The project “CSOs for Making Local Democracy Work” is designed as a set of measures to empower civil society to be credible, accountable and independent stakeholder in the EU accession processes. The three-year project is expected to develop actions to encourage networking and exchange of best practices between civil society organisations and local authorities. It is designed to strength the impact of the civil society organisations in public policies on local level in Macedonia. The activities contribute to the establishment of cooperation between the Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and Local Authorities (LAs) as well as to the creation of enabling financial environment for small and grass-root organisations.
This project is financially supported by the European Union through the IPA Civil Society Facility and Media Programme 2015 – Support to Civil Society Organisations under the Civil Society Facility Action 2015.


The overall goal of the initiative is to strengthen the role of local civil society organisations to effectively contribute to public policy making on local level.

Other objectives are:

  • To create conditions for civil society organisations more enabling legal and financial environment on local level;
  • To establish and develop sustainable mechanism for partnership building and cooperation between the civil society and the local public authorities;
  • To develop local capacities of civil society organisations in order to become relevant stakeholder in civil dialogue and public policy making on local level;
  • To encourage best practice exchange, networking and partnership at national, regional and European level.


The project activities are organised in 5 work packages (WPs):

  • WP1: Project management, coordination and visibility;
  • WP2: Policy making and advocacy (research, forums and advocacy activities)
  • WP3: Capacity building (trainings and mentoring)
  • WP4: Sub-granting (grants for more than 10 CSOs)
  • WP5: Networking and awareness raising (conferences, forums and publications)


In September 2012 ALDA, in cooperation with LDA Zavidovici, started the realisation of this project, funded by the European Union, as a part of IPA 2011 — Information and Communication Programme.


  • To help raise awareness on EU enlargement process and pre-accession assistance aimed to support the reform process at local level in Bosnia and Herzegovina;
  • To help improve public understanding of the benefits of EU integration;
  • To help promote tangible results of EU pre-accession assistance;
  • To help reinforce the role of civil society in the public dialogue on EU accession agenda;
  • To help strengthen the local ownership over the reform and EU integration process.


  • Improved public awareness and knowledge of actual benefits of EU integration;
  • Increased information provision about the effects of EU funded projects;
  • Improved outreach and information dissemination on EU integration issues;
  • Increased number of cross-sectoral partnerships and issue based networking for underpinning reform process;
  • Improved public dialogue for common understanding of EU values.


  • Conference „EU integration – a dialogue for the future“ in Zavidovići;
  • Training seminars for CSO-s and local authorities on EU integration and pre-accession assistance;
  • Training seminar for local media titled „EU Integration: prejudices and myth-buster“
  • Youth for EU campaign: EU quiz in secondary schools and EU Ambassadors’ visits.



  • Contribute to the Turkish government’s efforts for the protection of women’s human rights and affirmation of gender policies.
  • Support capacity building for local and national Turkish NGOs on combating violence against women (VAW) and gender violence.
  • Foster networking among NGOs and institutions.
  • Promote / support partnerships with local authorities that offers services to women.
  • Create general awareness.


  1. Partners themselves;
  2. Members of the Women Committees of the involved Municipal areas and neighbouring Municipalities (Governorships, Municipalities Departments for Social Issues and Planning, SocialSecurity Organisations, Provincial Health Directorates, Jandarma-Gendarmerie, Provincial Directorates of Police, NGO’s related to women and gender issues, Provincial Directorates of Familyand Social Policies, local NGOs coordinators of the UN programs on gender issues and VAW).


