On 1st July Croatia has joined the European Union, becoming its 28th Member State. This is a historic turning point for the country, as well as real evidence of the transformative power of the European Union: torn by conflict only two decades ago, Croatia is now a stable democracy, capable of taking on the obligations of EU membership and of adhering to EU standards.

ALDA marked the day by celebrating in Pula at the reception of guests from friendly regions and cities: its President Oriano Otočan, Head of the Administrative Department for International Cooperation and European Integration of the Region Istria, and its Director Antonella Valmorbida were present.

“Everyone has a dream and our dream has finally come true” said the President of the Region Istria, Valter Flego. “With the motto ‘Istra Without Borders – Istria senza Frontiere’ we have entered the European Union. Accession to the EU is a historic day for Croatia and Istria, and Istrian values will strongly contribute to its unity in diversity”, continued Flego.

The Local Democracy Agency based in the country have also organised initiatives to celebrate a day longed for many years, and marking another milestone in the construction of a more united Europe.

A ‘training of multipliers’ took place from 18 to 20 June 2013 in Brussels, within the project COHEIRS – Civic Observers for Health & Environment, Initiative for Responsibility and Sustainability. The event brought together 55 participants representing 31 organisations from 12 different countries in wider Europe.

The aim of the meeting was to train participants on how to locally implement ALDA’s methodology of citizens’ panels, and to provide them with scientific information and tools on environmental and health protection to empower them to act both as facilitators and knowledge-resourced persons.

The activity was a key step for setting up the citizens’ panels and kick-off the workshops on health and environment at local level.

The programme of the event was structured in four different sessions. During the first session, participants were split into smaller international groups, to make them bond while promoting intercultural dialogue and understanding. The second session defined the general framework of the project and the activity. Marco Boaria, ALDA Resource & Development Unit Coordinator, provided participants with detailed information on the Europe for Citizens’ programme, on the perspectives of the new programming period 2014-2020 as well as on ALDA’s methodology of citizens’ panels as applied in previous successful projects such as EUR-Action, ALL4EU, Bandiar, E-Panels and GOAL. The general framework was completed by Prisco Piscitelli, health expert from the International Society of Doctors for the Environment (ISDE Italy), who introduced the prevention and precautionary principles as stated in the article 191 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. A World Café session was held in order to fill in the general framework with detailed information on the multipliers’ role. By moving from one table to another every 15 minutes, participants contributed to discuss six topics: the values of multipliers, their skills, the tools they should be equipped with, the strategies and methodologies for engaging citizens, the involvement of local stakeholders and the political and social recognition of multipliers.

The third session focused on health and environmental challenges and brought in both local and European perspectives. Participants identified the main issues affecting their local communities, analysed them in a national perspective and discussed them in a non-structured frame. The session was supported by scientific information provided by Mr Prisco Piscitelli and got an academic and scientific feedback from Prof. Dot. Dominique Belpomme, who stressed the importance of the link between environment and health and introduced the Paris Appeal to the audience.

As a final tool to set up the citizens’ panels at local level, participants were called in the fourth session to discuss and define common national guidelines and to coordinate with the dissemination partners to give visibility to the outcomes of their workshops.

The support of the European Commission was key for the success of the meeting. Mr John MacDonald from the Task Force of the European Year of Citizens 2013 informed participants on the tools put at citizens’ disposal for influencing the decision making process. As final step of their training, participants welcomed the visit to the DG Communication as an opportunity to exchange views on efficient means providing visibility to European policies as well as an occasion for presenting the outcomes of the training.

A special focus was given to the European Citizen Initiative (ECI). Mr Jerry Van Den Berge from the European Federation of Public Service presented the successful initiative “Water is a human right!” and answered the several questions by the audience.

The partners’ meeting of Local Democracy Agency Armenia foundation took place on 19th June 2013, hosted by LDA foundation in Gyumri, Armenia.

The Association of Local Democracy Agency was represented by its Director Antonella Valmorbida, Vice President Alessandro Perelli and Policy Officer Peter Sondergaard; the representatives of local partner organizations, (Levon Barseghyan -“Asparez” Journalists’ club, Armine Tukhikyan-Urban foundation for sustainable development, Vahan Tumasyan-“Shirak” Centre NGO), the Head of Projects and Analysis Department of Gyumri municipality, Hayk Sultanyan, and the Acting Director of LDA Armenia foundation Lusine Aleksandryan were present.

