From 7 to 11 August, 2024, a dedicated delegation of ALDA traveled to the Republic of Benin to engage in the 5th edition of the Forum de la Démocratie Participative en Afrique (FIDEPA). Representing ALDA, Giulia Sostero, Coordinator of the Middle East and Africa Department and Abdelaziz Bouslah, Africa Project Officer, took part in this influential event held in Cotonou, Benin. Organised by the International Observatory on Participatory Democracy in Africa (IODP) with the support of UCLG and hosted by the Municipality of Cotonou, which holds the presidency of IODP Africa for 2024, the forum sought to address the challenges and opportunities in fostering citizen participation for the creation of sustainable cities and territories.

During the mission, ALDA’s delegation engaged with key figures in Benin’s civil society, including a pivotal meeting with Mr. Bachir Kanoute, Secretary General of IODP Africa. The team also had the opportunity to converse with Mr. Segla LIHOUSSOU, Executive Director of the National Association for Beninese Communes, along with his team of project managers.

ALDA engaged in extensive discussions with key stakeholders to strengthen civic engagement and share best practices aimed at bolstering grassroots democracy throughout Benin.

Additionally, the delegation met with the recipients of the WYDE Civic Engagement grants, winners from the second call for proposals. Key interactions included a meeting with Mr. Jean-Pierre DEGUE, Executive Secretary of Social Watch Benin, followed by discussions with Mrs. Eveline OUENSAVI, National Coordinator, and Mr. Henry Joel DOSSOU, Executive Director of the Scouts of Benin. The delegation also engaged with Mr. Roméo FANGNINOU, Secretary General, and Mr. Créole TEDO, Programs Manager, along with the team from the Beninese Association for Constitutional Law (ABDC).

These interactions underscored the diverse and dynamic efforts being made to promote democratic practices and enhance citizen involvement within Benin.

The visit coincided with a significant date, August 10th, recognised as the African Day for Decentralisation and Local Democracy. This day served as a powerful reminder of the importance of empowering local communities and fostering grassroots participation in governance. Discussions highlighted the unique strength of African citizens’ deep-rooted connection to their local contexts, suggesting that this localised identity could be a driving force for community-led development and inclusive decision-making processes.

Looking to the future, the baton for hosting the next FIDEPA will be passed to the Municipality of Dakar, with the upcoming edition scheduled for July-August 2025. This transition marks a continued commitment to advancing participatory democracy across Africa and underscores the vital role of collective efforts in promoting citizen engagement and sustainable urban development.

In conclusion, ALDA’s mission to Benin as part of the International Forum for Participatory Democracy in Africa provided a rich platform for exchange and collaboration, paving the way for strengthened decentralised cooperation in building democratic cities.

The ongoing war, which has persisted for over two years, has greatly exacerbated the urgent needs of displaced individuals in Ukraine, including the crucial psychological support required in this challenging context. Through the “Emergency Support for Dnipro” project, ALDA in partnership with the LDA of the Dnipropetrovsk Region, aims to improve the lives of these individuals.

Project Overview

Launched in April 2024 with a budget of €23,000, the project faced several obstacles, but the team successfully renovated and equipped four condominium spaces, providing temporary and safe accommodation for internally displaced people (IDPs). Each space, totaling 80 square meters, can accommodate 2-4 people, offering a vital refuge for vulnerable families and individuals.

Humanitarian Impact

Dnipro, a frontline city, has seen an influx of over 300,000 IDPs in the past two years, underscoring the urgent need for temporary shelter. In addition to providing safe housing, the project also addressed the psychological well-being of the affected population. Primary psychological care and self-help training sessions were conducted, alongside art therapy master classes, which helped stabilise the emotional state of 95 participants, including children, adults, and the elderly.

This initiative was particularly crucial given the scarcity of shelters for displaced people and the high levels of stress caused by the war. The activities were completed in June 2024, with active participation from the condominium management, residents, and the IDPs themselves.

Challenges and Future Prospects

The project operated under difficult conditions, including periodic shelling and power outages, highlighting the resilience and dedication of all involved parties. Looking ahead, the premises will continue to serve as temporary shelters for IDPs as long as needed. Post-conflict, the condominium plans to maintain these spaces, potentially converting them into rental units to support building maintenance.

ALDA and the LDA of the Dnipropetrovsk Region remain committed to supporting vulnerable populations in Dnipro. They are exploring ways to expand similar support to other condominiums, ensuring more comprehensive coverage for those in need.

The “Emergency Support for Dnipro” project has proven to be a vital lifeline for many displaced individuals. It underscores the importance of community collaboration and international support in times of crisis. As the conflict continues, such initiatives are crucial for providing immediate relief and fostering long-term resilience.


Globalisation has widened the gap between the rich and poor, and recent challenges like climate change, pandemics, and high inflation have only made things worse. Inequality is at an all-time high, leading to widespread poverty, poor health, and limited educational opportunities. Social inclusion is more critical than ever to create a society where everyone, regardless of background, has access to the resources they need. Art isn’t just for galleries and museums. It’s a powerful tool for promoting mental health, education, and civic engagement, especially for young people. Street art can transform public spaces and bring communities together. The STAR 2.0 project is all about using the power of street art to connect and uplift disadvantaged youth, giving them an opportunity to express themselves in their communities.