  1. Kick-off meeting of the partners in Nevşehir (Turkey) to start the project and visit the local stakeholders to learn about their policies and practices, their needs and their objectives.
  2. EU Municipalities and NGOs will conduct a research on the best practices in their territories and develop training (and informational) materials (and website) to support the development of Turkish actors.
  3. First session of theoretical training in gender and VAW related issues in Cappadocia. Some time will be spent by EU partners in visiting and studying the Black Sea regions’ stakeholders.
  4. Universities of Koper and Nevşehir will start and address a research, aimed at preparing analyses and strategies on how governmental organisations, authorities, and NGOs can collaborate on combating gender-based violence and VAW, and on adapting educational and counselling packages to be utilised in counselling centres and/or women’s shelters.
  5. Second session of practical training in Cappadocia (presenting best practices, educationals, methodologies and experiences).
  6. The Turkish partners will be hosted in Europe by the EU partners to visit the Provincial and Municipal offices, NGOs, women’s shelters and counselling centres, the University Department and Research centre.
  7. Drafting and translating in Turkish and English languages of: the contents of a guide containing EU and national guidelines, the results of the research conducted by the University of Koper and Nevşehir, the best practices from the EU partners, an Action Plan for the next years. The guide will be printed in Turkey and disseminated to citizens and Institutions through Turkish stakeholders.
  8. Final conference in Nevşehir. Objectives: present the results of the project, its path, and the guide, before distributing it; coordinate the reporting documentations’ predisposition for the last months.
  9. Presentation of the guide to the EU Council in Strasbourg, where ALDA will support the Turkish partner.


1. Establishment of new local-international networks/partnerships.
2. Improvement of services for victims of gender based violence and VAW.
3. Awareness-raising on gender based violence and VAW.


IPA 2009 Support to issue based NGO networks
Supported by the Delegation of the European Union to Bosnia and Herzegovina
Implementation period: June 2011/June 2013


The two year action is designed as a comprehensive set of capacity building and awareness raising activities which will be implemented through combined support measures intended for local NGO-s and local authorities to enhance citizen participation in policy and decision making process. Issue based and sectoral NGO networking represent a core of the action as the main prerequisite for their effective participation in creating a more supportive local environment for civic engagement.


Activities envisaged will support both horizontal and thematic, issue based co-operation between NGO-s operating within different local contexts and thus help harmonise and exchange local practices related with institutionalised (Agreement based) cooperation with local authorities and procedures for their financing. Awareness raising and training activities are designed to support the development and strengthening of local NGO-s resource centres, with particular emphasis on their improved participation in designing sectoral policies and local development strategies. The specific focus of the action is on CSO-s engaged in local democracy development, human/minority rights protection, intercultural dialogue, women’s and youth empowerment groups and environment protection.
Awareness raising component comprises local advocacy actions for signing the co-operation agreements in municipalities such as Zavidovici, Mostar, Bihac,Brcko, Trebinje, country based thematic conferences on the role of civil society and local self-governments in democratic transition of the country, a series of visibility activities involving media, publicising the local NGO address books, collection of good practice in Bosnia and Herzegovina on cross-sectoral partnerships.
Capacity building component includes four trainings for NGO-s and local governments on strategic planning skills, project cycle management, advocacy, PR and communication skills.
Exchange of good practice component comprises study visits by the EU counterparts to Bosnia and Herezegovina municipalities, filming the documentaries on civic engagement in local communities.
The main beneficiaries of the action are citizens and their local associations, members of diverse sections of local communities, women’s and youth groups, policy and decision makers at local level, local public at large, while the main expected results are focused around the need for improved awareness of local/regional policy and decision makers on institutional mechanisms of co-operation and dialogue with civil society actors engaged in sectoral policies development and implementation; the project will also help enhance issue based cooperation of CSO-s and local authorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina with their counterparts in other IPA countries and EU member states.



The project runs from December 2012 to December 2014, and it aims to promoting good practices in the cooperation between local authorities and civil society organisations, as well as fostering their active involvement in the process of EU integration of Montenegro.
Improving the capacity for efficient and transparent functioning of the local self-government, involvement of civil society in decision-making , building local partnerships in the development and implementation of the development priorities of the municipality — are areas of particular importance for the achievement of the objectives of this two-year project. The conference aims to encourage the exchange of experience and presentation of good practices in cross-sectorial co-operation, promote dialogue and partnership, thus contributing to the promotion of European standards of democratic governance at local level.