The meeting was of vital importance for the functioning and future perspectives of LDA foundation Armenia. The present partners nominated their representatives in the Board of Trustees, consisting of 12 members, and the first composition will be finalised in July. The president of the Board of Trustees is the lead partner, the Region of Rhone-Alpes Region.

The acting director Lusine Aleksandryan was appointed as a new delegate for LDA foundation. During the meeting, several important matters were discussed, including the possible cooperation with the new communities of Armenia and the French Embassy, the recruitment of other partners and how to strengthen partnership, the participation of LDA Armenia foundation in the meetings of the Council of European Movement in Armenia and EAP CSF Forum, future projects and projects with the region Friuli-Venezia Giulia.

As now LDA Armenia foundation is operational and has a legal status, concrete steps can be made towards the promotion of democracy and citizens participation at the local level.

The roundtable discussion “EU-Belarus puzzle: rethinking European policy” will take place on 19 June 2013, 14.00 – 15.30 at the European Parliament in Brussels (room PHS 1C51).

Relations between the EU and Belarusan authorities remain a challenging puzzle for Brussels. Since 1997 the EU has applied number of different approaches to establish cooperation leading to democratisation, Europeanisation and modernisation of Belarus. During the spring 2012, European Dialogue on Modernisation was launched. However, little progress can be observed so far.
Belarusian experts Elena Tonkacheva and Andrei Yahorau argue that there is big difference between European declarations and practice. Civil society remains underestimated as Belarusian development actor and stakeholder in EU-Belarus relations. Year 2013, when the European Parliament is preparing its recommendation on how the EU policy towards Belarus should look like, is the good moment to reflect on the work done by the international community and the Belarusian civil society since 2010 and beyond. Lessons learned from this period, best practices and failures, promises given by both sides and their implementation must be considered in designing European policy towards Belarus.

Draft agenda of the conference:

  • Opening remarks by Mr Werner Schulz
  • Mr Andrei Yahorau, Centre for European Transformation
  • Mrs Elena Tonkacheva, Legal Transformation Centre (Lawtrend)
  • MEP Justas PALECKIS, Rapporteur on Belarus (tbc)
  • Mr Stefan TRESSING, EEAS (tbc)

The discussion will be followed by the presentation of the book “Afterword… Square 2010 through the eyes of Belarusian human rights defenders”. It is a unique analytical piece, result of monitoring and analysis of 14 politically motivated trials after the events of December 19, 2010.It puts the trials and the guilty verdicts in the broader socio-political context of contemporary Belarus.
Working languages: English, Russian. Please make your registration by Monday, 17 May, at noon.

For more information, please contact:

Alena Zuikova – International Consortium “Eurobelarus” in Brussels
Phone: +32 27420161
Email to: brussels@eurobelarus.info

Within the framework of the TYEC project, led by UIL Italy, ALDA contributed, as partner organisation, to the success of the first international Seminar on “Youth generations and labour market” organised in Madrid on 23 May 2013.

The event brought together different stakeholders such as Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini, CIREM Foundation, European Trade Union Confederation, CEOE Spanish Employers’ Association, UIL Tuscany, Youth Secretariat of Comisiones Obreras and Maison de l’Europe de Caen Basse-Normandie and was an occasion to debate on an issue of strong impact such as youth unemployment.

The panel adopted a wide perspective involving academic figures, trade unions as well as representatives of youth organisations and several measures were identified to tackling youth unemployment: structural reforms of labour markets at national level and application of the Youth Guarantee schemes, foster youth mobility, more coordination between the education sector and the labour market (Youth in the Move was mentioned as a good flagship measure of the EU in this direction), link the education system to enterprises’ demands, foster cooperation between educational policies and policies on economic growth, stronger involvement of all interested actors in smoothing the transition from the education system to the labour market and avoid the market as only regulator of the transition, more resources on the analysis of the data as in many contexts there is a lack of a clear view on youth unemployment, more welfare measures for protecting those who cannot find or lose the job, improve the role of job agencies as in some cases the lack of information is the main problem of the gap between job demands and job offers, and foster youth entrepreneurship.
ALDA’s contribution to the session brought in examples of tested and successful measures drawn from concrete actions put effectively into place by the partnership LAs-CSOs. The multi-stakeholder perspective was showcased by Mr Luigi Romildo, Coordinator of Maison de l’Europe, Caen Basse-Normandie who was identified as a panellist among the many members of ALDA.

