ALDA, together with the Municipality of Dordrecht, the Netherlands, and its partner BMC has organised the CITIES final conference that will take place in the City Hall of Dordrecht on Thursday 13th January 2011.

CITIES – Creativity and Innovation in Town-twinning Initiatives in Europe and South-eastern Europe – is a EU-funded project, led by ALDA, aimed at revitalising and creating town-twinning relationships through innovative methods in Europe.
Joined by a number of dedicated partners – states Per Vinther, ALDA President – the Association of Local Democracy Agencies has taken up this challenge within the EU Programme “Europe for Citizens” with the objective of identifying new ways and skills of co-operation between partner cities which bring together all players in the community: local authorities, business and civil society. Dissemination of the ideas and suggestions which have been tabled during various conferences in the partner countries and in the concluding international conference in Dordrecht declares Per Vinther should encourage other cities across Europe to engage in Town Twinning as a means to share experience and learn from each other, to bring the countries of South East Europe closer to the EU and to promote active citizenship in general.”

The project is based on a partnership of six associations of municipalities in Albania, Slovakia, North Macedonia, two in Bulgaria and Lithuania. During the past two years the partners have organised national workshops aiming to identify innovative tools for town-twinning and the variety of fields in which such a relationship can develop. This final conference taking place in Dordrecht will gather twinning experiences from Dutch municipalities and best practices from all over Europe from the partner countries and ALDA.

To the Conference will take part around 45 foreign representatives part originating, inter alia, from Albania, Lithuania, North Macedonia and Bulgaria. Further participation will consist of representatives of Dutch municipalities, the foundations town twinning and the COS Zuid Holland (Centre for International cooperation).
Six workshops will take place in smaller groups allowing concrete discussions and encounter of many municipality representatives, in order to conclude on new cooperation projects, that could lead to future town-twinning agreements. The International Twinning Conference for Innovation provides information on international cooperation at local level today, and shows the possibilities that the ‘Europe for Citizens’ programme of the European Union offers.

The Cities project is implemented by the Association of Local Democracy Agencies (ALDA) in cooperation with the Association of Municipalities from Albania, the Regional Association of Municipalities “Central Stara Planina” and the Union of Bulgarian Black Sea Local Authorities from Bulgaria, the Association of Local Authorities in Lithuania, ECOVAST National section for Republic of North Macedonia, the International Co-operation Agency of the Association of Netherlands Municipalities, and the Union of Towns and Cities of Slovakia.
The project was launched on 1st February 2010 and will finish on 31st January 2011.
The project aims at promoting “innovation and creativity” in the framework of town-twinning, both in Europe and with a special focus on South-eastern Europe, as a way to revitalise and develop town-twinning relationships and thus strengthen cooperation among “old”, new and forthcoming Member States.

More specifically, the project aims at:

  • Promoting the concept of town twinning;
  • Starting, revitalising, and developing town twinning relationships;
  • Improving the quality of the activities within existing twinning relationships, especially by means of developing thematic cooperation;
  • Developing new skills amongst those who are responsible for twinning activities at a local level;
  • Promoting exchange of good practices in the field of town-twinning.

The general objectives of the project are to:

  • Give citizens with the opportunity to interact and participate in constructing a tighter-knit Europe, which is democratic and world-oriented, united and enriched by its cultural diversity, thus developing citizenship of the European Union;
  • Develop a sense of European identity, based on common values, history and culture
  • Foster a sense of ownership of the European Union among its citizens:
  • Enhance tolerance and mutual understanding between European citizens, respecting and promoting cultural and linguistic diversity, while contributing to intercultural dialogue.

The association “Savoir Faire et Decouverte” from Caen is organising a debate on January 14, themed as “Balkan’s Cultural and natural Heritage: The Macedonian example“. The aim is to present the cultural and natural heritage of the Macedonian rural regions as well as to present the activities for development of sustainable tourism and citizens’ participation in the regions: Berovo, Mavrovo and Novaci.

This debate is part of the Project for decentralised cooperation between Republic of North Macedonia and the Region of Lower Normandy, France. The project is coordinated by the Association of Local Democracy Agencies (ALDA).

For any further information about the project please consult:

As a result of the cooperation between cities of Lower-Normandy and North Macedonia, a delegation from the city of Hermanville-sur-Mer (FR) will visit Vevcani (MK) this week (January 13 – 18), in order to formalise their mutual interests and sign the conventions for cooperation.
The cities have already discussed their partnership and benefits during their previous visits. This time, they will focus on the strengthening of their institutional partnership, and discuss the future of their cooperation.

Direct cooperation between municipalities from Lower Normandy and Macedonia is one of the objectives in the Programme for decentralised cooperation between these two territories. This programme is coordinated by the Association of local democracy agencies (ALDA).
For any further information about the project please consult:

Continuing the efforts to maintain and improve the work of our Volunteers’ Center, LDA Central Southern Serbia (CSS) is realising a programme of workshops for the staff and our volunteers, PRO: VOLUNTEERS.

