Imagine a group of 70 people from 16 Mediterranean countries converging for a week in a mid-sized city in Southern Italy, a place where few similar events have ever been organised.

Why are you here? How did you arrive?” were among the most frequently asked questions. A massive organisational effort by REF – Réseau Euromed France and Mana Chuma Teatro, alongside REF members including ALDA, was essential to host the Med Youth Meeting 2024 in Reggio Calabria, Italy, during the last week of June. Unfortunately, despite meticulous planning, not all obstacles could be overcome. Five participants were unable to attend due to visa issues, even though they had been carefully selected.

After months of preparation, on Tuesday, 11th June, youth (up to 35 years old) from Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Palestine, Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey, Cyprus, Greece, Malta, Italy, France, Spain, and Portugal gathered, and the meeting kicked off at the Mediterranean University of Reggio Calabria the next day. Over an intensive four-day programme, they got to know each other and the associations in Reggio Calabria and Palmi (Italy), watched an impressive theatre performance by Mana Chuma Teatro, participated in five thematic workshops — including one facilitated by ALDA on “the phenomenon of instrumentalisation of youth participation” — engaged in a public debate on the obstacles to public mobility, recorded podcasts and interviews, composed a multi-lingual poem about the Mediterranean, tasted local products from a cooperative in Bova, and danced to traditional music in the village square.

Why are we sharing this with you? This meeting underscored the immense value of such experiences, especially during times when youth from these countries face violence and injustice. Young people from these regions live in fear that political forces opposed to diversity and inclusion will gain even more power, further excluding them from decision-making and future-oriented policies. But…

“I didn’t check the news for the first time in months.”

“It’s the first time I’m seeing the sea.”

“I didn’t know any of you before and I’m feeling at home.”

“I had no idea Calabria could look so much like my home country!”

These are just some of the emotional feedback received during the meeting.

The residents of Reggio Calabria, in turn, were astonished and moved to see such a large and cheerful group of young people enlivening their city.

However, this meeting and the network behind it are determined not to stop here, merely cherishing a wonderful experience with nostalgia. As it approaches its 10th anniversary next year, the Med Youth Network is ready to take on new challenges, pushing the societies of all involved countries to guarantee a place and a voice for their youth.

As ALDA, we are actively engaged in supporting youth participation at the local level, standing with our partners to advocate for everyone’s right to participate.

On this International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict, we confront the stark reality of the atrocities inflicted upon countless individuals. Globally, reports of crimes against women, girls, and LGBTQI+ individuals are mounting, highlighting an urgent protection crisis.

In the chaos of warfare, sexual violence becomes a weapon. Women, girls, and LGBTQI+ individuals not only endure the horrors of war but also face the heightened risk of gender-based violence, including rape, forced marriage, sexual exploitation, and other forms of abuse. These atrocities rob them of their dignity, health, and basic human rights, inflicting both physical and emotional scars.

This violence also erodes the fabric of communities already torn apart by conflict.

The rising reports of crimes against women and children underscore the urgent need for robust protection measures and support services. Too often, the horrors of sexual violence in conflict are shrouded in silence and shame, perpetuated by social stigma, shattered healthcare systems, and the absence of justice. Survivors face immense barriers in accessing the support and services they desperately need, while perpetrators often evade accountability. It is imperative that we prioritize survivors’ safety and ensure they receive the care and support they need to heal and rebuild their lives.

As we mark this International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict, let us recommit to ending gender-based violence in conflicts worldwide. While we do not focus specifically on this topic, ALDA supports the incredible work of other organisations dedicated to it. Within our Gender, Inclusion, and Human Rights Hub, we concentrate on related issues, such as empowering women in leadership and community project development (Politik-Her project) and strengthening the representation and participation of women in the political and media sphere (We Act Project).

Together, we must stand up for the rights and dignity of women and children, ensuring they are protected from harm and empowered to rebuild their lives in safety and security.

On this day of remembrance and solidarity, let us honor the resilience of survivors and reaffirm our resolve to build a future where sexual violence in conflict is neither tolerated nor ignored.

Together, we must stand up for the rights and dignity of women, girls, and children, ensuring they are protected from harm and empowered to rebuild their lives in safety and security.

ALDA is thrilled to invite you to an enlightening event in Brussels on 20th June 2024, focusing on social post-COVID urban revitalisation. This event, part of the SPUR (Social PostCovid Urban Revitalisation) project funded by the CERV Programme of the European Commission, aims to explore the crucial topic: «What socialisation for elderly and youngsters now, at the end of the COVID-19 pandemic?» The event will take place from 14:30 to 17:00 at L’Orangerie Hap within Jean-Felix Parc in Etterbeek.

The SPUR project is a collaborative initiative involving six European Municipalities: Community Foundation of Agrigento and Trapani in Italy, Metropolitan City of Milan in Italy, Commune d’Etterbeek in Belgium, Harghita County in Romania, Grad Vodnjan-Dignano in Croatia, and Vila do Conde in Portugal.

The goal is to share best practices for social integration of youngsters and elderly, particularly those from vulnerable backgrounds such as migratory, disability, or gender backgrounds.

During the pandemic, many individuals experienced severe isolation, and the long-term effects of COVID-19 are still felt by some. The SPUR project is designed to address these issues. By collecting data through surveys and focus groups, the six partner municipalities aim to identify the actual socialisation needs of their target groups. This data-driven approach will help tailor local pilot activities to foster connection and integration. The project also seeks to identify sustainable solutions for reactivating socialisation in these communities, inspired by acts of solidarity seen during the pandemic.