Mr Romildo highlighted a few relevant indicators related to youth unemployment: the gap is not only between generations, with the youngsters as main category affected by the crises, but differences are also significant within the youth category itself, given the strong disparities among territories; successful experimental projects in France showcased that the multi-stakeholder approach, gathering not only governmental actors at different levels but also CSOs, is a winning approach; in France, youth policies are not specifically focused on tackling youth unemployment as such but are part of a more general framework that encompasses youth social inclusion and youth active citizenship as well.

Organised by ALDA in close co-operation with CRT Foundation and the University of Turin, the conference ‘ Crisis and renaissance – Local Community Theatre Paving the Way towards European Active Citizenship’ held on 22 May in Brussels raised awareness about the social and community theatre as a powerful tool for local communities in response to ongoing economic and social crisis.
Impressive visual and narrative presentations of the artistic and theatrical experience in the settlements across Europe showed the community efforts aimed to tackle the crisis and renaissance issues.

In her introductory notes, Ms. Barbara Gessler, Head of Department of Culture in EACEA stated the high relevance of the Caravan project more as the conceptual approach to challenges at local community development level and the bottom-up approach so much needed to ensure a more effective public space for the dialogue of EU citizens with the EU institutions, while the Project Manager Carlo Lingua gave a brief overview of the activities and results achieved during the Caravan local events and the Caravan artists on the road tour connecting Turin, Seville and Holstebro that have taken place over the last twelve months.

Mr. John Macdonald, Head of the Task Force for EYC 2013 reiterated the need for strengthened institutionalised forms of consultation with citizens at the European level and the need for creating of a new narrative for the European Union in support to the future perspective of the social innovation and culture in its broadest sense, rather than only to the narrative of the internal market or economic crisis. Examples of grass-root initiatives for improved participation and consultation forms in policy / decision making promoted by the Local Democracy Agencies were presented by Ms. Imislawa Gorska, Vicepresident of ALDA. She also included the city of Bydgosc promoting a wide range of youth actions aimed to cultural and artistic regeneration of local public spaces. In his presentation, Mr. Ionut Sibian, member of EESC raised a number of concerns related with insufficient involvement of NGO-s and their networks in consultation process at EU level.

During the second thematic panel the keynote speakers were Luisa De Amicis, Executive Director of EUCLID network, Alessandra Rossi Ghiglione, Project Caravan Community Theatre Supervisor, and Alberto Pagliarino, Project Caravan Artistic Director. EUCLID network’s main priority to assist to NGO-s to establish and maintain the dialogue for creating legislative and institutional framework in support to social entrepreneurship as a tool for introducing social innovation in addressing the crisis that has major impact on the excluded or marginalised groups.
Alessandra Rossi Ghiglione and Alberto Pagliarino gave an overview of social and community theatre concept as well as the specific SCT methodology studied at the University Turin. They presented the theoretical and artistic perspective of the concept that started as an experimentation but evolved over the past years to an intrinsic community response to alienation and crisis.

Case studies of the community theatres in action and the origin of their conception were presented in the third panel by Rita Maria Fabris (University of Turin), Ms. Mase Moreno (TNT Theatre Seville) and mr. Georgie Zlatarev (Theatre Vazrajdane, Sofia).
The conference ended with a practical workshop of community theatre by Professor Alessandra Rossi Ghiglione, which allowed the participants to experience the power of this tool on themselves during several group exercises and games.

The final conference of the Civil Society in Action for Dialogue and Partnerships project, titled “Agreement as a basis of cooperation between civil society and the authorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina”, gathered around 80 participants, NGO and LA representatives from Bosnia and Herzegovina, neighbouring countries and EU Member States.

The conference was an opportunity to present the implemented activities, and make recommendations and plans for further cooperation. In the opening session of the first day speeches were given by Dženana Dedic, Delegate of LDA Mostar, Ljubo Beslic, Mayor of the City of Mostar, Marco Boaria, head of Project Development, ALDA.
All the partners involved in the action officially signed the Regional Memorandum of Co-operation as the grounds for their readiness for follow-up activities to promote democratic governance at local level, principles of accountability and responsive performances of public authorities in BiH, Croatia and Serbia.

