The balance co-chairmanship was approved by the Steering Committee to share the burden and responsibilities and also corresponding to the organisational scheme of the Steering Committee, where the EaP and the EU representatives are balanced in the Working Group meetings.
The appointment is a great opportunity and challenge for ALDA to be present and work in Eastern Europe with contacts and projects. Antonella Valmorbida is also involved and leader of the lobbying group which promotes the visibility and the contact of the CSF in the European Institutions. In this perspective, number of meetings took place in Brussels, like with the Commissioner Fuele, the President of the Committee of the Regions, Mrs. Bresso and the President of the European and Social Economic Committee, Staffan Nilsson.
A meeting with the Secretary General will take place soon in Strasbourg.

Antonella Valmorbida co chair of the Civil Society Forum for EaP
Фев 03, 2011
EU values and Enlargement