The Union of Towns and Cities of Slovakia, in co-operation with ALDA and City Bratislava, organises InfoDay Europe for Citizens that take place in Bratislava, on the 21th of April, 2012, within the ALDA Project TIC-TAC – Training, Information, Cooperation – Towards Active Citizenship.
The event will be held in Primatial Palace, Primacialne nam. 1, from 8:00 to 18:00.
This InfoDay is the first local event organised within the project TIC-TAC and will be followed by eleven other similar initiatives taken by the other partners of this project.
The InfoDay will focus on the promotion of Europe for Citizens Program, history and the concept of Europe wide town-twinning initiatives; deepen knowledge about the concept of active citizenship and citizen’s participation in the European context.
The InfoDay create the platform for the meeting of local authorities and citizens that are interested in the field of active citizenship and in improving governance and relationships between citizens and municipal governments at all levels

ALDA is now implementing in the city of Peja/Pec the project Youth wears Green, in the framework of the Youth in Action Programme and in collaboration with TcK “Tavolo Trentino con il Kosovo”. The topic of the exchange is the environmental protection.
The project, whose first day activity started on 16 April 2012, has been seeing the participation of youngsters aged 18-25 from Italy, France, Serbia and Kosovo. The participants are being involved in debating on environmental issues and in promoting green measures that could be applied locally.
Despite the enthusiasm surrounding the living and working together, the organising team had to register the strong disappointment of all those involved of not having the opportunity to meet with the Georgian participants. Kosovo authorities denied the access of the Georgian participants at the airport border and qualified them as suspicious people despite the possession of the legal documents required and sent back to them as unwelcomed people.
Despite the inconvenience had with the participants from Georgia the youth exchange has been implementing with a great success allowing participants to reflect and discuss on sustainable development, protection of nature, global worming and the most vivid topic on environmental protection. Different tools and methodologies has been applied during the exchange, all within the framework of non-formal education and highlighting the creativity of the participants.

On Saturday 14th April 2012 the first training session for young volunteers who want to become EU promoters in their community took place in the premises of the Local Democracy Agency in Osijek. The session is a part of the project which is financially supported by the City of Osijek and which aims at capacity building of young people who would like to volunteer in civil and public sector on the implementation of activities related to EU topics.
The introductory lecture entitled “EU basics” was held by Mr. Domagoj Hajdukovic, Member of the Croatian Parliament and a member of the Parliamentary Committee for Family, Youth and Sports. The lecture included a chronological history and development of the European Union, its enlargement process as well as its institutions and bodies.
In direct contact with the Croatian MP the young people had an opportunity to hear more about the political parties in the EU, about its common market, the EU integration programs and about challenges the EU is facing today.
In the informal discussion that followed the lecture the young participants were interested to find out more about “eurocrats”, Switzerland and Norway, which are not formal EU members as well as about the prospects of employment in the EU after the Croatian accession to full EU membership.

The partner meeting of LDA Georgia will take place in Strasbourg on 19th of April 2012. The meeting will be held by the Municipality of Strasbourg, lead partner of the LDA.

Its main objectives  will be the updating of LDA Georgia’s statute, the analysis of the situation regarding LDA partner’s network and the Action plan for 2012 – 2013.
The meeting will be opened by the  welcome speech of Mrs. Nawel Rafik-Elmrini, Vice Mayor of Strasbourg, Mrs. Antonella Valmorbida, ALDA Director and Mr. Ioseb Khakhaleishvili, Executive Director of LDA Georgia.

A group of five young people from Georgia, was not allowed to enter Kosovo for a Youth Exchange promoted by ALDA and Tavolo Trentino per il Kosovo, for unjustified reasons.
Alda is concerned for such an act which is affecting the sense of integration and friendship the Association is trying to disseminate among young people in South Eastern Europe and Neighbouring Countries. A letter of complaint from ALDA President, Mr. Per Vinther, and a local partner of our Youth in Action Initiative in Kosovo, was addressed to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kosovo, Mr. Enver Hoxhaj, to the European Commissioner Fuele, to the Agency for Youth in Action and to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe.