Two thematic workshops were also organised, gathering both NGOs and public authorities: Co-operation Agreement – from legal framework to effective implementation, dedicated to local implementation of BH Memorandum of Co-operation, Effective Performances and Service Provision of Local Self –governments in Co-operation with CSO’s: Comparative Analysis and Practice in the EU and Western Balkan Countries, on best practice exchange.

The programme also included the organisation of the first ever NGO Fair held in Mostar on 10 May with some 30 local NGOs with stands displaying promotional publications, documentaries and materials, providing a great networking opportunity.

On Wednesday 8 May at the Italian Embassy in Podgorica (Montenegro) a meeting took place, which involved Alessandro Perelli, the Vice President of ALDA, Kerim Medjedovic, delegate of the LDA in Niksic, the new Italian Ambassador in Montenegro Eugenio Del Monaco and the Counsellor of the Embassy, Michele Mistò.

During the meeting, Mr Perelli illustrated the cooperation projects between Friuli Venezia Giulia and several organisations from Montenegro, which feature Niksic LDA as a partner and Friuli Venezia Giulia as Lead partner. In particular, the discussion covered the project initiatives regarding European certification of forests in the Rozaje area, and the exchange of experiences in the psychiatric sector between the ‘scuola basagliana’ from Trieste and the psychiatric hospital in Kotor (Cattaro). Kerim Medjedovic stressed the role of the LDA in Niksic to support the process of access of Montenegro to the European Union.

The Ambassador Del Monaco highlighted the importance of ALDA’s action in the field of the promotion of democracy rights, in the defence of minorities and equal opportunities, topics which will be developed and promoted in the young Republic of Montenegro during its progressive approach to European regulations.

The Association of Local Democracy Agencies marked the Europe Day on 9 May 2013 with several initiatives. ALDA’s President Oriano Otočan and Director Antonella Valmorbida attended the opening ceremony of the Center for EU and international cooperation in Bale/Valle (Istria, Croatia).
The inauguration of the Center was part of the European Week celebration 2013 in Istria, and represented a very important step before the Croatian accession to the EU.

On 10 May, ALDA Director will be one of the speakers at the event ‘Towards 2014: the Europe we want’ (Verso il 2014: L’Europa che vogliamo), organised in Florence by Consiglio Italiano del Movimento Europeo (CIME) to debate on active European citizenship, participative democracy and the future of the EU. Staff of ALDA are involved in a training in the LDA in Mostar (Bosnia and Herzegovina); furthermore, all the LDAs are celebrating the day and the week with initiatives and events.

Europe Day celebrates peace and unity in Europe. The date marks the anniversary of the historical ‘Schuman declaration’.

On 25 April, the Ukrainian Region of Dnipropetrovsk hosted a conference organized by the Assembly of European Regions (AER) on the opportunities interregional cooperation can offer in the context of the Eastern Partnership.
The event gathered 150 European, national and regional political representatives, among which Lower Silesia and Liege city’s representatives. A partner meeting for the LDA Dnipropetrovsk was part of this event.

Per Vinther, Governing Board member of ALDA, was one of the speaker along with Yevhen UDOD, Head of Dnipropetrovsk Regional Council and Bartłomiej OSTROWSKI, Director of the International Cooperation Office of Lower Silesia. Peter Sondergaard, ALDA’s policy officer in charge of the establishment of the LDA Dnipropetrovsk, was also present at this event. The AER conference was indeed the opportunity for ALDA and Lower Silesia to present the prospects of LDA Dnipropetrovsk, and find additional partners for the project.
The LDA’s partners will continue to look for additional partners during the upcoming months and will also clarify operational issues for the LDA. A new partner meeting is foreseen in Strasbourg at the end of June, and the opening of the LDA is scheduled to take place on September 26 this year, one month and a half before the 3rd Eastern Partnership Summit to be held in Vilnius, Lithuania.

The strong commitment of the partners is extremely encouraging especially as the opening of more LDAs in Ukraine could be considered, not to mention in neighbouring countries as Mr. Ion Stavila, Moldovan Ambassador to Ukraine, expressed interest in an LDA in Moldova during the meeting.

The General Assembly of ALDA took place in Pula on the 19th of April 2013, hosted by the Region Istria, Croatia. Around 60 members of the organisation, local and regional authorities and civil society groups, participated in this important event. The members approved the past and future programmes as well as the Strategic Views of ALDA for the next three years.

