ALDA General Assembly 2022: Institutions, Local Authorities, members and delegates all united for peace, democracy and resilience
18 мая, 2022A sunny Strasbourg welcomed the Governing Board members, the delegates of the Local Democracy Agencies (LDAs), members and colleagues of ALDA for the Association’s most important event of the year, ALDA General Assembly 2022, and related events.

Safeguarding natural resources, ALDA’s engagement in Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) projects
17 мая, 2022ALDA is very active on the topic of climate change adaptation, especially as far as Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) concern. Therefore, believing in a bottom-up and participative approach, the Association is delighted to share some relevant material that was developed in the context of three European projects managed by ALDA.

Conference on the Future of Europe: what’s next?
17 мая, 2022On Monday, May 9th 2022, Antonella Valmorbida, ALDA Secretary General, together with colleagues from the Strasbourg Office were pleased to be invited to the closing ceremony of the Conference on the Future of Europe.

Solidarity with Ukraine: Testimonies of war
17 мая, 2022Ukrainian flags, rag-dolls wearing traditional clothes, pictures of Ukrainian cities: this is the image that each of the participants got when entering the “Aubette” Hall – Place Klebert, in Strasbourg, on Friday 6 May 2022 in the occasion of ALDA General Assembly.

17 мая, 2022Developing and improving intercultural competences through the model elaborated by Milton J. Bennett

17 мая, 2022Creativity and Healthy style: Advancing the Role of Music

17 мая, 2022DEmocratic Compact: Improving Democracy in Europe

16 мая, 2022“Passion, Love, Active Participation, Employability” Partnership Building Seminar

16 мая, 2022Preventing early school leaving during the Middle to High School transition

Human rights at the BUK Festival in Modena
16 мая, 2022From 6th to 8th of May 2022, ALDA joined the BUK Festival in Modena. Dedicated to small and medium publishing and directed by Francesco Zarzana, vice-president of ALDA, this 2022 edition marked the XV anniversary of the Festival!

13 мая, 2022Energies for Local Administration to Renovate Governance in Europe

13 мая, 2022Gender Equality Training to overcome Unfair discrimination Practices in education and labour market

Climate of Change and the role of the youth
12 мая, 2022On May 6th, ALDA had the opportunity to discuss climate change, as well as the role of young people within this issue and what the community is doing with the project Climate of Change, to improve the situation we are living in.

GEM IN Final Conference: the closing step of an educational journey
12 мая, 2022After almost 3 years of hard work, the partners of GEM IN “ Game to EMbrace INtercultural education” – finally had the opportunity to gather together for the Final Conference of the project, which took place on May 5, 2022, in Strasbourg.

10 мая, 2022Urban Territorial Planning for Reinventing Mobility and Empowering Tunisians

EPIC Steering committee: achievements and goals
9 мая, 2022The first week of May 2022 was the chance for EPIC partners to meet again, share their experience and their progresses on the project and participate in a side event on the Russian war to Ukraine.