ALDA and the Croatian LDAs, in the context of the EU referendum, encourage all the citizens in Croatia to take an active role and vote, thus bringing Croatia closer to the European Union than ever before.
The Local Democracy Agencies in Osijek, Sisak and Brtonigla, the Association of Local Democracy Agencies with its seat in Strasbourg, France and the other LDAs in the Western Balkans, give a public statement.
“We understand – is written in the statement- and experience the process of the European integration as a process of affirmation of positive social values, civic freedoms and rule of law. The European perspective has opened to Croatian society an opportunity for creating new policies introducing higher standards in many fields of social and economic life. By involving citizens, local and regional authorities our organisation and network members in Southeast Europe have for a long time supported and advocated European values and standards.
Long standing experience of our organisations in Croatian local communities has taught us that in the last years support by EU institutions has been the key element for accomplishing the social and economic reforms and equitable change.
Being fully aware of many challenges that Croatia is facing in this moment of the accession to EU, we consider that this is a step in support to both continuing and to the future process of democratic stability, strengthening of institutions, balanced regional development, fair social policy and economic development.
We consider that it is important to develop a participatory democratic culture and active citizenship and we strongly support citizens’ participation in decision making. With this in view we encourage all the citizens in Croatia to take an active role and vote, thus bringing Croatia closer to the European Union than ever before”.
ALDA, the Croatian Local Democracy Agencies Osijek, Sisak, Brtoniglia, and the Local Democracy Agencies Prijedor, Zavidovici, Mostar, Niksic, Subotica, Nis, Peja, Shkodra have signed the statement.

A ELDW general meeting was held the 19th of January at the Council of Europe bureau in Paris. The aim was to assess the recent 2011 edition of the Week and to prepare the new 2012 edition.
Mr. Per Vinther, ALDA President, represented at the meeting also the Croatian City of Sisak which qualified this year for the “12 Stars City” label.
The National Associations of the local authorities, the European institutions and associations, as well as the other international partners of the ELDW was invited to attend the meeting. The mayors of the 19 municipalities which took part in the ELDW 2011 as “12 Star cities” was also be invited to share their views and experiences. About half of the 12 Star Cities were represented and used the opportunity to present what they had been doing in their European Local Democracy Week.
Afterwards, participants had a discussion about the topic of the new 2012 edition that will probably be the “Social Cohesion”. In the next weeks the ELDW secretariat will announce the title of the new edition.

LDA Osijek together with 13 associations from Osijek-Baranja County on the 18th January has organised a press conference on occasion of EU referendum in Croatia.
On the referendum on Croatian accession to the EU, the co-ordination of civil society association of the County has expressed a common attitude.
It was stressed that the EU support was a key element for achieving change in society, and to be joining the European Union continues to work on democratisation and raise standards.
They find that Croatia was ready to join the union and the accession will bring many benefits, especially to youth, through the promotion of mobility in education and work. Local Democracy Agency in Osijek was one of the associations that signed the statement.

The Minister for Home and Parliamentary Affairs in Malta, Mr Carmelo Misfud Bonnici, attended to the final event of the project “STAND.UP: Strengthening Twinning and Networking for Development Agreements. United in Partnership” that has been held in Malta (16-17 January 2012).
The International Conference “Social Integration and Gender Equality through a Good Local Governmental System” has seen the participation of 80 representatives of Local Authorities and Civil Society Organizations coming from 11 countries of the enlarged Europe. It has been a unique opportunity to discuss the role of LAs and CSOs in promoting jointly activities to foster social inclusion, in particular migrants’ inclusion in local life, and gender equality at the local level.
STAND.UP, implemented by ALDA in partnership with 17 international partners, aims to promote citizen participation and interaction with local and European institutions, through the methodology of town twinning.
During the Conference it has been possible to compare Malta and Puglia experiences on welcoming migrants coming from North Africa. Moreover, the presence of local and international organisation promoting gender equality has encouraged local Mayors to share their experiences with their counterparts from other European countries. The event has strongly benefited from the support of a relevant institutional figure such as Mr Carmelo Misfud Bonnici, Minister for Home and Parliamentary Affairs in Malta, and from the contribution of Mr Michael Cohen, President of the Local Councils’ Association whose presence has further strengthened the dissemination of the project outcomes.
As final part of the activity, a steering committee among project partners has been held so as to plan the follow up of the project.