The elections for the new Governing Board of ALDA will take place on 7th of June during the morning session of the ALDA General Assembly in Udine (I).
ALDA invites its members to consider their possible candidature on the new Board.
Deadline to submit candidatures is scheduled for the 11th of May 2012, following the indications included in the official invitation.
In the period between the deadline and the General Assembly all the candidates profile will be published on ALDA website.

On April 2, 2012 in the municipality of Veles (MK) the Macedonian partners of the Decentralised cooperation between Lower Normandy and Macedonia, met during Intermediate Steering Committee. This encounter followed the Steering Committee for French partners, held in Caen on the March 20, 2012.

Mrs. Nadège Lécluse, Head of international cooperation and mobility division of the Regional Council of Lower Normandy, together with Mr. Gallet, Attaché for cooperation at the Embassy of France in Macedonia, and Mr. Zafirovski, Councillor in the Ministry of Local Self-Government of Macedonia, co-chaired the meeting.
The partners were able to expand their general knowledge on the current political situation in France, as well as in the Region of Lower Normandy, which is very different from the political structure in Macedonia. They also had the opportunity to discuss about the important issues regarding the program of the Decentralised cooperation, the cooperation between municipalities and the previewed activities for the end of this year.
In the domain of communication, they were able to exchange on the logo and the new website of the cooperation.
This Steering Committee reaffirmed the engagement of the institutional partner, the Ministry of Local Self-Government of Macedonia, in particular in renewing the agreements of cooperation between the Region of Lower Normandy and Republic of Macedonia, previewed for next July. At this occasion Mr. Laurent Beauvais, the President of the Region of Lower Normandy will visit Macedonia and attend the Final Steering Committee, which will have more political than technical dimension.
The Programme for decentralised cooperation between the Region Lower Normandy and Republic of Macedonia is coordinated by ALDA.

Within the cooperation project between the Municipalities of Thiene (I) and Ijevan (AM), a study visit of a delegation of the Armenian City will be held in Thiene (10-13 April 2012).
Waste management, culture, territorial management, will be the areas of exchange of good practices among administrators and officials of the two municipalities.
(In the photo: First meeting between Thiene and Ijevan in Ijevan, October 2011).
The Armenian delegation will arrive today in Italy for an intensive session of work within the project launched by the Municipality of Thiene with the Municipality of Ijevan, in collaboration with ALDA, with the financial support of the Veneto Region in the context of decentralised cooperation for development programme.
During the visit there will be many opportunities to deeper the mutual knowledge between administrators and officials of the two municipalities, to share the decision making processes of the two Cities and their way to promote and support the good governance and the citizens’ participation.

On April 4-5 the partners of LDA Armenia held meeting at the Region of Rhone Alpes in Lyon. They met to discuss how to organise the future work of the LDA and its strategic and action plan. Furthermore the partners discussed the finalisation of the charter for the LDA, which is necessary to register the LDA in Armenia.
Seven out of the LDA’s eight partners listed below participated in the meeting.
It was stressed that the agency won’t operate as an ordinary NGO but will have a different focus especially through the international element it brings to its work, on the European level through ALDA and the international partners, and at the South Caucasus regional level through the close cooperation with LDA Georgia and other ALDA partner and member organisations.
Mrs. Véronique Moreira, The Vice-President of the Region Rhône-Alpes, Responsible for cooperation solidarity, also participated in the discussion of the work of the LDA as well as several cities and other organisations from Rhone Alpes who are working actively in Armenia.
Counterpart International supported the participation of Armenian partners to the meeting.
The LDA in Armenia was opened in October 2011. Partners of the LDA come from three countries: Region Rhône-Alpes (France), Region Friuli Venezia Giulia, (Italy), the Union of Communities of Armenia, the Urban Foundation for Sustainable Development (Armenia), the Journalists’ Club Asparez (Armenia), the Municipality of Gyumri (the host city in Armenia), Shirak Centre (Armenia) and International Center for Human Development (Armenia).
Gyumri is the second largest city in Armenia, situated in the North of the country and has been selected as host since it will provide a good basis to allow the LDA to work on a national level.

