«Despite the undeniable difficulties brought about by the ongoing Covid-19 crisis, it is a great honour for me to present the ALDA activity report 2019, this year perhaps with even more satisfaction than usual. 

The European Association for Local Democracy is approaching its 20th anniversary, and we couldn’t be more excited for this upcoming milestone which further consolidates the Association’s relevance and influence in the enlarged Europe«, are the first few welcoming words of ALDA President Oriano Otočan at the very beginning of the ALDA Activity Report 2019.

«The last 12 months have witnessed a whirlwind of concrete ALDA actions and initiatives which quite simply went over and beyond in support of active citizenship and participatory democracy: beyond all set geographic limits; beyond expectations; beyond all usual project horizons«.

Indeed, our wish and invitation for all ALDA members, networks, partners and friends in this particular and special times is to join us in this journey through the past year, carefully collected in a little over 80 pages of dedicated activities.

From a summary of 2019 in images to an overview of ALDA’s worldwide presence and a solid presentation of the Association’s work in the field, all the way to our action in 5 Ps, behind the scenes activities and ways to get involved, the ALDA Activity Report serves as a reminder both of wonderful outcomes, successes, and achievements; and of what’s still to be done and worked on — our goals for the present and the upcoming future.

Of course, it couldn’t be better complemented than by the Local Democracy Agencies’ Activity Report 2019, where the now 15 LDAs and 3 Operational Partners showcase the geographic and cultural width of their crucial, relentless contributions to the cause.

In the words of ALDA Secretary General Antonella Valmorbida: «the challenging times we are living in call for our work to be more efficient and effective than ever before […] It’s [about] the vision we want for each of the ALDA local communities: a vision of local democracy«.

Click here to consult and download the ALDA Activity Report 2019; and here to consult and download the LDA Activity Report 2019.


Rapports d’activité de l’ALDA et des ADL 2019, en vue de l’ALDA 2020 ! 

«Malgré les difficultés indéniables engendrées par la crise actuelle du Covid-19, c’est un grand honneur pour moi de présenter le rapport d’activité 2019 de l’ALDA, cette année peut-être avec encore plus de satisfaction que d’habitude.

L’Association Européenne pour la Démocratie Locale approche de son 20ème anniversaire, et nous ne pourrions pas être plus enthousiastes pour cette prochaine étape qui consolide encore plus la pertinence et l’influence de l’Association dans l’Europe élargie», sont les premiers mots d’introduction du Président de l’ALDA, Monsieur Oriano Otočan, qui précèdent le rapport d’activité 2019 de l’ALDA.

«Les 12 derniers mois ont été témoins d’un tourbillon d’actions et d’initiatives concrètes de l’ALDA qui ont tout simplement dépassé les limites de la citoyenneté active et de la démocratie participative : au-delà de toutes les limites géographiques fixées, au-delà des attentes, au-delà de tous les horizons habituels des projets».

En effet, notre souhait et notre invitation envers tous les membres, réseaux, partenaires et amis de l’ALDA en ces temps particuliers et extraordinaires est de nous rejoindre dans ce voyage à travers l’année écoulée, soigneusement rassemblé dans un peu plus de 80 pages d’activités dédiées.

D’un résumé de 2019 en images à un aperçu de la présence de l’ALDA dans le monde et à une solide présentation du travail de l’Association sur le terrain, en passant par notre action en «5 Ps», les activités en coulisses et les moyens de s’impliquer, le rapport d’activité de l’ALDA sert à la fois de remémoration des merveilleux résultats, succès et réalisations ; et de rappel de ce qui reste à construire et à réaliser — nos objectifs pour le présent et pour le futur proche.

Bien entendu, ce rapport ne saurait être mieux complété que par le rapport d’activité 2019 des Agences de la Démocratie Locale, dans lequel les 15 ADL et les 3 partenaires opérationnels illustrent l’étendue géographique et culturelle de leurs contributions cruciales et permanentes à la cause.

Selon les mots de la Secrétaire générale de l’ALDA, Madame Antonella Valmorbida : «Les temps difficiles que nous vivons exigent que notre travail soit plus efficace et performant que jamais […] Il s’agit de la vision que nous souhaitons pour chacune des communautés locales de l’ALDA : une vision de la démocratie locale». 

