ALDA + participated in the European Development Days 2022(EDD) which took place in Brussels on June 21-22, 2022.
The EDD are Europe’s leading multistakeholder forum, organised by the European Commission, on international partnerships and development, with the aim of bringing key actors from all over Europe and beyond together to share ideas and good practices in ways that encourage new partnerships and inspire innovative solutions to the world’s most pressing challenges.
The theme of this year’s EDD was “Global Gateway: building sustainable partnerships for a connected world”. An edition dedicated to the European Strategy “to boost smart, clean and secure links in digital, energy and transport sectors and to strengthen health, education and research systems across the world”.
The EDD 2022 consisted of different types of sections, among which high level panes, lab debates, brainstorming sessions, agora sessions and project/report presentations on the following topics: Digital, Climate & Energy, Health, Education & Research and Transport.
The latter, especially, was the realm within which ALDA+ provided its contribution!
Hence, ALDA+ decided to participate in this international event with a stand addressing “Urban development, smart & interconnected cities. Together for fostering Good Governance at Local and Global Level”. Bringing the positive example of the Autrement project.
The European Development Days encourage new partnerships and inspire innovative solutions to the world’s most pressing challenges
The Autrement project addresses the challenges of sustainable urban mobility and planning in the Tunisian cities of Kairouan and Mahdia. It aims to promote, on the one hand, a greater citizen participation in local governance and a sustainable urban development, and, on the other hand, soft mobility especially by encouraging biking in both Tunisian cities.
Despite the paperless format, our stand engaged the participants and created the opportunity to exchange ideas and experiences, not only on transport, but also on good governance and citizens participation, the two main pillars on which ALDA and ALDA+ are based.
We are extremely glad and proud for having had the possibility to participate in such an important event. The EDD2022 were the perfect spot to showcase, once more, ALDA’s flagship initiative the “European Support to Local Democracy”, since it provides a complete overview on ALDA’s expertises in all target regions and underlines the fundamental role of cooperation.