The bicycle as an ecological and practical means of transport is starting to gain ground in several cities around the world of the likes of New York, Bogota, Seville or Wuhan. The integration and taking into account of this practice in regional development plans is, likewise, becoming a major urban necessity.

Transposing this practice to the Tunisian context is subject to debate, and for this purpose the Local Democracy Agency of Tunisia, in partnership with the association Vélorution, organized a seminar on this matter as part of the annual programming of Ramadan evenings that the LDA organizes.

AUTREMENT will encourage citizens and young people especially to make cycling a fully-fledged practice

Several representatives of civil society took part in the event, together with citizens, experts and locally elected representatives. The purpose of the meeting was to encourage citizens and young people especially to make cycling a fully-fledged practice, that they could adopt and integrate into their activities on a daily basis.
The various speakers promoted the idea of the bike as a means of transport that is conducive to soft mobility, which could generate both economic and environmental benefits – hence the need to advocate its cause with local authorities is a key point in order to organize the practice of cycling and protect bikers, especially in the city de Kairouan which recently inaugurated its very first cycling lane of 200m long.

The current situation of confinement could, besides, be the catalyst for a rapid development of the adoption of the bicycle, given the health risk posed by public transport.
Other initiatives to democratize the bicycle are also already flourishing in Tunisia, amongst which the AUTREMENT project, whose official launch is planned for the month of June with the supervision of a consortium composed of the city of Strasbourg, the Municipalities of Kairouan and Mahdia, and the Associations ALDA, CODATU, CEREMA, LDA Tunisia and Vélorution.
The project is part of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 11, promoting sustainable communities and cities; it includes 7 micro-projects in Kairouan and 3 in Mahdia based on a participatory approach and on citizen consultation; and allows for the importation of the successful experience of Strasbourg to the local Tunisian context.

More on the AUTREMENT project

Like the rest of the world, Morocco is going through an unprecedented health crisis, with repercussions on all sectors of life, including the associative sector. The effects of this crisis are more profound for vulnerable groups, for whom inequalities and disparities are even more acute.

Today, civil society must indeed mobilize more than ever to reflect on local solutions and act to take part in building an egalitarian, inclusive and sustainable society. Although the confinement imposed is a constraint to action on the ground, there are alternatives to connect with the citizens of the world and conduct collective actions that are useful for the society.

With this in mind, LDA Northern Morocco organised an online debate on April 2nd on the role of citizen participation during the health crisis: if on one hand the current economic situation limits the social mobilisation of associations in the field, on the other hand it allows us to come up with new forms of civic and citizen participation.

The event was attended by partners of the EGAL project (Gender Equality in Local Action), while a second debate was organized on April 14th with ALDA’s involvement on the central topic of Citizen participation during the Covid-19 crisis and how we can organize our future together.  

LDA NM also conducted a survey on the consequences of the COVID-19 crisis on youth organisations around the world and on their initiatives to mitigate the impact of the crisis. Following the dissemination of the survey’s results, the LDA then represented Morocco during a regional conference on the Youth and COVID-19: Response, Resilience and Recovery held on May 7th .

Throughout the period of confinement, more generally, LDA NM held online debates to encourage the expression of young people by giving them a voice to share their insights on the effects of this crisis. This weekly bilingual Talk “Young people and smart confinement” led to the creation of a bond of solidarity, relief from the isolation and growth of young people’s interest in debate and reflection on economic issues.

On May 27th, moreover, ALDA and LDA NM co-hosted a collective brainstorming workshop with a preparatory stage for the Young Voices in the Mediterranean forum, which will be held on June 8th.

In this occasion, young people were able to co-design a shared vision of what gender is, understand its major obstacles, issues and challenges to the progress of the companies in the Mediterranean region. At the end of this session, they were invited to write 15 recommendations for an egalitarian, innovative and inclusive Euro-Mediterranean area!

ALDA is happy to share with all interested stakeholders the opportunity to take part in the Community of Interest of GATE, a European-funded project (ERDF and Interreg Italy-Austria) aiming at collaborating on a cross-border level to make sure that inclusive tourism is no longer just the “highlight” of certain alpine and pre-alpine areas, but expands all overbecoming a true strength.

Please find HERE the full description of the opportunities that joining the Community of Interest would give to your organisation, municipality, or personal enterprise. Among them, we point out the possibility to attend or organise a workshop on the topics of the project, and to access the Inclusive Tourism Help Desk that will be developed by the project’s consortium.

If interested, you are invited to fill in and sign the Memorandum of Understanding and send it to, CoI Coordinator of the GATE project.

Feel free to spread the word! Your support in the development of the GATE project is essential to create an environment conducive to accessible tourism for everyone.

Useful contacts:

Community of Interest Coordinator Irene Negri – ALDA | +39 334 249 1923

Project Manager Fabiana Polli – Dolomiti Unesco | +39 0436 867395

One of the main strategies that a metropolitan area can implement to improve the effectiveness of climate change adaptation measures is the design and development of the so-called Nature-Based Solutions.

Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) are interventions inspired and supported by Nature that guarantee environmental, social and economic benefits, contributing to improving climate change adaptation in urban areas and increasing territorial resilience. These are hence cost-effective solutions that contribute to biodiversity defense, species conservation, sustainable energy production, waste management and social cohesion, among others. The main types of NBS that are applicable to the urban context concern are water management, green on built environment and ground green spaces.

Within the Metro Adapt project, co-funded by the LIFE Programme of the European Union, a catalogue of 20 NBS has been produced to illustrate the solutions that can be implemented in urban and peri-urban areas, specifying their scale of application, describing their environmental and socio-economic benefits, the advantages and disadvantages and providing examples of good practices.

Furthermore, the LIFE Metro Adapt project developed some guidelines directed to public administrations in order to provide them with useful knowledge for NBS implementation, to foster a better management of water resources and the mitigation of the heat island effect. The guidelines identify four different types of tools that can be used by local entities:

  • strategies and plans;
  • cognitive tools;
  • regulations and technical guidelines;
  • public-private agreements.

The full document is available HERE.

Life Metro Adapt – enhancing climate change adaptation strategies and measures in the metropolitan City of Milan is an EU project funded by the Programme for the Environment and Climate Action (LIFE) that involves six partners and aims at fostering the creation of a common well-structured governance related to climate change adaptation among the local authorities of the Metropolitan Area of Milan; and to produce tools that allow local authorities to implement cost-effective climate change adaptation strategies and policies adapted to the local context.

One of the main strategies that a metropolitan area can implement to improve the effectiveness of climate change adaptation measures is the design and development of the so-called Nature-Based Solutions.

Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) are interventions inspired and supported by Nature that guarantee environmental, social and economic benefits, contributing to improving climate change adaptation in urban areas and increasing territorial resilience. These are hence cost-effective solutions that contribute to biodiversity defense, species conservation, sustainable energy production, waste management and social cohesion, among others. The main types of NBS that are applicable to the urban context concern are water management, green on built environment and ground green spaces.

Within the Metro Adapt project, co-funded by the LIFE Programme of the European Union, a catalogue of 20 NBS has been produced to illustrate the solutions that can be implemented in urban and peri-urban areas, specifying their scale of application, describing their environmental and socio-economic benefits, the advantages and disadvantages and providing examples of good practices.

Furthermore, the LIFE Metro Adapt project developed some guidelines directed to public administrations in order to provide them with useful knowledge for NBS implementation, to foster a better management of water resources and the mitigation of the heat island effect. The guidelines identify four different types of tools that can be used by local entities:

  • strategies and plans;
  • cognitive tools;
  • regulations and technical guidelines;
  • public-private agreements.

The full document is available HERE.

Life Metro Adapt – enhancing climate change adaptation strategies and measures in the metropolitan City of Milan is an EU project funded by the Programme for the Environment and Climate Action (LIFE) that involves six partners and aims at fostering the creation of a common well-structured governance related to climate change adaptation among the local authorities of the Metropolitan Area of Milan; and to produce tools that allow local authorities to implement cost-effective climate change adaptation strategies and policies adapted to the local context.