Cliquez ici pour consulter et télécharger le rapport d’activité de l’ALDA 2019 ; et ici pour consulter et télécharger le rapport d’activité des ADL 2019.


I report delle attività di ALDA e delle ADL del 2019, verso ALDA 2020!

«Nonostante le innegabili difficoltà causate dall’attuale crisi del Covid-19, è un grande onore per me presentare il report delle attività di ALDA del 2019, quest’anno forse con ancora maggiore soddisfazione del solito.

Il 20° anniversario dell’Associazione Europea per la Democrazia Locale è vicino e non potremmo essere più entusiasti di questa imminente pietra miliare, che consolida ulteriormente la rilevanza e l’influenza dell’Associazione nell’Europa allargata», sono le prime parole introduttive del presidente di ALDA Oriano Otočan all’inizio del report delle attività di ALDA del 2019.

«Gli ultimi 12 mesi sono stati testimoni di un vortice di azioni e iniziative concrete di ALDA, a sostegno della cittadinanza attiva e della democrazia partecipativa, e sono andate oltre tutti i limiti geografici; oltre le aspettative; oltre tutti i consueti orizzonti di progetto».

Realmente, in questi tempi particolari e speciali è nostro desiderio e invito a tutti i soci, le reti, i partner e gli amici di ALDA di unirsi a noi in questo viaggio nell’anno trascorso, accuratamente raccolto in poco più di 80 pagine di attività dedicate.

Da un riassunto del 2019 in immagini a una panoramica della presenza mondiale di ALDA e una solida presentazione del lavoro dell’Associazione sul campo, fino alla nostra azione in 5 «P», alle attività dietro le quinte e a come unirsi e partecipare, il report delle attività di ALDA serve come promemoria sia dei meravigliosi risultati e successi conseguiti, sia di ciò che ancora deve essere compiuto, su cui lavorare: i nostri obiettivi per il presente e per il prossimo futuro.

Naturalmente, non potrebbe essere meglio integrato dal report delle attività delle Agenzie per la Democrazia Locale del 2019, in cui le attuali 15 ADL e 3 partner operativi mostrano l’ampiezza geografica e culturale dei loro contributi cruciali e determinati alla causa.

Nelle parole della Segretario Generale di ALDA, Antonella Valmorbida: «i tempi difficili che stiamo vivendo chiedono che il nostro lavoro sia più efficiente ed efficace che mai […] Si tratta della realtà che desideriamo per ciascuna delle comunità locali di ALDA: una realtà di democrazia locale».

Cliccare qui per consultare e scaricare il report delle attività di ALDA del 2019; e qui per consultare e scaricare il report delle attività delle ADL del 2019.


Отчеты о деятельности ALDA и агенств местной демократии за 2019 год!

“Несмотря на неоспоримые трудности, вызванные продолжающимся кризисом Covid-19, для меня большая честь представить отчет о деятельности ALDA за 2019 год, возможно, в этом году с еще большим удовлетворением, чем обычно. Европейская ассоциация местной демократии приближается к своему 20-летнему юбилею, и мы очень взволнованы этой предстоящей вехой, которая еще больше укрепляет значимость и влияние Ассоциации в расширенной Европе”, — этими словами приветствует президент ALDA Ориано Оточана в самом начале отчета о деятельности ALDA 2019.

“За последние 12 месяцев был отмечен вихрь конкретных действий и инициатив ALDA, которые просто вышли за рамки поддержки активной гражданственности и демократии участия: за пределами установленных географических ограничений, за пределами ожиданий, за пределами всех обычных проектных горизонтов”.

На самом деле, мы хотим и приглашаем всех членов, сети, партнеров и друзей ALDA в это особенное время присоединиться к нам в этом путешествии в течение прошедшего года, тщательно собранного на чуть более 80 страницах специальных мероприятий.

От сводки 2019 года в изображениях до обзора присутствия ALDA по всему миру и подробного представления работы Ассоциации на местах, вплоть до наших действий, закулисных мероприятий и способов участия, отчет о деятельности ALDA служит напоминанием о прекрасных результатах, успехах и достижениях; и о том, что еще предстоит сделать и над чем поработать — наши цели на настоящее и будущее.

