The project aims at promoting the swift integration of young Third Country Nationals -TCNs, (aged 18-29) in the labour market, by fostering the application of the “Cluster” methodology at local level all over Europe. Special attention is paid to the fight against obstacles to the TCNs access to qualifying vocational training and qualifies jobs, including language barriers.
“Migrants Economic Integration Cluster-MEIC” is an innovative, integrated and highly participatory approach, based on the definition of a multi-stakeholder public-private partnership engaged in a common long-term strategy enabling context-sensitive solutions.
The project aims at:
- Improving the effectiveness of local initiatives for labour market integration of TCNs through the development and testing of the MEIC methodology in Italy and in Spain;
- Mobilising key actors to apply the MEIC model all over Europe;

The core of the project are the two pilot actions, to be implemented in two relevant local contexts in Italy and Spain, under which the methodology is developed and tested. They foresee activities aimed at consolidating a strategic and operational collaboration among socio-economic key actors (associations of employers, vocational training providers, employment services, local authorities, companies, CoCs) within a “Migrants Economic Integration Cluster – MEIC” with the main purpose of increasing the effectiveness of existing labour market integration policies and tools by adapting them to TCNs needs. 100 young migrants directly benefit in terms of increased employability and economic inclusion through accelerated and tailored trainings, labour market integration plans for apprenticeships and self-employment, coaching and post-placement support. While local stakeholders benefit in terms of innovative management schemes and tools for facilitating the labour market integration of TCNs.