  • Support youth workers in engaging youth with fewer opportunities in Street Art activities for them to find new ways to support their communities, increase solidarity and develop active citizenship.
  • Empower disadvantaged youth by boosting their self-determination and confidence through artistic expression.
  • Raise awareness among youth workers, citizens, local authorities about innovative management of public spaces and especially about the possibility of using street art for social inclusion purposes.

What We’re Doing
We’re on a mission to train youth workers to use street art as a tool for social inclusion. Through a comprehensive set of resources—including a detailed curriculum, online training, and a community platform—we’re equipping these workers with everything they need to help young people create impactful street art projects.

Get Involved: Our Activities
Youth workers will engage in an online training program to organise street art activities within their local communities. These activities will include workshops with local artists, mural creation for social expression, video documentation of the process, and community events to celebrate the art and bring people together.

Expected Results:
STAR 2.0 Curriculum: A comprehensive guide for using street art in social inclusion.
Online Training Course: Training for youth workers on leveraging street art for social inclusion.
Online Community: A platform for youth workers and stakeholders to share experiences and practices.
Street Art Interventions: Significant art projects co-created by the youth, fostering social expression and community engagement.


#streetart4inclusion #streetart4forthefuture #streetarttrainingcourse #erasmusplus

The nominations for the Mayor Paweł Adamowicz Award 2024 are open! During the 161st CoR Plenary Session on June 19-20, 2024, Vasco Alves Cordeiro, President of the European Committee of the Regions (CoR), officially launched the 4th edition of the Mayor Paweł Adamowicz Award, which recognises courage and excellence in promoting freedom, solidarity, and equality.

Mayor Paweł Adamowicz, a dear friend of ALDA, dedicated his efforts to advancing solidarity, integrating migrants and minorities, engaging in dialogue with civil society, and promoting fundamental rights at the grassroots level. First elected as Mayor of Gdańsk in 1998, he faithfully served the city until his tragic assassination on January 13, 2019.

The Mayor Paweł Adamowicz Award, is an annual Award, established by the European Committee of the Regions, to pay tribute to and acknowledge all those who work with courage and integrity to combat intolerance, radicalisation, hate speech, oppression, and xenophobia. It celebrates those who champion equal opportunities, social integration, and fundamental rights, drawing inspiration from and continuing the legacy of Paweł Adamowicz.

The Award honors individuals worldwide who build bridges and dismantle barriers, driven by a deep sense of responsibility to future generations. It recognises those who pave the way for societal change in favor of the most vulnerable, fearlessly confronting urgent battles for human rights and civil liberties, whether on a local, national, or international scale.

Submit your nomination for the Mayor Paweł Adamowicz Award 2024!

Launched in 2021, the Award of 2023 was granted to the ADL Zavidovići Association, an ALDA member, in recognition of its outstanding contributions to local and regional governance. 

The prestigious Award was received by Maddalena Alberti, director of ADL Zavidovići Association and member of ALDA Governing Board since 2024, during the ceremony that took place at the European Solidarity Center in Gdańsk (Poland) on January 13, 2024. 

During the receipt of the Award, Maddalena Alberti, with an emotional speech, expressed deep gratitude for receiving the Mayor Pawel Adamowicz Award on behalf of the Association ADL Zavidovici. She emphasised the honour and responsibility that comes with the Award, highlighting the duty to continue Adamowicz’s legacy of promoting human rights and democracy. She stressed the importance of translating values such as equality, freedom, respect, tolerance, and solidarity into concrete actions and policies. Alberti stressed the need for an open Europe rooted in human rights and democracy, cautioning against history repeating itself tragically. She called for perseverance and resilience in the face of challenges, emphasising that structural changes require constant, long-term commitment.

The Award ceremony concluded at the 10th European Summit of Regions and Cities in Mons (Belgium). With these cherished memories in mind, ALDA is honored to remain part of this initiative and warmly invites all those committed to making a difference to apply for the Mayor Paweł Adamowicz Award 2024. Nominations are open until October 31, 2024.


Discover more!

Recognising Excellence: ADL Zavidovići Association wins the Adamowicz Award 2023!

Celebrating Resilience: ADL Zavidovići honoured with Mayor Paweł Adamowicz Award in Mons, Commemorates in Brescia

Are you an ALDA member from an EU country looking to enhance your knowledge in EU Project Development, EU Funding Programmes, and Local Democracy? ALDA is thrilled to offer you an exclusive opportunity to participate in customised training sessions designed to meet your specific needs.

Why this opportunity is for you

As an ALDA member, you have the unique chance to access free, tailor-made training sessions delivered by ALDA’s highly qualified staff. These sessions are designed to provide in-depth insights and practical knowledge on key topics that matter most to your organisation.

Which topics will be covered?

Our training sessions can be customised to focus on the following key areas:

EU Project Development and EU Funds

  • Master the Project Cycle Management (PCM) and the Logical Framework.
  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of the Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027 and explore EU Funding Programmes like CERV, Erasmus+, Creative Europe, and Life.

Good Local Governance and Citizens’ Participation

  • Dive deep into participatory processes and multi-stakeholder cooperation to strengthen local democracy and governance.

