Starting from July 4 until July 8, 2011, Macedonian and French professionals will work on discovering and practicing the technics of renovation of traditional buildings in Pont Farcy, Lower Normandy.
This practical workshop on renovating ancient buildings with natural and ecological materials will be held in the Norman farms and sites, where the experts from the two countries will demonstrate their skills in reconstruction using traditional methods.
The experts will work not only on the implementation, but also on the basic theory knowledge regarding preparation of building sites, renovating and constructing stone walls, cob walls, etc. while using the traditional (natural) materials, easy to practice individually. More information on this specific workshop and building heritage activities can be found at
This practical workshop is organised in the framework of the Decentralised cooperation between the Lower Normandy region and Republic of Macedonia, in the component 5 – Sustainable Tourism and Cultural Heritage, project coordinated by ALDA. For further information please consult the webpage of the Cooperation

In the four years that have elapsed since the beginning of the creation of the decentralised cooperation between Lower Normandy Region and North Macedonia, the cooperation has marked significant number of achieved goals. In the domains of both bilateral and multilateral cooperation, strengthening the development of policies and raising initiatives for cooperation, the decentralised cooperation between Lower Normandy and Macedonia will try to create economic ties between the two territories. Following that idea, the tourism sector has emerged as great opportunity.
Macedonian tourism potential combined with Norman know-how can lead to new goals and activities. Driven by this idea and the tourism diversity of the South-West region in Macedonia, Normand delegation will visit this region on an exploratory mission with actors from Lower Normandy, particularly the Caen region, since the city of Caen and city of Ohrid are twinned in 2009. This study mission starts on July 03 until July 08 and will focus on the city of Ohrid and its region.

This mission aims on validating possible areas of cooperation in tourism fields, develop and share experiences with the institutions of the South-West region in North Macedonia, as well as establish an inventory of Macedonian tourism infrastructure and identify local partners. This study visit will represent the beginning for cooperation between tourism actors, and great reinforcement in the decentralised cooperation between the Lower Normandy region and Republic of North Macedonia so far. For further information please consult the webpage of the Cooperation

The Project for decentralised cooperation between Republic of North Macedonia and the Region of Lower Normandy, France is coordinated by the Association of local democracy agencies (ALDA).

Sicilian Region and ALDA promote the second meeting with the mayors in Sicily on “Active citizenship and participation for local governance in the Mediterranean” (Catania 1st of July 2011, conference hall of ESA Palace, via Beato Bernardo, 5).

Following the meeting held the 19th of April 2011 in Palermo, the Sicilian Region, the Association of Local Democracy Agencies (ALDA) and several Sicilian Municipalities, have started the elaboration of a series of planning paths for the promotion of a stable partnership in the Mediterranean.
How can local governments to become positive leaders in Sicily of a new concept of local governance in the countries of the Med, which from the bottom, try to give concrete answers to the causes of migration and the problems they bring to their communities?
One possible answer to this question will try to give tomorrow in Catania the Sicily Region, in particular the Department of Foreign Affairs in Brussels, led by Dr. Francesco Attaguile, and ALDA, Association of Local Democracy Agencies, with Director Antonella Valmorbida, who organised a second meeting with the Sicilian municipalities.

Tomorrow (Friday 1st of July 2011, 10.00) at the conference hall of ESA Palace, (via Beato Bernardo, 5) will discuss the theme “Active citizenship and participation for local governance in the Mediterranean”.
The Association of Local Democracy Agencies (ALDA), in collaboration with the Sicilian Region has achieved, among other initiatives, a project for the entrepreneurial and managerial training of citizens of the Maghreb to “capitalise” their ability to develop new activities in their country of origin or to facilitate a full integration in the host countries.
In line with the “Palermo Declaration”, signed by 50 institutions representative of 20 countries in May 2010 during the conference “United by the Mediterranean” organised by the Sicilian Region, ALDA is strongly convinced of the importance of strengthening the euro-Mediterranean partnership for the promotion of human rights and participation of all citizens in the life of local communities in which they live.

