Bucharest University of Economic Studies
1 марта, 2023Association A.R.T. Fusion
1 марта, 2023Description Their mission is to create and offer innovative and participatory learning experiences in order …
Partnership Center Foundation For Equality
1 марта, 2023NEVERMORE
26 февраля, 2023New Enabling Visions and tools for End-useRs and stakeholders thanks to a common MOdelling appRoach towards a climatE neutral and resilient society
Software Imagination & Vision – SIMAVI
26 февраля, 2023Tulcea County Prefecture’s Office
26 февраля, 2023CAMELOT
17 февраля, 2023Cities And Metropolis in Europe Labouring Onward Together
Craiova Local Council
17 февраля, 2023EMEN
23 января, 2023European Migrants Entrepreneurship Network
23 января, 2023Innovative responses for youth employment challenges