What will you gain?

By participating in these trainings, you can expect to:

  • Enhance your expertise in EU Funding: Learn the latest updates on funding opportunities for both EU and non-EU member states, with a particular focus on sectors such as education, culture, employment, social inclusion, environment, sports, governance, and research.
  • Strengthen local governance skills: Develop advanced knowledge in areas such as citizen participation, good governance practices, and collaborative efforts that drive impactful local democracy initiatives.

For more information regarding how to become an #ALDAMember, click here.

How to organise your training

ALDA offers these trainings at no cost to its members, ensuring that they are accessible and beneficial to all. Here’s how it works:

  • Tailor-made logistics: Trainings can be organised online, with no additional costs, or in-person. For in-person sessions, the organising member is responsible for securing a suitable venue.
  • Participant requirements: For online trainings, a minimum of 20 participants is required, while in-person sessions require at least 50 attendees. As the organiser, you have the flexibility to invite participants who would benefit from the training.

How to get started

If you’re interested in organising a training session, simply fill out the questionnaire you received via email. ALDA will then get in touch with you to identify your specific training needs and assist you in planning the event.

Don’t miss ut on this exclusive offer!

This opportunity is available exclusively to ALDA members from EU countries. Take advantage of this chance to enhance your organisation’s capacity in EU project development, funding, and local governance.

Empower your team with knowledge and skills that will drive success!

We look forward to collaborating with you to create a meaningful training experience tailored to your needs.

It is with extreme joy and hope that we welcome the news of the recent release of several Russian prisoners, among them our dear friend and member Andrej Pivovarov.

Andrej, a Russian opposition activist, was the head of Open Russia and Open St. Petersburg, organisations members of ALDA, working for the promotion of local democracy and human rights in Russia. The organisation was then “liquidated” by the regime a few years later. 

According to Amnesty International, Andrej was arrested by Russian Intelligence and sentenced to four years in a penal colony in July 2022.

ALDA’s dear friend and member Andrej Pivovarov has been released from Russian prisons

Andrej, member of ALDA since June 2018, has always been an active and engaged member of our Organisation. He joined numerous initiatives and participated to in-person events, such as a joint event in Pskov (Russia) in 2018 and ALDA General Assembly in Caen in 2019, during which he officially received, from ALDA former President Oriano Otocan and ALDA Secretary General Antonella Valmorbida, the membership certification and was presented to the whole network of partners and members.

We wish him a good recovery and a peaceful return, with the hope that he can continue to advance the values of peace and democracy to which he is devoted, certain of the support and partnership ALDA will always ensure to him and his organisation.

On 8 & 9 July 2024, the ALDA delegation attended the 23rd meeting of the CIVEX Commission in Vilnius, Lithuania. The delegation included prominent members such as Antonella Valmorbida, ALDA Secretary General, Adrien Licha, Coordinator of the Secretariat, Giulia Sostero, Middle East and Africa Coordinator, and Mohammed Mustafa, Migration Flagship Coordinator. The event also saw participation from several ALDA members and partners, notably the Mayor of Gdansk (Poland), Aleksandra Dulkiewicz.

During the event Mrs. Valmorbida delivered a powerful intervention addressing the challenges of EU enlargement in view of the next institutional mandate, emphasising the local and regional perspective. 

Valmorbida presented ALDA’s recommendations on the subject, after more than 30 years in the field. These recommendations focus on the concept of decentralisation.

Decentralisation and the functioning of local governance are crucial to sustain EU accession. It allows a functional distribution of powers and resources and gives local and regional authorities the opportunity to engage with their community, to be accountable to it and to tackle problems and build solutions. If we want citizens’ trust and commitment, democracy and accountable institutions, we must support decentralisation.” – said Mrs. Valmorbida.

Decentralisation must be given substance and means of implementation, fixed in legislation, otherwise the sense of unnecessary processes will soon spread among citizens, undermining their trust in institutions and soon in democracy itself.” – continued Mrs. Valmorbida.

Additionally, ALDA Secretary General also highlighted the Association’s commitment to supporting this process through its new Strategy 2024-2028:

With our new Strategy 2024-2028, ALDA and its partners are poised to confront the challenges of EU enlargement, working hand in hand with local and regional authorities and civil society”.

The meeting also provided an opportunity to advance the action plan and activities outlined in the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed between ALDA and the European Committee of the Regions. This MoU was signed on May 13, 2024, during the ALDA Festival and General Assembly 2024 in Barcelona (Spain).

The 23rd CIVEX Commission meeting in Vilnius reaffirmed ALDA’s commitment to fostering local democracy and supporting EU enlargement through strategic partnerships and comprehensive action plans. The discussions and outcomes of this meeting will play a crucial role in shaping the future direction of ALDA’s initiatives and collaborations.

The picturesque Villa Fabris in Thiene provided a charming backdrop for a crucial two-day gathering of ALDA’s Coordination Board members.

On July 15th and 16th, 2024, ALDA’s Secretary General, Mrs. Antonella Valmorbida, the Director of Programmes and Corporate Strategy, Mr. Marco Boaria, along with the heads of various departments and regional units, convened to discuss the strategic framework of the Association for the immediate future.