Many Sicilian municipalities have joined the meeting, which aims to promote the development of synergies between the activities of ALDA, Sicily Region and Sicilian municipalities interested in promoting local governance and participation of citizens in Europe and in the Mediterranean, sharing experiences and best practices among the actors involved. The ultimate objective of the meeting is to develop local projects, within the project guidelines and funding of the European Community, as an opportunity for stable cooperation for development and peace in the Mediterranean.

The General Assembly of Concord, that took place in Brussels on 21th-22nd of June, with around 120 participants, voted on and approved ALDA’s application to become its associate member. At the General Assembly, the Confederation also accepted three other new members: The Romanian national platform FOND, Islamic Relief Worldwide and Handicap International.

Concord is the European NGO Confederation for Relief and Development. Its 18 international networks and 26 national associations from the European Member States represent more than 1600 European NGOs vis-à-vis the European Institutions.

ALDA is looking forward to being part of Concord and participate actively in its work. ALDA is in particular interested in sharing experience with the Confederation and its members on ALDA’s work in development, such as project under the Non State Actor and Local Authorities programme. ALDA is currently running two projects under this programme, the Working Together for Development project and TANDEM in Belarus.
ALDA believes that the membership of Concord will provide ALDA with the opportunity to bring its expertise and experience in development at the local level to the benefit of Concord and its members and that the work with Concord will provide access to important expertise for ALDA’s work.
More information about Concord can be found at

In the next three years ALDA will be in charge to coordinate and organise local public events (including theatre performances) in France, Belgium, Serbia and Croatia within the project “CARAVAN. Artists on the Road”.
It is a project of Community Theatre conducted by a multi-disciplinary partnership that includes 11 cultural organisations from 9 European countries. Partner leader of the project is the CRT Foundation (Turin, Italy), supervisor artistic and methodological of the project will be the Master in Social and Community Theatre of the Faculty of Education – DAMS, University of Turin.
The idea of a traveling theatre production that involves the community by making it the protagonist of the show earned to the project the first place in Europe.
In the evaluation conducted by the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) for the European Commission, CARAVAN got a score of 99/100, ranking first among the 61 submitted applications for funding across Europe.
It’s the first time that a foundation of banking origin obtained a similar result in a European tender, as leader.

Other partners of the project are Universidade da Coruna (Spain), Teater Spira (Sweden), Nordisk Teaterlaboratorium / Odin Teatret (Denmark), Projekte, Action, Kunst, Theater P.A.K.T. eingetragener Verein (Germany), Wydzia Sztuk Piknych Projektowych Wyszej Szkole Informatyki (Poland), Movimento delle Associazioni di Volontariato Italiano Onlus (Italy), Association for Culture and Education KIBLA (Slovenja) and Municipal Theatre Vazrajdane (Bulgaria).

The project originates from the economic, social and cultural crisis that in recent years has had a major impact on society throughout Europe. It plans to tackle the theme of “Rebirth of the crisis” through the creation of cultural and artistic performances, based on the methodology of social and community theatre, in order to foster the social and cultural empowerment of the communities affected by the crisis in symbolic places.

The central element in the project is the “Theatre Caravan” traveling, a vehicle with multimedia equipment, which will make a tour through Europe. The Caravan will make about 40 stops in 11 countries in Europe, staging more than 50 performances completely free to the public.
The Caravan will travel a total of 13.000 km through Italy, France, Spain, Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Germany, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Slovenia, Croatia, returning finally to Italy.

The performances will take place in different contexts, such as, for example, outside of historic houses, squares, schools, hospitals, railway stations, but always in public spaces to engage the local population.
ALDA participated to the launch event in Turin (21st-22nd of June) where will be held, on next September, the second preparatory meeting.