The event’s programme will include a presentation of the SPUR project, showcasing successful practices during the pandemic from Etterbeek, Città Metropolitana di Milano, Vila do Conde, Harghita County, and Grad Vodnjan-Dignano. This will be followed by a Q&A session and a debate, providing an opportunity for attendees to engage and share their insights. The event will conclude with closing remarks and social drinks, offering a relaxed environment for further networking.

We encourage you and your team to register for this important event. You can sign up using the registration form available in French, Dutch, and English.

This event marks the beginning of SPUR’s journey, and there will be more opportunities for networking and collaboration in the future. The next international event is scheduled for October 2024 in Milan. However, we are particularly excited to see you on 20th June in Etterbeek, where we can come together to discuss and develop strategies for social integration post-pandemic.

For further information, please do not hesitate to contact Alice Grazio at

You can also follow SPUR on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram for updates.

We look forward to seeing you there and working together to revitalise social connections within our communities. This event promises to be a significant step towards understanding and addressing the social needs of our elderly and young people in a post-COVID world. Join us in this important conversation and contribute to shaping a more connected and inclusive future!

In Floresti district, in Moldova, four civil society organizations (CSOs) were supported to increase development capacities, strengthen cooperation with local public authorities (LPAs), promote social accountability and good local governance, within the EU4Accountability project (Empowered Civil Society for Greater Social Accountability in Moldova), funded by the European Union.

One of the beneficiaries of the project, was the AO Regional Centre for Social Initiatives and Sustainable Development (AO CRISDD) in the city of Floresti, which aimed, in 2023, to create a platform for discussion between citizens, decision-makers and civil society to strengthen citizens’ capacity to participate in local decision-making, increase social accountability and transparency of decision-making processes.

An example of civil society involvement in good local governance is the city of Floresti and the commune of Stefanesti, supported by information campaigns and training of the population. As a result, tangible results have been achieved in strengthening participatory governance:

— citizens became aware of their responsibility for the development and well-being of the locality;

— citizens learned how the budget process works and the influence of projects financed from the local budget;

— the common vision for the development of localities has empowered people, through the Local Coalitions created for Budgetary Participation, encouraged citizens to propose projects and initiatives, which respond to the real needs of the community.

Mr. Dumitru Stoica, administrator of AO CRISDD said: «Through this project we aimed to strengthen citizens’ knowledge in participatory budgeting, empowerment in participatory democracy and tools for working with local authorities. About thirty people developed skills in the field of human rights, practiced mechanisms of involvement in the decision-making process, and later these people will form the basis of the local coalition for participatory budgeting and participate in the formation of the local budget«.

Signing of the Bilateral Memorandum of Cooperation with the Municipality of Floresti

As the Floresti Local Coalition for participatory budgeting was already established, the project directly resorted to the signing of a Memorandum of Cooperation. At the same time, the validity of the Regulation on the mechanism of implementation of the Participatory Budgeting (PB) program, also called «CIVIC INITIATIVE BUDGET», was extended and the City Council allocated a budget of 200000 MDL for the year 2023.

The signing of the Multilateral Memorandum of Cooperation with the Municipality of Ștefănești and the creation of the Local Coalition for participatory budgeting — served as a catalyst for increasing the participation of citizens and civil society representatives in the local budgeting process. Thus, the expertise of AO CRISDD, the openness of the Stefanesti City Hall and the involvement of AO «Ungherașul Fericirii» from the locality facilitated the creation of the Local Coalition in the commune and the signing of the first ever Regulation on the Participatory Budgeting process; for the year 2023, 20 000 lei were included in the local budget for civil society projects.

This important action for the locality was guided by experts from the EU4Accountability project.

Implementation of citizens’ initiatives through the participatory budgeting mechanism

The AO CRISDD team and the Local Coalitions formed, in collaboration with the town halls, have contributed to the proper implementation of citizens’ initiatives in Stefanesti and Floresti, financed by the participatory budgeting program:

— Development of educational and sports services for 200 children and young people from the Floresti (28000 lei EU funding, 40000 lei LPA funding, 15000 lei citizens’ contribution);

— Improving the rest area in the neighbourhood of the housing block located on Miron Costin Street no. 23 (28000 lei EU funding, 40000 lei LPA funding, 13000 lei citizens’ contribution);

— Improvement of the access ways in the courtyard of the block of flats located on Mihai Viteazul 5, Mihai Viteazul Street (28000 lei EU funding, 40000 lei APL funding, 20000 lei citizens’ contribution);

— The improvement of a children’s playground in the city. Floresti, str. Mihai Viteazul 7/9 (28000 lei EU funding, 40000 lei LPA funding, 15000 lei citizens’ contribution);

— Creation of rest areas and landscaping of green spaces in the courtyard of Miron Costin block no. 32 (28000 lei EU funding, 40000 lei LPA funding, 10000 lei citizens’ contribution);

— Construction of a public fountain in Stefanesti commune (63000 lei EU funding, 10000 lei LPA funding, and citizens contributed to the construction works).

Floresti and Stefanesti communes are examples that demonstrate that the participatory budgeting program is an advantage for the community, contributing to sustainable development, strengthening social responsibility, increasing citizens’ commitment and ownership of the participatory budgeting process.