The meeting at Villa Fabris was about reaffirming the shared commitment to excellence and the drive to make a tangible impact

Among the many topics discussed during the meeting, a specific focus was given to the implementation of the 2024-2028 Strategy. The conversation began with a detailed exploration of the roadmap for ALDA’s initiatives. Each leader brought their insights to the table, contributing to a robust plan that would guide the Association’s actions.

The meeting offered a valuable opportunity to align and coordinate the numerous activities planned for the second half of the year and beyond, with particular emphasis on the ALDA Summer School, set to unfold in the scenic splendor of Villa Fabris. This event is expected to be a highlight, offering an enriching experience for all attendees. This collaborative session ensured that all departments were on the same page, ready to tackle challenges and seize opportunities ahead.

There was a sense of pride in the room as the team reflected on their journey towards achieving ISO 9001 certification. This milestone represents a testament to ALDA’s dedication to maintaining rigorous quality control and continuous improvement.

The discussion then turned towards strategies for securing and managing funding effectively. Ensuring a robust financial foundation is essential for ALDA to continue supporting its mission.

Strengthening relationships with members, partners, and donors emerged as a priority. The team explored ways to foster a vibrant civic space and uphold democratic values, ensuring that all stakeholders feel engaged and valued.

Promoting ethical values and transparency was highlighted as crucial for building trust and collaboration. The discussions emphasised the importance of these principles in all of ALDA’s interactions and operations.

A pleasant surprise was the visit from the Mayor of Thiene, Giampi Michelusi, who discussed the current situation of the city and the numerous activities taking place within it. He highlighted the shared values that guide our common work: “Passion, perseverance, and patience.

Overall, the meeting at Villa Fabris was not just about planning; it was about reaffirming the shared commitment to excellence and the drive to make a tangible impact. As ALDA moves forward, the insights and plans developed during this meeting will undoubtedly drive the Association towards greater achievements and a future where democracy stands strong and resilient.

On 9 July 2024, ALDA participated in the conference “Integration of Migrants and Refugees: Unlocking New Opportunities for Cities and Regions” in Vilnius (Lithuania), part of the CIVEX Commission’s 23rd meeting by the European Committee of the Regions (CoR).

The conference underscored the critical need for renewed migrant integration efforts at the European level, highlighting both the significant contributions of migrants and the challenges of misinformation and negative depictions. ALDA engaged in meaningful discussions with EU local authorities, institutions, UN agencies, and other stakeholders, reaffirming its commitment to effective integration practices and migrant rights support.

Mr. Mindaugas Sinkevičius, Mayor of Jonava (Latvia) and head of the Lithuanian delegation to the CoR, emphasised the importance of empowering migrants to integrate into host communities and labor markets, aligning with ALDA’s objectives of mutual benefits through integration.

ALDA focuses on two main action points:

  1. Coordinated actions for migrants’ rights.
  2. Community integration advocacy among governmental institutions, civil society organisations, and local authorities.

The conference also discussed the EU’s recent migration and asylum framework reform, focusing on legal migration pathways and coordinated funding, guiding ALDA’s future initiatives.

Additionally, the CIVEX Commission meeting on 8 July explored EU enlargement prospects, particularly with Ukraine and Moldova. ALDA Secretary General, Mrs. Antonella Valmorbida, highlighted the strategic importance of involving cities and regions in the accession process, reflecting ALDA’s biogeographical interconnection for EU enlargement and regional development.

The Vilnius event reinforced ALDA’s role in promoting effective migration practices and exploring new collaboration avenues for migrant integration.

2024 was a landmark year for ALDA, marked by significant transformations and achievements. The election of a new board of directors and the appointment of a new president heralded a new era for the Association. The highlight of the year was the approval of the 2024-2028 strategy during the ALDA General Assembly 2024 ‘Local Democracy for Global Impact’, setting a clear roadmap for ALDA’s initiatives over the next four years.

But the milestones didn’t stop there. Throughout the year, ALDA made substantial progress in enhancing its management system. Under the guidance of an experienced external consultant, the team worked diligently towards ISO 9001 compliance. This effort underscores ALDA’s commitment to excellence and quality in its operations.

Adopting strategic and operational guidelines based on the UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System requirements, ALDA focuses on the “Design, management, and reporting of projects for EU and non-EU funding sources.” This system ensures robust quality management of business processes and proactive measures to control and reduce risks, thereby creating positive impacts for social stakeholders.

In today’s context, promoting ethical values and transparency is crucial for strengthening relationships with third parties and building synergistic and functional networks. These networks are vital for the well-being of communities and social stakeholders. ALDA’s quality policy emphasises meeting stakeholders’ needs and expectations, which in turn benefits and supports members and donors. By maintaining high standards of seriousness, transparency, and punctuality, and fostering the professional growth of its employees and collaborators, ALDA ensures diligent control of operational processes.

As ALDA moves forward, the dedication to quality and strategic growth will continue to drive the Association towards even greater achievements

This commitment translates into a continuous effort to identify and satisfy stakeholders’ needs, enhance service quality, ensure compliance with all applicable regulations, and initiate programmes that improve organisational performance over time. Quality certification represents a strategic decision impacting the organisation’s internal structure, reputation, and competitive edge, facilitating growth and success in the market. This achievement marks the beginning of ALDA’s journey towards continuous improvement.