Конечно, это не может быть дополнено лучше, чем Отчетом о деятельности агентств местной демократии за 2019 год, где теперь 15 агентств местной демократии и 3 операционных партнера демонстрируют географический и культурный размах их решающего, неустанного вклада в дело.

По словам генерального секретаря ALDA Антонеллы Вальморбиды «трудные времена, в которые мы живем, требуют, чтобы наша работа была более эффективной и действенной, чем когда-либо прежде […] Это [о] видении, которое мы хотим видеть для каждого местного сотрудника ALDA сообщества: видение местной демократии».

Нажмите здесь, чтобы просмотреть и скачать отчет о деятельности ALDA 2019; и здесь, чтобы ознакомиться и скачать отчет о деятельности местных демократических агентств 2019. 


Izveštaji o aktivnostima ALDA-e i LDA za 2019, u susretu ALDA-i 2020!

«Uprkos nespornim poteškoćama do kojih je dovela trenutna Covid-19 kriza, velika mi je čast što ću predstaviti izveštaj o aktivnostima ALDA-e za 2019. godinu, možda sa još većim zadovolјstvom nego inače. 

Evropska asocijacija za lokalnu demokratiju bliži se svojoj dvadesetogodišnjici, a mi ne možemo biti uzbuđeniji zbog ove nadolazeće prekretnice koja dodatno učvršćuje važnost i uticaj asocijacije u Evropi», ovo su bile pozdravne reči predsednika ALDA-e Oriana Otočana na samom početku ALDA izveštaja o aktivnostima za 2019. godinu.

«Poslednjih 12 meseci svedoci smo velikog broja konkretnih akcija i inicijativa ALDA-e koje su i nadilazile podršku za aktivno građanstvo i participativnu demokratiju: izvan svih postavlјenih geografskih ograničenja; iznad očekivanja; izvan svih uobičajenih horizonata projekata».

Zaista, naša želјa i poziv svim članovima, mrežama, partnerima i prijatelјima ALDA-e u ovom posebnom vremenu je da nam se pridruže na ovom putovanju iz protekle godine, pažlјivo evidentiranom na nešto više od 80 stranica opisanih aktivnosti.

Od rezimea 2019. u slikama do pregleda prisutnosti ALDA-e u svetu i solidnog predstavlјanja rada asocijacije na terenu, sve do naše akcije u “5 P”, aktivnosti iza kulisa i načinima za priključivanje aktivnostima, ALDA izveštaj o aktivnostima služi kao podsetnik na predivne ishode, uspehe i dostignuća; i o onome šta još treba učiniti I kako raditi na našim cilјevima za sadašnjost I budućnost.

Naravno, to se ne bi moglo bolјe dopuniti nego izveštajem o aktivnostima agencija lokalne demokratije za 2019. godinu, gde sada 15 LDA i 3 operativna partnera prikazuju geografsku i kulturnu širinu svog klјučnog doprinosa.

Po rečima generalne sekretarke ALDA Antonele Valmorbide: „izazovna vremena u kojima živimo zahtevaju da naš rad bude efikasniji nego ikada ranije […] To je vizija koju želimo za svaku od ALDA lokalnih zajednica: vizija lokalne demokratije“.

Kliknite ovde da biste konsultovali i preuzeli ALDA izveštaj o aktivnostima za 2019. godinu; i ovde kako biste preuzeli LDA izveštaj o aktivnostima za 2019. godinu.  


ألداوتقاريرأنشطةألدالسنة 2019 نحوألدا !2020 

بالرغممنالصعوباتالواضحةوالجليةالتيخلفتهاجائحةكوفيد-19, أناأشعربفخرواعتزازكبيرفيتقديمتقريرحولأنشطةألدالسنة 2019, وربمابأكثررضىمنذيقبل

فيوقتتقتربالجمعيةالأوروبيةللديمقراطيةالمحليةفيهمنإحياءمرور 20 سنةعلىانبعاثها, نحننشعربالسعادةوالإثارةلهذاالحدثالكبيرالقادمالذيسيمكنمنتعزيزأهيمةالجمعيةوالتأكيدعلىالتأثيرالذيستخلفهفيكافةأنحاءأوروباالموسعة, هي اللائحة التي احتوت على كلمات الترحيب الأولى والقليلة التي جاءت على لسان رئيس المنظمة أوريانو أتوشان  فيالمقدمةالتيوردتفيالتقريرحولأنشطةألدالسنة 2019.