The international training session of the project TIC-TAC was a success since it allowed a fruitful exchange between the partners of the project, who were mostly represented.
The training session was held in the Liaison office of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region in Brussels from 29th to 30th March.
The day before, the participants of the training session of TIC-TAC attended the international launching conference of another project led by ALDA: WTD-Working Together for Development.
This training was the first opportunity for partners of the project TIC-TAC to meet each other and to share their experience. The first part of the training was organised with a dynamic approach providing to participants both theoretical elements on the Europe for Citizens Programme and concrete examples from people who have already implemented a project within this programme.
Then participants were divided in working groups and tried to identify quality elements on active citizenship projects, which were synthesised and presented to them on the second day of the training.
Diego Pinto, General Secretary of the European Movement International came to present its organisation and to speak about a specific way of grant proposed by the Europe for Citizens Programme (operating grant).
These two days allowed to participants to increase their knowledge on the Europe for Citizens Programme, to discuss the preparation of the second step of the project TIC-TAC, which is the organisation by each partner of 12 local info-days aiming at promoting the Europe for citizens Programme. It was also an opportunity for participants to meet new organisations and new potential partners for further projects.

As part of the SolArid programme, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Algeria in partnership with the Global Mechanism of UNCCD, United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification, had co-organised an international workshop for the socio-economic development of tangible and intangible rural heritage in arid and semi-arid regions of Algeria. The workshop took place from 28 to 29 March 2012 in BouSaâda (Algeria).
Vice president of ALDA, Mr. Alessandro Perelli, attended to the workshop.
Beginning his speech, Mr. Perelli has launched an appeal for the release of Rossella Urru, Italian cooperator kidnapped and imprisoned for five months in southern Algeria, and of others cooperators in the same condition.
“The experience of Northern Italy –Mr. Perelli said in his speech – indicates that in order to make a quality leap in the development of agriculture, Algeria needs to engage the modernisation in its traditions. It is a challenge that Algerian people and its leaders have to face because development and modernisation of the agricultural sector does not mean only positive feedback for the economy, but also a practical and viable solution to the serious social problem of emigration”.
As part of its National Strategy for Sustainability and Rural Development, Algeria wants to improve social cohesion and development of rural areas to guarantee equal resources access and that decentralisation will result with special attention given to the most vulnerable rural populations. These objectives can be achieved only with an improvement in investment planning and if the geographical diversity is taken into account.
The strategy focuses on four programmes: rehabilitation of villages and “Ksours”, recovery and development of economic activities in rural development and natural resource protection, enhancement of tangible and intangible rural heritage. Each programme promotes partnerships between actors of development, multi-sectorial integration, support for the implementation of innovative economic activities, promotion and sustainable management of resources and heritage, socio-economic synergy and coordination in actions. These programmes all focus on development and revitalisation (economic, social, environmental and cultural) of the territories.
Through this strategy, Algeria pursues several objectives: reverse rural exodus, fight against desertification and erosion, widespread social, economic, cultural and environmental development in steppe, oasis and mountainous areas.
The workshop had the aim to contribute to the enhancement of tangible and intangible rural heritage, through the analysis of international instruments and programmes and the identification of a pilot partnership programme for the development of socio-economic activities on rural heritage promotion, together with local actors.

ALDA launches the activities and information campaign on the European Citizens Initiative, which represents a new and innovative tool for citizens’ participation in Europe. 
“This is a challenging proposal, which needs to be fully understood by citizens. It does not represent a final step towards direct democracy but it is to be conceived as an important instrument for mobilization of interest in Europe”. says Antonella Valmorbida, Director of ALDA.