This year’s success builds on the hard work and dedication of everyone within this remarkable Association. It also adds to the accomplishments of ALDA+, the benefit Association wholly owned by ALDA, which obtained its own certification in 2023.

As ALDA moves forward, the dedication to quality and strategic growth will undoubtedly continue to drive the Association towards even greater achievements and positive impacts in the years to come.


“Get the Trolls Out! – Undivided Action on Divisive Speech” aims to empower civil society actors in Europe to leverage multiple media platforms (on- and offline) in order to counter intolerance and xenophobia targeting minority groups including Jewish, Muslim, and Christian communities. This phase builds on the programme’s unique track record in monitoring online hate speech and using the findings to challenge the perpetrators or debunk inflammatory rhetoric. It delivers social media-based campaigns to promote key messaging and help build a healthier ecosystem online. The project partners also continue to engage with social media companies in an effort to enhance their community standards and operating policies.


Project’s expected impact:

The goal of the programme is to reduce and degrade hate speech, discrimination and intolerance based on religious grounds in the European media space, with a specific focus on combating antisemitism.




In today’s digital age, gamification has emerged as a powerful tool to foster specific behaviours, boost motivation, and enhance engagement in learning and skill acquisition. VALUEBOX is an Erasmus+ funded project, spearheaded by ALDA+, in partnership with Institut international des droits de l’Homme et de la paix (France) The Square Dot team (Belgium), Universidad Internacional de Valencia (Spain), Çiğli Fen Lisesi (Turkey) Innomate Ldt. (Turkey) and Istituto Omnicomprensivo Guglionesi (Italy). It aims to empower educational staff in creating an inclusive and high-quality education system that incorporates a European dimension in secondary school teaching.

Recently, the consortium completed the first output of the project, namely the Competence Framework for Teachers. This document seeks to establish a new competence framework for teachers and school leaders centred on fundamental rights and the common values of the EU, promoting inclusivity within European schools. 

The objective is to define and describe Values Education as a competence for secondary school students, developing a reference curriculum that details its components in terms of knowledge, skills, and attitudes.

Targeting secondary school teachers, the document addresses the needs of students who will benefit from innovative teaching practices. The Competence Framework for Teachers aims to create a common competence framework for Values Education, and will be disseminated to other schools and educational institutions through a network established during the project period.

The next step of the VALUEBOX project is the development of a Gamified Self-Assessment and Recommendation Tool. This tool will help secondary school teachers assess their current knowledge of fundamental rights from the EU Charter and learn innovative gamified teaching methods. Directly related to the self-assessment, the project partners will then also develop a gamified online learning platform that will offer new teaching strategies for Values Education for teachers who want to strengthen their knowledge and teaching abilities. 

Stay tuned for further updates as VALUEBOX continues to foster the educational landscape with innovative, gamified learning tools and comprehensive frameworks for teacher development.

From June 18-19, 2024, the E-VOICE project partners were welcomed in Marseille (France) for the 6th Transnational Event by ACR+. This event, supported by the CERV programme, is spearheaded by the Municipality of Gazzo in Italy, with a diverse consortium of partners from Province of Padua (Italy), Sibenik (Croatia), Mioveni (Romania), UBBSLA (Bulgaria), ACR+ (Belgium), ALDA (France), and FAMSI. It was rich with activities on environmental issues as well as youth participation and role.

Firstly, the consortium had the pleasure to participate in the ACR+ General Assembly, focusing on circular economy principles and promoting environmental sustainability. An highlight worth mentioning is the keynote speech of Mr. Janez Potočnik, Co-Chair of the UNEP International Resource Panel, who focused on the centrality of an effective and sustainable resource management to ensure future sustainability. On top of that, the ACR+ General Assembly also featured the prestigious European Week for Waste Reduction (EWWR) Awards Ceremony, recognising outstanding initiatives from the 2023 campaign. Various examples of young people and communities engaging in innovative practices to raise awareness and promote environmental sustainability and consciousness.

During the second-day of the event, participants had the opportunity to visit Le Talus, a communal garden in Marseille that engages disadvantaged youth in sustainable practices. Thanks to their volunteers, the partners learned about innovative urban agriculture practices and tricks, as well various initiatives that aim at including disadvantaged youth. 

The E-VOICE project was presented, showcasing its objectives and achievements in promoting environmental awareness among youth and fostering community resilience across Europe.

This was also the occasion to meet the Secretary General of the Youth Express Network, Ekrem Sahin, who also shared insights, emphasising the role of youth in driving societal change and the way his organisations foster such changes. The partners had the opportunity to exchange good practices and highlight the E-VOICE project’s commitment to fostering resilient communities post-COVID-19.

Moreover, another essential part of the project  is the E-VOICE survey, an anonymous questionnaire designed to assess the pandemic’s impact across educational, behavioural, mental health, and employment domains. We invite anyone over the age 15 and living in Europe to contribute as this would help gather citizen engagement, particularly among young people, in post-COVID-19 decision-making processes. The results will then be processed by the University of Padua The survey is available in multiple languages, including English, Italian, French, Spanish, Croatian, Bulgarian, and German, and takes only 3 minutes to complete.