شهدت 12 شهرالأخيرةسلسلةمنالأنشطةوالمبادراتالملموسةالتينظمتهاألداوذهبت, بكلبساطةإلىأبعدالحدود, فيدعممنظومةالمواطنةالنشطةوالديمقراطيةالتشاركية: إلىأبعدمنكافةالجغرافيةالمحددةوإلىأبعدمنالانتظاراتوإلىأبعدمنكلالآفاقالمعتادة.

في الحقيقة, رغبتنا الصادقة ودعوتنا الصريحة نوجهها لكافة أعضاء وشبكات وشركاء وأصدقاء ألدا, في هذه المرحلة الفريدة والخاصة, للالتحاقبنافيرحلتناالتيتواصلتطوالالسنةالماضية, والتي سعينا إلى تجميعها في أكثر من 80 صفحة خصصت لكافة الأنشطة التي قمنا بتنظيمها.

 ,5Ps من صيف 2019 موثق بالصور إلى نبذة تجسد حضور ألدا على الساحة العالمية; ومن حضور بارز لأعمال الجمعية في المجال, وصولاإلىكافةالأنشطةالتيأنجزناهاحول

إضافة إلى الأنشطة التي تمت في الكواليس ومختلف المنهجيات التي اعتمدناها للمساهمة في مختلف هذه الأنشطة, يمكناستغلالالتقريرالصادرحولأنشطةألداكمرجعيذكر, فينفسالوقت, بالنتائجوالنجاحاتوالانجازاتالرائعة, وكذلك ما تبقى من عمل يتعين التركيز علية بشكل أوضح – أي ما هي الأهداف التي ننشدها في الحاضر وفي المستقبل.

لم يكن هذا العمل أن يكتمل بطريقة أفضل من تلك التي وفرها تقرير الأنشطة لسنة 2019 والصادر عن وكالات الديمقراطية المحلية, حيث تم توظيفه من قبل 15وكالةديمقراطيةمحليةو3 شركاءنشيطين لعرض البعد الجغرافي والثقافي الذي يعكس جهودهم الأساسية والمتواصلة في خدمة القضية.

كما جاء على لسان أنتونلا فالموبيدا, الأمينة العامة لألدا: إنالأوقاتالصعبةالتينمربهاحالياتفرضعليناالعملبلاهوادةلكينكونأكثرجدوىوفاعليةمنذيقبل […]. (غايةمافيالأمر) أنناترغبفيتحقيقرؤيةتخدممصلحةمجتمعمنالمجتمعاتالمحليةالتيتضمهاألدا: رؤيةتعكسالديمقراطيةالمحلية.

انقرهنالاستشارةوتنزيلتقريرألداالخاصبأنشطة 2019 وانقرهنالاستشارةتنزيلتقريرأشطةوكالاتالديمقراطيةالمحليةلسنة 2019.

On July 6th-7th, 2020, the EPIC project convened its second Steering Committee meeting, led by EPIC project coordinator Dolinda Cavallo with the participation of representatives from the whole consortium.

The 2-day online exchange aimed to analyze and evaluate the work achieved during the first six months of project implementation, and to define the upcoming steps of the project.

The first day was launched with a short introduction from the project coordinator, as representative of ALDA as lead partner of the project, regarding EPIC’s latest accomplishments and updates; followed by a presentation by Dr. Giovanna Astolfo, of the Bartlett DPU, about the ongoing surveys and research.

The meeting also served as a round table to discuss the next steps for the project: EPIC partners will next meet in Madrid in October 2020 for an in-depth collective brainstorming on what integration services particularly need improving through the job-shadowing activity. In connection to this, ADL-Z presented how this phase of matchmaking will be structured; and, finally, AEIDL — the partner in charge of the communication activities — explained the latest updates concerning the project website, which will be ready soon! During the second day, and following another quick overview of project updates by the project coordinator, the meeting then focused on financial questions and on communication and monitoring issues.