This programme is designed for non-governmental organizations operating in the six municipalities involved in the activities of Kotor, Niksic, Bijelo Polje, Rozaje, Danilovgrad and Ulcinj to help strengthen the local organisational capacity for development and implementation of EU projects.
Its main objectives include:

  • Help strengthening the capacity of community based organisations for service provision to citizens;
  • Help improving capacity of CSO-s for participation in policy/decision making and raise awareness of CSO initiated actions;
  • Developping capacity of CSO-s for cross-sectoral partnership building and reinforce the role of CSO-s as a relevant stakeholder in public administration reform and EU approximation process;
  • Contributing to strengthening and sustaining of the role of CSO-s in community development through training and networking for policy reforms.


Local coalitions for community development – Information campaign and networking activities
EU standards of good governance at local level – series training seminars for NGO-s and local authorities
Citizen participation in policy and decision making at local level – series of local public debates in six municipalities
Building local capacities for EU project development and implementation – series of trainings for local NGO-s
Local coalitions for community development – Sub-granting programme for local NGO-s
Sub-granting Programme for local registered NGO-s active in local democracy development, human/minority rights protection, social service provision, gender equality, youth empowerment, local sustainable development and environment protection.
Locations of the activities: Montenegro – in Niksic, Bijelo Polje, Kotor, Ulcinj, Rozaje, Danilovgrad.


Eight NGOs were selected by the committee as subgrantees.
The contracting procedure is now in progress with the following selected NGOs active in different areas whose common denominator is contributing to participation of citizens in policy/decision making and to more effective implementation of municipal development strategies:

  1. NGO Runolist, Rozaje — Project title: Promotion of sustainable tourism through involvement of youth in the Municipality of Rozaje
  2. Association of young volunteers, Bijelo Polje — Project title: The establishment of a Volunteer Center and strengthening volunteer movement in the Municipality Bijelo Polje
  3. NGO K-Club, Bijelo Polje — Project title: Culture of living – my building is my home
  4. NGO Democratic center of Bijelo Polje — Project title: Active civil participation in decision making at local level
  5. Association of young ecologists of Niksic — Project title:Increasing the level of protection of the river Bistrica
  6. Association of paraplegics Niksic — Project title: Ask us – it’s about us
  7. NGO Children of Montenegro, Podgorica — Project title: Building partnerships to support new social service provision in Ulcinj
  8. NGO — SOS telephone for women and children victims of violence, Ulcinj — Project title: Improving social protection and safety of victims of domestic violence.


Issue n. 1 — December 2013
Issue n. 2 — February 2014
Issue n. 3 — April 2014


The project aims to contribute to capacity building of human resources of municipalities and cities in the border regions of Croatia and Serbia for effective cooperation at regional and European level through the establishment of Resource Centres for networking in the city of Osijek in Croatia and in the city of Subotica in Serbia and by promotion of European public policies and the concept of active European citizenship


  • To build capacities of local institutions and local authorities for understanding regional EU policy and European integration process
  • To promote town twinning as a tool for development of European active citizenship
  • To contribute to twin town/municipality partner search for LA from Croatia and Serbia at European level
  • To contribute to networking and cooperation between LA from Croatia and Serbia


  • The work-programme foresees the following main activities:
  • Capacity building activities (3 conferences, 1 training, 2 seminars)
  • Resource centres’ activities (promotional workshops on twinning, partner search, consultations)
  • Thematic networking activities (12 local thematic events in municipalities and cities in border regions of Croatia and Serbia)



This one-year project submitted within the priority 5 – promotion of social and economic inclusion of age groups that risk marginalisation and in particular youngsters, as the Operating Grant intended to support the work of LDAs in the Western Balkan countries to contribute more effectively in structuring regional thematic cooperation and coordination between CSOs and public authorities from targeted countries and help improve environment for youth activism and participation, in particular of young people with fewer opportunities.

The project was implemented within the ALDA operating grant for the Western Balkan Local Democracy Agencies 2017.


The first Project activities hosted by the LDA Mostar team members, consisted of the Steering group meeting, Regional Network meeting for consultations and preparing the draft Regional Co-operation Platform, combined with the trainings for youth engagement workers and the LDA Delegates from Western Balkan countries.
After a long series of skype meetings throughout December, local action planning and coordination work by the Delegates of Local Democracy Agencies all the relevant stakeholders were present – CSOs, local self-governments and youth groups from Mostar, Zavidovici, Prijedor (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Subotica, Knjazevac (Serbia), Niksic (Montenegro), Peja/Pec (Kosovo*) and ALDA Skopje, municipality Vevcani (North Macedonia). In this way, the project Steering group was established (three members per partner, 27 members), the Detailed Activity plan and Visibility plan were adopted.