The General Assembly was also connected to the International Conference of the programme VIT and for the event on the 18th
of the programme AdriGov on the theme of citizens’ participation and territorial cooperation in Western Balkans (promoted by the Region Istria).

The meeting gave the opportunity to members, staff of ALDA and all the Local Democracy Agencies delegates meeting) to assess their common work and identify the future objectives.

ALDA is a very active and dynamic organisation. Its field of activities is very important for Europe, for the enlargement countries and for the regions bordering with the EU. Local Governance, decentralisation and good work at the local level between civil society and local authorities are a guarantee for democracy and sustainable, long lasting development. I am sure we will have good job to be done in the future with the support of our members and partners, said Mr. Otocan, President of ALDA.

The event in Pola was also a major gathering of important stakeholders supporting decentralisation and local governance in the Balkans. In particular the Committee of the Regions was present with M. Bossmann, Mayor of Piran, delegated by the President of the CoR, Mr. Ramon Luis Valcarcel Siso.
The city of Pula hosted the event and its Mayor of Pula, Mr. Boris Miletic, opened the sessions days.

The programme of ALDA In Pula is also one step to disseminate and debate with citizens about the European Year of Citizens, 2013. ALDA Is very much involved in the European Alliance for the EYAC 2013 . The member of the Steering Committee of the EYAC 2013 Alliance, M. Jean Robert Suesser, and also Vice President of the European Civic Forum, introduced the General Assembly

In this event, the first Scholarship Gianfranco Martini was given to M. Gianfranco Brusaporci, for his research on the role and future of Transborder Cooperation in South Eastern Europe.

The first scholarship established by ALDA in 2013, dedicated to the Memory of our Honorary President, M. Gianfranco Martini, has been give to Mr. Gianfranco Brusaporci, for his studies in Western Balkans on transborder cooperation. M. Brusaporci received the Price in Pula, during the General Assembly, from the President of ALDA, Oriano Otocan.

The research proposal submitted by Mr Brusaporci, entitled “Euroregions in South Eastern Europe: how to define a good model for the development of the area”, aims at bridging some research gaps of Western studies on relevant themes, related to South Eastern Europe and the role of Euroregions in the European Union.Mr Brusaporci aims to demonstrate how the “cross-borderisation” in Europe does not lead to an increasing territorial fragmentation of national sovereignty, but it could be considered as a form of policy innovation, for the implementation of a minority integration and a social-economic growth, triggered by the emergence of the EU as a supranational policy-maker. The research seeks to validate such an analysis, through a comparative study among all Euroregions, located in Albania, Bulgaria and Macedonia.
The price will also be a financial contribution of 3.000 Euro to the on going research.

Presentation of the research “Euroregions in South Eastern Europe: how to define a good model for the development of the area

On the 4th of April, the Vice-President ALDA Alessandro Perelli and the Director of the International Telematics University UNINETTUNO Professor Maria Amata Garito signed a cooperation agreement between the two institutions and launched their first common project, namely the new edition of the Master on-line in European Law and Policies.

Promoted by the International Telematics University UNINETTUNO in collaboration with the ALDA and the Italian Council of the European Movement.
By combining the expertise of the network ALDA in the European context and the experience of UNINETTUNO in distance learning with six faculties and nine master’s degree courses and professional training courses and students from 40 different countries, the new cooperation agreement will lead to the development of other training opportunities tackling European themes and topics.
In particular, besides the above mentioned Master, ALDA will develop a series of webinars focused on EU programs and funds, with special reference to the new programming period of the European Commission 2014-2020.
Finally, ALDA and UNINETTUNO – through signing the agreement – have expressed their common interest to develop new and innovative transnational projects that are able to combine ALDA and commitment on European issues and the focus of UNINETTUNO on distance education.

ALDA contributed actively to the 3rd Assises of Decentralised Cooperation organised by the Committee of the Regions (link a http://cor.europa.eu/en/Pages/home.aspx) on the 9th-10th of April. ALDA is one of the contributors to the realisation of the event.