Following its most recent online get-together at the end of March, the ALDA Governing Board virtually met again on May 27th, 2020.

Together with our President Oriano Otočan and our Secretary General Antonella Valmorbida, the Governing Board members tackled a dense agenda in relation to the continued Covid-19 emergency and to the ongoing, though adapted, implementation of ALDA’s projects for the rest of 2020.

The session included the approval of 2019 accounts for ALDA and ALDA+ as well as an update for 2020; the approval of ALDA’s programme and budget for the current year; a discussion on the strategic views for the 2020-2024 time period; and a general update of the situation for both ALDA and the Local Democracy Agencies.

In consideration of the latest global developments, in addition, the Governing Board was provided with an update on the management of the Covid-19 crisis and of the related ALDA risk assessment analysis.

The meeting then concluded with a debate on the upcoming General Assembly, and the participants had the opportunity to review together the ALDA calendar and the latest news with regards to ALDA members.

It was undoubtedly a very rich meeting – complete with the hope that the next one may perhaps happen in person again!

Following its most recent online get-together at the end of March, the ALDA Governing Board virtually met again on May 27th, 2020.

Together with our President Oriano Otočan and our Secretary General Antonella Valmorbida, the Governing Board members tackled a dense agenda in relation to the continued Covid-19 emergency and to the ongoing, though adapted, implementation of ALDA’s projects for the rest of 2020.

The session included the approval of 2019 accounts for ALDA and ALDA+ as well as an update for 2020; the approval of ALDA’s programme and budget for the current year; a discussion on the strategic views for the 2020-2024 time period; and a general update of the situation for both ALDA and the Local Democracy Agencies.

In consideration of the latest global developments, in addition, the Governing Board was provided with an update on the management of the Covid-19 crisis and of the related ALDA risk assessment analysis.

The meeting then concluded with a debate on the upcoming General Assembly, and the participants had the opportunity to review together the ALDA calendar and the latest news with regards to ALDA members.

It was undoubtedly a very rich meeting – complete with the hope that the next one may perhaps happen in person again!

Regenerating heritage: new life for abandoned industrial, religious, military or public buildings” is the topic of the Final International Conference within the project “Cultural heritage linking diversities in Europe – CLINK”, organized by Local Democracy Agency Mostar, which will take place on May 28th, 2020 starting at 12pm.

For around 2 hours, cultural heritage experts will present and share inspiring stories about new life for historic buildings. Around 100 participants with different backgrounds are expected to join the online international conference, where questions about new life for old buildings, architecture transformation, restoration and renovation of heritage sites will be discussed.

Click HERE to register and join! The event is free and open with everybody. If you wish to know more about the panelists, you are invited to follow the Facebook page of the project.

This event is the final activity of the CLINK project, aiming to raise awareness on connections of the collective cultural heritage in the tapestry of Europe’s rich and diverse culture. The project has been implemented by 10 partners from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, France, Greece, Serbia, Montenegro and Albania, and supported through the Europe for Citizens Programme of the European Union.

Regenerating heritage: new life for abandoned industrial, religious, military or public buildings” is the topic of the Final International Conference within the project “Cultural heritage linking diversities in Europe – CLINK”, organized by Local Democracy Agency Mostar, which will take place on May 28th, 2020 starting at 12pm.

For around 2 hours, cultural heritage experts will present and share inspiring stories about new life for historic buildings. Around 100 participants with different backgrounds are expected to join the online international conference, where questions about new life for old buildings, architecture transformation, restoration and renovation of heritage sites will be discussed.

Click HERE to register and join! The event is free and open with everybody. If you wish to know more about the panelists, you are invited to follow the Facebook page of the project.

This event is the final activity of the CLINK project, aiming to raise awareness on connections of the collective cultural heritage in the tapestry of Europe’s rich and diverse culture. The project has been implemented by 10 partners from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, France, Greece, Serbia, Montenegro and Albania, and supported through the Europe for Citizens Programme of the European Union.

On May 12th at 11am CEST ALDA hosted the 6th episode of the ALDA Talks series: we discussed best practices in participatory processes, with the examples of four current projects the Association is working on together with members and partners.

Starting from the most local experience, we went on to highlight interregional projects and concluded with a project characterised by a European partnership.

The webinar unfolded with the following speakers and contents:

  • ALDA staff Sofia Corsi represented the Scintilla Project, a participatory process aimed at developing new tools for the revaluation of the Viale Milano neighbourhood in Vicenza, Italy.
  • Gloria Marini from La Piccionaia represented the SMART project, which promotes the culture of accessibility among tourism and cultural operators and the active participation of citizens in the appreciation of the natural and cultural heritage as a common good.
  • ALDA staff Ivana Velkova then spoke about Monumental 9, a project which aims at creating tourism development to increase youth employment and income generating activities by engaging micro-localities, youth greeters and vloggers.
  • Alessandra Dal Pozzolo from Cooperativa StudioProgetto completed the outline with instances from the FromMetoEU project, which aims to provide opportunities for European citizens and migrant communities to work together, in order to promote a new idea of a multicultural Europe.
  • ALDA staff Anna Ditta concluded with an overview of the funding programmes that are available in this sector.

The ALDA Talk was well attended, with 52 participants, and it can now be accessed on the ALDA YouTube channel where questions are welcome to be asked in the comments.

The 7th episode will now take place on June 23rd at 4pm CEST on the topic of the new multi-annual financial framework 2021-2027. The webinar will be held by Marco Boaria, Director of the Programs and Development Department at ALDA as well as CEO of ALDA+.

As usual, it is open to all via link registration, will be held in English and will last for about an hour and a half, including an allotted time for open debate. Register now HERE to join the discussion!

The topics of our following ALDA talks will be out soon, too!

For further information and to suggest specific topics and/or your participation, do not hesitate to contact Eva Trentin, Membership Office at

ALDA is delighted to see that its Local Democracy Agencies are undertaking interactive activities to the attention of local populations in this time of global health crisis, albeit painful, nonetheless inspiring enough for some to take such innovative initiatives.

It is in this context that our local agency in Tunisia, LDA Tunisia has maintained its program of Ramadan nights, broadcast this year, in its second edition, on the web via videoconference.

Two University Professors were invited to take part in a symposium focused on the questions of Tunisian citizenship and the country’s external relations, from a historical didactic approach perspective. Several guests amongst youths, students and academics attended the e-conference. The presentations were followed by a constructive debate between participants and presenters, and several issues were addressed such as those of the uniqueness of the Tunisian identity in relation to its environment; or the questions of coexistence and social inclusion within residents of the Medina.

The participants were interactive and expressed their satisfaction regarding of the content and the smooth running of the conference, also congratulating the storytelling skills of the two guests. They were asked to share their ideas as well, and wishes for the conferences to come, in the hope of making this meeting a tradition.

  • LDA Tunisia was created in April 2017, and was the first Local Democracy Agency to open in the Mediterranean region. The Agency is based in the city of Kairouan, a historic and symbolic city, and constitutes a platform for joint discussion between citizens, local associations and authorities to best meet the needs of local communities; it is headed by LDA delegate Afaf Zaddem.
  • ALDA encourages and supports the efforts of all local agencies to undertake such educational activities which can benefit local populations and future generations, and is keen to see more and more projects come to fruition in the southern side of the Mediterranean!

Since its kick-off meeting in Strasbourg on May 9-10th, 2019, the FACE project made great progress!

In particular, on November 27-28th, 2019, the FACE Consortium met for its Second Transnational Project Meeting in Melenovice, Czech Republic; where, in the same period, it also organized a six-day-training  for 18 recruited youth workers, with the aim to help them familiarize with FACE’s innovative methodology and teach them how to implement it with teens, during the workshops that will be carried out in schools in this year 2020. The training was a success, and the youth workers were really satisfied.

