EuSave – Activity Report Template
22 декабря, 2022Take a look at the Activity Report of «#EuSAVE- EU Citizens’ Action for Smart Historic Villages» project, funded with the support of the European Union under the Programme “Europe for Citizens”
Public services for efficient and responsible management in Prijedor
19 декабря, 2022Within the framework of the “LINK4 Cooperation” project funded by the European Union, the second Forum for sharing best practices of CSOs and LAs cooperation was held in Prijedor on 9 December 2022, gathering over 60 participants.
The importance of water: an Erasmus+ project to train students to become water experts
16 декабря, 2022The Erasmus+ Water’s Experts project represents a valuable opportunity to underline the importance of water resources and raise awareness among young people and citizens on their role on the planet.
Empowered 24 CSOs for increased social accountability in Moldova
16 декабря, 202224 Civil Society Organizations from the districts of Cimișlia, Florești, Străseni, Ștefan Vodă and Telenești, received the grant award contracts under the “EU4Accountability” project. The event was organized by ALDA, at Europe Café – EU Information Center, in Chisinau.
ALDA Advisory Board: apply and become our internal expert
15 декабря, 2022In light of its great engagement both at local as well as at international level, ALDA has now launched a call for expression of interests, addressed to members, partners and external experts. This call consists of identifying and selecting five candidates to form the Board of Advisors.
ALDA Working Groups are back: joint efforts for a stronger impact
15 декабря, 2022Members’ participation and their active involvement are two cornerstones of ALDA’s work and the basis of our strength and added value.
ELoGE Award Ceremony: a success of good governance and democracy together with our members
15 декабря, 2022November 22, 2022, marked a milestone for the the implementation of the European Label of Governance Excellence (ELoGE) in Croatia, North Macedonia and Kosovo*.
On this date the Award Ceremony of ELoGE took place in Skopje (North Macedonia), and with all the activities and evaluations finalised, ALDA presented the label to the achieving municipalities on behalf of the Council of Europe.
Exchange on citizens participation in local and metropolitan governance: CAMELOT project
14 декабря, 2022On 1st and 2nd of December 2022 partners of CAMELOT project gathered in Stuttgart for the last event of the program. The 2 days event included presentations of Stuttgart Region and of the international relations department of Stuttgart municipality, a field visit of one of Stuttgart Region flagship initiatives, and a conference on citizens participation in local and metropolitan governance.
Adult education journey: empowering community workers
14 декабря, 2022Despite its end, thanks to the results produced (and available for free on the project website) PIECE project still has the potential to impact not only existing community workers and communities, but also to help people create community spaces and activities.
SMELT Closing Event – more than two years supporting vulnerable people entering the labour market
14 декабря, 2022The SMELT project is financed by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union and it aims at facing the paradox of business sectors experiencing workforce shortage and the high number of vulnerable people unemployed, by supporting marginalised people in acquiring and developing key competencies strategical for the labour market.
Capacity building activities in Algeria, closing 2022 with 245 Heads of Diara trained
14 декабря, 2022From December 3 to December 15, 2022, Ms. Antonella Valmorbida, ALDA Secretary General, and Ms. Katica Janeva, ALDA Skopje Office Coordinator, have been in Djelfa (Algeria) to deliver the fifth round of capacity building activities to Local Authorities on good governance and citizens engagement.
Implementing the Green Deal: join the call for partners
14 декабря, 2022ALDA is a partner in the EU-funded project SHARED GREEN DEAL and its goal is to stimulate shared actions on Green Deal initiatives across Europe, by providing Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) tools to support the implementation of 8 EU Green Deal policy areas, at the local and regional level.
ESSPIN Project: ALDA’s commitment to Equality and Inclusion
13 декабря, 2022The Economic, Social and SPatial INequalities in Europe in the Era of Global Mega-trends project (ESSPIN) funded by the Horizon Europe programme officially kick-off on the 13th and 14th of October online. It was dedicated to the assessment and plan of the project together with the presentation of the key roles and activities of each partner.
Providing energy equipment to Ukraine: the European Committee of the Regions calls for cities and regions
13 декабря, 2022Ukraine is now suffering from energy shortage, which, in other words, further affect people’s lives. Constantly in touch with the delegates from the LDAs in Dnipro and Mariupol, ALDA is very much aware of the on-going situation, and it calls its members and partners to further reiterate support for Ukraine.
LDA Mariupol: a 5th anniversary marked by the willingness to rebuild through democracy, good governance and public participation
9 декабря, 2022Five years have passed since the opening of the LDA Mariupol, and so much has changed since December 9, 2017. But there is something that has not changed: the mission, the vision and values of LDA Mariupol and its team, which continues, today more than ever, promoting democracy, good governance and citizens engagement, with an ever-increasing determination.
In Warsaw for EUScepticOBS Final Event
5 декабря, 2022On the 30th of November in Warsaw, Poland, the final event of the “EUScepticOBS: analyzing Euroscepticism, informing citizens and encouraging debates” project took place. The partners from 7 European countries (Poland, France, Belgium, Italy, Sweden, and Hungary) met to discuss the topics tackled during the national workshops and to prepare the final manifesto.