All EPIC partners were actively engaged in the meeting, noted the significant achievements of the project in its first semester and came to a unanimous agreement on how to proceed in the next few months. As lead partners of the project, we are grateful and honoured for their important contributions as part of the consortium, and very much looking forward to keeping the good work up! In the meantime, the EPIC newsletter is online: subscribe here to receive it!

Funded by the European Union’s Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) programme and coordinated by ALDA, the European Platform of Integrating Cities (EPIC) project aims to create a network of Local Authorities and NGOs to share knowledge and best practices for TCNs’ integration.

Covid-19 certainly didn’t stop the third annual event of the European Migrants Entrepreneurship Network (EMEN) project! On the contrary, in the month of June the EMEN Consortium hosted a series of four webinars on the subject of “unlocking diversity”, where each webinar analysed the way diversity specifically contributes to the development of new businesses and to the better inclusion and integration of vulnerable groups into society and cities. In the particular context of Covid-19, this was also a time to reflect on the capacities of migrant entrepreneurs to overcome crises.

The topic of the first webinar was Access to finance in times of crisis, which highlighted inclusive finance, new types of financing such as crowdfunding, the involvement of different stakeholders in businesses, and help from public authorities -especially the European Union- as key solutions for the development and success of migrant entrepreneurs.

The second webinar then focused on Resilience of diverse cities and communities in times of crisis. Unlocking diversity is a pathway to inclusion and integration, a way to reduce inequalities and a contribution to everyone’s quality of living: the intervention of our Secretary General Antonella Valmorbida on the topic revealed that local authorities are the real engine in providing the needed answers to their communities as well as in addressing difficulties and social challenges. By presenting projects implemented by ALDA that aim to foster diversity and promote inclusion at the local level, she highlighted that the synergies between local authorities and civil society should be even more enhanced, as reflected in the very core of ALDA’s mission: the strengthening of the resilience of local communities and the promotion of diversity. Read more about this webinar HERE.

The third session in the series, in turn, brought attention to the essence of migrant entrepreneurship and business associations. Panelists demonstrated that inclusive entrepreneurship contributes to social inclusion and gives all people an equal opportunity to start and generate businesses. Today, it’s time for institutions and public authorities to re-imagine and rethink migrant entrepreneurs development and integration through the establishment of a new and more inclusive entrepreneurship framework.

Finally, the series came to an end with a discussion on Corporate Social Responsibility support in times of crisis. Corporate Social Responsibility, i.e. the responsibility of enterprises for their impacts on society, means choosing continuous improvement and inclusiveness of various issues to have a more positive impact on stakeholders, society and the environment on a regular basis; it is, thankfully, an increasing practice in the business field as well as a great way to meet tomorrow’s challenges – from environmental issues to social inequalities, diversity and digitalization.

All four webinars invited civil society, classical businesses and public authorities to think about how migrants can be supported in order for them to develop new activities and be integrated in their host society, and many encouraging solutions were proposed. Unlocking diversity is a beautiful human adventure that is worth the effort! The series aptly mirrors the engagement of the EMEN Consortium in creating a European network of organisations to support the economic integration of migrant entrepreneurs through the implementation of three Communities of Practice, i.e. coaching and mentoring; access to finance; and professionalisation of migrant entrepreneurs’ associations.

EMEN — European Migrants Entrepreneurship Network: crossing borders for financial and business development services is a 3-year project within the COSME programme with a 12-partner Consortium which works on developing, sharing and promoting support schemes for individual migrant entrepreneurs and for social and inclusive enterprises benefitting migrants.

Visit the dedicated project website: www.emen-project.eu.

Launched in March 2020 in spite of the difficult situation, the Kyrgyzstan-based Media Dialogue project is relentlessly proceeding with its implementation; July 3rd 2020 marked another crucial step towards the project goals, as an online event was organized to officially sign grant agreements with the four pre-selected grant winners, i.e.

