Andrej Pivovarov, Former Member of ALDA, among the Russian prisoners released

Andrej Pivovarov, Former Member of ALDA, among the Russian prisoners released

Авг 02, 2024

Good governance

It is with extreme joy and hope that we welcome the news of the recent release of several Russian prisoners, among them our dear friend and member Andrej Pivovarov.

Andrej, a Russian opposition activist, was the head of Open Russia and Open St. Petersburg, organisations members of ALDA, working for the promotion of local democracy and human rights in Russia. The organisation was then “liquidated” by the regime a few years later. 

According to Amnesty International, Andrej was arrested by Russian Intelligence and sentenced to four years in a penal colony in July 2022.

ALDA’s dear friend and member Andrej Pivovarov has been released from Russian prisons

Andrej, member of ALDA since June 2018, has always been an active and engaged member of our Organisation. He joined numerous initiatives and participated to in-person events, such as a joint event in Pskov (Russia) in 2018 and ALDA General Assembly in Caen in 2019, during which he officially received, from ALDA former President Oriano Otocan and ALDA Secretary General Antonella Valmorbida, the membership certification and was presented to the whole network of partners and members.

We wish him a good recovery and a peaceful return, with the hope that he can continue to advance the values of peace and democracy to which he is devoted, certain of the support and partnership ALDA will always ensure to him and his organisation.