The main project activities include capacity building and thematic networking promoting social and economic inclusion of age groups that risk marginalisation and in particular youngsters, and will be implemented by LDAs in the Western Balkan countries through structured regional thematic cooperation engaging CSOs and public authorities to help improve environment for youth activism and participation, in particular of young people with fewer opportunities. Capacity building, knowledge and information share will serve as the main tools to strengthen youth groups for active citizenship and participation in policy / decision making at local level, but even more at regional level through monitoring the implementation of public policies towards EU integration of the Western Balkans. Specific attention will be given to awareness raising among policy and decision makers at regional and local level on EU standards and practices of youth participation and EU Programmes 2014-2020 intended for youth.
With this in view, the LDAs involved in the action will be working together and provide all necessary support to newly appointed Youth Engagement Workers (members of the Regional Youth Working Group) and Local Youth Advisory Groups to contribute to achieving the project results.

In addition, the project launch activity was dedicated to preparing the Regional Co-operation Platform for the adoption at the level of Regional Network group meeting.
The project was launched in Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina, on 27-29 January 2015. Read more about the launching event.


The Lisbon Treaty and the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights consolidated the rights, opportunities and safeguards of EU citizenship. These include the freedom to travel, work, study and to participate in European political life in other EU countries. Despite many interventions and policies promoting the political participation of mobile EU citizens have been implemented at European and National level, there are still significant gaps in the awareness of EU citizenship rights as well as participation in the European democratic process, particularly among underrepresented groups.

The BRIGHT — Building RIGHTs-based and Innovative Governance for EU mobile women project promotes innovative governance partnerships for social inclusion and exercise of the EU rights for underrepresented mobile citizens. It supports the access to gender responsive public services, (e.g. social housing, public transport to the workplace, community solutions for childcare), for Romanian and Bulgarian women employed in low standard labour sectors in Southern Italy. The core methodology is the adoption of the Public-Public Partnership Agreements as the result of a collaborative process among local institutions, EU citizens, employers, trade unions and CSOs to identify common needs and co-design services.


The BRIGHT project aims at improving the awareness and exercise the EU citizenship rights of mobile women employed in low-labour standards sectors. Specific objectives are:

  • To improve the social inclusion and democratic participation of 800 Romanian and Bulgarian mobile women employed in agriculture in Southern Italy;
  • To strengthen the awareness on EU citizenship rights of 400 Romanian and Bulgarian potential female mobile workers in the sending countries;
  • To enhance the capacity of local institutions and encouraging European countries to adopt participatory governance systems (PuPs) that enable the participation of EU mobile citizens in decision-making processes.


The pilot foresees the adoption of Public-Public Partnership Agreements in 4 hosting communities addressing mobile women employed in agriculture. This will increase their awareness and participation in local civic activities throughout the co-design of communities-based services. The BRIGHT model fosters the adoption of participatory governance systems in other 5 EU local authorities to enable the participation of EU mobile citizens in decision-making processes. A peer to peer action and an online/offline campaign, in Romania and Bulgaria, create the link between sending and hosting countries and inform women about EU citizenship rights.


Local authorities nowadays have the difficult role to deliver solutions for their communities with limited resources (human and financial) in a complex society (economic and social challenges, environmental issues, radical changes in jobs and economy). Together, local authorities and civil society can identify better solutions for their own common living thanks to implementation of simple and efficient tools and instruments. Thanks to participative processes, it is possible to find ways to address community problems and challenges.
The project is addressing two countries: Ukraine and Moldova. Working with the support of the Local Democracy Agencies in these countries, and their local and international partners, the project will empower the capacities of local authorities (elected leaders and civil servants) and civil society in implementing participative processes. Together they will identify concrete problems of the community that will find their solutions thanks to the participative approach.