  1. The www.24.kg news agency
  2. Radio Salam Kyrgyzstan (Daanazat)
  3. Promedia Plus
  4. The TV1KG TV channel.

Beating 23 other applications that ALDA had received as part of the call for proposals it launched in April, in fact, each of these four finalist organizations will now receive up to 30,000 euro, as stipulated with this official signing of the grant agreements.

We are glad that we started to explore the region with Kyrgyzstan because, despite all the recent challenges, it remains one of the most democratic country in this part of the world”, stated ALDA Secretary General Antonella Valmorbida referring to the project being the first for ALDA in Central Asia. Indeed, in the past few years Kyrgyzstan experienced a good amount of political turmoil, going through revolutions in 2005 and 2010 that led to changes in the country’s leadership and to ethnic violence in the south, eventually culminating in a constitutional referendum in 2010 that reduced presidential powers and established a parliamentary system.

As expressed by Eastern Partnership & Central Asia Coordinator Alexandru Coica, «It is truly inspiring for us to see such interest [the 27 applications for the grants] because we know how challenging the current situation is for media institutions. Apart from the global pandemic situation, the local media are also affected by recent legislative initiatives that tend to negatively affect freedom of expression, access to information and media independence«.

Indeed, Media Dialogue effectively wants to provide conflict prevention and mitigation tools ahead of the 2020 elections to avoid the repetition of past crises, and aims to do so by strengthening the capacity and responsibility of media actors to operate as drivers of democracy. To reach this goal, on the one hand the project wants to improve the legal environment affecting the media sector in Kyrgyzstan, so that the environment abides by international freedom of expression standards; on the other hand, it will help media actors play a stabilisation role as reliable relays of information and democratic watchdogs during the 2020 electoral cycle.

Hopefully, Dr. Valmorbida added, this will be just the beginning of a fruitful cooperation with an increasing number of local partners: “ALDA is interested not only in establishing working relationships with its grantees, but also a truly constructive and long-term partnership”. Best of luck, Media Dialogue!

On July 3rd, 2020 ALDA and Children of Armenia Fund (COAF) signed a grant agreement within the framework of the “Citizens’ Voice and Actions on Local Development in Consolidated Communities in Armenia” project. Though ALDA couldn’t physically be in Yerevan for the ceremony, the Association was well represented by the lead partner of the project consortium in the person of Abraham Artashesyan,Deputy Chairman of the Communities Finance Officers Association (CFOA).

COAF’s mission is to foster sustainable development in rural communities through the activation and utilization of resources. The development of tourism and hospitality allows for significant economic growth. There is a big bunch of natural and man-made opportunities in the Lori region, the literate and innovative emphasis of which will lead to unprecedented growth in the tourism sector”, stated COAF Managing Director Korioun Khatchadourian.

The Fund’s competitive and multi-field project is one of the two winning programmes out of the dozens of worthy applications for sub-grants that were received and will be geared towards fostering the growth of tourism and outdoor activities in the Lori region by maximising the resources of the COAF SMART Center and the Visitor Center by COAF.

The experience of COAF in the sphere of tourism in the Lori region, with the components of its capacity-building, tourism development, and involvement of young people, is truly valuable for us. The opportunities and resources that COAF will invest in the grant program will enable us to achieve our goals in a faster and more efficient way” explained Mr Artashesyan.

The larger goal of the project is to enhance the capacity of communities of Armenia in designing and implementing people-centered and sustainable local development projects, with the first component of the partnership targeting the capacity-building of locals from four nearby communities in the fields of entrepreneurship and hospitality services; while the second component of the project focuses on raising awareness on existing tourism activities and services in the Lori Region through COAF’s Visitor Center, located at the crossroad connecting the Armenia-Georgia highway with the inter-community road leading right to the COAF SMART Center.

Due to the restrictions imposed by COVID-19, the implementation of the educational component will shift to spring 2021, but the acquisition of travel information materials and equipment is already underway. ALDA is excited for the project to keep evolving and grateful for this occasion to be more and more active in Armenian local communities!

“Citizens’ Voice and Actions on Local Development in Consolidated Communities in Armenia” is a 3-year project implemented by ALDA, CFOA and the Union of Communities of Armenia (UCA) with the support of the European Union.

