factor for unlocking positive and constructive proposals for the future”

With the aim of outlining the new strategic plan, the key objectives, the vision and ALDA’s driving forces, we are thrilled to announce the launch of 4 regional webinars, free and open to ALDA’s members and partner, which will take place during the month of December:

  • 7 December/ at 2 pm CET – regional meeting with European area members and partners REGISTER HERE!
  • 14 December/ at 2 pm CET – regional meeting with Mediterranean area members and partners. REGISTER HERE!
  • 17 December/ at 2 pm CET – regional meeting with Balkan area members and partners. REGISTER HERE!
  • 21 December/ at 2 pm CET – regional meeting with Eastern Partnership area members and partners. REGISTER HERE!

Oriano Otocan, President of ALDA and Antonella Valmorbida, ALDA General Secretary, together with the Regional Coordinators and the representatives of the new Governing Board, will unfold the vision of the quadrennial plan and will share with members and partners the new strategic views.

Democracy and citizens’ engagement are and will be a key factor for unlocking positive and constructive proposals for the future and, ALDA, together with its members and partners, wants to be at the centre of a successful proposal in order to design and activate positive changes while confronting the main current challenges.

Don’t miss the chance of discovering the new priorities of ALDA and to discuss further how to implement the plan in accordance with your local and regional priorities!

Join us online!

An interview with prof. Darija Andovska, composer, pianist and author of orchestral, chamber, solo, vocal, film, theatre and dance music, as well as music for multimedia projects, by Ana Frangovska, art historian and curator.

Darija Andovska is a Macedonian trademark in the field of contemporary music, being a composer, pianist and author of chamber, solo, orchestral, symphonic, choral music as well as film music, theater, dance and multimedia projects. Her works have been performed on festivals and concerts in North Macedonia, Bulgaria, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovenia, Switzerland, Italy, Germany, Georgia, France, England, Ireland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Austria, Albania, Russia, Mexico, Canada, Poland, Romania, Armenia and the United States of America. Her music has been recorded on CDs and sold in Switzerland, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Italy, North Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro, Germany, and her scores have been published by Nuova Stradivarius – Italy, Sordino – Switzerland, Association of Composers – North Macedonia. Won several competitions, nominated and awarded as well for film and theater music all over the world. Chosen by MusMA (Music Masters on Air) as one of the best young composers in Europe for 2013/2014. Nominated (2014) and twice awarded (2013, 2015) the “Virtuoso” award for Best Composer in Macedonia. Won the Cultural Honor Award of the City of Zürich – Best Composer in 2014. Macedonian music ambassador for the project CEEC 17+1 between China and central- and east European countries for 2016/2017 and 2018-2020. Awarded state prize “Panche Peshev” 2018 for highest achievements in music art. Andovska is an artistic director of the Days of Macedonian Music festival, under the Association of Composers of Macedonia – SOKOM. Works as professor at the Faculty for music and Faculty for dramatic arts at the State University “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” in Skopje.

Music is also an integral part of the cultural heritage. Very often, contemporary musicians find inspiration in the traditional sounds and intertwine some elements of ethno-folklore in contemporary compositions in order to transmit the spirit of belonging to a certain place. Mrs Andovska being an educator (as a professor at the Academy of Music in Skopje) and an active creator in the field of culture and, as well as being a constructive critic of the Macedonian modern society, is appropriate relevant interlocutor on the topic of our research on shared or disputed inheritance.

We do have heritage that can evoke different – sometimes difficult or competing – views and emotions, depending on the approach and viewpoint. The challenge of dealing with such divergence lies in the attempt to simultaneously convey these different views and voices when presenting this heritage to the public. Do you agree and do you think that this is an essential task when dealing with heritage and histories that speak to different people in different ways?

Darija:  Our heritage is not what we choose it to be. It’s the environment that shapes our thoughts, beliefs, even our taste ever since we were kids, like the environment shapes up and directs the stem cells to develop into different tissues. It’s not about how it is presented to the public, it is already a part of us. The public that doesn’t come with the same heritage, can just observe it and accept it as it is, as a cultural diversity or partly relate to it, if there’s any connection. There’s actually no challenge in this, unless it’s put in the context of daily politics.

When dealing with shared history and heritage, international cooperation has the potential to foster more understanding within and between cultures. Do you agree? What is your personal experience?

Darija: I don’t see why this “shared history” is so prominent in the case of Macedonia. I don’t see any other countries dealing with such a problem or claiming to have shared history. Let’s challenge Greece and Turkey to have a shared history and heritage, or Greece and Bulgaria, or France and Germany, or Serbia and Croatia and Slovenia… let’s stop here. No, it doesn’t have a potential to foster more understanding, but just more oppression towards one of the parties involved.

“Our heritage is not what we choose it to be. It’s the environment that shapes our thoughts and beliefs”

Can you think of an example of a case study of shared or contested heritage related to your particular field of interest (ethno-music, history, archaeology, contemporary art, art history etc.) and how would you approach its presentation? 

Darija: These subjects are not in my particular field of interest. I am interested in contemporary music, moreover, ethno-music has, despite some similarities, completely different parameters in each country, so it cannot be construed as “shared” heritage.

In a context of uncertainties and dystopias, what is the role of cultural heritage?

Darija: Cultural heritage is the environment in which we develop.

Can we achieve reconciliation with the help of music (and its differences and similarities) if we place it in a new context?

Darija: There’s no dispute that requires reconciliation in these matters. It’s just different. You cannot reconcile it.

One of the challenges for researchers and practitioners in the field of cultural heritage is to develop more inclusive approaches to share heritage in order to transgress social and national boundaries. Any ideas on how this approach would be implemented into your particular field of interest?

Darija: Yes, it’s a challenge because this approach is artificial. It’s redundant.

“What signifies the national narratives are that they do not include layers; they are one-sided, often chronological and has a sense of a fixed, static, historical truth, about them,” said Anderson in 1991. Do you agree with this citation and why?

Darija: That’s not the case with cultural heritage. Cultural heritage is alive and intertwined in all segments of our day to day life, in one way or another. It’s in the language (the rhythm), it’s in the lullabies, it’s in the anatomy structure and many other aspects.  This sitation may be applicable to some history books.

Another method of challenging the national narrative, regarding shared or contested heritage, would be to go from the particular to the universal. Cornelius Holtorf writes: “(…) the new cultural heritage can transcend cultural particularism by promoting values and virtues derived from humanism and a commitment to global solidarity.” What do you think about this?

Darija: Yes, we can all add up to this and enrich the world, but not on the account of one nation or another.

When we discuss about shared or contested heritage the issue of time is essential, and in extreme cases of recent turmoil, the best method for reconciliation might not be to address the past as individually relatable; but rather that the past should hopefully remain in the past. Do you think that this can be implemented into our context?

Darija: I hope not. Having our own cultural heritage, language, history, etc. is a part of our basic human rights.


The interview is conducted within the framework of the project “Shared or contested heritage”, implemented by ALDA Skopje and Forum ZFD. The aim of the project is to improve cross-border cooperation between North Macedonia, Greece and Bulgaria. The project raises awareness of the role of contested histories and shared cultural heritage for the EU integration processes among heritage practitioners and cultural workers. The content of the interview is the sole responsibility of the interviewee and does not always reflect the views and attitudes of ALDA and Forum ZFD.