Çiğli Science School is a state school located in İzmir, Türkiye. The school has 600 students. And the school provides a dormitory for the students coming from different regions in Turkey. The school has an indoor sports hall, IT classroom, Library, Computer, Physics, Chemistry, Biology Laboratories, Painting, Music Classes and additionally 24 classrooms. A total of 566 students, 327 girls and 239 boys, are studying in our school. ZEP (Enriched Education Program) is applied in different courses in line with student needs. Our students are interested in scientific projects and generally get involved in TUBITAK and Tekno Fest competitions. They have been making eTwinning projects for 6 years and working on climate issues, wellbeing and zero waste. They also get degrees in poem, essay and art competitions.
Role within VALUEBOX
Çiğli Fen Lisesi will play a key role in the implementation and evaluation phases of the project results, as it has access to a large pool of teachers, who are the primary target group of the project.