In the framework of the component 3 regarding the protection and inventory of architectural heritage, starting from 25th June until 2nd July, the activities will continue through a study visit to North Macedonia.
The French delegation from the The National Association of Towns and Regions of Art and History and tows with protected areas will spend several days working on cities and protected areas with The Association of historical and artistic cities of the Republic of North Macedonia.

The two partners will prepare detailed plans for cities and protected areas in the municipalities of Veles, Kumanovo, Berovo, Stip and Kratovo. French experts will go on field and observe the conditions for the protection of architectural heritage, where they will define the priorities in this domain. The first detailed plans for protected areas will serve to plan and prepare the protection of architectural heritage at local level.
This stage of the project includes meetings with institutional representatives following the visit and conference held last February in Veles.

This visit is part of the Project for Decentralised Cooperation between Lower Normandy and North Macedonia, in the component 3 – Inventory of Cultural Heritage. The project is coordinated by the Association of local democracy agencies (ALDA). For further information please consult the webpage of the Cooperation

LDA CSS, Center for Civil Resources Development and Media Research Centre Nis in cooperation with the Office for European Affairs of the City of Nis and the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) began with preparation of the exhibition entitled “Strong Words” in May 2011.

The exhibition “STRONG WORDS” will be held from 27 June to 1 July 2011. in the European corner and will consist of the selected photos from the call for photographers invited to record examples of the hate speech on the walls of our city.
Photographs will form a whole that will be followed by texts which will point out the ideological sources of graffiti that insult the human rights and human dignity. We want to emphasise the importance of promoting human rights and tolerance but also to draw attention to the terrible consequences that can result by the tolerating of hate speech.
We believe that the results of those kinds of activities can make a significant contribution to guiding the citizens of Serbia to respect human rights as one of three key values underpinning the European Union.

The Mayor of Niš, Mr Miloš Simonović, visited yesterday (23rd of June) the ALDA office in Brussels which is hosting the newly established Representative Office of the City of Niš.
Dr. Alexandra Lugovic who is in charge of that office will be the eyes and ears of Niš in Brussels presenting what Niš has to offer potential partners and inversely looking for opportunities and contacts from which Niš can benefit.
The Mayor and his associates were welcomed by MrPer Vinther, ALDA President, and ALDA staff and spent time in the office discussing the potential for strengthening the co-operation between Niš and ALDA as well as between the City and the Local Democracy Agency for Central and Southern Serbia, which has been hosted by Niš for a number of years.
The visit was preceded by a well-attended reception the evening before, putting the Representative Office and the City of Niš clearly on the radar screen in the EU Capital.

On 17 June, the programme France-Balkans held their workshop on Youth aimed at further discussing the project submitted to the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Regional Council of Auvergne.
ALDA was represented by the Director Antonella Valmorbida and the project-manager in charge with the programme France-Balkans, Biljana Zasova.

The main idea of the project is to organise an itinerary seminar for 40 young journalists, amateurs or students, disadvantaged youth working in local radios and TV channels coming from all the French and Balkan partners in the programme. The objective is to reproduce the itineraries of famous journalist, Albert Londres, who investigated about Balkan politics and social affairs in early 20th century. The youngsters will have the opportunity to realise a web documentary or open a web radio after their trip around the region. A Youth in Action project will be submitted in support to the present action within France-Balkans.

The Vichy Auvergne county (, a future member of ALDA, will be responsible for the main management and fundraising. ALDA and Courrier des Balkans will implement the project.

The exchange of experience through working visits continues this June and August between FFRM and AFDI.
In the framework of their cooperation, the Macedonian delegation is visiting the organisation IADK (Initiative for agricultural development of Kosovo) in Kosovo on 10, 11 and 12 June. This study visit and experience sharing will contribute to reinforcing the cooperation between FFRM and IADK, since IADK is AFDI’s Kosovo partner. The neighbouring organisations will work on creating new policies and practices in order to improve the agriculture in both countries.