Moreover, in the past few months the FACE Consortium has produced three e-handbooks that can be consulted on the FACE website in all partner languages: the Art Strategies Handbook (aimed at Youth Workers), Guidelines for Parents, and Recommendations for Local Authorities and other Stakeholders. Last but not least, activities with pupils have already started in two schools in France and Italy.

FACE warmly supported the 17th edition of the Safer Internet Day #SID2020 as well, both on the FACE Facebook page and on partner social media accounts. Celebrated by the European Commission on February 11th, the #SID2020 aimed at encouraging all international stakeholders to deeply engage to make the internet a safer and better place for all. Cyberbullying is a real challenge and we must act together!

Due to the outbreak of Covid-19 in Europe and the consequent closure of schools and restrictions of mobility, the local workshops are currently at stake. Yet, the Consortium is not halting its work! On the contrary, all partners are mobilizing to find possible alternatives to continue their activities with teens in the near future; and, in the meantime, you can subscribe to the FACE newsletter to receive all project updates!

Funded by the European Commission’s Erasmus+ ProgramFACE – Fighting against Cyberbullying & Exclusion aims to raise awareness amongst students, parents, local authorities and other stakeholders concerning cyberbullying and to provide them with substantive knowledge and supportive tools on how to handle it. To this end, the FACE project has developed guidelines, materials, networks and innovative methodologies featuring multidisciplinary artistic approaches, such as drama strategies, filmmaking and visual as well as street arts writing. This is a 2-year project which started in March 2019.


Faisons FACE à l’urgence: maintenons le combat contre le harcèlement en ligne 

Depuis sa conférence de lancement à Strasbourg les 9 et 10 mai 2019, le projet FACE a fait d’importants progrès!

Les 27 et 29 novembre 2019, notamment, le Consortium FACE s’est retrouvé pour sa deuxième rencontre de projet transnationale à Melenovice en République tchèque où était organisée au même moment une formation de six jours pour 18 animateurs de jeunesse qui ont été recrutés, ayant pour objectif de les aider à se familiariser avec la méthodologie innovante de FACE et leur apprendre comment la mettre en place avec les adolescents pendant les ateliers qui seront menés dans les écoles durant l’année 2020.La formation a été une réussite et les animateurs de jeunesse étaient véritablement satisfaits.

En outre, dans les derniers mois le Consortium FACE a produit trois manuels numériques qui peuvent être consultés sur le site de FACE dans toutes les langues des partenaires: le manuel des stratégies par l’Art (à destination des animateurs de jeunesse), les orientations pour les parents et les recommandations pour les collectivités locales et autres partenaires. Le dernier et non des moindres, les activités pour les élèves ont d’ores et déjà débutées dans deux écoles en France et en Italie.

FACE soutient également chaleureusement la 17ème édition du Jour de l’internet sans crainte #SID2020, aussi bien sur la page facebook de FACE que sur les comptes des réseaux sociaux des partenaires. Célébré par la Commission européenne le 11 février, le #SID2020 visait à encourager les parties prenantes internationales à s’investir fortement afin de faire d’internet un endroit meilleur et plus sûr pour tous. Le harcèlement en ligne est un véritable défi et nous devons agir ensemble!

Du fait de l’épidémie de COVID-19 en Europe et des fermetures d’écoles et des retrictions sur la mobilité qui en ont suivis, les ateliers locaux sont actuellement menacés. Cependant, le Consortium n’interrompt pas son travail! Au contraire, les partenaires sont mobilisés pour trouver des éventuelles alternatives pour poursuivre leurs activités avec les adolescents dans un avenir proche. Dans le même temps vous pouvez vous inscrire à la newsletter de FACE pour recevoir toutes les actualités des projets!

Financé par le programme Erasmus+ de la Commission européenne, FACE – Fighting Against Cyberbullying & Exclusion (Lutter contre le harcèlement en ligne et l’exclusion) a pour objectif de sensibiliser les élèves, les parents, les collectivités locales et les autres parties prenantes à propos du harcèlement en ligne et de leur fournir des connaissances techniques et des outils de soutien sur la façon de répondre à ce problème. A cette fin, le projet FACE a développé des recommandations, des outils, des réseaux et des méthodologies innovantes proposant des approches artistiques multidisciplinaires, telles que des programmes théâtraaux, de la réalisation de films et des visuels, de même que de l’écriture de street art. Il s’agit d’un projet de 2 ans qui a débuté en mars 2019.


Affrontiamo l’emergenza con FACE: mantenere viva la lotta al cyberbullismo

Dall’evento di presentazione a Strasburgo del 9-10 maggio 2019, il progetto FACE ha fatto grandi progressi!

In particolare, il 27 e 28 novembre 2019 il consorzio FACE si è riunito per il suo secondo meeting transnazionale di progetto a Melenovice, in Repubblica Ceca; dove, nello stesso periodo, ha anche organizzato una formazione di sei giorni per 18 operatori giovanili, con l’obiettivo di aiutarli a familiarizzare con la metodologia innovativa di FACE e insegnare loro come implementarla con gli adolescenti, durante i seminari tematici che verranno svolti nelle scuole quest’anno. La formazione è stata un successo e gli operatori giovanili ne sono rimasti molto soddisfatti.

Inoltre, negli ultimi mesi il consorzio FACE ha prodotto tre manuali online che possono essere consultati sul relativo sito web in tutte le lingue dei partner: il manuale sulle strategie artistiche (rivolto ai giovani lavoratori), le linee guida per i genitori e le raccomandazioni per le autorità locali e altri stakeholder. Infine, le attività con gli alunni sono già iniziate in due scuole in Francia e in Italia.

FACE ha supportato calorosamente anche la 17esima edizione del Safer Internet Day #SID2020, sia sulla pagina Facebook di FACE che sugli account dei social media dei partner. Celebrato dalla Commissione Europea l’11 febbraio, il #SID2020 mirava a incoraggiare tutti gli stakeholders internazionali a impegnarsi profondamente per rendere internet un posto più sicuro e migliore per tutti. Il cyberbullismo è una vera sfida che richiede una reazione comune!

A causa dell’epidemia del Covid-19 in Europa e della conseguente chiusura delle scuole e delle restrizioni alla mobilità, i laboratori locali sono attualmente sospesi. Tuttavia, il consorzio non ha fermato il suo lavoro! Al contrario, tutti i partner si stanno mobilitando per trovare possibili alternative per continuare le loro attività con gli adolescenti nel prossimo futuro; e, nel frattempo, è possibile iscriversi alla newsletter di FACE per ricevere tutti gli aggiornamenti sul progetto!

Finanziato dal programma Erasmus+ della Commissione Europea, FACE – Lotta contro il cyberbullismo e l’esclusione mira a sensibilizzare gli studenti, i genitori, le autorità locali e tutte le altre parti interessate in merito al cyberbullismo e a fornire loro conoscenze sostanziali e strumenti di supporto su come gestirlo. A tal fine, il progetto FACE ha sviluppato linee guida, materiali, reti e metodologie innovative caratterizzate da approcci artistici multidisciplinari, come strategie drammatiche, produzione cinematografica e scrittura creativa e di arte di strada. Il progetto ha durata di due anni ed è iniziato nel marzo 2019.


FACE во время чрезвычайной ситуации: поддерживая борьбу с киберзапугиваниям

Со времени своего стартового заседания в Страсбурге 9-10 мая 2019 года проект FACE достиг больших успехов!

В частности, 27-28 ноября 2019 года Консорциум FACE провел свое Второе Заседание по Транснациональным Проектам в Меленовицах, Чешская Республика; где в тот же период он также организовал шестидневный тренинг для 18 набранных молодежных работников с целью помочь им ознакомиться с инновационной методологией FACE и научить их, как внедрять ее с подростками во время семинаров, которые будут проводиться в школах в 2020 году. Обучение прошло успешно, и молодежные работники были действительно довольны.