ALDA President, Mr Oriano Otočan, was one of the speakers of the associated seminar on “Decentralised Cooperation: toward a multi-stakeholder a multi-level approach organised by ALDA, UNDP ART and the Basque agency for development cooperation. ALDA Vice-president, Mr Alessandro Perelli, gave his contribution, as one of the speakers, to the associated seminar on “The Western Balkans joining the EU: the contribution of decentralised cooperation” organised jointly by ALDA, Region Lower Normandie, Region Istria, Canton Sarajevo and EPA.
Moreover, ALDA was present at the Assises with a thematic stand, presenting the “France/Balkans multilateral decentralised cooperation programme on good local governance in South-East Europe”.
The Assises represented a unique opportunity to bring together local and regional authorities’ representatives from the EU and developing countries to exchange their views and hold a political dialogue with the European institutions on development cooperation.

In addition, on the 9th of April, ALDA, in close cooperation with the Association Pays Vichy-Auvergne organised the preview of the film “Sur les pas d’Albert Londres dans les Balkans” ALDA has given a strong contribution to the realisation of the film that will be soon distributed and projected in many relevant events.
Last but not least, a 3-days Study Visit in Brussels has been organised within the framework of the WTD – Working Together for Development programme from the 8 to the 11 April, which included meetings with Mr Andris Gobins, Member of the REX Committee of the EESC and with the Secretariat of CoR CIVEX Committee; also a meeting with CONCORD and TRIALOG.

Antonella Valmorbida, Director of ALDA, took part in the Board meeting of Civicus in New York. ALDA joined Civicus – the world alliance for Citizens Participation in 2011 and in 2012, it became part of the Board.

The strategic plan were adopted and it is now time to put it in place to support Civic space for civil society around the world. The Association of the Local Democracy Agencies is bringing its added value in terms of local governance and dialogue between local authorities and civil society.
The new Secretary General, Danny Sriskandarajah, confirmed the interest of Civicus to work with ALDA on this topics.
This week, the Director of Outreach of ALDA, M. Henri Valot, will be key speaker at the workshop of ALDA at the Assises of International Decentralised Cooperation in Brussels.

For Civicus : www.civicus.org
Join Civicus : http://civicus.org/get-involved-128/join-civicus/join-civicus-now

In the photo, from the left:
Danny Sriskandarajah, Secretary General of Civicus
Antonella Valmorbida, Director of ALDA
Nyaradzayi Gumbonzvanda (Vice Chair) of Civicus, World YWCA, Geneva

Final conference of the project “The European and Our Affairs”, called “Youth in Action for EU” was held Thursday, the 4th April 2013, starting at 11.00am, in the Town hall Zavidovici.
This conference will mark the completion of activities that have lasted a year, in the Zenica region and local communities Zavidovici and Zepce, whose goal was to increase awareness about the EU enlargement and pre-accession aid, with special emphasis on the role of local governments and civil society in reform processes.

Activities of the project were to strengthen local capacity, public promotion, exchange of knowledge that included various aspects of local society, and among priority target groups are local governments, businesses, nongovernmental organisations, local media and youth. The proposed trainings, public promotion activities, exchange of best practice included in the programme served as a learning opportunity for stakeholders, but also as a way to dispel the myths and stereotypes related to EU integration.
Present at the conference, among whom there was a lot of young people, were first addressed by Stanka Parać Damjanović, Regional Programmes Coordinator of the Association of Local Democracy Agencies. This was followed by a brief presentation of the project, implemented activities and the results achieved, prepared by Jasna Zvekić from LDA Zavidovici.
The guest speaker at the conference was Ms. Juliana Tesija, from the Center for Peace and Nonviolence in Osijek, Croatia. She has prepared a short presentation on the challenges and experiences of civil society and local self-governments regarding the forthcoming accession of Croatia to the European Union.
During the morning hours, before the final conference, at the same location, the finals of the “EU quiz” for high school students was held. To remind ourselves, the first phase of this project activity was held on 25 and 26 March 2013, in the three schools in the area of Zavidovići and Žepče.
18 students who have shown the best knowledge had the opportunity to take part in the EU quiz and win valuable prizes: a laptop, a digital camera, and a gift package of computer equipment were prizes for the top three places.
The final event of the project “European and our work” was concluded by the proclamation of the winners of the „EU quiz”, while the prizes were awarded by Mr. Suad Omerasevic the Mayor of Zavidovići, who greeted the participants and congratulated the organisers of the conference.

