PEACE Education aims to create an inclusive learning environment and to reduce violence by providing the necessary skills and knowledge to teachers and other educators to integrate Peace Education into their respective teaching experiences, providing students with the appropriate vocabulary, opportunities for practice and peaceful problem solving-skills.

Among the main objectives of the project:
- Provide teachers and students with a conceptual understanding of peace education.
- Acquire a holistic and critical understanding of the theory and practice of peace
- education.
- Search for and identify the best ways to teach peace.
- Review evaluation studies on the impact and effectiveness of peace education.
- Model, experience and practice peaceful classrooms and healthy group dynamics.
- Become critical learners and reflective peace practitioners.
- Gain an appreciation of the foundations of just and peaceful societies.
- Encourage positive action and non-violent conflict resolution in society.
- Enhance students’ intellectual flexibility, creativity and problem-solving capacities.