In due completion of our ALDA 20th anniversary webinar series in celebration of ALDA’s 20 years of activity for local democracy, on Wednesday, July 15th 2020 at 2 pm CEST we will be honoured to open one last panel revolving on the Mediterranean area and its sustainable cities.

ALDA’s engagement in the Mediterranean has strengthened in various ways and shapes in the past few years, one of the most significant projects undertaken in 2020 being AUTREMENT, in the framework of DG DEVCO’s programme “Local authorities: partnerships for sustainable cities”. The project’s general objective is to promote a sustainable urban development in Kairouan and Mahdia (Tunisia) and therefore to ameliorate both the citizen’s quality of life and the touristic and economic attractiveness of those cities.

With this in mind, the webinar will see the introductory and conclusive speeches of ALDA President Oriano Otočan and ALDA Secretary General Antonella Valmorbida, followed by the reflections of an expert panel moderated by ALDA Coordinator for the Mediterranean area Giulia Sostero to analyse the topic.

The Strasbourg Municipality (Sandrine Millet & Maxime Ammendolea), AUTREMENT project leader, will contribute on its engagement in the field, and on an overview of the AUTREMENT project itself. The Mayor of Kairouan (Tunisia), Radhouene Bouden, will then bring forth its city’s commitment to sustainable development and give an overview on the expected impact of the project. On its part, ASIMA Tunis, led by MedCities (Josep Canals I Molina) and also financed under the DG DEVCO “Local authorities: partnerships for sustainable cities” programme, aims to reinforce the urban planning of Tunis in its metropolitan dimension, favouring multi-level governance systems around a concertized and participative city.

Questions will be encouraged; registration is required, but free and open to everybody. The event will take place in French, with interpretation in Arabic and English.

And register here: https://bit.ly/MED_ALDA20years

Looking forward to joining thoughts and forces for the next actions in the Mediterranean!

We recently told you about it. In fact, the AUTREMENT Project – Urban and Territorial Planning to Reinvent Mobilities and Engage Tunisian Citizens – officially started on June 1st of this year, in a very unique way, as the world was gently getting out of the lockdown.

The project is the result of a partnership between local authorities of the cities of Strasbourg (France), Kairouan and Mahdia (Tunisia) and ALDA, with the support of the European Union. It aims at coping with something more topical than ever — sustainable urban mobility and planning – for a period of two and a half years. The municipalities of both cities, Kairouan and Mahdia, which is located about 100 km from Kairouan, will work together with a large consortium of civil society organisations, including ALDA, the CODATU Association and the CEREMA research centre. The project will, in addition, rely on the expertise and local roots of the Local Democracy Agency Tunisia.

The initiative is made up of several micro-projects (7 in Kairouan and 3 in Mahdia) to renovate and better develop both cities at the local and urban level, which had been previously identified by the municipalities through citizen consultations and are meant to long-term improve the daily lives of Tunisians by continuing to engage and mobilise them for their city.

Despite the unusual circumstances dictated by the COVID-19 pandemic crisis, all the stakeholders involved in the AUTREMENT Project have already started working on it ahead of the official project launch, which is expected by the fall of this year.

In the framework of our ALDA 20th anniversary webinar series on the 4 main geographic areas of ALDA operation, on Thursday, July 9th at 2 pm CEST we will convene online with a focus on the European context.

In consideration of the impact that the Covid-19 state of emergency had and is still having on the rule of law and EU fundamental rights, the webinar will conduct a reflection on the current situation in Europe and for European democracy.

Alongside the introductory and conclusive speeches of ALDA President Oriano Otočan and ALDA Secretary General Antonella Valmorbida, more specifically, Mattia de Grassi will describe the departing point of democracy in the post Covid-19 recovery-plan on behalf of EU Commission Vice-President Dubravka Suica.

The discussion will then be moderated by ALDA Head of Secretary General Office Francesco Pala and animated by a multi-stakeholder panel:

Gilles Pelayo (Head of Unit of the programme Europe for Citizens, Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency — EACEA) will discuss the Europe for Citizens programme and its future in the next programming period; Giovanni Allegretti (planner and senior researcher at the Centre for Social Studies of the Coimbra University, Portugal) will bring his contribute on participatory budgeting and local democracy; and Assya Kavrakova (Executive Director — European Citizen Action Service — ECAS) will present the crucial role of digitalization in democracy.

