BEtter Water-management for Advancing Resilient-communities in Europe
Global climate change is leading a significant increase in temperature, intensification of extreme weather phenomena, frequent heavy rainfall alternating with periods of lack of water. Strong rainfalls, floods, inundations, landslides, and erosive phenomena have affected our country in recent years, climate models tell us that these phenomena won’t disappear but instead will be more intense in the future!
This situation is further intensified by the increasing consumption of soil and its progressive waterproofing, which compromises the effectiveness of the system of natural infiltration of water and harms the services provided by nature.
The project focuses on the achievement of a global strategy for climate adaptation to flooding risk increasing water infiltration and storage in urban and rural areas, by involving actively local communities. An additional detail? The BEWARE project is designed to increase knowledge, benefit, and real implementation of NWRM (Natural Water Retention Measures) both in the territory of Comune di Santorso and Comune di Marano Vicentino (Vicenza, IT) and other EU municipalities.

- Promoting a participative approach to implement local initiatives and measures on water-retention actions facing climate change’s challenge;
- Establishing a local administrative, financial and technical context favourable to the diffuse employment of NWRM;
- Enhancing the link between European policies and local contexts actively involving citizens and key-stakeholders on the EU goals on climate change;
- Demonstrating that small diffused works and implementation of best practices can guarantee hydraulic safety and face climate-change consequences effectively;
- Encouraging the replication of the actions proposed in other geographic areas of Italy and Europe.