Stemming from the kind invitation of the Euro Mediterranean Scientific and Biomedical Institute (ISBEM), Marco Boaria, ALDA Resource and Development Union Coordinator, and Aldo Xhani, ALDA Project Manager, travelled to Brindisi to meet with Prof. Alessandro Distante and Dr. Prisco Piscitelli in order to coordinate the activities of the joint project COHEIRS.

The meeting took place at ISBEM’s headquarters in Mesagne on 27-28 March 2013 and was an important occasion to discuss the methodology and the action plan of the project whose kick-off is foreseen for April, 15 as well as all relevant details for launching the first activity.

The project brings together 17 partners from 12 different countries in wider Europe and aims at supporting active participation of citizens in the EU democratic life and more specifically in the implementation of the precautionary principles, as detailed in Article 191 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (EU), through the establishment of citizens panels focused on health and environment. These groups of “civic observers”, duly supported and guided, will monitor the condition of the environment by paying special attention to those violations and misconducts directly or collaterally threatening the public health. At the same time, they will be progressively inscribed and involved in an international network, which will support their efforts, advocate on their behalf at the EU level and coordinate the drafting of recommendations to be addressed to the relevant local, national and European decision makers.

The meeting was also an opportunity to introduce ALDA to a broad range of local actors such as local authorities and civil society organisations committed on active citizenship and environmental issues and to showcase the Europe for Citizens programme. The presentation gave the input for exchanging with the participants on concrete ideas and tools enabling an efficient and effective implementation of the project as well as on several other environmental issues and potential future project ideas. As coordinators of the project, ALDA and ISBEM agreed on a detailed action plan to be submitted later on to the whole partnership for further feedbacks.

ALDA delegation was particularly pleased of being informed of the relevant role that ISBEM plays at the local level in endorsing the local youth and in providing them with a fecund environment for unleashing their potential. Indeed, it is within this context that local youngsters find the tools in terms of knowledge, experience, support and networks for developing a professional life and tackling phenomena of strong impact in the region such as youth unemployment and migration. The two days’ coordination meeting was further enriched by a guided visit of Mesagne’s city centre and accompanied by concrete features of the depopulation issue strongly affecting the area.

As part of its strategy towards the Eastern Partnership countries, ALDA decided to establish a Local Democracy Agency (LDA) in Ukraine, aiming at furthering local self-governance and citizen participation collaboration with local authorities in the region.

Following the 24th Session of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, a partner meeting for the forthcoming opening of the LDA Dnipropetrovsk in the south western part of Ukraine was held on March 21.
More than twenty participants gathered, among which large number of Ukrainian local authorities representatives, and the region of Lower Silesia (Poland) certified as a lead partner. Enrico Vannucci, Head of the External Relations and Thematic Priorities Division at the Congress, opened the meeting reiterating the full support of the Congress to this initiative and to the LDAs network. A roundtable provided the opportunity to exchange views, best practices and knowledge, and above all to reflect on more future steps for the establishment of the LDA Dnipropetrovsk.
Speakers included Bartlomiej Ostrowski, Director of the International cooperation and projects Unit for the Lower Silesia Brussels-based office, who shared Lower Silesia’s past and current activities in Ukraine. Also, Dobrica Milovanovic, Deputy Mayor of the city of Kragujevac (Serbia) and Governing Board member of ALDA who could provide an insight on the experience of setting up local democracy agencies and their functioning. Eugen Udod, President of the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Parliament, told via a video intervention about Dnipropetrovsk’s strong commitment to the LDA and the work already conducted by Dnipropetrovsk to improve citizen participation and local democracy. Sergiy Malikov, President of the State Foundation for Local Self Government in Ukraine, stressed the importance of Ukraine’s integration to Europe, and the challenges and opportunities which are triggered by this process in general and for the LDA.

LDA Dnipropetrovsk is expected to open this autumn. The opening of an LDA in Ukraine by the end of this year would be particularly meaningful as the potential signing of the Association Agreement between EU-Ukraine is expected to take place in November.

Despite the strong commitment of the current confirmed partners, there is still a need to find more partners and this will be decisive for the speed of the process of opening the LDA. Future initiatives could include the opening of more LDAs in Ukraine especially as it is the most populated of the EaP countries. Additional partners would thus open the doors for future additional cooperation.
In late April Dnipropetrovsk will host a conference on Eastern Partnership organised by the Assembly of European Regions, and this event will also be the opportunity to involve additional partners and discuss operational aspect for the LDA in Dnipropetrovsk.