Кроме того, за последние несколько месяцев Консорциум FACE выпустил три электронных справочника, с которыми можно ознакомиться на веб-сайте FACE на всех языках партнеров: Справочник по художественным стратегиям (для молодежи), Руководства для родителей и Рекомендации для местных органов власти и других заинтересованных сторон. Наконец, что не менее важно, занятия с учениками уже начались в двух школах во Франции и Италии.

FACE также горячо поддержал 17-е издание Дня безопасного Интернета # SID2020, как на странице FACE в Facebook, так и в социальных сетях партнеров. Празднование Европейской комиссией 11 февраля #SID2020 было направлено на то, чтобы побудить все заинтересованные стороны из разных стран к активному участию, чтобы сделать Интернет более безопасным и лучшим местом для всех. Киберзапугивание – это настоящий вызов, и мы должны действовать вместе!

В связи со вспышкой Covid-19 в Европе и последующим закрытием школ и ограничением мобильности, местные семинары в настоящее время под угрозой. Тем не менее, Консорциум не останавливает свою работу! Напротив, все партнеры мобилизуются, чтобы найти возможные альтернативы для продолжения своей деятельности с подростками в ближайшем будущем; и, в то же время, вы можете подписаться на рассылку FACE, чтобы получать все обновления проекта!

Финансируемая программой Erasmus+ Европейской Комиссии программа FACE – Борьба с киберзапугиванием и изоляцией направлена на повышение осведомленности среди учащихся, родителей, местных властей и других заинтересованных сторон о киберзапугивании и предоставление им основных знаний и вспомогательных инструментов о том, как с этим бороться. С этой целью в рамках проекта FACE были разработаны руководящие принципы, материалы, сети и инновационные методологии, включающие междисциплинарные художественные подходы, такие как драматические стратегии, кинопроизводство и визуальное, а также уличное искусство. Это двухлетний проект, начатый в марте 2019 года.


Suočimo se sa vanrednim situacijama: nastavak borbe protiv sajber nasilja

Još od sastanka u Strazburu, 9. i 10. maja 2019. godine, projekat “FACE” ostvario je veliki napredak!

Konkretno, 27. i 28. novembra 2019. godine, konzorcijum projekta “FACE” sastao se povodom svog drugog transnacionalnog projektnog sastanka u Melenovicama, u Češkoj, gde je u istom periodu organizovana i šestodnevna obuka za 18 angažovanih omladinskih radnika, sa cilјem da se upoznaju sa FACE-ovom inovativnom metodologijom i da nauče kako da je primenjuju sa tinejdžerima, tokom radionica koje će se sprovoditi u školama tokom 2020. godine. Obuka je bila uspešna i omladinski radnici su bili zaista zadovolјni.

Štaviše, u proteklih nekoliko meseci “FACE” Konzorcijum je proizveo tri e-priručnika sa koji se mogu pronaći na vebsajtu “FACE” projekta na svim jezicima partnera: Priručnik o umetničkim strategijama (namenjen omladinskim radnicima), smernice za roditelje i Preporuke za lokalne vlasti i ostale zainteresovane strane. I poslednje, ali ne najmanje bitno, aktivnosti sa učenicima već su započete u dve škole u Francuskoj i Italiji.

“FACE” je toplo podržao i 17. Izdanje obeležavanja Dana sigurnijeg interneta (Safer Internet Day) #SID2020, kako na Facebook stranici projekta “FACE”, tako i na partnerskim nalozima na društvenim mrežama. Evropska komisija ga je proslavila 11, februara, a # SID2020 je imao za cilј da podstakne sve međunarodne stejkholdere da se uklјuče kako bi internet učinili sigurnijim i bolјim mestom za sve. Sajber nasilje je pravi izazov i moramo delovati zajedno!

Zbog izbijanja epidemije virusa Covid-19 u Evropi i zatvaranja škola i ograničenja mobilnosti, trenutno su u aktuelne lokalne radionice. Ipak, konzorcijum ne obustavlјa svoj rad! Naprotiv, svi se partneri mobilišu da pronađu moguće alternative za nastavak aktivnosti sa tinejdžerima u bliskoj budućnosti; a u međuvremenu se možete prijaviti na FACE newsletter kako biste dobili sve novosti o projektu!

Finansiran od strane Evropske komisije u okviru Programa Erasmus+, Projekat “FACE” – Fighting against Cyberbullying & Exclusion ima za cilј da podigne svest učenika, roditelјa, lokalnih vlasti i drugih zainteresovanih strana u vezi sajber zlostavljanja i da im pruži suštinsko znanje i podršku o tome kako da se nose sa ovim aktuelnim problemom. U vezi s tim, projekat “FACE” je razvio smernice, materijale, mreže i inovativne metodologije koje sadrže multidisciplinarne umetničke pristupe, poput dramskih strategija, filmskog i vizuelnog stvaralaštva kao i pisanja. Ovo je dvogodišnji projekat koji je započeo u martu 2019. godine.


  لنواجه حالة الطوارئ بواسطة مشروع فاي: الحرب بلا هوادة ضد التنمر السيبراني

!منذ تنظيم أول لقاء له بمدينة ستراسبورغ, خلال الفترة 9-10 مايو (آيار) 2019, سجل مشروع فايس نجاحا كبيرا

تمثل هذا النجاح, خصوصا, في اللقاء الذي عقده مشروع مجمع فايس, خلال الفترة 27-28 نوفمبر, 2019, بمناسبة اللقاء الثاني للمشروع عبر الوطني بمدينة كالينوفيتش, بجمهورية التشيك, وحيث شهدت نفس الفترة كذلك تنظيم دورة تدريبية تواصلت على مدى 6 أيام لفائدة 18 عامل شاب. الغاية من هذه الدورة هي اطلاع المتدربين عن منهجية فايس المجددة عن كثب وتمكينهم من تنفيذ هذه المنهجية من الأطفال المراهقين. يأمل الساهرون على هذه الدورة في تنظيم ورش عمل في المدارس لفائدة المتدربين خلال سنة 2020. لاقت الدورة نجاحا كبيرا ونالت رضا العمال من الشباب.

بالإضافة إلى هذا, توصل مجمع فايس, خلال الأشهر القليلة الماضية, إلى انتاج ثلاثة كتيبات ألكترونية يمكن استشارتها بالرجوع إلى موقع الواب الخاص بمشروع فايس حيث تتوفر هذه الكتيبات بكافة اللغات المعتمدة من قبل الشركاء في المشروع: دليل الاستراتيجيات الفنية (موجه إلى العمال من الشباب), توجيهات خاصة بالأولياء إضافة إلى توصيات لفائدة السلطات المحلية وأصحاب مصلحة آخرين. أخيرا, وليس آخرا, هناك جملة من الأنشطة التي انطلقت في مدرستين لفائدة التلاميذ في كل من فرنسا وإيطاليا.

دعم مشروع فايس بكل قوة الدورة السابعة عشر من يوم آمن على الإنترنات #سيد2020 . تم هذا الدعم على صفحات الفيسبوك لموقع مشروع فايس وكذلك على حسابات الشبكات الاجتماعية التي يديرها الشركاء. تهدف تظاهرة #سيد2020, التي تميزت باحتفال خصصته لها المفوضية الأوروبية يوم 11 فبراير (شباط), إلى تشجيع كافة أصحاب المصلحة, على المستوى الدولي, إلى تقديم المساهمة الفاعلة والقوية حتى يتم استغلال شبكة الانترنات بصفة آمنة وأفضل من قبل الجميع. التنمر السيبراني يمثل خطرا حقيقيا يتهددنا كلنا, والتالي يتعين علينا الحذر والعمل بشكل مشترك!

