Local authorities nowadays have the difficult role to deliver solutions for their communities with limited resources (human and financial) in a complex society (economic and social challenges, environmental issues, radical changes in jobs and economy). Together, local authorities and civil society can identify better solutions for their own common living thanks to implementation of simple and efficient tools and instruments. Thanks to participative processes, it is possible to find ways to address community problems and challenges.
The project is addressing two countries: Ukraine and Moldova. Working with the support of the Local Democracy Agencies in these countries, and their local and international partners, the project will empower the capacities of local authorities (elected leaders and civil servants) and civil society in implementing participative processes. Together they will identify concrete problems of the community that will find their solutions thanks to the participative approach.
The project will therefore build capacities and solve problems, by consolidating the approach in the years to come. By sharing the processes with international partners, supporting the Agencies, the impact of the work will emphasise the decentralised cooperation approach as a mean to promote local development on solid and sustainable and fair basis, thanks to a multi stakeholder approach and aiming at implementing the global Sustainable Development Goals at the local level.

- Assessing the local governance capacities/failures of the cities engaged and creating an identified list of needs to be addressed in terms of local governance
- Giving to local authorities and civil society groups of the project Capacities to address local problems with participative approaches and therefore identifying more sustainable, fair and inclusive solutions
- Solving concrete problems locally
- increasing ideas and solutions for economic development processes
- joint solutions for environmental challenges (waste management, waste plants, recycling and circular economy), awareness of citizens on environmental issues and raising their responsibility
- solutions for critical neighbourhoods with security issues and difficult integration of various communities
- supporting social integration and involvement of more disadvantaged groups of people (unemployed youth, people with disabilities, etc.)
- Creating permanent and solid links between local authorities and civil society in the communities/cities of the project
- Creating long lasting links between communities and cities in Ukraine and Moldova and European partners following the lines of decentralised cooperation
- Assessment of local governance using the ELoGE programme
- Training for local authorities and civil society in participative democracy
- Implementation of coaching for a participative process for local problems
- National events presenting the results