Stay tuned for more updates on the final conference of the E-VOICE project, scheduled for October in Padua, Italy. This event will showcase our collective achievements and set the stage for future initiatives in promoting sustainability and youth empowerment across Europe.

Join us in shaping a sustainable future and stay connected for more exciting developments from the E-VOICE project!

In the ever-evolving landscape of media and online communication, combating hateful narratives is crucial. As part of the “Get the Trolls Out” project, ALDA is dedicated to countering hate speech and fostering inclusivity. This article delves into the specific issue of anti-Muslim rhetoric in France, exploring the harmful narratives, presenting case studies, and reflecting on the implications of recent elections.

Anti-Muslim sentiments in France

Anti-Muslim hate in France manifests through various harmful narratives perpetuated in both traditional and online media. These narratives often paint Muslims as fundamentally incompatible with European values and society. Common stereotypes include portraying Muslims as inherently violent, oppressive towards women, and incompatible with democracy and secularism.

Media Narratives and Examples

Clash of Civilizations

A prevalent narrative is the “Clash of Civilizations,” which suggests that Muslims and their values are irreconcilably different from those of “native” Europeans. This narrative is bolstered by selective misinterpretations of Quranic verses and sensationalist media coverage that depicts Islam as a monolithic, violent faith. For example, some French philosophers and media commentators claim that Muslim migrants pose a cultural threat to France, a viewpoint echoed by figures such as philosopher Alain Finkielkraut, who has made controversial statements about the integration of Muslims in French society. 

Islam and Democracy

Another damaging narrative is that Islam is incompatible with democracy. This viewpoint ignores the existence of numerous Muslim-majority democracies and the active participation of Muslims in Western democratic societies. The narrative promotes the erroneous belief that Muslims inherently favor authoritarianism and violence. For instance, during a TV debate, a French politician argued that Islam’s principles are inherently undemocratic, citing isolated incidents of extremism without acknowledging the broader context of peaceful and democratic Muslim communities. The narrative that Islamic culture is inferior to Western culture further fuels anti-Muslim sentiments. This narrative undermines the rich, diverse contributions of Muslim communities to global civilization, framing them instead as backward and uncivilised. French media outlets have sometimes depicted Muslim neighborhoods as ghettos, focusing on crime and poverty while ignoring the positive aspects and contributions of these communities.

Case Studies

Case Study 1: Anti-Muslim Rhetoric in French Media

One prominent example is the portrayal of the suburban riots in 2005. French media predominantly depicted these events as violent uprisings by Muslim youth, ignoring the socio-economic conditions and systemic discrimination that fueled the unrest. This selective reporting reinforced stereotypes of Muslims as inherently violent and oppositional to French values.

Case Study 2: Political Exploitation of anti-Muslim hate

During the 2022 presidential elections, several candidates used anti-Muslim rhetoric to gain support. Far-right candidate Marine Le Pen consistently framed Islam as incompatible with French secularism and democratic values, proposing policies that targeted Muslim communities, such as banning the hijab in public spaces. This approach not only stigmatised Muslims but also polarised the electorate, contributing to social division and tension.

Reflecting on Recent Elections

The recent European and legislatives elections in France have significant implications for the fight against anti-Muslim sentiments. Political discourse often leverages fear of the “other” to gain support, and Muslims are frequently targeted in such rhetoric. The good results of far-right candidates in the European elections has amplified these harmful narratives, posing a challenge for projects like “Get the Trolls Out.” 

Nevertheless, the relative failure of far-right parties in the legislative elections bring reasons to hope that the rhetoric of hate will decrease in the French society, although this is to be nuanced by the rise of antisemitic acts.

As a partner in the “Get the Trolls Out” project, ALDA is committed to monitoring and countering religious-based  hate speech. 

ALDA collaborates with other organisations across Europe to identify and challenge hateful narratives against Judaism, Islam, Christianity, and other religions by highlighting and addressing these issues. Get The Trolls Out aims at creating a more inclusive and understanding society

Combating this phenomenon in France requires a concerted effort to challenge harmful narratives and promote positive, inclusive discourse. Through initiatives like “Get the Trolls Out,” we can work towards a society where all individuals, regardless of their religious beliefs, are free from hate and discrimination.

For more information on our efforts and to join the fight against hate speech, visit Get the Trolls Out website and follow its work on Facebook, Instagram and X

Sport plays an important role in our lives, helping to maintain good health and creating special bonds among those who practise it. The SIMPLE project—Sport, Inclusion, Movement, Participation, Learning, Environment – is funded by the Erasmus programme. It started on November 1st, 2023, and will continue until December 31st, 2024.

Project Overview and Goals

The aim of the SIMPLE project is to build a nexus between sport, social inclusion, and environmental protection through physical activity, sustainable practices, and a connection with local nature in Italy, Bulgaria, and Greece. The key elements of the project’s activities are to promote the inclusion of youth and people with disabilities through sport, help build healthy habits and well-being, and increase the capacity of grassroots sports sectors, social organisations, and public authorities to achieve these goals.