The project will therefore build capacities and solve problems, by consolidating the approach in the years to come. By sharing the processes with international partners, supporting the Agencies, the impact of the work will emphasise the decentralised cooperation approach as a mean to promote local development on solid and sustainable and fair basis, thanks to a multi stakeholder approach and aiming at implementing the global Sustainable Development Goals at the local level.


  • Assessing the local governance capacities/failures of the cities engaged and creating an identified list of needs to be addressed in terms of local governance
  • Giving to local authorities and civil society groups of the project Capacities to address local problems with participative approaches and therefore identifying more sustainable, fair and inclusive solutions
  • Solving concrete problems locally
  • increasing ideas and solutions for economic development processes
  • joint solutions for environmental challenges (waste management, waste plants, recycling and circular economy), awareness of citizens on environmental issues and raising their responsibility
  • solutions for critical neighbourhoods with security issues and difficult integration of various communities
  • supporting social integration and involvement of more disadvantaged groups of people (unemployed youth, people with disabilities, etc.)
  • Creating permanent and solid links between local authorities and civil society in the communities/cities of the project
  • Creating long lasting links between communities and cities in Ukraine and Moldova and European partners following the lines of decentralised cooperation


  • Assessment of local governance using the ELoGE programme
  • Training for local authorities and civil society in participative democracy
  • Implementation of coaching for a participative process for local problems
  • National events presenting the results


The decentralised cooperation between the region Normandy and the Republic of North Macedonia includes several actions on various subjects such as Remembrance, peace and reconciliation, local democracy, cultural heritage for the construction of European dialogue and youth and citizen participation. These activities involve many stakeholders from Normandy and North Macedonia in the format of multi-actor partnerships.
The focus of the program is on the Remembrance, peace and reconciliation of the First World War on the territory of North Macedonia and Normandy.
The annual programme for decentralised cooperation between the partners from Normandy and North Macedonia is headed by the City of Colombelles and implemented by ALDA.


  • Reinforce the network of cooperation between the local authorities in the Republic of North Macedonia and France on the process of decentralisation, and exchange of expertise on this subject based on the French model.
  • Encourage and support international mobility of youth.
  • Increase the number of cultural activities and partnerships on both territories in the framework of the cooperation.
  • Raise awareness and increase knowledge on the subject of the First World War, specifically the Macedonian front and its remembrance.
  • Promote citizen participation and European citizenship.
  • Strengthen capacities of the stakeholders in the field of territorial development and the implementation of international projects.


REMEMBRANCE AND PEACE FOR EUROPE: The purpose of this activity is to create exchanges and increase the scientific knowledge among experts on the History of the Macedonian Front during the First World War as well as raise awareness among the local population on both territories. Also, encourage discussion on European citizenship through its shared history for peace and unity today and in the future.

YOUTH: TRAINING YOUTH STAKEHOLDERS OF THE TERRITORIES: This activity is in line with the youth policies on both territories for the promotion of youth participation in public matters, the stimulation of youth stakeholders as well as the sectors for non-formal education and youth rights.

ENVIRONMENT: Series of activities in order to raise awareness of climate change and respect for the environment amount young people from both territories.

LOCAL DEMOCRACY: This action led to the creation of exchanges between Macedonians and Normans on cooperation between local authorities and civil society and between young people and municipalities in order to support the development of local democracy and active citizenship.



The platform was created in 2008 in order to associate French local authorities that have established cooperation with the Balkans/South East Europe.
The aim of this network is to promote and support the relations of French local authorities with the countries of South East Europe. The approach proposed by the France-Balkans network consists in joining and unifying a certain number of initiatives, partnerships and projects between France and the various countries of this region in order to increase their visibility and impact.
Numerous initiatives have been carried out during the programme periods of 2010-2012 and 2013-2015, as well as the current 2016-2018 programme.


This new programme is a continuation of the previous ones, with the following specific objectives:

  • Development of cooperation and partnerships between French and Balkan territories, particularly with educational centers and universities;
  • Strengthening youth participation and intercultural dialogue through them;
  • Increased openness to the Francophonie;
  • Improved consideration of the concept of sustainable development, particularly in the social, environmental and economical fields;
  • Strengthening the human, youth and minority rights dimension of local governance;
  • Engagement in maintaining stability in the Balkans;
  • Supporting the process of European integration in the Balkans.