Mr. Iurie Gangan, Mayor of Floresti stated: «I would like to mention that participatory budgeting has brought a number of benefits to our society and has contributed to raising awareness of citizens’ involvement in the budget process. Residents have learned how the city’s budget is formed, what is spent and how the money is spent. This process also leads to increased transparency in the work of the City Hall«.

Multiplication of good examples and sustainability of the project

The strengthening of the Local Coalitions, during the duration of the project, will ensure the sustainability of the mechanisms for citizens’ involvement in decision-making and the sustainability of the implemented activities. An active civil society will stimulate the commitment of public authorities to implement participatory budgeting by allocating dedicated funding to citizens’ initiatives.

The promotion of participatory governance for active involvement of citizens in the decision-making process serves as a solid foundation for local development, and the project results will motivate other communities to implement participatory budgeting programs and regulate this process.

Background information

The amount of grants offered to the civil society in Floresti district within the EU4Accountability project amounted to 62,600 euro, while 23,200 euro was offered for «Strengthening the participatory budgeting mechanism in the city of Floresti and commune of Stefănești».

The project «EU4Accountability» (Empowered Civil Society for Greater Social Accountability in Moldova) runs from 2022-2024, and is funded by the European Union, implemented by ALDA, European Partnership for Democracy (EPD) and People in Need Moldova. It is implemented in 10 districts (Cahul, Comrat, Cimislia, Falesti, Floresti, Glodeni, Riscani, Straseni, Stefan Voda, Telenesti) and has a total budget of 1.6 million EUR.

To know more about the project click here.


The AMIL project aims to promote the sustainable integration of third-country nationals (TCNs) into the labour market by expanding and strengthening the ‘MEIC Migrants Economic Integration Cluster’. This multi-level and multi-stakeholder cluster is intended to enhance coordination among key territorial socio-economic actors, thereby fostering the integration of TCNs into the labour market. The benefits for our target group, migrant people, will be increased employability and socio-economic inclusion.

At EU level, the aim is to disseminate the MEIC model.The project will focus on upscaling established good practices, customising socio-economic insertion paths at the local level, strengthening national/regional systems for taking charge of target persons, and building the capacities of key actors at the European level. The MEIC model will be disseminated through dissemination activities, including international workshops for stakeholders of several EU Member States.


  • Improve the effectiveness of local initiatives for labour market integration of TCNs through the booster and the dissemination of the MEIC methodology.
  • Increase employability and economic inclusion of TCNs, enhancing and strengthening their professional/soft skills and creating new ones; and testing innovative solutions to boost access to existing labour market inclusion initiatives and instruments shared with the cluster actors.
  • Enhance involvement of key actors in terms of TCNs’ labour market integration. The MEIC model capitalised and actualised will be the focus of workshops that will be held with stakeholders from EU Member States.



EPIC-UP is an initiative funded by the AMIF programme of the European Union (EU) and coordinated by ALDA. It brings together 12 partner organisations and 13 associated partners from 8 different EU countries. The project will capitalise on the existing knowledge and know-how of the consortium working on migrant integration and inclusion to design an enhanced model of multi-actor collaboration to develop, test and implement local integration strategies.
EPIC-UP is a project with the aim of developing and testing integration strategies for the inclusion of migrants at local level.
EPIC-UP will establish Community of Practices (CoPs) in six EU countries (Bulgaria, Germany, Greece, Italy, Poland and Spain) where good practices and strategies will be leveraged. The CoPs will test and consolidate six new integration services through a social experimentation process that involves co-creation steps carried out jointly by the diverse stakeholders engaged.

The project’s approach includes involving stakeholders throughout the design and implementation cycle, tapping into the potential of existing best practices that other peers can share and testing in small-scale environments. The integration strategies will be socially innovative in their ends, because they track an unmet societal challenge, but also in their means, as the migrants and refugees will be put at the centre of the design.The integration of migrants benefits both urban and rural areas in the EU in various ways. Urban areas, where most migrants reside, stand to gain from the diverse cultural perspectives and economic contributions migrants bring. While many national strategies still are designed without proper consultation of the local level stakeholders, cities have a wealth of experience in implementing evidence-based integration policies. By tapping into this experience through peer learning and better coordination among stakeholders, urban centres can enhance their integration efforts and promote social cohesion. Moreover, involving migrants directly in the democratic process and public life can strengthen political participation, addressing one of the weakest areas of integration policy and fostering a more inclusive society.


The EPIC-UP project will have the following main expected results:

  • An inclusive participatory methodology to foster the social inclusion of migrants more efficiently, will be developed and tested in six EU countries.
  • The taxonomy, mapping and benchmarking of good practices on local migrant integration strategies will be disseminated.
  • Migrants and refugees in the six territories will be empowered to engage and participate in the process and ultimately in the different public spheres of their new society. As a result, their voices and experiences will be better heard and considered.
  • A capacity-building programme on how to promote migrants’ participation in the design and implementation of integration policies will be implemented.
  • A series of policy recommendations will be produced to make migration policies and initiatives better future proofed.
  • Ultimately, six new integration services will have been tested locally.


Are you a Civil Society Organisation working for and with youth? Are you interested in youth civic engagement and participation?  We are looking for you! Participate in our call for proposals with your project idea!