The French delegation will visit North Macedonia at the end of the summer and will re-visit existing pilot groups in Tetovo, Gostivar, Resen and Berovo, as well as the south-west part of Macedonia. The team will visit the dairy producers, but also other farmers and cooperatives in North Macedonia.
This event is part of the Decentralised cooperation programme between the Region Lower Normandy and republic of NorthMacedonia, coordinated by ALDA.
For further information visit the webpage of the Cooperation

ALDA is attending in Foligno (Italy) the “International Forum on Aid Effectiveness at the Local Level “Territories Networking for Human Development” Innovative Tools and Practices for Decentralised Cooperation”, from 15th to 17th June 2011. The forum is organised by the Fund of Local Entities for Decentralised Cooperation and Sustainable Human Development (FELCOS Umbria) and the United Nations Development Programme’s ART Initiative (UNDP), and it is sponsored by the Umbria Region.

Development Cooperation is going through a crucial phase of transformation, with new perspectives and challenges ahead. Among these are the need to combine the implementation of innovative practices and principles related to the management and effectiveness of official development assistance (in the direction defined in the road map from Paris to Busan), even despite the constraints imposed by the global economic crisis. Mindful of the increasing interdependence and complementarity between the local and global realms, one of the new elements in this scenario is the continued and dynamic growth of the role played by the territories as protagonists of local development processes. In the last decade, the decentralised cooperation has gradually increased its role and it is steadily acquiring the profile of “territorial cooperation”, which from the political and institutional role played by local governments, it involves different territorial actors as active and leading players in the context of the territorial approach to development.
The main objective of the Forum is to provide an opportunity to analyse, discuss and debate on the situation and prospects for Territorial Cooperation and its articulation with the regions, national governments, the European Union and international agencies.
ALDA will play an active role in this event presenting the innovative experience of the LDAs and their methodology of multilateral decentralised cooperation. Mr. Alfonso Aliberti, Project Manager of ALDA in charge of the development of the LDAs partnership, will present ALDA’s experiences in this renard.

For more information download the programme of the event HERE or visit

On May 26 the European Commission published its communication “A new response to a changing Neighbourhood”. The communication comes partly as a follow up to the crucial changes in Europe’s Southern Neighbourhood. The Commission proposes a new approach to strengthen the partnership between the EU and the countries and societies of the Neighbourhood: to build and consolidate healthy democracies, pursue sustainable economic growth and manage cross-border links – an approach that aims to ensure that EU’s support will promote deep democracy in the Neighbourhood.

The new approach proposes a higher level of differentiation, which will allow each partner country to develop its links with the EU as far as its own aspirations, needs and capacities allow. This change in approach will also mean that countries that are moving forward with democratic reform will be rewarded by more support and more integration – using the “more for more” concept. With the approach the EU does not seek to impose a model or a ready-made recipe for political reform, but it will insist that each partner country’s reform process reflect a clear commitment to universal values that form the basis of our renewed approach.
Specifically the Commission’s communication proposes to:

  • establish partnerships in each neighbouring country and make EU support more accessible to civil society organisations through a dedicated Civil Society Facility
  • support the establishment of a European Endowment for Democracy to help political parties, non-registered NGOs and trade unions and other social partners
  • promote media freedom by supporting civil society organisations’ (CSOs’) unhindered access to the internet and the use of electronic communications technologies reinforce human rights dialogues
    The European Parliament and Council will discuss this communication and their response to it in the following months and ALDA will follow this discussion and hopes this new proposal and discussion will lead to positive changes and more support from EU to ALDA’s work in the Neighbourhood.

The full communication can be found here – and a resume is available here.
The individual Neighbourhood country progress reports, which were also published on May 25, are available here.

LDA Central and Southern Serbia, in cooperation with NGO AssociaçãoMaisCidadania from Portugal started the new European voluntary service project “Share yourself” in order to promote volunteering experiences with following aims: to promote solidarity and tolerance, to increase social cohesion among European youngsters, to promote active citizenship and contacts between youngsters of different countries and to offer opportunities of non-formal education to 15 youngsters with low opportunities.