Ms. Dzenana Dedic LDA Mostar) has been appointed as the new representative of the Delegates in the Governing Board of ALDA.
The decision has been taken during the last Delegates coordination meeting, held on the 9-10 of January in Nis (SRB). She will substitute Mr. Umberto Ademollo, Delegate of LDA Verteneglio, and she will be in charge for one year.
We have made some questions to the Dzenana to see how she intend to fulfil this new challenging appointment.
(In photo: Dzenana Dedic in the center, with the staff of the LDA Mostar)
Dzenana could you tell us a bit more about you and about your involvement in the LDA Mostar and in the LDAs network?
After almost 10 years of experience in NGO sector I started my engagement in LDA Mostar from August 2004. Official inauguration of LDA Mostar was 22nd November 2004. My position till the end of 2009 was administrative/financial officer and assistant to delegate, and according to the legal registration I was director of the LDA registered at national level as CSO. From the beginning of 2010 I am at the position of delegate of LDA Mostar.
What will be your contribution in the GB to bring the voice of the delegates
In general I see my job as a big challenge and chance to participate in democratisation process of my country and region in whole. ALDA and LDA network is perfect environment to reach that goal. Gives us huge opportunities to realise many useful activities and actions. LDA delegates should use more that opportunity and strengthen the cooperation among LDAs and force ALDA to improve network’s position at European level using its credibility gained during the years of active work.
To conclude, how do you see LDAs network in the future
Each LDA individually I see as a strong partner to local and national governments and jointly in ALDA network, as strong partner to EU institutions especially in pre accession and accession processes and EU enlargement. Also we have to find good model to stay connected to the Croatian LDAs once that Croatia become the EU member state.

From 4th to 7th January 2012 Italian delegation composed of representatives of Montenero Di Bisaccia Municipality and their Pro Loco Association visited now already 5th Live Nativity manifestation in Aljmaš village in Eastern Croatia. Five years ago together with LDA in Osijek they initiated this manifestation in Erdut municipality which has indeed a lots of potential for developing of religious tourism in its Aljmaš senctuary.
This is a third visit of Molisian delegation to this manifestation in which they already traditionally played the roles of three kings. The same manifestation they prepare every year in Montenero already for 30 years. During four days of this year’s manifestation they managed to involve some 200 volunteers and to attract 15000 visitors. Their methodology and success in definitely something that inhabitants of Erdut Municipality gladly look for. Through years this event enabled to both citizens and local authorities representatives to exchange ideas, talk about common challenges and discover new fields of their future cooperation.

The Delegates of the Western Balkans LDAs strongly call upon the authorities of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia who have formally expressed interest in participating, to speed up the procedure of joining the Europe for Citizens Programme.
At their first Southeast Regional Coordination and Partnership Building Meeting, held on 10th January in Nis, Serbia, the delegates of LDAs were reviewing the present status and challenges of the local democracy in the region, in view of its potential role in upholding the EU integration process in the Western Balkans countries.
Having in mind that local tier of governance should have a stronger say in EU integration, and that so far Croatia, Albania and Macedonia have acceded the Europe for Citizens programme as one of the most effective tool linking the local governments and citizens all across Europe – is written in a official statement of the LDAs – we strongly call upon the authorities of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia who have formally expressed interest in participating, to speed up the procedure of joining the Programme“.
Submitted the call the Delegates of the LDA of Sisak, Osijek, Verteneglio (Croatia), Prijedor, Zavidovici, Mostar (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Subotica, Nis (Serbia), Niksic (Montenegro), Peja (Kosovo) and Shkodra (Albania).