بسبب تفشي جائحة كوفيد-19 في أوروبا وقرار غلق المدارس وفرض الحجر الصحي الذي تبعه, تتعرض ورش العمل, المدارة على المستوى المحلي, نفسها الآن أمام العديد من التحديات. لكن, وبالرغم من كل هذا, لم يقرر مجمع فايس تعليق أنشطته! بل بالعكس, كل الشركاء قرروا التحرك بهدف إيجاد خيارات بديلة ومواصلة البرامج القائمة مع المراهقين في القريب العاجل. في الأثناء, يمكنكم الاشتراك في نشرية فايس للحصول على كافة المعلومات المحينة حول مشروع فايس

يحظى مشروع فايس, الذي يهدف إلى محاربة التنمر السيبراني والإقصاء والذي يحظى بدعم مالي من قبل برنامج إيرسمس+ للمفوضية الأوروبية, إلى تعزيز الوعي لدى الطلبة والأولياء والسلطات المحلية وأصحاب المصلحة الآخرين حول التنمر السيبراني, وإلى مدهم بالمعرفة الكاملة وتوفير أدوات الدعم لهم حول طريقة التعامل مع هذا التنمر. لبلوغ هذه الغاية, تولى القائمون على مشروع فايس صياغة جملة من التوجيهات وإعداد المادة وتخصيص الشبكات والمنهجيات المجددة التي تعكس مقاربات فنية متعددة الاختصاصات, على غرار استراتيجيات الدراما وصناعة السينما والوسائل المرئية, إضافة إلى كتابات فن الشارع. هذا المشروع, الذي انطلق خلال شهر مارس (آذار) 2019, سيتواصل على مدى سنتين.

Due to the Covid-19 emergency, the PERCEPTIONS Consortium had to cancel the Steering Committee meeting that was supposed to take place in Newcastle (UK) on March 18-19th, 2020. However, partners did not give up and promptly rearranged the meeting online!

The Consortium was hence able to make an assessment of what was achieved so far. ALDA, as lead partner for the communication and dissemination activities, presented the outcomes attained until that moment and a strategy to better reach out to the target audience.

Following the second online meeting on April 16th, then, partners are currently preparing for the technical review scheduled on May 19th.

In the meantime, every two weeks the Consortium is carrying out a “Coffee & Reading” online meeting: a great way to get inspired from one another and keep constantly updated in the partner group! Partners in fact take that time to present and discuss academic and scientific papers and debate on crucial topics related to migration. Most recently, the Consortium debated for instance on the capacities of data infrastructures and bureaucratic procedures to be performative of policies; and on mediatic campaigns, such as the 2016 AwareMigrants campaign, and their ability to influence the images of the migration journey.

All Consortium partners have also increased their communications on what PERCEPTIONS is up to and have been spreading news on migration flows on their social media, such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. Subscribe to the PERCEPTIONS newsletter directly on the project website and stay updated!

The PERCEPTIONS project, part of the Horizon 2020 programme of the European Commission, aims to identify and understand narratives, images and perceptions of the EU – from a non EU perspective – as well as the dissemination of this information via the different channels. It investigates the way the information flow might be distorted and how false narratives might lead to security threats. Based on this knowledge, the project will create toolkits of creative and innovative measures to react to or even counteract them, considering social, societal and structural aspects. The project kicked off in September 2019 and has a duration of 36 months.

On May 6th, 2020, the EU-Western Balkans summit took place via video conference between the heads of state or government from EU members states and leaders from the six Western Balkans partners: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, the Republic of North Macedonia and Kosovo* – with the participation of other eminent participants from the EU institutions, too.

In this important occasion, EU leaders agreed on the Zagreb declaration, with which the Western Balkans partners have aligned themselves: this consisted in a reiteration of the European Union’s strong solidarity with its partners in the coronavirus crisis, developed in 20 detailed points, 20 years after the first Zagreb declaration of 2000.

More specifically, with the agreement of their Western Balkans counterparts, the EU leaders reaffirmed and reinforced
– their determination to strengthen their support to the region’s transformation in a European perspective;
– the importance of good neighbourly relations, mutual stability and cooperation towards tangible results;
– the desire to concretely fight coronavirus and its consequences together, including the mobilisation of a package of over EUR 3.3 billion to the benefit of the Western Balkans to “support the health sector, support social and economic recovery and provide assistance through the European Investment Bank, as well as macro-financial assistance“.

Useful resources:

At ALDA, we welcome with gratitude this reinforced will of partnership between EU member states and institutions and the Western Balkans countries, where “it all began” with the Local Democracy Agencies that were the inception of the Association as we know it today.

After the good news regarding the EU’s political decision of opening the negotiating talks for Albania and North Macedonia, back in March, we hope to see further and regular implementations to the Zagreb Summit agreements and applaud the attention given to such crucial themes as the security and migration challenges, the socio-economic recovery and the internal regional cooperation that interest the Western Balkans region, as many of our joint projects with local LDAs, partners and members also underline.

A note from the Balkan Network for Local Democracy (BNLD):

The Balkan Network for Local Democracy is closely following the far-reaching impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on local communities across the Western Balkan region. We witness how this pandemic reshapes our communities in new ways and how the consequences affect every citizen no matter what nationality, gender or race.

As a regional network, we strive to raise awareness about our shared values at the regional level as well as at the local level through our members. With this statement we intend to do just that, to show how much DEMOCRACY really matters, especially at the local level, to inspire SOLIDARITY among our citizens, to foster REGIONAL CO-OPERATION and, last but not least, to continue our path towards the EU and show our communities that EU integration matters, now more than ever“.

The full statement can be downloaded here.

* This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.


Relations UE-Balkans occidentaux: le sommet de Zagreb 2020

Le 6 mai 2020, le Sommet UE-Balkans occidentaux a eu lieu par vidéoconférence entre les chefs d’État ou de gouvernement des États membres de l’UE et les dirigeants des six partenaires des Balkans occidentaux: Albanie, Bosnie-Herzégovine, Serbie, Monténégro, République de Macédoine du Nord et Kosovo* – avec la participation d’autres éminents également des participants des institutions de l’UE.

À cette occasion importante, les dirigeants de l’UE se sont mis d’accord sur la déclaration de Zagreb, avec laquelle les partenaires des Balkans occidentaux se sont alignés: cela a consisté à réitérer la forte solidarité de l’Union européenne avec ses partenaires dans la crise des coronavirus, développée en 20 points détaillés, 20 ans après la première déclaration de Zagreb de 2000.

Plus précisément, avec l’accord de leurs homologues des Balkans occidentaux, les dirigeants de l’UE ont réaffirmé et renforcé

  • leur détermination à renforcer leur soutien à la transformation de la région dans une perspective européenne;
  • l’importance des relations de bon voisinage, de la stabilité mutuelle et de la coopération pour des résultats tangibles;
  • la volonté de combattre concrètement le coronavirus et ses conséquences ensemble, y compris la mobilisation d’un ensemble de plus de 3,3 milliards d’euros au profit des Balkans occidentaux pour “soutenir le secteur de la santé, soutenir la reprise économique et sociale et fournir une assistance par le biais de la Banque européenne d’investissement, ainsi qu’une assistance macrofinancière“.

Ressources utiles:

Chez ALDA, nous saluons avec gratitude cette volonté renforcée de partenariat entre les États membres et les institutions de l’UE et les pays des Balkans occidentaux, où “tout a commencé” avec les agences de la démocratie locale qui ont été à l’origine de l’association telle que nous la connaissons aujourd’hui.

Après les bonnes nouvelles concernant la décision politique de l’UE d’ouvrir les pourparlers de négociation pour l’Albanie et la Macédoine du Nord, en mars, nous espérons voir des mises en œuvre supplémentaires et régulières des accords du sommet de Zagreb et applaudissons l’attention accordée à des thèmes cruciaux tels que la sécurité et défis migratoires, la relance socio-économique et coopération régionale interne qui intéressent la région des Balkans occidentaux, comme le soulignent également nombre de nos projets communs avec les ADL locales, les partenaires et les membres.