What is the main objective of the call of proposal?

The WYDE Civic Engagement project foresees the implementation of 5 different projects called “Clusters”. Through the re-granting scheme, the cluster number 1 named “Generate Democracy: involving youth CSOs in democracy support” is dedicated to providing youth CSOs with the chance to put into practice the lessons learnt in the other clusters and undertake responsibilities over concrete actions promoting civic engagement and democracy.

The overall objective of the project is to fund and implement national and transnational projects in support of youth civic engagement and participation in the decision-making processes across the Sub-Saharan Countries.

What are the specific objectives of the call?

  • Empower organisations working in the field of youth to play a relevant role in supporting the democratic participation of youth;
  • Support peer to peer learning among youth organisations;
  • Reinforce an international network of youth organisations and youth leaders;
  • Improve the cooperation between the youth civil society and public policy makers, at local, national, and international level;
  • Advocate for the establishment or improvement of representative youth structures (such as youth councils or youth parliaments).

The third phase of the WYDE Civic Engagement call will remain open until 15 January 2025

What actions can be implemented?

This call for proposals will finance actions that respect the five working principles of the Human Rights Based Approach methodology:

  1. Applying all human rights for all
  2. Meaningful and inclusive participation and access to decision-making
  3. Non-discrimination and equality; accountability and rule of law for all
  4. Transparency
  5. Access to information supported by disaggregated data.

Where can the project be implemented?

Selected entities should be implementing National/ transnational projects in support of youth civic engagement and participation in the decision-making processes across the Global South countries with a special focus on Sub-Saharan African Countries.

How to apply?

Read the full call for proposals of Women and Youth in Democracy initiativE (WYDE Civic Engagement) to have more information about the call and how to apply! The call has been launched on August 15, 2023, and the third phase of the call will remain open until January 15, 2025.

On 11 and 12 June 2024, ALDA — the European Association for Local Democracy actively participated in the Ukraine Recovery Conference held in Berlin (Germany). Representing the Association at this significant event were Secretary General, Mrs. Antonella Valmorbida, and ALDA Representative in Ukraine, Ms. Khrystyna Kvartsiana.

The conference, a major international effort to support Ukraine’s recovery, featured key addresses from Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz, President Volodymyr Zelenskyi, and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen. The event underscored global solidarity with Ukraine and highlighted the critical role of local governance in the nation’s reconstruction efforts.

ALDA’s participation was further enriched by the presence of several notable members and partners, including: Mayor Vadym Boychenko of Mariupol, Mayor Serhiy Morhunov of Vinnytsia, Representatives from the cities of Poltava and Zelenodolsk, All-Ukrainian Association of Communities, Association of Amalgamated Territorial Communities, MitOst, Cities of Gdańsk and Wrocław, U-LEAD with Europe programme.

During the conference, ALDA vigorously promoted the Local Democracy Agencies (LDAs) programme, which plans to establish 9 new LDAs in Ukraine, in addition to the existing ones in Odesa, in Mariupol and in the Dnipropetrovsk Region, as instruments of social cohesion and stakeholder engagement. This initiative, part of ALDA’s Flagship Initiative in Ukraine, is fundamental to strengthening local governance and community resilience. The LDA programme has been instrumental in fostering democratic principles and sustainable development at the local level, especially vital during the recovery period.

«We are deeply committed to supporting Ukraine through this challenging period« said Mrs. Valmorbida

«We are deeply committed to supporting Ukraine through this challenging period,» said Mrs. Valmorbida, reaffirming ALDA’s unwavering dedication to the country and its people since the onset of Russia’s brutal invasion.

The conference also provided a platform for ALDA to collaborate with other stakeholders. We express our gratitude to the Committee of the Regions, with whom we recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding to further strengthen our partnership, and to the Alliance of Cities and Regions for the Reconstruction of Ukraine for providing ALDA with a space at the joint stand on the Recovery Forum.

As Ukraine continues to navigate its path to recovery, ALDA remains dedicated to its mission of fostering local democracy and supporting the rebuilding efforts in collaboration with local, national, and international partners.

🇮🇹 This article is written in Italian because it is addressed to Italian-speakers only. We apologise for the inconvenience.

ALDA — l’Associazione Europea per la Democrazia Locale è entusiasta di annunciare una nuova collaborazione con il Centro di Servizio per il Volontariato della provincia di Vicenza (CSV di Vicenza), socio di ALDA. Grazie a questa collaborazione, ALDA avrà una rubrica mensile dedicata su CSV Positive Radio, la web radio del CSV di Vicenza. Questa iniziativa rappresenta un passo significativo verso la promozione e il sostegno del volontariato e della democrazia locale in tutta la regione.

CSV Positive Radio: Un Canale di Solidarietà e Volontariato

CSV Positive Radio è un nuovo strumento creato dal CSV di Vicenza per promuovere la solidarietà vicentina. Questo canale innovativo si distingue per la sua missione di raccontare e presentare l’incredibile impegno dei volontari presenti sul territorio, evidenziando il loro lavoro a favore della comunità e dei suoi abitanti. Attraverso una vasta gamma di contenuti, tra cui informazioni, comunicazioni, interviste ed esperienze, la web radio si propone di creare una rete che unisce volontari, professionisti del settore profit e istituzioni pubbliche e private.

