Media Literacy in the age of digital disinformation: challenges, good practices and recommendations

Disinformation presents a significant challenge in the digital age, influencing global responses to crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic and political events. This report explores effective solutions for limiting the spread of unreliable information, focusing on both corrective measures (debunking) and preventive strategies (prebunking), including psychological inoculation and media literacy.

The report highlights “Open the Box“, an innovative media literacy initiative in Italian schools combining corrective and preventive approaches. This case study provides insights into combating disinformation through education, resulting in five key recommendations for organisations aiming to counter digital disinformation:

  1. Adopt an ecological approach to understand the complex dynamics of disinformation.
  2. Consider cognitive, emotional, and social factors in designing interventions.
  3. Use a mix of strategies including knowledge dissemination, behavior modification, and skill enhancement.
  4. Employ innovative educational methods like flipped classrooms and inquiry-based learning.
  5. Leverage multipliers such as teachers and educators to extend the impact of media literacy programs.