The European Citizens’ Initiative, entered in force the 1st of April, will allow 1 million citizens from at least seven EU countries to invite the European Commission to bring forward proposals for legal acts in areas where the Commission has the power to do so. The organisers of a citizens’ initiative, a citizens’ committee composed of at least 7 EU citizens who are resident in at least 7 different Member States, will have 1 year to collect the necessary statements of support. The number of statements of support has to be certified by the competent authorities in the Member States. The Commission will then have 3 months to examine the initiative and decide how to act on it. It is a right that is enshrined in the EU treaties. The rules and procedures governing the citizens’ initiative are set out in an EU regulation adopted by the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union in February 2011. 
A guide published by the European Union explains what the citizens’ initiative is about, how to sign up to initiatives and how to organise an initiative.
“Warming Up“ Conference was implemented last January on The European Citizens’ Initiative by the European Commission. 
“I think that, at the moment, the effects of the ECI will be more on the side of awareness raising that the actual effects of the initiatives themselves. But, this is an opportunity not to lose. We hope that soon all the European members states will adopt the necessary national regulations for a full implementation”, says also Antonella Valmorbida, Director of ALDA. 
ALDA will support numerous activities organised for the launch of the European Citizens Initiative with the support the office in Brindisi (Italy) – fixes on the April the 18th, in Vicenza and Strasbourg and by la Maison de l’Europe in Caen (France). The members of ALDA will received during the upcoming month a full update on the possibilities and practical hints as for the ECI.
ALDA has been working on the field of active citizenship and citizen participation for a long time involving different stakeholders such as local authorities, Civil Society Organisations, citizens in local and national level. The idea of this information day is to increase the awareness of citizens on the key and crucial role they can and must play in the construction of the European Citizenship and to foster their participation in the European and local decision making process for a good governance.

On 28th March 2012 ALDA launched the WTD Alliance through the International Conference Local authorities and civil society: a partnership for development.
ALDA, together with the 21 partners and associates of WTD (Working Together for Development), commits to share at the European and National levels the best practices of cooperation between LAs and CSOs in development cooperation.
The President of the Committee of the Regions, Ms Mercedes Bresso, who opened the Conference, highlighted the strong efforts of the Committee in this direction and the strong support to ALDA in its work.
See here the videos

“The WTD Alliance would have two main objectives: implementing actions at the local level involving LAs and CSOs and bringing to policy makers those best development cooperation practices. As for the first objective, WTD has a strong local dimension by re-granting part of the resources of the project to small initiatives carried out by local authorities, of municipalities with up to 30,000 inhabitants, and local NGOs. As for the second point, we have appreciated the progress of the Structured Dialogue on Development through our membership in the CONCORD platform and we welcome the idea of the European Commission of setting up a Policy Forum on Development” stated Mr. Per Vinther, ALDA President in his intervention.
The representatives of the main European and International institutions, European Commission, Council of Europe and UNDP, shared the concerns of ALDA and of the WTD Alliance members as for the promotion of a peer and fruitful cooperation among CSOs and LAs in development.
The Conference had also the contribution of practitioners, both representatives of LAs and CSOs, involved in development cooperation processes, which highlighted the importance of cooperating at the local level when implementing and planning development actions.
Ms Antonella Valmorbida, Director of ALDA, presented the main features of actions of the WTD Alliance included in the position paper on WTD Political Dimension subscribed by its members.
The WTD Alliance aims at fostering the joint role of LAs and CSOs as promoters of democracy, social justice and human rights, promoting and favouring cooperation among all types of LAs and CSOs in order to bring their best practices of cooperation to European, national and regional institutions, trying to influence their development policies consequently.
The Alliance aims at playing a relevant political role at the EU level, as well as at the national and regional level when it comes to the promotion of good cooperation between LAs and CSOs in development cooperation. As such the WTD Alliance aims at integrating its voice and sharing its experience in the proposed Policy Forum on Development.
For more information please contact Mr Alfonso Aliberti, Project Manager of ALDA, at