Context Analysis and Initial Findings

The consortium drafted a context analysis to develop the sport activities, highlighting the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that each region faces. This analysis was presented by IYII during the project’s kick-off meeting in Vicenza (Italy) on March 19th and 20th, 2024. The analysis confirmed that there is a wide variety of sports offered in the partner regions of Veneto (Italy), Varna (Bulgaria), Volos (Greece), and Strasbourg (France). Additionally, there are more than 4,900 registered sports clubs in the pilot territories, representing over 130 disciplines.

The predominant sports include football, swimming, basketball, sailing, athletics, gymnastics, yachting, climbing, running, and cycling.

Local Commitment and Resources

The development of sports and sporting activities in the partner regions benefits from strong local authority commitment, community interest, safe and well-organised facilities, and a dedicated pool of volunteers. Existing partnerships with local schools, businesses, and organisations further support sports programs. The natural environment and available public facilities suggest that the activities planned under the SIMPLE project are well-suited to the partner regions and can serve as a model for future events.

Key Deliverables and Implementation

Under the coordination of InnovED, the partnership completed three pivotal deliverables for the SIMPLE project in May 2024:

  1. Design of Safety Measures and Inclusive Strategies: This document sets up comprehensive safety protocols and inclusive practices to ensure that sporting environments are safe and accessible to participants of all abilities.
  2. Co-design of Activities: This introduces collaborative ways to engage young people under 15 years old and people with disabilities, making sports events sustainable and socially inclusive.
  3. Recommendations for Local Implementation: This report provides clear and concise advice to local authorities and sports organisations on delivering more accessible sporting venues and activities.

These efforts will enable the project to further its objectives of social inclusion and community development, laying the groundwork for sports activities and national events in Greece, Bulgaria, and Italy.

Local Events and Activities

Since the beginning of the project, Moana 60 has been actively implementing several events and activities within the framework of the SIMPLE project. In December, January, February and March local activities entitled “Discovering the territory” took place in several areas of the Veneto region. In detail: the Discovering the territory in Montecchio Maggiore of the 17th December, 2023; the Discovering the territory in Vicenza of the 28th January, 2024, the Discovering the territory in Lugo di Vicenza of the  25th February, 2024, the Discovering the territory in Monte Cengio – Tresche Conca of the 24th March 2024. Moana 60 has also been organising events at schools. One of these is the “Great Oak Meets the Sea” event organised in Thiene on the 4th of April, 2024, discussing future projects to raise awareness on the importance of environmental protection and social welfare.

The SIMPLE project demonstrates how sport can be a powerful tool for social inclusion and environmental awareness. By promoting physical activity and fostering connections within local communities, the project aims to create lasting positive impacts in Italy, Bulgaria, and Greece. As the project progresses, the insights and strategies developed will serve as valuable resources for other regions looking to leverage sport for inclusion and sustainability.

The EU4Accountability project has successfully concluded its initiative in Moldova, fostering social accountability and transparency within local communities. Running from 2022 to 2024, the project has funded 59 local initiatives through collaboration between local public administrations (LPAs) and civil society organisations (CSOs).

Residents in various towns and villages have seen a new era of openness in decision-making processes. Local governments are now more transparent, involving citizens in shaping policies that directly affect their lives. These changes are not just bureaucratic; they are tangible improvements that people can see and feel in their everyday experiences.

One of the standout successes of the project has been the implementation of participatory budgeting. This approach has empowered citizens, giving them a direct say in how public funds are spent. In many areas, this has led to the development of social policies that are better aligned with community needs, ensuring that resources are used where they are most needed. Additionally, the project has placed a strong emphasis on inclusivity. Vulnerable groups, often left on the margins, are now more actively involved in community decisions. This has not only enhanced social cohesion but also ensured that the voices of all citizens are heard and respected.

The EU4Accountability project has successfully concluded its initiative in Moldova, fostering social accountability and transparency within local communities

The journey was not without its challenges, but it has offered invaluable lessons. Establishing formal collaboration frameworks, such as Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) between CSOs and LPAs, has been critical. These agreements have clarified roles and responsibilities, fostering a more cooperative environment. Moreover, the development of supportive legal frameworks, including the Law on Access to Public Information, has been a cornerstone of the project. Such laws ensure that transparency and accountability are not just ideals but legally enshrined practices.

Capacity development for both CSOs and LPAs has also proven essential. Building skills and knowledge across all stakeholders ensures that the gains made are not lost but built upon. Finally, securing reliable funding and resources will be crucial to maintain and expand the accountability mechanisms established by the project.

Moldova stands at a pivotal moment in its journey towards EU membership. The strides made through the EU4Accountability project are more than just steps forward; they are leaps towards a more democratic and transparent society. As the nation integrates European governance standards, the project’s success offers a blueprint for inclusive policy dialogue and sustainable community development.

The story of the EU4Accountability project is one of hope, collaboration, and lasting change. It has shown that with the right support and commitment, even the most challenging geopolitical contexts can foster environments where democracy and transparency thrive.

The project “EU4Accountability” (Empowered Civil Society for Greater Social Accountability in Moldova) runs from 2022-2024, and is funded by the European Union, implemented by ALDA, European Partnership for Democracy (EPD) and People in Need Moldova. It is implemented in 10 districts (Cahul, Comrat, Cimislia, Falesti, Floresti, Glodeni, Riscani, Straseni, Stefan Voda, Telenesti) and has a total budget of 1.6 million EUR.

