
Nominations are open: Mayor Paweł Adamowicz Award 2024, recognising courage and excellence in promoting freedom, solidarity, and equality

Авг 14, 2024

EU values and Enlargement Good governance

The nominations for the Mayor Paweł Adamowicz Award 2024 are open! During the 161st CoR Plenary Session on June 19-20, 2024, Vasco Alves Cordeiro, President of the European Committee of the Regions (CoR), officially launched the 4th edition of the Mayor Paweł Adamowicz Award, which recognises courage and excellence in promoting freedom, solidarity, and equality.

Mayor Paweł Adamowicz, a dear friend of ALDA, dedicated his efforts to advancing solidarity, integrating migrants and minorities, engaging in dialogue with civil society, and promoting fundamental rights at the grassroots level. First elected as Mayor of Gdańsk in 1998, he faithfully served the city until his tragic assassination on January 13, 2019.

The Mayor Paweł Adamowicz Award, is an annual Award, established by the European Committee of the Regions, to pay tribute to and acknowledge all those who work with courage and integrity to combat intolerance, radicalisation, hate speech, oppression, and xenophobia. It celebrates those who champion equal opportunities, social integration, and fundamental rights, drawing inspiration from and continuing the legacy of Paweł Adamowicz.

The Award honors individuals worldwide who build bridges and dismantle barriers, driven by a deep sense of responsibility to future generations. It recognises those who pave the way for societal change in favor of the most vulnerable, fearlessly confronting urgent battles for human rights and civil liberties, whether on a local, national, or international scale.

Submit your nomination for the Mayor Paweł Adamowicz Award 2024!

Launched in 2021, the Award of 2023 was granted to the ADL Zavidovići Association, an ALDA member, in recognition of its outstanding contributions to local and regional governance. 

The prestigious Award was received by Maddalena Alberti, director of ADL Zavidovići Association and member of ALDA Governing Board since 2024, during the ceremony that took place at the European Solidarity Center in Gdańsk (Poland) on January 13, 2024. 

During the receipt of the Award, Maddalena Alberti, with an emotional speech, expressed deep gratitude for receiving the Mayor Pawel Adamowicz Award on behalf of the Association ADL Zavidovici. She emphasised the honour and responsibility that comes with the Award, highlighting the duty to continue Adamowicz’s legacy of promoting human rights and democracy. She stressed the importance of translating values such as equality, freedom, respect, tolerance, and solidarity into concrete actions and policies. Alberti stressed the need for an open Europe rooted in human rights and democracy, cautioning against history repeating itself tragically. She called for perseverance and resilience in the face of challenges, emphasising that structural changes require constant, long-term commitment.

The Award ceremony concluded at the 10th European Summit of Regions and Cities in Mons (Belgium). With these cherished memories in mind, ALDA is honored to remain part of this initiative and warmly invites all those committed to making a difference to apply for the Mayor Paweł Adamowicz Award 2024. Nominations are open until October 31, 2024.


Discover more!

Recognising Excellence: ADL Zavidovići Association wins the Adamowicz Award 2023!

Celebrating Resilience: ADL Zavidovići honoured with Mayor Paweł Adamowicz Award in Mons, Commemorates in Brescia