Vice president of ALDA, Mr. Dobrica Milovanovic, had the opportunity to present ALDA, its Network and its work in Europe at the Summit of Europe’s Regions and Cities that took place in Copenhagen on 22 and 23 March 2012, promoted by the Committee of the Regions.
Mr. Milovanovic had short interventions during one of the workshops of the event and had a short exchange of words with the President of the European Commission, Josè Manuel Barroso, and the Danish Prime Minister Mrs. Helle Thorning-Schmidt, whom he thanked for supporting Serbia to get EU candidate status.
Mr Milovanovic met also the Mayors of Copenhagen, Mr. Frank Jensen, and Lisbon Antonio Costa.
This high level event entitled “The European urban fabric in the 21st century” was fully dedicated to the sustainable urban development. Mayors of European cities, presidents of regions, architects, the experts on
urban planning and others shared their views on the many challenges they are facing – how to prevent climate changes, create jobs, promote economic growth and to ensure sustainable energy supply.
During various workshops they also presented some of their best practices and innovative approaches. “Copenhagen declaration” adopted at the end of the Summit, which promotes the transition to “green economy”, was supported by the highest EU officials, (president of EC Mr Jose Manuel Barroso, president of EP Mr Martin Schulz, Prime Minister of Denmark, Ms Helle Thorning-Schmidt).
Mr Barroso stated that the transition to a green economy will require appropriate funding and EU policies and the development of innovative financial systems involving local partners, banks, private companies and civil society.

ALDA will take part in the Regional conference for North Africa organised by the EC-UN Joint Initiative on Migration and Development on 27 and 28 March 2012 in Tunis.
ALDA will present its experience in its project Capitalise Migrant Capacities with the main objective to maximise the development impact of migration by addressing the problem of brain waste and de-skilling of prospective migrants and returnees in order to transform it in brain gain.
The project has been conceived also in order to strengthen the links and the dialogue among Algerian migrants in Italy and France and migrant associations and local authorities in Algeria in the field of migration issues. The project has achieved these goals by providing coherent pre-departure orientation, by encouraging highly skilled Algerian emigrants in France and Italy to contribute to the socio-economic development of Algeria and by facilitating the professional reintegration of returnees and prospective migrants.

Partners of the project TIC-TAC will meet each other during a two-days training session which will be held in Brussels on 29th and 30th March 2012.
The main aim of the training session is to strengthen the capacities and knowledges of the personnel working as Project Managers in our partner organisations in the perspective of an improved quality of our work.
The most expected result to be achieved is the definition of a common method for high-quality project drafting and implementation in the Europe for Citizens Programme based on good practices of partners and of quality elements they will define together.
The training session will be hosted in the Liaison Office of Friuli Venezia Giulia Region in Brussels.
TIC-TAC (Training, Information, Cooperation – Towards Active Citizenship) aims at promoting all the measures of the Europe for Citizens programme and at strengthening the participation of the potential programme’s stakeholders through the creation of a platform for the establishment of long lasting partnership reaching a significant number of different stakeholders (Association of LA, CSOs, LAs, citizens).
The partnership is composed of 22 organisations such as Associations of LA, of LA, NGOs, other local actors, both private and public. Media will also be involved.

The partners of the Civil Trust Building project, in a press release, expressed their congratulations to the political leaders on their decision and the positive steps taken by Serbia to reach candidate status.
The European Council has granted candidate statues to Serbia at its meeting on 1-2 March
2012 which paves the way to start negotiations for EU membership.

This positive development reaffirms the commitment of societies of the Western
Balkans to European integration in general and the prospect of European Union membership
in particular
”, is written in the press release.

On Friday 23rd March 2012, ALDA President, Mr. Per Vinther, had a meeting with the Secretary General of the Union of Municipalities of Montenegro, Mr. Rajko Golubovic.
Attended the meeting also Mr. Kerim Međedović, executive director of the Local Democracy Agency in Montenegro.
Secretary General, Rajko Golubovic, informed the ALDA guests on the most important activities undertaken by the Union of Municipalities in performing their roles.
He expressed the desire to establish a cooperation with ALDA in order to provide expert assistance in preparing the analysis of the functioning of local government whose development is planned for second quarter current year.
The details of this cooperation will be discussed during next meetings between the two associations.