Une note du Réseau balkanique pour la démocratie locale (BNLD):

Le Réseau des Balkans pour la démocratie locale suit de près l’impact de la pandémie COVID-19 sur les communautés locales de la région des Balkans occidentaux. Nous observons comment cette pandémie remodèle nos communautés de nouvelles manières et comment les conséquences affectent chaque citoyen, peu importe quelle nationalité, sexe ou race.

En tant que réseau régional, nous nous efforçons de sensibiliser nos valeurs partagées au niveau régional ainsi qu’au niveau local par le biais de nos membres. Avec cette déclaration, nous avons l’intention de faire exactement cela, de montrer à quel point la DÉMOCRATIE est vraiment importante, en particulier niveau local, d’inspirer la SOLIDARITÉ parmi nos citoyens, de favoriser la COOPÉRATION RÉGIONALE et, enfin surtout de poursuivre notre chemin vers la L’UE et montrer à nos communautés que l’intégration de l’UE est plus importante que jamais “.

La déclaration complète peut être téléchargée ici.

*Cette désignation est sans préjudice des positions sur le statut et est conforme à la résolution 1244/1999 du CSNU et à l’avis de la CIJ sur la déclaration d’indépendance du Kosovo.  


UE e Balcani occidentali: il summit di Zagabria 2020

Il 6 maggio 2020 si è svolto il summit UE-Balcani occidentali tramite una videoconferenza tra i capi di governo degli Stati membri dell’UE e i leader dei sei partner dei Balcani occidentali: Albania, Bosnia ed Erzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Repubblica della Macedonia del Nord e Kosovo* – con la partecipazione anche di altri eminenti partecipanti delle istituzioni UE.

In questa importante occasione, i leader dell’UE hanno concordato la dichiarazione di Zagabria, alla quale i partner dei Balcani occidentali si sono allineati: questa consiste in una reiterazione della forte solidarietà dell’Unione Europea con i suoi partner nella crisi del coronavirus, sviluppata in 20 punti dettagliati, 20 anni dopo la prima dichiarazione di Zagabria del 2000.

Più specificamente, con l’accordo delle loro controparti dei Balcani occidentali, i leader dell’UE hanno ribadito e rafforzato:

  • la loro determinazione a rafforzare il loro sostegno alla trasformazione della regione in una prospettiva europea;
  • l’importanza di relazioni di buon vicinato, stabilità reciproca e cooperazione verso risultati tangibili;
  • il desiderio di combattere concretamente insieme il coronavirus e le sue conseguenze, compresa la mobilitazione di un pacchetto di oltre 3,3 miliardi di euro a beneficio dei Balcani occidentali per “sostenere il settore sanitario, sostenere la ripresa sociale ed economica e fornire assistenza attraverso la Banca Europea per gli investimenti, nonché assistenza macrofinanziaria“.

Risorse utili:

Ad ALDA, accogliamo con gratitudine questa volontà rafforzata di partenariato tra gli Stati membri e le istituzioni dell’UE e i paesi dei Balcani occidentali, dove “tutto è cominciato” con le Agenzie per la Democrazia Locale, che sono state l’inizio dell’Associazione come la conosciamo oggi.

Dopo le buone notizie sulla decisione politica dell’UE di aprire i colloqui di negoziato con l’Albania e la Macedonia del Nord lo scorso marzo, speriamo di vedere ulteriori e regolari implementazioni degli accordi del summit di Zagabria e plaudiamo all’attenzione riservata a temi cruciali come la sicurezza e le sfide della migrazione, la ripresa socioeconomica e la cooperazione regionale interna che interessano la regione dei Balcani occidentali, come sottolineano anche molti dei nostri progetti congiunti con le ADL locali, partner e soci.

Una nota da parte della Rete Balcanica per la Democrazia Locale (BNDL):

“La Rete Balcanica per la Democrazia Locale sta seguendo da vicino l’impatto di vasta portata della pandemia del COVID-19 sulle comunità locali nella regione dei Balcani occidentali. Assistiamo al modo in cui questa pandemia rimodella le nostre comunità in modi nuovi e in che modo le conseguenze influenzano ogni cittadino di qualunque nazionalità, genere o etnia.

Come rete regionale, ci impegniamo a sensibilizzare i nostri valori condivisi a livello regionale e locale attraverso i nostri soci. Con questa affermazione intendiamo dimostrare quanto sia veramente importante la DEMOCRAZIA, specialmente a livello locale, per ispirare la SOLIDARIETA’ tra i nostri cittadini, favorire la COOPERAZIONE REGIONALE e, ultimo ma non meno importante, continuare il nostro cammino verso l’UE e mostrare alle nostre comunità che l’integrazione all’UE è importante, ora più che mai”.

La dichiarazione completa può essere scaricata qui.

*Questa designazione non pregiudica le posizioni riguardo allo status ed è in linea con la risoluzione 1244/1999 del Consiglio di sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite e il parere della CIG sulla dichiarazione di indipendenza del Kosovo.  


Отношения ЕС и Западных Балкан: саммит Загреб 2020

6 мая 2020 года состоялся саммит ЕС-Западные Балканы посредством видеоконференции между главами государств и правительств стран-членов ЕС и лидерами шести партнеров по Западным Балканам: Албании, Боснии и Герцеговины, Сербии, Черногории, Республики Северная Македония и Косово* – при участии других важных участников из институтов ЕС.

На этом важном мероприятии лидеры ЕС согласились с Загребской декларацией, к которому присоединились партнеры по Западным Балканам: она заключается в подтверждении твердой солидарности Европейского союза с его партнерами в кризисе коронавируса, разработанной в 20 подробных пунктах, 20 лет после первой Загребской декларации 2000 года.

В частности, по согласию их коллег на Западных Балканах лидеры ЕС подтвердили и усилили

  • их решимость усилить свою поддержку трансформации региона в европейской перспективе;
  • важность добрососедских отношений, взаимной стабильности и сотрудничества для достижения ощутимых результатов;
  • желание конкретно бороться с коронавирусом и его последствиями, включая мобилизацию пакета на сумму более 3,3 млрд. евро в пользу Западных Балкан для “поддержки сектора здравоохранения, поддержки социально-экономического восстановления и оказания помощи через Европейский Инвестиционный Банк», а также макрофинансовую помощь“.

Полезные ресурсы:

В ALDA мы с радостью приветствуем эту твердое выражение партнерства между государствами-членами и институтами ЕС и странами Западных Балкан, где “все началось” с Агентств местной демократии, которые были основанием Ассоциации, которую мы знаем сегодня.

После хороших новостей относительно политического решения ЕС об открытии переговоров по Албании и Северной Македонии еще в марте, мы надеемся увидеть дальнейшие и регулярные реализации соглашений саммита в Загребе и приветствуем внимание, уделяемое таким важным темам, как безопасность и миграционные проблемы, социально-экономическое восстановление и внутреннее региональное сотрудничество, которые интересуют регион Западных Балкан, как подчеркивают многие из наших совместных проектов с местными агентствами местной демократии, партнерами и членами.

Примечание от Балканской Сети Местной Демократии (БСМД):

Балканская сеть местной демократии внимательно следит за далеко идущим воздействием пандемии COVID-19 на местные общины в Западно-Балканском регионе. Мы являемся свидетелями того, как эта пандемия по-новому формирует наши общины и как последствия влияют на каждого гражданина, независимо от национальности, пола или расы.

Как региональная сеть, мы стремимся повышать осведомленность о наших общих ценностях на региональном уровне, а также на местном уровне через наших членов. Этим заявлением мы намерены сделать именно это, чтобы показать, какое на самом деле имеет значение ДЕМОКРАТИЯ, особенно на местном уровне, чтобы вдохновлять СОЛИДАРНОСТЬ среди наших граждан, развивать РЕГИОНАЛЬНОЕ СОТРУДНИЧЕСТВО и, наконец, что не менее важно, продолжать наш путь к ЕС и показать нашим сообществам, что интеграция в ЕС важна сейчас, как никогда”.

Полное заявление можно скачать здесь.

