The Nobel Prize to the European Union

Statement by the Director of ALDA, Antonella Valmorbida

“I would have preferred the prize to European Citizens”

“The Nobel Prize Committee has decided to give this great endorsement to the European Union this year!
Honestly, being a convinced European and thinking that the EU is an real instrument for peace and democracy, I feel uncomfortable about this choice. I understand the reasons and the strong symbolic value, especially now. However, perhaps because I know too well Europe and its system, I would have preferred something else, something stronger!

The first argument is that, from my point of view, Europe is a response – despite the current difficulties – to the perpetual state of conflict between States. But it has always been so, not only this year. Therefore, it is a conviction that they should be with us, in every moment and in our every daily effort of dialogue. The recognition seems to me come too late. But perhaps, better later than never.

It also seems to me that the award to the European Union is a far too easy choice. Who is the European Union? We are – us citizens – Europe ! I would have preferred to have a name and a face. Who is pushing in the right direction? Who is pushing against? Every day, we see people who block the process, who vote against by weakening the tremendous efforts not only in politics but in all possible fields. And European citizens must stay calm, work and move on, no matter what happens. Obviously, it is a choice that is politically correct and discontent none.” […]