Uno degli obiettivi principali di CSV Positive Radio è quello di fare rete, promuovere, sostenere e raccontare le belle storie e i traguardi raggiunti dal volontariato locale. Il canale si impegna a condividere le azioni di solidarietà che fanno la differenza, mettendosi a disposizione della comunità e crescendo con essa. Questa piattaforma offre l’opportunità di dare voce a chi si impegna quotidianamente per il bene comune, creando un senso di appartenenza e collaborazione.

Un Nuovo Spazio per ALDA su CSV Positive Radio

La rubrica mensile di ALDA su CSV Positive Radio sarà un’importante vetrina per discutere temi legati alla democrazia locale, alla cittadinanza attiva e alla partecipazione civica. Gli ascoltatori avranno l’opportunità di conoscere meglio le attività e i progetti di ALDA, scoprendo come l’associazione lavora per promuovere la democrazia e il coinvolgimento civico in Europa. La rubrica presenterà interviste, approfondimenti e storie di successo, creando un ponte tra ALDA e la comunità locale di Vicenza.

In un’epoca in cui il consumo di contenuti è sempre più flessibile, CSV Positive Radio si propone come una soluzione facilmente accessibile e versatile. Essendo una web radio, è ascoltabile online attraverso vari dispositivi, permettendo agli ascoltatori di sintonizzarsi nei momenti più convenienti della loro giornata. Questo approccio innovativo garantisce che le storie di volontariato e solidarietà raggiungano un pubblico ampio e diversificato, accompagnando le giornate di molti volontari della provincia di Vicenza con un sottofondo musicale e informativo.

In conclusione, la collaborazione tra ALDA e il CSV di Vicenza rappresenta un’importante opportunità per rafforzare il volontariato e la partecipazione civica. La nuova rubrica mensile sarà un mezzo prezioso per diffondere conoscenza, ispirare azioni positive e costruire una comunità più unita e solidale.

Cliccate sul bottone sottostante e scoprite CSV Positive Radio! 👇

Oppure inquadrate il QR Code cliccando su questa locandina!

On 5 June 2024, the final event of the EU4Accountability project took place in Chișinău (Moldova), marking a significant milestone in Moldova’s efforts to strengthen civic participation and accountability on its path to EU accession. The Civic Engagement Conference, organised by the EU4Accountability project and funded by the European Union, focused on the challenges of civic engagement and the role of citizen participation in decision-making processes at both national and local levels.

The EU4Accountability project, implemented across 10 districts of the Republic of Moldova, supported the capacity development of local authorities and CSO staff. It empowered 59 CSOs to conduct small-scale projects in civic engagement, participatory budgeting, and policymaking. This project exemplifies the cooperation between civil society and local public authorities aimed at improving the social accountability of local and central public authorities by strengthening the capacities of civil society organisations (CSOs).

“Citizens should know that the EU means stability, prosperity, and transparency, and the EU is ready to continue supporting Moldova’s efforts on the European integration path. We support community empowerment in Moldova, and I urge you to remain active and involved in implementing and monitoring public policies. Increasing the transparency of central and local government is crucial because the future and the power are in your hands.”

EU Ambassador, Mr. Janis Mazeiks

“A lot has happened in the last two years. We could say that the project has managed to reflect the realities here in Moldova and the region. We have shown that through local democracy, which is a concrete way of addressing and solving problems, the EU4Accountability initiatives allow our local communities to have European visions. We hope to continue benefiting from this.”

ALDA Secretary General, Mrs. Antonella Valmorbida

The conference featured two pivotal panel discussions. The first panel focused on the implementation of access to information laws. The second panel addressed current challenges in decision-making, identified priority actions, and established cooperation strategies between authorities and CSOs. Key participants included representatives from the Government, local authorities, and civil society. Key discussion points included the difficult access of local NGOs to national decision-making processes, lack of representativity, an outdated transparency law, and the obstacles that hinder the effectiveness of new cooperation platforms.

Speakers addressed key challenges in Moldova’s decision-making processes. Participants highlighted obstacles such as scarce resources, a lack of direct communication with policymakers, and insufficient recognition of their role, which hampers their ability to influence policies that affect their communities. Another critical point discussed was the lack of representation in decision-making bodies. Panellists emphasised the mismatch between governing institutions and the diverse population, leading to decisions that neglect the needs of marginalised groups and smaller communities, thus amplifying their voices in governance discussions.

The EU4Accountability project is funded by the European Union and is implemented by a consortium comprising the European Association for Local Democracy (ALDA), the European Partnership for Democracy (EPD), and the Czech organisation People in Need. The event was organised in cooperation with the think tank Centre for Policies and Reforms (CPR Moldova).

The inhabitants of the villages of Sireti, Negresti and Scoreni, benefit from a multifunctional Community Centre, which was opened with the aim of strengthening the capacities of civil society, facilitating and encouraging community meetings, providing access to information and services to residents, while serving as a meeting and activity space for young people.

The opening of this Centre is the result of the work of the NGO «Siretenii de Pretutindeni«, the involvement of the ten initiative groups created and the support of the City Hall of Sireti, within the framework of the «EU4Accountability» Project.

During the inauguration event, ALDA emphasised the need and usefulness of the Centre for over ten thousand citizens

Present at the inauguration event of the Centre, ALDA representatives, together with the mayors of the three localities, young people and active citizens, emphasised the need and usefulness of the Centre for over ten thousand citizens. At the same time, the representatives of the LPAs mentioned that the projects aimed at developing the responsibility and involvement of citizens in the process of local governance are more than necessary, because they directly contribute to the understanding of administrative processes, and the result is oriented towards finding efficient solutions for the community.

