Extraordinary Citizens (Extra-C) is a project that aims to raise awareness and improve inclusive participatory democracy by promoting the active participation of young people with intellectual, psychosocial and developmental disabilities in the democratic life of their (local/regional/national) environment and at a EU Level. In order to achieve this goal, the project will carry out the following activities:
- A study on the situation of the democratic rights and the participatory spaces of young people with ID in the partnership countries;
- The development and implementation of training modules so that people with ID and their trainers acquire the tools and competencies necessary to actively participate in the democratic life;
- Structure dialogue activities where these young people transmit their concerns and political proposals to public representatives and public organisms of young representation. At this point a Good Practices Manual will be created;
- A mobility to Strasbourg where young people with ID and youth workers will get to know the EU institutions and come into contact with public representatives. Moreover the mobility will enable over 50participants to be involved in intercultural and EU Citizenship trainingwhile having the opportunity to meet peers from other countries;
- National Events will give a platform for stakeholders to reflect and disseminate the project’s results and for the young people with ID, to share their experience and learning processes;
In order to carry out this work plan, the partnership involved includes organisations from Spain, Portugal, Lithuania, Greece and France with a wide range of expertise in the fields of youth, research, training and active participation. The French partner has also offices in BE, IT, RS, MK, MD and TN; so we expect the impact of the project to reach far over the partnership countries. The Project will ensure open access and dissemination of the project results and training materials.

Extraordinary Citizens aims at encouraging and facilitating the inclusive participation of young people with intellectual and physical disabilities in the society, especially in the democratic processes that affect them directly, that means in the socioeconomic, cultural and political factor.
This project aims to address the protection and promotion of human rights among ID people by promoting the needed tools to develop critical thinking based on respect, dignity and inclusion.