The activities of the project include steering committees, conferences, seminars, training workshops, concrete actions in the field, youth exchanges, a youth platform, working groups, EVS and meetings, exhibitions, written reports, audio, video and web reports, as well as communication and visibility strategy.

Take a look at the Activity Report of «#EuSAVE- EU Citizens’ Action for Smart Historic Villages» project, funded with the support of the European Union under the Programme «Europe for Citizens».


The project is conceived to increase EU citizens’ knowledge, awareness, and engagement on sustainable patterns of food consumption and production for climate change, mitigation, and adaptation. The project is designed to reach young people, between 18 and 35 years old, committed to change their food consumption behaviours and to actively promote the shift towards ecological and inclusive urban food systems, contributing to the EU’s efforts to mitigate and adapt to climate change.

The project will be implemented in over 21 locations and 17 countries, in particular 16 EU Member States and 1 country in the Global South (Brazil)! The consortium includes 17 Local Authorities (LA), 4 LAs specialised agencies, and 8 Civil Society Organisations (CSOs).


The overall objective of the project is to raise awareness and increase engagement among youth on the topics of sustainable patterns in food consumption and production, with a focus on climate change, mitigation, and adaptation.


Pillar 1: Awareness
The project will develop evidence-based information materials on climate changes and food in and between the Global North and South. These materials will help youth in 19 EU cities to be aware of the importance of climate-friendly food consumption behaviours, policies, and food system models impacts.

Pillar 2: Engagement
EU Youth will increase knowledge and capacities in awareness raising and campaigning, and will actively engage in the promotion of practices for sustainable food systems. Offline activities will be organised such as summer and winter schools for young activists; grass-roots initiatives ;and street actions in the field of climate-friendly food consumption behaviours — all led by youth organisations and Local Authorities with the financial support of the project.

Pillar 3: Communication/Outreach
This pillar will develop a Pan-European Digital campaign to widen the EU audience on the importance of sustainable food consumption and urban food policies to tackle climate change. Activities such as European visual arts contests or film festivals will be promoted and will contribute to creating an EU Network of food influencers.


This project will promote sustainable lifestyle patterns and a shift towards a sustainable, human, economy model within our planetary boundaries. It will engage and activate young EU citizens in support of policies and development actions to tackle climate change as a driver of irregular migration and forced displacement worldwide. To do so, a Pan-European communication campaign #ClimateOfChange will be created with and for young EU Citizens.
The motto of the project? End climate change, start #ClimateOfChange! — A Pan European campaign to build a better future for climate induced migrants, the human face of climate change.


  • Contributing to developing European citizens’ awareness of climate change-induced migration;
  • Promoting their active engagement to address the root causes of global warming and its human face, climate migrants.


Step 1 | Building a strong theoretical framework

The evidence-based research will enrich all the activities of awareness, mobilisation and advocacy foreseen in the 4-year project.

  • Four case-studies will be produced through a desk review followed by field visits in Senegal, Ethiopia, Guatemala, and Cambodia. The selected countries are the most impacted in the global warming effects and number of displaced migrants.
  • A report on Human Economy will be produced in order to address the root causes of climate change and migration and how we need to transform our economies.
  • A comparative survey in 23 EU countries among EU citizens of 16-35 years of age will be run on the opinions and knowledge of the nexus between migration, climate change and the current economic model.
  • A guide for the campaign communication and a training will provide concrete recommendations on how to communicate successfully with the project target to support the consortium members stakeholders.

Step 2 | Enhancing youth participation: The Pan-EU communication campaign

The Pan-EU communication campaign will enhance young people’s participation in offline and online activities.
The project will include youths in the campaign through activities such as debate contests in 13 EU member states, field visits, and grassroots actions.
The #ClimateOfChange campaign’s website, films, tours, festivals and multiple other events will set the stage for a concerted mobilising action.

Step 3 | Advocacy

The actions in advocacy will be held in partnership and in coordination between the Consortium members stakeholders. Practical tools will be produced to guide and define the advocacy strategy. Engaged young decisions makers, local authorities, influencers will ensure the spread of the social, political, economic and environmental transformation that we wish to see in Europe and in the world.