* Это назначение не наносит ущерба позициям по статусу и соответствует резолюции 1244/1999 СБ ООН и мнению Международного Суда относительно провозглашения независимости Косово. 


Odnosi EU-Zapadni Balkan: samit Zagreb 2020 

6. maja 2020. godine, Samit EU-Zapadni balkan održan je putem video konferencije između šefova država ili vlada zemalja članica EU i lidera šest partnera Zapadnog Balkana: Albanije, Bosne i Hercegovine, Srbije, Crne Gore, Severne Makedonije i Kosova* – uz učešće drugih uglednih učesnika iz institucija EU.

Ovom prilikom, čelnici EU složili su se o zagrebačkoj deklaraciji, oko koje su se i partneri sa Zapadnog Balkana usaglasili: ovo se sastojalo u podsećanju na snažnu solidarnost Evropske unije sa svojim partnerima u krizi korona virusa, razvijenoj u 20 detalјnih tačaka, 20 godina nakon prve zagrebačke deklaracije iz 2000. godine.

Tačnije, sporazumom sklopljenim sa kolegama sa Zapadnog Balkana, lideri EU su ponovo potvrdili i ojačali:

  • svoju odlučnost da podrže transformaciju regiona u kontekst evropske perspektive;
  • značaj dobrosusedskih odnosa, međusobne stabilnosti i saradnje u smislu opiplјivih rezultata;
  • želјa da zajedno borimo protiv korona virusa i njegovih posledica, uklјučujući mobilizaciju paketa od preko 3,3 milijarde evra u korist zapadnog Balkana da se „podrži zdravstveni sektor, socijalni i ekonomski oporavak i pruži pomoć kroz Evropsku investicionu banku, kao i makrofinansijska pomoć”.

Korisni izvori:

U ALDA-i sa zahvalnošću pozdravlјamo ovu pojačanu volјu za partnerstvom između država članica EU i institucija i zemalјa Zapadnog Balkana, gde je „sve počelo“ sa agencijama lokalne demokratije, koje su bile začetnici asocijacije koju danas poznajemo.

Nakon dobrih vesti u vezi sa političkom odlukom EU o otvaranju pregovora za Albaniju i Severnu Makedoniju u martu, nadamo se da ćemo videti dalјe i redovne primene sporazuma u Zagrebu i da ćemo čestitati na pažnji posvećenoj klјučnim temama kao što su bezbednost i migracioni izazovi, društveno-ekonomski oporavak i interna regionalna saradnja koja se tiče regiona Zapadnog Balkana, kao i mnogim zajedničkim projektima sa lokalnim predstavnicima, partnerima i članicama.

Napomena Balkanske mreže za lokalnu demokratiju (BNLD):

Balkanska mreža za lokalnu demokratiju pažlјivo prati dalekosežni uticaj COVID-19 pandemije na lokalne zajednicame širom regiona Zapadnog Balkana. Svedoci smo kako ova pandemija preoblikuje naše zajednice na nove načine i kako posledice utiču na svakog građanina, bez obzira koje nacionalnosti, pola ili rase.

Kao regionalna mreža, mi nastojimo da kroz svoje članove podignemo svest o našim zajedničkim vrednostima na regionalnom i lokalnom nivou. Ovom izjavom nameravamo da učinimo upravo to, da pokažemo koliko je DEMOKRATIJA zaista bitna, posebno na lokalnom nivou, da inspiriše SOLIDARNOST među našim građanima, podstiče REGIONALNU SARADNјU i, poslednje, ali ne najmanje važno, da nastavimo naš put ka EU i pokažemo našim zajednicama da su integracije u EU važne, sada više nego ikad.”

Kompletna izjava može se preuzeti ovde.

*Ovo određenje ne dovodi u pitanje pozicije o statusu i u skladu je sa UNSCR 1244/1999 i mišlјenjem MSP-a o proglašenju nezavisnosti Kosova. 


  العلاقات بين الاتحاد الأوروبي-منطقة البلقان الغربية: قمة زغرب لسنة 2020

انتظمت, في السادس من شهر مايو (آيار) 2020, قمة الاتحاد الأوروبي-منطقة غرب البلقان, عبر اجتماع مرئي. جمعت هذه القمة رؤساء الدول والحكومات بالدول الأعضاء في الاتحاد الأوروبي وقادة من ستة بلدان شريكة تنتمي لمنقطة غرب البلقان: ألبانيا, البوسنة والهرسك, صربيا, الجبل الأسود, جمهورية شمال مقدونيا وكوسوفو*. شهدت القمة كذلك مشاركة عدد من الشخصيات المرموقة التي تنتمي لمؤسسات الاتحاد الأوروبي.

اغتنم قادة الاتحاد الأوروبي هذه الفرصة السانحة للمصادقة على اعلان زغرب الذي انضم إليه شركاء منطقة غرب البلقان: تمثل هذا الاعلان في إعادة التأكيد من جديد على روح التضامن القوي من قبل بلدان الاتحاد الأوروبي إزاء شركائه خلال جائحة كورونا فيروس هذه, والذي تمت صياغته في 20 نقطة أعدت جميعها بكل دقة وعناية. أعدت هذه الوثيقة بعد مرور 20 سنة عن اعلان زغرب الذي تمت المصادقة عليه في سنة 2000.

:من خلال الاتفاق الممضى مع نظرائهم من منطقة البلقان الغربية, شدد قادة الاتحاد الأوروبي, بشكل خاص, على النقاط التالية ودعوا إلى تعزيزها

اصرارهم على مضاعفة الدعم المقدم لتغيير المنطقة على أساس رؤية أوروبية موحدة –

التأكيد على أهمية علاقات الجوار الجيدة والاستقرار المتبادل والتعاون الشامل بهدف تحقيق نتائج مثمرة وملموسة –

الرغبة في محاربة فيروس كورونا بشكل فاعل والتعامل مع تداعياته بشكل مشترك, بما في ذلك توفير برنامج شامل يقدر بقيمة 3.3 بليون أورو تستفيد منه منطقة غرب البلقان وحتى يتسنى للجميع “دعم القطاع الصحي والمساهمة في برنامج الانتعاشة الاجتماعية والاقتصادية وتوفير المساعدة من خلال البنك الأوروبي للاستثمار, إضافة إلى برامج المساعدة في مجال التمويل الكلي”.

:مصادر مفيدة

مضاعفة الدعم المقدم من قبل الاتحاد الأوروبي لفائدة منطقة غرب البلقان لمساعدة المنطقة على التصدي لجائحة كورونا فيروس وتحقيق الانتعاشة الاقتصادية خلال فترة ما  بعد الجائحة

رسم بياني ألكتروني-كوفيد-19: 3.3 بليون أورو برنامج مساعدة شامل لفائدة منطقة غرب البلقان

في ألدا نحن نعبر عن امتنانا ونرحب بالإرادة الصادقة لتعزيز روح الشراكة بين الدول الأعضاء والمؤسسات في الاتحاد الأوروبي, من جانب, وبلدان منطقة غرب البلقان, من جانب آخر, وحيث “انطلق كل شيء” بوكالات الديمقراطية المحلية التي تعكس نشأة الجمعية واستدامتها كما نرى ذلك اليوم.

بعد الأنباء السارة التي ساقها القرار السياسي للاتحاد الأوروبي بإعادة فتح الباب أمام المفاوضات مع ألبانيا وشمال مقدونيا, في شهر مارس (آذار) الماضي, نحن نأمل في تنفيذ متواصل ومنتظم لقرارات قمة زغرب, ونشيد بالاهتمام المتزايد الذي تحظى به محاور ذات أولوية قصوى على غرار التحديات التي تفرضها منظومة الأمن والهجرة وبرنامج الانتعاشة الاجتماعي-الاقتصادي والتعاون البيني على المستوى الاقليمي الذي يهم منطقة غرب البلقان بشكل خاص, وكما تبرزه العديد من المشاريع المشتركة التي تربط بين وكالات الديمقراطية المحلية والشركاء والأعضاء.

