Virtual Insanity
30 января, 2023The need for transparency in digital political advertising

30 января, 2023Socio-economic empowerment of rural women through integration into solidarity, social and environmental economy circuit

30 января, 2023ICT Enabled Public Services for Migration

This is us: commitment, awareness and teamwork. ALDA Staff Meeting 2023
27 января, 2023Starting from the local to promote and encourage democratic development, while placing citizens and members at the center. This was the guiding light for the ALDA Staff Meeting 2023!

The perception of Europe: voices and expectations of migrants
26 января, 2023On the 19th and 20th January in Bologna, Italy, the Final Symposium of the “PERCEPTIONS – Understanding the Impact of Narratives and Perceptions of Europe on Migration and Providing Practices, Tools and Guides for Practitioners” project took place. The partners met to discuss the results achieved during this last three and a half years of fieldwork research and development.

25 января, 2023Supporting European Mobile Citizens across Europe

Erasmus+ Project “STeDe” flagged as good practice at European level
24 января, 2023The Master course in Climate Change and Diversity: Sustainable Territorial Development (CCD- STeDe), an Erasmus+ Project, has been complimented for its successful implementation, creating a stable partnership network with real involvement of associated and industrial partners, which was also of a benefit for the students.

23 января, 2023Fostering Awareness, Inclusion and Recognition of EU Mobile Citizens’ Political Rights

23 января, 2023Migrant Women Empowerment and Integration

23 января, 2023European Migrants Entrepreneurship Network

23 января, 2023Innovative responses for youth employment challenges

23 января, 2023Gender Equality Training to overcome Unfair discrimination Practices in education and labour market

23 января, 2023Villages Associations of Savings and Loans for the Economic and social empowerment of vulnerable women

1993 – 2023: 30 years of local democracy in the Balkans
23 января, 2023It was exactly 30 years ago when it all started, with the establishment of the first LDAs in the Balkans.

ALDA confirmed beneficiary of the CERV operating grant 2023
20 января, 2023We are thrilled to announce that, again this year, ALDA has been confirmed beneficiary of the operating grant of the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (CERV) of the European Union!