The project consists in a collaboration between ALDA and Open Saint Petersburg (OSP) for the organisation of two international conferences under the topic of “Participatory Democracy: exchanges of best practices”, taking place in Moscow on October 30th, 2019 and in St. Petersburg on October 31st, 2019.

Projects participants were Russian and European councillors, representatives of municipal authorities, activists of local communities, while the main topics addressed during the project were:

  • Participatory democracy and engagement of citizens, methods used and results achieved
  • Ongoing issues for local authorities, methods used and results achieved: urban planning and urban mobility, efficiency versus inclusiveness; how the cities are building on experiences of citizens and institutions.


  • Experiencing exchange among municipalities of different countries
  • Establishing contacts between municipal authorities of Russia and Europe
  • Providing support to local communities in Russia.

Within the framework of the “LINK4 Cooperation” project funded by the European Union, the second Forum for sharing best practices of CSOs and LAs cooperation was held in Prijedor on 9 December 2022, gathering over 60 participants.

In addition to representatives of the international community the Forum was attended by representatives of local authorities and CSOs from:

  • Berkovici, Jablanica, Kostajnica, Maglaj, Mostar, Nevesinje, Novi Grad, Prijedor, Ravno, Trebinje, Zavidovici and Zepce

who jointly identified specific challenges of cooperation and expressed readiness to find optimal solutions to strengthen cooperation. Moreover, as the key tools in the context of joining the European Union an assessment of the impact and importance of the ELoGE process and the Leadership Academy (LAP) program of Council of Europe was also carried out.

Slobodan Javor, Mayor of the City of Prijedor and one of the hosts of the Forum, emphasized the importance of commitment to continuous improvement of public services and achieving more efficient and responsible management:

”The very fact that we are part of such an important project testifies how important it is to us to strengthen local participation and cooperation with the non-governmental sector. Also, through the segments and opportunities provided by the project, we strive to take into account the recommendations, all with the aim of improving local self-government, openness and transparency towards citizens.”

«The reform of local government in Bosnia and Herzegovina must achieve a high degree of direct participation of citizens» Dzenana Dedic at the second forum in Prijedor

Referring to the importance of participatory processes as a key factor in the development and stability of local democracy, Dženana Dedić, director of the Local Democracy Agency Mostar, emphasized: “The reform of local government in Bosnia and Herzegovina must achieve a high degree of direct participation of citizens, which is in accordance with current strategies and recommendations of international organizations“

Bearing in mind ALDA’s experience in launching the ELoGE program in Croatia, North Macedonia and Kosovo*, Antonella Valmorbida, ALDA Secretary General, addressed the participants of the Forum, saying: “Good governance is the foundation of a functional and lasting democratic system. ALDA is honored to receive accreditation for the ELoGE – European Label of Excellence in Governance. An important program that, thanks to the partnership with the Council of Europe, contributes to the strengthening of democracy around the world and the establishment of a closer relationship between local authorities, civil society organizations and European institutions.”

A detailed presentation of the ELoGE process in BiH was conducted by the project partners. The findings from the benchmarking process were used as a base to detect most recurring weaknesses in municipalities that finalized the ELoGE process and were evaluated. The findings were presented by Ivana Velkova, project manager from ALDA Skopje, during the Zero document session and the participants were then asked to propose ideas on how to overcome those weaknesses during the World Cafe session “Moj grad, moja ulica”.


“LINK 4 Cooperation” project aims to strengthen the capacity of local authorities and civil society organizations in conducting participatory processes in order to jointly identify specific problems of communities and, thanks to a participatory approach, find the best solutions. The project consortium consists of the Local Democracy Agency (LDA) Mostar, the Local Democracy Agency (LDA) Zavidovici, the Local Democracy Agency (LDA) Prijedor, the Center for the Development of Herzegovina (CRH), the European Association for Local Democracy (ALDA), and associate partner ALDA Skopje. Implementation began on January 1, 2021 and will last until December 31, 2023. Its value is over 540,000 EUR, of which the European Union provided over 490,000 EUR in grants.