ALDA has been nominated for the 5th Active Citizens of Europe (ACE) Awards, for his outstanding efforts on volunteering and active citizenship programmes.
The announcement was given during the 20th VolontEurope Conference, that was held in Edinburgh, delivered in partnership with CSV in Scotland and supported by the European Commission’s ‘Europe for Citizens’ Programme.
The ACE Awards recognises outstanding individual volunteers and volunteering NGOs, as well as corporate companies with effective CSR and volunteering programmes, who have proved to be outstanding pioneers and ambassadors for voluntary action and Active Citizenship.
The awards recognise the great work that ALDA has done and is doing in these fields.
The 2011 winners, selected by the ACE Awards Judges are: among NGOs: Scottish European Educational Trust (Scotland), Sue Ryder (for work in Scotland through the Prison Volunteer Programme), Serve the City (Europe-wide), among Volunteers: Redhall Walled Garden Trainees (Scotland), Saronikos Young Volunteers in Action (Greece), among Corporate Organisations: Fundação INATEL – ‘Conversa Amiga’ Programme (Portugal).

The final event of the project “STAND.UP: Strengthening Twinning and Networking for Development Agreements. United in Partnership” will be held in Malta, on 16-17 of January 2012.
STAND.UP, implemented by ALDA in partnership with 17 international partners, aims to promote citizen participation and interaction with local and European institutions, through the methodology of town twinning.
The International Conference “Social Integration and Gender Equality through a Good Local Governmental System” will see the participation of 80 representatives of Local Authorities and Civil Society Organizations coming from 11 countries of the enlarged Europe. It will be a unique opportunity to discuss the role of LAs and CSOs in promoting jointly activities to foster social inclusion, in particular migrants’ inclusion in local life, and gender equality at the local level.
During the Conference it will be possible to compare Malta and Puglia experiences on welcoming migrants coming from North Africa. Moreover, the presence of local and international organisation promoting gender equality will encourage local Mayors to share their experiences with their counterparts from other European countries.
As final part of the event a steering committee among the project partners will be held to plan the follow up of the project.
For more information contact Mr Alfonso Aliberti, Project Manager of ALDA, at

Download here the event agenda.

With a view to constant efforts of ALDA to improve its network performances, the first SEE LDA-s coordination and partnership building meeting was held in Nis – Serbia, 9/10 January 2012, hosted by the LDA Central Serbia team members.
The two day meeting was designed as a capacity building and activity planning seminar intended for the delegates / LDA staff members.
During the event, a group visit was organised to the City administration of Nis, where the reception was hosted by Mrs. Dusica Davidovic, member of the City Council, member of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of CoE and member of Alda’s Governing Board.
Project development and implementation planning was the main focus of the meeting, while the exchange of specific case study based information was the main training methodology applied. Most of the eleven Agencies present have been operating at grass-root level for over one decade with a strong commitment to building local capacities for democratic governance, respect for human/minority rights and citizen participation in policy and decision making. Substantial expertise gained, during perhaps the most difficult times of conflicts and the democratic transition in the Western Balkan countries, led to numerous cross-border, regional and country based co-operation and networking activities into which the LDA-s in this region have involved a wide range of stakeholders, above all, the local authorities, CSO-s, development agencies, thus contributing to effective cross-sectoral co-operation agreements for sustainable development strategies.
In their respective municipalities- the host cities, the LDA-s today play a key role in bringing the local self-governments and the citizens in local multicultural communities closer to the European values and standards, within overall efforts in the region aimed at EU integration.
Further to this, the Delegates had the opportunity to share the lessons learnt from both successful and not so successful project ideas. The intention was to substantially increase the data basis of “good practice of LDAs” to be presented in ALDA documents. As agreed in the meeting, such a long lasting experience in jointly developing and implementing co-operation projects connecting the LDA-s, cities and numerous outstanding experts, NGO practitioners and individuals in the region needs to be widely promoted and shared within entire ALDA network. Therefore it was agreed that the LDA-s perspective and expertise will be compiled in the new thematic publication on Local Democracy in Southeast Europe – its present status, comparative analyses and the practice.
A separate session was dedicated to LDA-s strategic role and further contribution relevant for EU enlargement process in the document to be presented to DG Enlargement and the EU Delegations in the region. Finally, financial planning for 2012 and sustainability resources were discussed. ALDA Director, Antonella Valmorbida, and ALDA staff members Alfonso Aliberti and Stanka Parac assisted in facilitation and coordination of the meeting to help achieve its main objectives: improving ALDA network performances and LDAs sustainability.

