9 февраля, 2023REshaping CRUcial strategies to fIghT unemployment through Social Economy

CSOs Networking
9 февраля, 2023For better local democracy in the Balkans

9 февраля, 2023Skilling Marginalised people to Enter Labour Market

9 февраля, 2023Participation and Youth – Lab for Equal Cities

My Language – Your Language
9 февраля, 2023Success Factors for Good Civic Participation

KAS Tunisia
9 февраля, 2023Empowering local authorities and civil society to deliver solutions with Participative Democracy

Municivil – Municivile
9 февраля, 2023Let’s be active – Soyons active/actives

8 февраля, 2023Reviving the legacy of Rossini’s Opera

8 февраля, 2023Developing the Competencies of Teachers to Integrate Students from Migrant Background into European Schools

8 февраля, 2023Gender Equality in Local Action

8 февраля, 2023Mobilising Against Extremism through Countering and Diverting Radicalisation of Young People

AUTREMENT Project – Call for contributions for the Inter-regional Forum on Active Mobilities!
8 февраля, 2023In the framework of the AUTREMENT project, the consortium is launching a Call for contributions for the Inter-regional Forum on Active Mobilities that will take place in Mahdia (Tunisia) on 24th-25th May 2023.

The ReCAP project partners meet in Madrid for their second Transnational Meeting!
8 февраля, 2023The second in-person Transnational Meeting of the ReCAP project represented a key moment to explore the work undertaken so far by the partners and to define together the next steps of the project.

7 февраля, 2023Civil Society Exchange Partnership Program

Migrants’ inclusion and European policies: the Manifesto
7 февраля, 2023In March 2022, ALDA organised an international event in Trieste, as part of the project EUScepticOBSERVE: analysing Euroscepticism, informing citizens and encouraging debates. Trieste was chosen as the location as it is particularly representative of the theme being analysed. Hence, the event itself was called “Euroscepticism at the gates of Europe”.

7 февраля, 2023DEclaration of Schuman: Initiative for Revitalising Europe