31 октября, 2022Youth Employment and Participation
ZUM – Association for the promotion of employment and professional training of young
31 октября, 2022Novigrad Municipality
30 октября, 2022Foundation For Partnership And Civil Society Development
30 октября, 2022Raplection
29 октября, 2022Petrinja Municipality
28 октября, 2022OP Osijek
28 октября, 2022Description The Operational Partner Osijek was established as an LDA in 1993. Its mission is …
OP Sisak
28 октября, 2022Description The Operational Partner Sisak was established as an LDA in 1996. Its main priorities …
OP Verteneglio/Brtonigla
28 октября, 2022Description The Operational Partner Verteneglio/Brtonigla was established in 1996. Its main priorities are supporting the …
Brtonigla-Verteneglio Municipality
14 октября, 2022Description The Municipality of Brtonigla-Verteneglio is situated in the northern part of the Istria region, …
Sisak Municipality
14 октября, 2022Description Sisak municipality is situated in Sisak-Moslavina County, a Croatian county in eastern Central Croatia …
Osijek Municipality
14 октября, 2022Description Osijek is the fourth largest city in Croatia. It is the largest city and …
Istria Region
29 сентября, 2022Description Istria County is the westernmost county of Croatia which includes the biggest part of …
Croatian County Association
29 сентября, 2022Description As a national county association, the Croatian County Association is an organization founded in …