The Governing Board of ALDA, which was held in Brussels on the 3rd of February, launched the programme 2012.
Despite the difficulties for local authorities and civil society (ALDA main partners), the organisation continues its positive trend in terms of activities and memberships. The priority will be the full support to local governance and cooperation between Local Authorities and Civil Society. The Local Democracy Agencies (today up to 13 offices) will be strengthened with projects and partners. A special focus will be given to the new LDAs (Armenia and future in Azerbaijan, in Southern Caucasus as well as the LDA in Kosovo).

The General Assembly that will be held in Udine (Italy) the 7th and 8th of June will also elect a new Governing Board, that will be fundamental to accompany the organisation through these delicate times, when local governance and citizens’ participation remain one of the strongest option to promote democracy and peace in Europe and it neighbouring countries. An ALDA 2020 Strategy is currently discussed among the members and closest partners of ALDA as well as a more precise three years Position Paper that will be approved in Udine, too. A revision of Statute will also be proposed in order to update this document with the present situation of the organisation.
The programme confirms also the strong partnership with the programme Europe for Citizenship of the DG Communication , from which ALDA receives an Operating Grant and also projects. ALDA is active member of the Structured Dialogue as well as part of the initial Alliance to prepare the 2013, Year of Citizens . ALDA will continue to work on twinning activities and it will support European Citizenship with its 150 members in Europe. ALDA will also strongly focus on the programmes in South Eastern Europe and all the possible support to further integration to the EU, based on local governance and support of local authorities. A new office in Skopije supports the programme on Local Governance of the programme of Decentralised Cooperation Basse Normandie/Macedonia and the decentralised Cooperation France/Balkans .
In Eastern Europe and Caucasus, ALDA is working with LDAs and thanks to programmes to support local Democracy, like in Belarus. It is strongly involved in the Civil Society Forum for Eastern Partnership as Coordinator of the Subgroup on Local Government and Public Administration reform and therefore, also closely working, with the Committee of the Regions on this.
As for the Southern dimension and the MED region, a further commitment as been made. Some projects will be launched in Tunisia and Algeria and potentially, it will be possible to use our experience in transitional countries to support local governance and citizens’ participation in this area .
With the launch of the programme WTD (Working Together for Development) (first steering committee 28th of March in Brussels), ALDA is also brining its experience in the field of development with the support of Local Authorities and civil Society.
Last but not the least, ALDA is interested to work with all the potential partners in Europe to achieve its mandate. It joined several networks on which it is planned to have an active participation, like Concord, Civicus and the European Movement.

Dear ALDA Members and Friends,
The year 2011 is drawing to a close and we can again say that it has been an extremely busy and successful one for our Association. The same is the case for theLocal Democracy Agencies. We have opened the 13th LDA in Gyumri in Armenia and are presently sorting out all the practical aspects so that the LDA can be fully operational soon in the new year. LDA Kosovo in Peja/Pechas been confirmed in its existence and is also now fully operational. In addition, ALDA has been closely associated with the EU’s Eastern Partnership and we are working closely with non state actors in Belarus to push for much needed democratisation of that country.