Beneficiaries are youngsters with low opportunities coming from different social neighbourhoods (suburbs) located in Loures, the north-west city just out of Lisbon.
LDA will host two volunteers, Maria FlorBrandão Vieira and Daniel InácioMourão, for two months to work on citizenship, promotion of participation of youngsters and breaking of social barriers through the promotion of the cultural diversities.

Closing conference and Diploma Ceremony marked the end of year and a half long project Economy & Management for NGOs in Serbia, funded by SLOVAKIAD and realised in partnership with Education Center for Non-Profit Organisation – CVNO, BanskaBystrica, Slovakia, the Faculty of Economy ”MatejBel” in Banska Bystrica and the Faculty of Economy in Nis.

The project aimed at raising the capacities of Serbian NGOs to deal with their own management and financial resources. Representatives of 10 NGOs from the southern part of Serbia took part in 6 on line courses led by the professors from the Faculty of Economy Nis: Management of NGO, Marketing of NGO, Global economy, Human resources, Finances of NGO and New trends in NGO. These on-line courses will now serve as a module for possible future accredited master’s programmes on one of the universities in Serbia.
We are also pleased to say that, through this project, LDA initiated cooperation between faculties of economy in BanskaBystrica and Nis.

Within the project “Support to Further Implementation of Local Administration Reform in Turkey Project (LAR Phase II)”, ALDA’s Cooperation Office of Brindisi involved Brindisi Municipality as member of a partnership among European towns.

In the same framework, on 15 and 16 June 2011, Brindisi Municipality will host a delegation of Turkish Municipalities to implement an exchange of best relationships / business practices and to open the way to possible commercial and industrial relations with the Turkish territory.
ALDA and Brindisi Municipality are operating partners of the project LAR Phase II “Support to Further Implementation of Local Administration Reform in Turkey” (, which is sponsored by UNDP-Turkey. It has the general aim of ensuring an effective, transparent, inclusive and participatory role of Local Government in Turkey (within the strategic decisions brought forward by the European Union, and specifically through a full implementation of the new legislation adopted in Turkey during 2003 – 2005).

On June 15-2011 at Palazzo Guerrieri, starting at 09.00 after the Mayor Domenico Mennitti’s greetings to the delegation of Turkish Municipalities, a number of thematic meetings that will address the following topics will be performed:

  1. Local economic development: concerning ports and management of the shipyards, fisheries, promotion of trade, urban regeneration and employment, environmental protection, economic transformation of towns across their transition phase from agriculture to third sector.
  2. Culture and Tourism: promotion of tourism, festivals’ organisation, renovation of historical and cultural sites, youth activities;
  3. Social projects: women’s employment, child care, citizen’s participation, cultural and educational initiatives;
  4. Municipal Capacity Building: e-municipality, exchange of visits between municipal staffs, organisation of training programs (for fire brigades, for environmental services and waste collection, for sewage, for urban planning, for public transports, for municipal police, for local planners, for GIS’s technologies);
  5. EU funds and Project Management;
  6. Practices of urban regeneration.

On June 15-2011 at Chamber of Commerce of Brindisi, starting at 15.00, a meeting with local entrepreneurs will be organised. Sponsored by ALDA and the local International Cooperation Department, this meeting aims to show Brindisi’s production/business sectors and excellences to the Turkish operators. The companies will be allowed to show their products and/or productions.

Participation in the workshop is free of charge and open to all entrepreneurs from Brindisi district.
June 16-2011 will begin at 9:00 and will be entirely dedicated to visiting some important/strategic public offices such as the Port Authority, the police headquarters and the Fire Department’s barracks.