Workshops take place every second Saturday in the LDA CSS’ offices and are facilitated by Ms Jelena Djordjevic – Maksimovic, a psychologist with extensive experience.

A Bridge Towards Europe and an important instrument to ensure a smooth and stable transition towards democracy and European integration, with an emphasis on promoting tolerant and trust-based relationships within local communities.

The signature of a pre agreement for the opening of the new LDA Kosovo (the Local Democracy Agency) promoted by ALDA (the Association of Local Democracy Agency) supported by the Council of Europe, will be an important instrument to foster the process of dialogue between majority and minority for the benefit of all communities.
Meaningful is the role of ALDA and the launch of the new LDA Kosovo in the framework of the ruling recently delivered by the International Court of Justice about the 2008 declaration of independence of Kosovo.
ALDA recognises the UN’s highest court ruling – recently states Mr. Per Vinther, President of ALDA – and will put its work in the medium term perspective of European integration of all the countries of the region and the support of the equal rights of all minorities.”

Among the partners taking part in the signature of the agreement for the opening of the LDA Kosovo was Municipality of Peja/Pec (Kosovo), municipality of Yalova (Turkey) and the Association of Municipalities of Kosovo – AMK (Kosovo) as local authorities; as far as the NGOs are concerned, Tavolo Trentino con il Kosovo / Province of Trento, that will be initially the new LDA partner leader, Reggio Terzo Mondo (Kosovo and Italy), AIBI, amici dei bambini (Kosovo and Italy) and Alfa Formation (France) participated. As far as the Region Istria (Croatia) is concerned, the signature is planned to follow straight away, whereas Canton of Neuchatel (Switzerland) is evaluating to become a signature partner.

The Association of the Local Democracy Agencies was represented by M. Lucio Gregoretti, from the Municipality of Monfalcone (IT), member of the Governing Board and by the ALDA Director, Antonella Valmorbida.
The Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe was represented by Mr. Günther Krug, (Germany), Vice-President of the Chamber of Regions of Congress and member of the Bureau of the Congress, that had an important meeting with the local authorities representatives from Kosovo and from the partners’ town.
“The Congress is fully committed to working with Local democracy Agency in order to develop and strengthen democratic stability in this region” stated Mr Krug, speaking on behalf of the President of the Congress Ian Micallef.
“The fruitful experience of on-going cooperation between ALDA and the Congress –stated also Mr Krug- should inspire future initiatives and actions to make the best use of limited resources at our disposal. The Congress stand ready to examine new projects and initiatives to be proposed by ALDA and to be jointly implemented by the Congress in the years to come”.

The meeting was held in the premises of the Municipality on the occasion of the 10th Anniversary of Tavolo Trentino con il Kosovo in Peja/Pec, and it was part of the activities scheduled for the celebration of its Anniversary.
We are here to confirm our full involvement in the new LDA Kosovo – stated Alberto Pacher, Vice-Presidente of the Trento Province (Italy)- and the commitment of the Province of Trento, in the process of democratisation and development of Kosovo”.
A key contribution for the opening process of the LDA Kosovo was given, during 2009, by the Council of Europe, through the funding of project “Youth Empowerment in Kosovo”, and, during 2010, by the Swiss Cooperation office‐Kosovo through the funding of the project “Local Democracy Agency Kosovo: New Challenges and Prospectives”. The implementation of both projects allowed ALDA to carry out a coherent set of activities that led to the settlement of a large and committed partnership. Thanks to the different and useful activities envisaged in the projects it was possible to select the Municipality of Peja/Pec as the host city of the LDA. The Municipality authorities are enthusiastic of hosting the office of the LDA, and they have caught all the potentiality of having a LDA as a tool for promoting the peaceful coexistence of the local communities.
The opening of the LDA Kosovo represents a further step in that direction, and will include a coherent set of activities contributing at the local development and at the peaceful coexistence of the local population belonging to different ethnic background. Practically, the LDA Kosovo will act as an effective tool for local democracy building at the disposal both of the international community and the local stakeholders. Conscious of the importance that the opening of the LDA Kosovo will have in the region, ALDA shared with its members the last steps of that process and wanted to involve them as operative actors.

The objective of LDA Kosovo is to bring together local authorities and civil society organisations, in this way providing the necessary assistance to help ensure a smooth and stable transition towards democracy and European integration, with an emphasis on promoting tolerant and trust-based relationships within local communities.
Bearing in mind the multi-ethnic nature of Kosovo one of the priorities of the new LDA will be to work towards the strengthening of the cooperation among its communities and the promotion of their economic and social integration.
I would like to stress the importance of promoting local democracy and human rights in Kosovo through the LDA – states Mrs. Antonella Valmorbida, Director of ALDA – Kosovo is still facing many internal and international challenges, and the action of the LDA could help the local communities to respond in a positive manner to those challenges.”