Within this Centre, an Advocacy Strategy will be developed and it will aim at regulating activities to influence local public policies, monitor budgets and procurement procedures relevant to certain projects for the local community and accumulate project proposals oriented towards the development of the localities.

Moreover, the inhabitants of the three neighbouring villages of Sireti, Negresti and Scoreni, including representatives of the LPAs, showed interest in learning from each other’s good practices on transparent processes in local public institutions, participatory budgeting and civic involvement and in developing their communities through joint efforts.

The project «EU4Accountability» (Empowered Civil Society for Greater Social Accountability in Moldova) runs from 2022-2024, and is funded by the European Union, implemented by ALDA, European Partnership for Democracy (EPD) and People in Need Moldova. It is implemented in 10 districts (Cahul, Comrat, Cimislia, Falesti, Floresti, Glodeni, Riscani, Straseni, Stefan Voda, Telenesti) and has a total budget of 1.6 million EUR.

To know more about the project click here.


The project aims to build public awareness of the Charter and its value, and the capacity of key stakeholders for its broader application. The consortium, consisting of five European organisations will implement a transnational project focused on (a) building media capacity to showcase Charter Impact (b) fostering expert discourse around Charter application, (c) enabling Charter use at sub-national level, and (d) supporting participatory engagement with Charter by young people. The select groups – journalists; practitioner experts, local authorities, CSOs and young people have been selected specifically based on current gaps and the potential for amplification and sustainability of action. Overall FOCUS is expected to result at least 60 capacity building events, with 1800 direct participants from at least 22 EU MS, and over 170 publications with a total reach of over 120,000. Throughout delivery, the project will draw on innovative programmatic approaches (e.g. Pop-up newsrooms, Youth Rights labs, expert blog symposia etc), and will mainstream the issues of gender and the focus on migrants and youth throughout delivery


The FOCUS project aims to build public awareness of the Charter and its value, and the capacity of key stakeholders for its broader application, and to raise awareness on the applicability of the Charter for everyday citizens.

“More than ever, it is time to exercise our right to vote. Let’s make our voices heard. Let’s not let others decide our future. Let us encourage our members and networks to do the same. Let us remind every citizen of the incredible power they hold through the simple act of voting.“

Read the statement made by our President, Nataša Vučković, and by the whole Governing Board on the upcoming European Elections.

Join us on this new episode of ALDA Podcast «Shades of Democracy» as we discuss EU enlargement, and developments in Ukraine. 
Our distinguished guests, Antonella Valmorbida, ALDA Secretary General and Marta Barandiy, founder of Promote Ukraine, share their perspectives on the situation in Ukraine, its links with the EU, and ALDA’s role in supporting democratic values in the region.

Tune in for more knowledge on the topic! 

Useful links:
ALDA Flagship Initiative in Ukraine ➡️
Promote Ukraine website  ➡️

PRESS RELEASE — On 21 June 2024, civil society organisations and climate defenders will meet at the “Democracy and Inclusion in Times of Climate Crisis” event at the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), Rue Belliard 99/101, in Brussels.

Participants will debate on how to best answer the climate crisis from the perspective of marginalised voices. Partners of the EU24–Engage for the Planet project will present the main results of the “(Un)heard Voices” campaign.

The event is free and open to anyone, with special attention to people from marginalised backgrounds. This is the moment to have your voice heard on climate issues.

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Through a series of compelling video interviews, “(Un)heard Voices” brought to light the perspectives and experiences of individuals underrepresented in political discourse. Migrants, women, young and senior people, members of the LGBTQ+ community, they advocate for equality and recognition. Each story is a testament to the rich tapestry of identities and struggles that define our continent in times of climate crisis.

“(Un)heard Voices” goes beyond mere storytelling. It’s a call to action, urging citizens to confront their own biases, expand their understanding of social issues, and actively engage with marginalised communities in the democratic process. By amplifying these voices, we want to foster empathy, solidarity, and meaningful change in the political landscape of Europe.

For Monika, a disabled woman from Poland, the biggest challenge is to be heard: “Disability, climate crisis and environmental problems are closely related to each other,” she argues. “Two of the most common reasons for disability are environmental issues and climate change. We are a vulnerable group, the first to experience the consequences of this crisis.”

That is why the right to vote becomes essential in ensuring that voices of all individuals, regardless of their background or circumstances, are heard and represented in the democratic process.

Voting is simply a duty as well as a right,” claims Karim, a man with a migrant background from France. “Voting is a right acquired over time with great sacrifices and social struggles. Continuing to vote and having a say in political decisions and choices will remain, for me, the essential difference between being a citizen and being subjected to politics.

As the European elections draw near, the urgency of addressing the climate crisis and amplifying the voices of marginalised communities has never been more pronounced. Against the backdrop of unprecedented environmental challenges, it is imperative to ensure that the concerns of all citizens, especially those from marginalised groups, are heard and addressed in the policymaking process.

The upcoming European elections present a crucial moment for fostering inclusivity and environmental justice in decision-making.

Recognising this, the EU24–Engage for the Planet consortium launched “(Un)heard Voices” to empower marginalised people and elevate climate concerns on the European agenda.