On active citizenship we have been nothing but active. Our General Assembly was held in conjunction with a well attended conference on Volunteering, a project called Stand-Up has been promoting cooperation between local authorities and civil society on facing the negative consequences of the financial crisis and yet another has been addressing the issue of Remembrance as a means to preserve a peaceful future for Europe.
2012 promises to be equally busy. Apart from our normal activities we will become more engaged with partners in the Mediterranean Region and try to offer our support and experience in assisting the civil society involved in the Arab Spring. To that end we have established a number of alliances with organisations with objectives similar to ours but also expect to rely on continuing good cooperation with European Institutions and partners.
As of late, there has been plenty of media hype about the Euro crisis and associated doomsday prophesies. However, against the background of all this noise we must not forget what the European Union has meant for peace and prosperity in Europe over the last 60 years. That is what is important! The EU’s efforts will continue and so will those of ALDA in promoting democracy, respect for human and minority rights and the rule of law.
Offering you on behalf of the ALDA Governing Board and Staff the best wishes for a Peaceful and Reflective Christmas and a Happy and Healthy 2012 I also express the wish that we may continue to work together on these worthwhile issues in the new year, irrespective of the many demanding challenges I know you are also facing in your own communities. I send you a heartfelt Thank You!

Per Vinther
ALDA President

Europe is much different now than at the beginning of the passed year. One could hardly say how much it will change in 2012. The financial crisis, which hit the economies of all the European States, and then afflicted so much the Eurozone, is now setting the agenda of all the European summits. However, one of the victims of this last year is not only economy but also the perception that citizens have of the European Project.
Now, public opinion sees it as a project, which is punishing the “hopeless” States. This is, however, an old and well knowns trick of the European Members States that put on the European Union the role of scapegoat of all the troubles. The European Project is, for us, a vision of a common area of peace and wealth, which is now jeopardised by this 2011 and all its measures to address financial defaults
The participation of citizens to the future and difficult decisions for the European Union can’t be suspended “till the crisis will pass or dealt with”. Any decision must have a participatory approach and it should consider citizens and its civil society able to understand and address the problems, together. It is high time to put citizens and European Citizenship and identity high in the agenda. The tougher will be the times in the future, the more we need to relaunch the European project and the European identity, based on values and common objectives.
The real focus on human rights, democratic and participative societies and bottom up approach must lead the future decision making in the European Union, inside the EU and also in their policies with the Neighbouring States (Eastern Partnership and Med) and even more in the Enlargement process. Europe must be perceived even more now a choice of society and values and not be flattened to sorting out our budgets, no matters how much important are these issues as we know. The approach must give value and resources to the programme Europe for Citizens (and not the other way round) and give further resources to local governance and civil society engagement in the cooperation programmes of the EU. Otherwise, once we would have found our way out financially speaking, we shall realise that nobody wants to be part of the club, any longer…
In front of us, there is a lot to do this year and in the upcoming period 2014 – 2020. Sooner than this, we will focus on the Year of Citizenship for 2013 and prepare it as good as possible, first lobbying for considering it as a year of European Identity and Citizenship and not in legal and strict assumption. We should incentive the European stakeholders to consider it a great and timing opportunity to raise the issue at all levels, accompanying the strict and painful measures that will affect us all.

Antonella Valmorbida
ALDA Director

As a part of the INTACT project, funded by the Europe for Citizens Programme of the European Union, has been realised in Brindisi (Italy) an event for students of secondary schools.
The meeting, promoted by the Municipality of Brindisi with the ALDA Office cooperation in the city, the Youth Information Office and in collaboration with IPRES, took place on 16th of December in the City Hall.
During a first introductory moment the promoters presented the project and its aims and the twinning activities of the Municipality of Brindisi.
The students were then involved in a debate on active citizenship and twinnings, aimed at the identification of new needs or perceptions on those issues.
Divided into working groups, the boys discussed the issue and answered a questionnaire on European identity and the results were then presented to all participants during a plenary session.
It was possible to verify the level of knowledge of youth on twinning activities in the area and were collected moods and proposals on active citizenship, European identity and twinning programs.
The results of the plenary discussion will be shared with other partners of the INTACT project and will form an “owned” basis for all the institutions involved in the definition of new activities in international cooperation and twinning.