To know more about the project click here.

On June 19, 2024, the 11th Danube Participation Day (DPD) titled ‘’Creating change for successful EU enlargement – How can we work together for a sustainable, resilient, and stable transition in Ukraine and beyond?’’ took place in Vienna (Austria), organised by Foster Europe Foundation for strong European Regions (ALDA member). The Local Democracy Agency (LDA) Mostar had the exceptional honour of being an important link with the Interreg Programme of the Danube Region, whose chairmanship Bosnia and Herzegovina will take over in 2025. The act of passing the bell to the director of LDA Mostar, Dženana Dedić, as a symbol of the jurisdiction transfer, officially announced the forthcoming Bosnia and Herzegovina presiding over this important programme of the European Union.

By the act of handing over the bell, a symbol of jurisdiction, LDA Mostar announced the BiH chairmanship over the DANUBE programme

The participants of this highly important event addressed the role of Civil Society in the transition laboratories of Ukraine and Moldova on their path into the European Union.

The event built on the results of the 10th Danube Participation Day in Ljubljana (Slovenia) which took place in 2023, following three main topics of innovation and transformation for Ukraine and Moldova social transformation, democratic transformation, and sustainable green transformation. Nevertheless, the three topics are intertwined and interdependent. Without a secure and developed democratic system and society no social or green transition can be imagined, while democratic or green transition can’t be imagined without a social transformation.

To strengthen networks and cooperation, the DPD gave space and time for direct contacts and debate among participants in two interactive sessions: an Agora where all participants had the opportunity to present (running or future) projects, NGOs/CSOs or special services as well as three Transition Laboratories debating the three issues of funding, capacity building, and a culture of participative governance.

As a third element, national and international institutions, active in funding in the Danube region had the opportunity to present their funding schemes with relation to civil society.

This event was followed by the two-day 13th Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR), which provides a platform for all stakeholders in the region and beyond to discuss upcoming challenges, work on common solutions and create a vision for a prosperous future, which gathered a large the number of high-ranking officials as well as the representatives of the non-governmental sector from the region. Bosnia and Herzegovina was presented at this event by the Mayor of Sarajevo, Mrs. Benjamina Karić. On this occasion, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mr. Elmedin Konaković, attended the meeting of the ministers of foreign affairs of the Danube region countries, held on June 20, where they expressed their commitment to the Strategy of the Danube Region, by officially adopting the joint Vienna Danube Declaration.

Read also the highlights from ALDA’s 11th Danube Participation Day and 13th Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region.

On June 19, 2024, the 11th Danube Participation Day became a significant event for ALDA, marked by the active participation of Inna Volkova, member of the ALDA Governing Board; Dzenana Dedic, the Founder and Director of the Local Democracy Agency Mostar; and Anastasia Buslaieva from the Ukraine Task Force. The event, titled “Creating Change for Successful EU Enlargement – How Can We Work Together for a Sustainable, Resilient, and Stable Transition in Ukraine and Beyond?” served as a crucial platform to underscore the importance of expanding the network of Local Democracy Agencies (LDAs) in Ukraine.

This gathering, which took place in Wien (Austria), emphasised the critical role that LDAs play in fostering local governance and community development. By advocating for their expansion, guided by the comprehensive strategy laid out in the ALDA Flagship in Ukraine, ALDA aims to empower more communities, fortify democratic processes, and promote a smarter, greener, and more inclusive recovery. This initiative highlights ALDA’s dedication to ensuring local voices are heard and democratic governance is deeply embedded in Ukrainian society.

A key focus of ALDA’s participation was advocating for urgent projects that support the rehabilitation of children of military personnel and internally displaced children (IDPs). Ms. Volkova and Ms. Buslaieva presented the “Smart Family House” project in Odesa (Ukraine), which encompasses the “Little Winds” early childhood development centre, a centre for children and adolescents, and a shelter for women with children from IDP families. These programmes are immediate necessities, honoring the sacrifices of military families and providing essential psychological support to traumatised children. This initiative demonstrates ALDA’s commitment to promoting a stable and supportive community environment.

A notable moment of the day was when Stefan Lutgenau of Foster Europe (ALDA member) ceremonially presented a bell to LDA Mostar, designating Bosnia and Herzegovina as the host country for the 2025 event. 

13th Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region

On the following day, June 20, 2024, during the 13th Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region, the ALDA Team engaged in productive discussions with key stakeholders, including Ms. Alexandra Schantl from the KDZ Center for Public Administration Research. These discussions centered on capacity building for NGOs, a core aspect of ALDA’s mission. By enhancing the skills and knowledge of local NGOs, ALDA ensures these organisations are better equipped to address community needs and foster democratic governance.

Additionally, the ALDA Representatives had a fruitful meeting with Mr. Peter Polajnar, Deputy Head of the Ukraine Service Economic and Sectoral Policies Unit, to discuss how Ukraine can secure more EU project funding. They also connected with Olena Kulykova, Coordinator for Ukrainian Community Relations from Mütter-und Familienzentren in Bayern e.V., to explore collaborative opportunities to support Ukrainian mothers.

These efforts highlight ALDA’s role in building resilient civil societies and promoting effective local democracy across the Danube region.