For more information on the “Democracy and Inclusion in Times of Climate Crisis” event of 21 June in Brussels (Belgium), visit the website by clicking on the right.

For more information about EU24 Engage for the Planet and its initiatives, please visit and


The EU24 Engage for the Planet project aims at decreasing the democratic participation gap of young citizens, citizens of diverse backgrounds, mobile union citizens in a gender-balanced way, by showing them their voices matter. While the turnout in the last EU election was the highest in 25 years, citizens of diverse backgrounds and mobile union citizens remain underrepresented among active EU voters, as well as democratic engagement. Climate change is the biggest threat to humanity today and needs transnational and multinational solutions.


SpeakUP aims to revitalize the public sphere as an arena where individuals can come together to discuss and identify societal problems and work towards consensus building through rational debate. The aim is to nurture proactive debate culture, enhance understanding of participatory democracy, and promote active citizen engagement in socially polarizing topics by creating a network of debate clubs across Romania, Cyprus and Hungary. Importantly, the project also aspires to embed advocacy and participation at its core. Debate club members will be encouraged to spearhead community-focused advocacy campaigns and be active at the local level.


SPEAK UP main objective is to leverage structured debate to enhance youth political participation and democratic involvement by creating a network of resilient debate clubs in Romania, Cyprus, and Hungary, specifically targeting marginalized and fringe youth groups at risk of radicalization.

From 13 to 15 May 2024, ALDA’s General Assembly and Festival hosted a significant panel discussion on “Local Democracy & Participatory Democracy” which explored the Defense of Democracy Package, civil society’s role, and local participatory initiatives within the European Union.

ALDA’s General Assembly and Festival 2024: Spotlight on Democracy in the EU

Key stakeholders from diverse sectors gathered to assess the current state and future of democracy within the European Union (EU).

Defense of Democracy Package: An Overview

Vincent Vandersmissen, representing the Belgian Presidency of the EU, detailed the Defense of Democracy Package (DoDP), designed to protect democratic processes across member states and at the European level. The proposal underscores the necessity of transparency, especially in interest representation, to counteract foreign interference in EU and national policymaking. Vandersmissen stressed the directive’s focus on safeguarding democracy, despite concerns from member states about its implementation.

The directive has ignited debate due to its resemblance to «foreign agents» laws in countries like Georgia, Hungary, and Russia, which have been used to stigmatise NGOs receiving foreign funding. Vandersmissen noted that while 15 EU member states maintain transparency registers, none specifically target foreign organisations. This has raised fears of unjustly labeling NGOs as «foreign agents,» leading to potential discrimination. These concerns are under active discussion at Coreper, with the Belgian presidency acting as an «honest broker.»

The DoDP also includes recommendations to boost democratic participation by increasing funding for civil society organizations (CSOs) and promoting inclusive electoral processes, particularly for mobile citizens.

Civil Society’s Concerns

Gabriela Civico, Director of the European Volunteer Centre and President of Civil Society Europe, shared critical insights from the civil society perspective through a video message. She criticised the directive on interest representation for its vague definitions, potentially affecting around 1,000 organisations. Civico warned that these organisations might be forced to register or lose funding from international sources, exacerbating current concerns about shrinking civic space within the EU.

Civico called for enhanced support from the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) program to strengthen civil society in an increasingly challenging environment. Her message highlighted the indispensable role of civil society in maintaining democratic health and the need for supportive policies.

Participatory Democracy: Practical Insights and Models

José Manuel Ribeiro, Mayor of Valongo, shared practical experiences in implementing participatory democracy at the local level. He acknowledged the traditional resistance of mayors towards participatory democracy, often viewed as a challenge. However, Ribeiro argued that participatory democracy can transform local governance by fostering better relationships between citizens and authorities.

In Valongo, initiatives such as youth and senior participatory budgets have been successful. Despite low participation rates, the impact on participants is profound, fostering a sense of community and belonging. The city also introduced an internal participatory budget for civil servants and urban planning projects involving children aged 10 to 15, showcasing the potential of participatory democracy to enhance local governance and civic engagement.

Mathis Dippon, Programme Manager for the European Capital of Democracy, presented this initiative, allowing any city to apply for the title. Once selected, the city hosts a year-long democracy festival, showcasing best practices in participatory democracy. This initiative aims to create a network of exemplary democratic practices for other cities to emulate.

Barcelona, the current European Capital of Democracy, serves as a model with its various democratic processes and citizen assemblies. Dippon emphasised the importance of targeted approaches to engage different audiences and ensuring that citizens’ recommendations have tangible consequences. This approach not only broadens participation but also strengthens the democratic fabric by making citizens feel their contributions matter.

In March 2024, ALDA launched a call for proposals to fund ALDA members willing to support impactful initiatives that promote a sense of belonging to the European Union in the year of the EU elections.

In order to promote good governance and citizen participation at the local level in Europe and beyond, ALDA leads a wide range of actions supporting local, national and international stakeholders in achieving their goals in the fields of European integration, decentralisation, human rights, social inclusion, sustainable development, civic initiatives and much more. As its core element, ALDA supports citizens and groups of citizens in their initiatives aimed at improving their local context, building bridges with local authorities in order to make the change real. In this framework, ALDA works through a participatory approach and the method of multilateral decentralised cooperation, always focusing on strong partnerships between local authorities and civil society organisations.