The Erasmus+ Water’s Experts project represents a valuable opportunity to underline the importance of water resources and raise awareness among young people and citizens on their role on the planet. 

Climate change has a huge impact on water resources, causing droughts, floods and rivers’ transformation, then endangering the ecosystems and human life. Hence the need to create suitable methods to monitor the main issues of rivers, especially in hydro-rich areas where agriculture and nature-based tourism are highly dependent on climate.

The project aims to create a new professional profile, the Water Expert, capable of understanding the geographic and biological specificities of the watercourses and able to identify and handle the critical issues. Thanks to a 4-month training course, students attending the last year of vocational schools will acquire specific knowledge and professional skills in water resources management.

Students will acquire specific knowledge and professional skills in water resources management

Together with ALDA, four partners are involved in the project, and the activities have been taking place in four European countries (Italy, Portugal, North Macedonia and France). The project partners met on the occasion of the Kick-off Meeting in Portugal on 3 and 4 September 2022, that has been an essential moment to coordinate and set the following step in the project activities.

In the last few months, the project partners have been in touch with schools to present the project and identify the students who will attend the training course. Many schools have shown interest in the project and are already onboard. In the meanwhile, they  have been working to finalise the training course contents and identify the experts who will train the students in each country.

ALDA is enthusiastic to contribute to such an interesting project, and is looking forward to sharing the upcoming news on the training courses.

24 Civil Society Organizations from the districts of Cimișlia, Florești, Străseni, Ștefan Vodă and Telenești, received the grant award contracts under the «EU4Accountability» project. The event was organized by ALDA, at Europe Café — EU Information Center, in Chisinau.

The «EU4Accountability» project is funded by the European Union and aims to improve social responsibility at the local level and to create sustainable cooperation mechanisms between local public authorities in the Republic of Moldova and civil society organizations (CSOs), in order to better respond to the needs of local communities.

«The financial support offered today by the European Union will allow CSOs to strengthen their efforts to improve democratic participation and respond to the concrete needs of citizens in Cimișlia districts , Florești, Strășeni, Ștefan Vodă and Telenesti” said Jānis Mažeiks, the Ambassador of the European Union to the Republic of Moldova, invited to the event

“I would like to congratulate the civil society organizations awarded grants under the EU4Accountability action and thank them for their dedication to promoting social responsibility in the Republic of Moldova» Jānis Mažeiks

“This will include public campaigns to raise awareness of the budget process, civic engagement to monitor public spending and policy-making, and participatory budget consultations – all to get citizens and local authorities to jointly choose the investments that are most needed in their communities” continued the Ambassador “I would like to congratulate the civil society organizations awarded grants under the EU4Accountability action and thank them for their dedication to promoting social responsibility in the Republic of Moldova. With your country’s new EU candidacy role, the importance of civil society in moving forward on the accession path is even more evident.»

Similarly, ALDA colleague Alexandru Coica, thanked the European Union for its continued support of the Republic of Moldova on its European path and the development of communities through participation and an inclusive approach. In addition, he underlined the expected improvement in social responsibility in the target areas and the positive impact of small project grants on almost 140,000 citizens from 50 localities throughout the country

To be noted that the 24 projects selected for funding aim at strengthening the social responsibility of local initiative groups and organizations and enhancing the civic engagement of different target groups. The projects submitted by local CSOs are particularly aimed at young people, women, and people from vulnerable groups and provide for: (1) the development of initiative groups, advocacy campaigns and consolidation of local coalitions, (2) strengthening the capacities of CSOs in the regions and implementing of the participatory budgeting mechanism, (3) the development of civic and youth organizations and the creation of information centers for citizens.

The «EU4Accountability» project, which runs from 2022-2024, is implemented by a consortium of three organizations: the European Association for Local Democracy ALDA, the European Partnership for Democracy EPD and the Czech non-governmental organization People in Need PIN, extends over 10 districts (Cahul, Comrat, Cimișlia, Fălești, Florești, Glodeni, Rîșcani, Străseni, Ștefan Vodă, Telenești), and provides for a total budget of 1.5 million EUR.

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