:مذكرة من شبكة البلقان للديمقراطية المحلية

تتابع “شبكة البلقان للديمقراطية المحلية” بكل اهتما وعن كثب التأثير البالغ الذي خلفته جائحة كوفيد-19 على سائر المجتمعات المحلية في كافة منطقة غرب البلقان. كما شاهدنا كيف ساهمت هذه الجائحة في إعادة صياغة مجتمعاتنا المحلية بأشكال جديدة ومختلفة ولاحظنا التداعيات التي طالت كل مواطن منا بغض النظر عن جنسيته أو نوعه الاجتماعي أو أصله.

بصفتنا شبكة إقليمية, نحن نبذل قصارى جهدنا لكي نتواصل مع أعضائنا و نعزز الوعي حول قيمنا المشتركة على المستوى الاقليمي والمحلي. من خلال هذا الإعلان, هذه هي الرسالة بالذات التي نهدف إلى تبليغها, أي أننا نحاول أن نبين مدى أهمية الديمقراطية في الحياة اليومية, وخاصة على المستوى المحلي, لكي نساهم في بث روح التضامن بين كافة المواطنين وتعزيز التعاون الاقليمي, و أخيرا وليس آخرا, مواصلة السير على درب الاتحاد الأوروبي واقناع مجتمعاتنا بأهمية الاندماج صلب الاتحاد الأوروبي, ولربما الآن أكثر من أي وقت مضى”.

يمكنكم تنزيل النص الكامل لإعلان هنا.

* لا تخل هذه التسمية بالمواقف المتعلقة بالمركز، وهي تتوافق مع قرار مجلس الأمن 1244 (1999) وفتوى محكمة العدل الدولية بشأن إعلان استقلال كوسوفو

Within the framework of the IMPACT project, the DRPDNM (Association for Developing Voluntary Work Novo Mesto) implemented three local workshops with the aim of fighting inequalities and promoting cohesion and tolerance through performing arts. In particular, children of various backgrounds, immigrants and those with fewer opportunities were given the opportunity to take part in creative dance workshops, which were filmed for the purpose of the project.

The resulting videonow available on the DRPDNM Youtube channel, aptly illustrates how the children were initiated to performing arts and how in turn this evolved into a way of social inclusion. The two leading artists under this DRPDNM activity, Klara and Simon from Slovenia, developed and implemented three workshops where migrant children, Roma children and children with disabilities had the possibility to gather in beautiful places on the Slovenian coast, in the mountains and in Novo Mesto with the aim to practice acceptance, diversity, performing dance and movements in order to express their feelings and emotions, and as a result turn strangers but friends. The process, practice and outcomes all inspired inclusion and cohesion.

Through these performances, DRPDNM aims to prove that there is much potential to improve social perception towards people with fewer opportunities.

This activity was organised as part of the IMPACT project – Inclusion Matters! using Performing Arts towards Cohesion and Tolerance, co-funded by the European Union under the Erasmus+ Key Action 2 Programme.

From 4 to 8 September, our member ‘Il Portico’ will hold its annual event at their premises, in Dolo, Italy.
Il Portico is a non-profit association working since 1985 in the province of Venice and dealing with a variety of topics, from social inclusion to education and EVS. The event for 2013 will be in memory of Giovanni Nervo and Andrea Gallo, two men who dedicated their lives to the others through volunteering.
Marco Boaria, the coordinator of ALDA’s Resource and development Unit, will give a speech about borderless solidarity on 5 September.

The programme is very rich and includes presentations and debates, as well as entertaining activities for adults and children. If you want more information, please see Il Portico website.

The conference ‘A Role for Citizens and Civil Society in Development Cooperation’ within the project WTD – Working Together for Development took place in Budapest, Hungary, on 8 July.

The event was organised by CEECN and aimed at providing information and build capacity for its members, as well as sharing best practices among the partners of WTD. Around 40 participants from 15 countries attended the conference.

During the day, the role of local NGOs in the new members states in development cooperation was discussed, with contributions by TRIALOG and the EPAN working group of CONCORD. Mini-grant projects implemented within WTD were presented. The Historical evolution of the concept of aid was analysed by Dr Tetenyi, from Corvinus University in Budapest.

ALDA has moved to a new office in Vicenza. Our new office is very close to the train station and has a wide meeting room, which will be used for trainings and other events.

In September the premises will be officially inaugurated, inviting ALDA’s friends, representatives of local authorities, and civil society organisations.

Please update your records with our new address, and do not hesitate to visit us should you be in Vicenza:

ALDA, Viale Milano 66, 36100 Vicenza – ITALY

The Vice President of ALDA, Imislava Gorska, and the Director of ALDA, Antonella Valmorbida, met the International team of the Region Lower Silesia in Poland to further agree on the establishment of the future LDA in Ukraine, in Dnipropetrovsk. The meeting, in Wroclaw on 4 July, set the ground for identification of partnership, actions and future steps.
The LDA in Dnipropetrovsk would be the first one in Ukraine and is expected to open in early 2014. ALDA delegation was received by the Head of International Department of Lower Silesia, Mr. Bartolomiej Ostrowski.

“The LDAs in Eastern Partnership countries are a very important part of our strategy since they aim at consolidating a democratic approach and decentralisation in these countries. The role of local and regional authorities working with civil society is a fundamental approach for ALDA. The engagement of an important region like Lower Silesia is extremely important to increase our partners and members for our work in Poland”, confirmed Mrs. Gorska, Vice President of ALDA.
A study visit to a well established LDA (in Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina) is expected in early September, and a preparatory partner meeting will be organised in Ukraine in October.

The accession of Croatia to the EU marks a turning point for my country, torn by conflict only two decades ago. I think that Croatia is now a stable democracy, capable of taking on the obligations of EU membership and eager to help other acceding countries during their process. Ahead of us we have a challenging time and we need to be able to grasp as good as possible the opportunities offered in this period, both political and economical. This is a chance that comes only once!

The work carried out by the Association of Local Democracy Agencies (ALDA) in Croatia during the past years has strongly supported the integration of the country in Europe. The activities of ALDA and of the three Local Democracy Agencies, based in Verteneglio/Brtonigla, Sisak and Osijek, were important to build trust, promote citizen participation and European values, and strengthen local authorities. They will become now Operational Partners of the Association of the Local Democracy Agencies and fundamental parts of our activities in South Eastern Europe.

The main values of Istria, my region, have always been multiculturalism, multiethnicity, tolerance and antifascism, and since the 1990s it has been particularly active in promoting the integration of Croatia in the EU. I am therefore confident that my country and region will concretely reinvigorate the democratic spirit of the European Union.

Oriano Otočan
President of the Association of Local Democracy Agencies (ALDA)
Head of Department for International Cooperation and European Integration, Region Istria

From 25th to 27th June 2013, ALDA organised three days of activities in Strasbourg on the topic “Youth and politics”, within the project MY EUROPE and in cooperation with the Conference of INGOs of the Council of Europe (International Non Governmental Organisations).

MY EUROPE is a ‘Europe for Citizens’ project, led by the Local Councils’ Association of Malta and gathering 14 partners from Albania, Bulgaria, France, Italy, Macedonia, and Malta. It aims at empowering citizens to play a part in the democratic life, with specific reference to active participation in political life of disadvantaged target groups: women, youngsters and immigrants.

“Youth and Politics” was the second international event organised within the project. Its main objective was to give a chance to youngsters to express their needs and interests to local and European policy makers, and to fight against their exclusion from the participation to political life.

These three days of activities were the occasion to discuss youth opportunities and tools for active participation in the decision making process, to exchange good practices and to make recommendations to improve youth participation, which were presented during the plenary of the INGO Conference hold on 27th June.

The Conference of INGOs of the Council of Europe welcomed the text of recommendations and agreed to continue to work with young people.

The next event within the project will be organised in November in Macedonia and will focus on women.