Download here the press clipping on the meeting
Watch the video here

ALDA will attend the European Development Days (EDD) in Warsaw (Poland) on the 15-16 December 2011. EDD is Europe’s premier forum on international affairs and development cooperation and it is organised by the European Commission and the Polish Presidency of the Council of the European Union. The event represents an important platform to discuss topics concerning development. For more information please visit
ALDA has been monitoring the EC policy on development during the last couple of years and has been involved as well in important European events and consultations concerning this topic. Furthermore, ALDA has been granted by the EC for the implementation of one of the three European projects selected in 2010 under Objective III of the NSA & LA Programme. The project in hand is WTD – Working Together for Development. It is a multi-annual development project designed by ALDA in cooperation with 21 international partners and associates coming from 16 different countries of the enlarged Europe. Main actors of the project are Local Authorities and Non State Actors. It aims at supporting these actors, in order to ensure their ownership of the development strategies and to favour their full involvement in the policy making process, enhancing their capacities to act as development agents in and outside Europe. The attendance of the EDD fits in this process of advocating the EU institutions to fully recognise the role of Local actors in the development processes.
For more information please contact Mr. Alfonso Aliberti, Project Manager of ALDA.

A training on Strategic Planning was held on 10 to 12.12.2011 in Prijedor, organised by the Association of Citizens “DON” Prijedor. Trainers was Murisa Maric (DON Prijedor), and Snezana Svetlana Šešlija (ToPeeR Doboj). Participants in training were non-governmental organisations from Bihac, Breze, Mostar, Prijedor, Tuzla and Zavidovici.
This is the first in a series of training sessions for capacity building of civil society envisaged by the project of regional cooperation: Civil Society in Action for Dialogue and Partnership, funded by the European Union Delegation in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the funds provided for the “Support to the civil society networks”.
The leading partner of the project is the Association of Local Democracy Agencies (ALDA), while other partners are members of ALDA network in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatian and Serbian – Local Democracy Agency Mostar, Zavidovići, Osijek and Subotica, as well as the “Forum of Tuzla Citizens”, “Centre for Local Development” Breza , “DON” Prijedor and “Nove nade” Bihac, a local nongovernmental organisations that effectively contribute to local democratic development and implementation of municipal agreements on cooperation.

The ALDA President, Mr. Per Vinther, met recently with the Rector of the the “Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego” in Bydgoszcz, Professor Józef Kubik. The meeting was also attended by the Head of International Relations Office of the University, Mgr Aniela Bekier-Jasińka, and by the Principal of the International School of Bydgoszcz, Mgr Imisława Górska.
Topic of the discussions was the potential involvement of the University in ALDA projects in which the participation of local authorities and NGOs could be complemented by the added value of participation from the academic sector. The efforts of ALDA and the LDAs in promoting democracy in host and partner communities and countries is bound to benefit from involvement also from the business and the education sector. The University already has some experience with exchange of academics from neighbouring countries, incl. Belarus, which could be beneficial in EU funded projects ALDA is developing with Non-State Actors. In addition, Rector Kubik expressed interest in engaging with other European universities who are already partners of ALDA.
The President also visited the International School of Bydgoszcz, which is affiliated with the NATO Joint Force Training Centre in the city and attached to the University. The Principal, Ms Gorska, stressed that the International School of Bydgoszcz is developing its multicultural policy and is interested in cooperation with ALDA members specialising in multiculturalism and multinational activities dedicated to pupils, youth or teenagers. Worth noting is that the Principal is the former Secretary of the ALDA Board and therefore very familiar with ALDA activities.
Photo: From left to right Ms Bekier-Jasinka, Professor Kubik, Mr Vinther and Ms Gorska

Mrs. Antonella Valmorbida, ALDA Director, was appointed coordinator of the sub group on Local Government and Public Administration Reform, of the Working Group 1 (Democracy and Human rights) of the EAP Civil Society Forum.
The members of thE group, in a meeting that take place at the end of the Annual meeting of the Forum in Poznan, asked to Mrs. Valmorbida to be the coordinator (taking over the work of SvyatoslavPavlyuk, from Ukraine).
Mrs. Valmorbida for two consecutive one year terms, allowed by the regulation, was the EU representative in the Steering Committee of the Forum, the last as co-chair.
For any further information please visit