ALDA works with and for local resilient communities, to address the future challenges from a democratic, environmental, social and economic point of view

The call was aimed at supporting local and grass-root initiatives in the field of EU values and policies, in order to promote both a sense of belonging to the EU in view of the 2024 EU elections, and a sense of “local ownership” and engagement in the local community. This way the funded projects were able to pave the way for further activities in this sense and ensure the capitalisation of the results.

The call was addressed to ALDA members based in the EU which presented their own projects focused on increasing public knowledge, awareness and interest about the EU policies, values and strategies.

These organisations will implement different strategies at local level targeting different vulnerable groups in areas such as: education, citizens engagement, health, climate action, gender equality among others.

ALDA received many interesting and qualitative applications. After the evaluation was carried out by an appointed Selection Committee (SeC), 11 organisations from 6 different countries were selected.

These organisations will implement different strategies at local level targeting different vulnerable groups in areas such as: education, citizens engagement, health, climate action, gender equality among others.

These 11 beneficiaries of the regranting programme are:

Name of the project: Forward EU (FEU)

City of implementation: Brussels, Belgium

The project aims to empower young people and promote active engagement in civic activities by integrating creative methodologies (interactive quizzes, treasure hunts and digital tools), varied events, and inclusive engagement strategies and collaborations with diverse stakeholders.

Name of the project: VISTA: Voices for Integration, Solidarity, and Trust in Action

City of implementation: Naples, Turin, Parma, Italy

The main objective of the project is to promote participation, integration, solidarity, and trust of young people, including some refugees. The project will also develop tools, key messages, and community initiatives that empower participants to become advocates for positive change, foster meaningful connections within and across their communities, and inspire collective action towards more inclusive and resilient societies, in line with fundamental EU values. 

Name of the project: Amplifying Youth Voices in Mental Health at EU level: Advancing Participatory Platforms and Policy Trackers for Actionable Change

City of implementation: Barcelona, Spain

The project aims to influence policy decisions in the field of mental health at local, national, and European level through workshops, webinars and integrating arts-based methods with digital participation platforms.

Name of the project: I VOTE, WE WIN. Together against inequalities

City of implementation: Brescia, Italy

The main goal of the project is to promote within the citizens — especially among young and new voters — a sense of belonging to the EU as well as to enhance people’s awareness, engagement and social participation with respect to EU rights and value. To achieve this, a seminar on the functioning of the EU elections and varied public events will be organised.


City of implementation: Barcelona, Spain — Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

The main goal of the project is to strengthen local democracy and citizen participation, while also facilitating knowledge exchange and cooperation between cities, particularly Sarajevo and Barcelona. This will be achieved through a series of activities (organisation of a book presentation, a photo exhibition and conferences, participation in a campaign and workshop) designed to promote dialogue, reconciliation and civic engagement.

Name of the project: Democratic Action of Refugees in Europe (DARE)

City of implementation: Brussels, Belgium.

The project aims to promote the participation of first time voters with refugee backgrounds, who have recently obtained citizenship in an EU country. The project envisions a webinar to raise awareness about EU elections; workshops to co-create messages to encourage participation in the elections; a meeting between newly elected progressive Members European Parliament (MEPs) and a small group of community leaders with refugee background; and a closing webinar.

Name of the project: EmpowerEU: Youth Multipliers for Democracy

City of implementation: Lisbon, Portugal

The project seeks to actively engage young people in discussions regarding the EU impact on their lives, raising awareness of EU decision-making processes, and encouraging their participation in shaping Europe’s future, especially concerning EU elections. To achieve this, the project will implement an intensive bootcamp and academy, providing participants with in-depth knowledge and skills related to EU policies, institutions, and democratic processes.

Name of the project: “Empowering European Citizens” Seminar

City of implementation: Nocera Umbra (PG), Italy

The main goal of the project is to empower young European citizens by fostering their knowledge, understanding, and engagement with the European Union. The Seminar consists of a totally free week of study-vacation, which combines lectures and group discussion with recreational activities.

Name of the project: Your Voice, Your Europe!

Country of implementation: Spain, Slovenia, Italy, France, Germany, Belgium

The project aims to connect and engage youth and other groups from various countries, with different social backgrounds, and from different local environments, to raise awareness about the importance of European Parliament elections. The methodology will integrate artistic expression (organisation and implementation of 12 street art intervention), social media activities, interactive discussions, cross-cultural exchange, and reflections.

Name of the project: TAKE A STEP! Sustainable Territory & European Participation

City of implementation: Vicenza, Italy

The main goal of the project is to promote the education, empowerment and participation of the target groups (broad citizenship, including youths and vulnerable groups) concerning the environmental crisis and the climate change adaptation and mitigation. The activities involve round tables with local and non-local experts and activists, theatre and music performances.

Name of the project: ENGAGE EU (Empowering New Generations through Artistic Group Experiences Europe)

City of implementation: Marseille, France

The project will start with “L’Europe à la Barre” which is an immersive theatrical production that plunges the audience into a fictitious trial of the European Union, inviting the public to judge the EU itself. Through lively debates, the play stimulates deep reflection on the future of Europe, and urges the participants to embrace their European citizenship. Then, the project continues with the “ENGAGE” workshop, an initiative aimed at promoting creative reflection on democracy and its integration into the daily lives of participants.