For more information contact ALDA International Cooperation Department (via Guerrieri 7 – | Tel: 0831/229423 – Fax: 0831/229222) or visit Brindisi Municipality’s website ( and-the-16th-June-at-the-town-of-a-toast-delegation-of-representatives-of-institutional-turkey-will meet-the-business-locali.html ), or visit the websites of the participating Turkish municipalities: KARADENIZ EREGLI and ZONGULDAK

All citizens are invited to attend.

The General Assembly 2011 of ALDA will take place in Bydgoszcz (Poland) on the 9th of July 2011.
“This meeting is essential to the life of our organisation and to discuss our future plans” stated Mrs Antonella Valmorbida, Director of ALDA.
During the Assembly will be revise and discuss the vision of ALDA’s Members on the role and objectives of the Association for the year 2020, in the future European perspective.
“We are very happy stated Mr Per Vinther, ALDA President- to accept the invitation of the City of Bydgoszcz, active member of the Association and in the Governing Board, to host the event. It gives us a special motivation since we are also matching the event with the launch of the Polish Presidency of the European Union”.
The general assembly will be preceded, the 8th of July, by an international conference on “Volunteering for Democracy” to be attended by about 150 representatives from civil society groups and local governments from all over Europe.

Members of ALDA and other experts and activists will identify the best practices and the methodologies to increase the democratic standards of our communities, also through the active involvement of volunteers. The issue is included in the Annual Priority of the European Union and of the Programme Europe for Citizens, thanks to which the Association of the Local Democracy is organising the event. The event will include formal and non-formal participation, with the possibility to express a plan for the future engagement of civil society in Europe in the field of voluntarism. Several projects will be presented as best practices and analysed as possible facilitators of democratic and participative processes. The polish civil society will be closely associated to the event.


Useful material:

Bydgoszcz Conference-Programme PL
ALDA rapport trésorier 2011 FR
ALDA Programme 2011
ALDA Minutes General Assembly 2010 FR
ALDA Minutes General assembly 2010 EN
ALDA Moral Report 2010
ALDA Accounts 2010

Macedonian and French experts will host two day seminar on June 14 and 15 in Prilep, Macedonia. The participants and organizers will discuss the methodology, expectations and practices in youth information and policy as well as local realities and implementation. The objective of the conference is to present the model and need for youth information and exchange of experiences regarding Youth information centers in Europe and in NorthMacedonia.

The workshops will promote youth participation and information centers (work and set up). This event will be closed with final discussions, evaluation and signing of Declaration of youth information centers in several Macedonian municipalities.

The seminar is organised by SEGA (Coalition of youth organisation) from North Macedonia, House of Europe – Caen with participation of Youth Information Desk – “Kiosk” from Saint-Lô from the region Lower Normandy.

This event is part of the Decentralized cooperation programme between the Region Lower Normandy and Republic of North Macedonia, coordinated by ALDA

We, participants of the First Working Group on Democracy, Good Governance and Stability of the EaP Civil Society Forum deeply regret the events that took place in the capital of Georgia on 26th of May, when riot police violently dispersed largely peaceful demonstration using excessive force. The violence resulted in the loss of human lives, many demonstrators have been injured, some disappeared and dozens have been arrested.

According to the reports of the domestic and international human rights organisations, police pursued fleeing demonstrators, kicking and beating many, using rubber truncheons. In one case, they chased down demonstrators who had taken shelter in a nearby cinema, detaining them and kicking and beating many as they exited.
Though under the Georgian legislation, the demonstration was unauthorised, nothing can justify prohibited ill-treatment of demonstrators.
We call on the Government of Georgia to launch an immediate, thorough, and impartial investigation into excessive and disproportionate use of force and hold those responsible accountable.
We request from authorities to restrain from politically motivated detentions and unlawful pressure on opposition activists.
We also call upon all political actors and society to restrain from any kind of violence, preserve public accord and promote reconciliation.
We call on the EU to request an independent investigation and monitor the actions taken to safeguard against future human rights violations, and to express its concerns directly to the Georgian government.