Questions will be encouraged; registration is required, but free and open to everybody. The event will take place in English, with interpretation in Italian and French.

And register here: https://bit.ly/EU_ALDA20years

Looking forward to seeing you there and discussing together what’s next for ALDA in Europe!

As part of ALDA’s 20th anniversary webinar series, on Wednesday July 8th, 2020 at 10:30 am CEST we will be focusing on the Eastern Partnership as one of the four main areas of ALDA activity.

While there was some scepticism when the programme was launched a decade ago, the Eastern Partnership has effectively filled a vacuum in terms of dialogue and of providing the eastern neighbours with a prospect of closer integration with the EU, and there is relative optimism from the EU’s side that the EaP is there to stay in one form or another.

Together with our high-level panelists, we will aim to explore what major changes shall be expected in the EU – EaP relations in the next decade; how EaP member countries should act to get most out of this Partnership; in what way ordinary citizens benefited of EaP framework in the past 10 years and how/if they will benefit in the future; and what local authorities shall do to be more involved in the implementation of the EaP agenda.

Alongside the introductory and conclusive speeches of ALDA President Oriano Otočan and ALDA Secretary General Antonella Valmorbida, the webinar will be moderated by ALDA EaP & Central Asia coordinator Alexandru Coica and animated by the keynote speeches of

Vassilis Maragos, Head of Unit in DG NEAR (Armenia, Belarus, Azerbaijan & EaP) of the EC
Natalya Yerashevich, Director of Secretariat of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum
and Boris Navasardian, President of the Yerevan Press Club.

Questions will be encouraged; registration is required, but free and open to everybody. The event will take place in English, with interpretation in Russian.

Please find the complete agenda of the event HERE.
And register here: https://bit.ly/EaP_ALDA20years

Looking forward to seeing you there and discussing together the future of the EaP!

ALDA is turning 20! In order to celebrate the Association’s 20th anniversary despite the pandemic, four open webinars will take place in the month of July to celebrate itsimportant activity in its different regions of operation, i.e. Europe, the Balkans, the Eastern Partnership and the Mediterranean.

All four digital occasions will be held in English with the possibility to access interpretation in one or more other languages. They will include welcoming words from ALDA President Oriano Otočan and Secretary General Antonella Valmorbida, an overview of ALDA’s multi-decennial work in the respective area of interest, a number of keynote speeches, and conclusions on ALDA and its action plan for the upcoming future.

 View the four webinars’ complete agendas HERE.

Everybody is welcome to register and join: being active in the fields of citizen participation, good local governance and sustainable communities for the past two decades is a veritable source of pride for everyone at ALDA, and the difficult situation the whole world is currently facing is one more reason to intensify the network’s efforts in support of all its members, partners, friends and of the wider community in the enlarged European neighbourhood!

This special webinar series will, besides, pave the way for the Annual ALDA General Assembly, which in this year’s unordinary circumstances will finally take place in Brussels in October 2020 in occasion of the EU Week of Regions and Cities.

More information on each webinar and its specific context at the links below:

Join us to celebrate the results achieved together in the past 20 years and reflect on future challenges and solutions! For more information, please contact alda@aldaintranet.org.

*Click on the webinar(s) of your interest to and register!

In these precarious times caused by the consequences of the Covid-19 spread, ALDA wants to take action with a new initiative to support small local artisans!

We are hence proud to announce that we are opening a call to select crafts, original artworks, handiworks with a story to tell, to advertise them through our social media channels and on a proper marketplace on ALDA’s website.  


Aim of the call: in order to help small artisans and suppliers damaged by the crisis, we are launching a call to select products that we will then promote and trade at the European Level.

Deadline: 31st August 2020

What we are looking for: ALDA is looking for unique products that are not currently easily available on the European market and have a story to be told! We aim to connect the artisans to their customers  and offer an insight on what lies behind this kind of work. The handiworks can be textiles, clothing, accessories, home decorations, cosmetics, pottery, jewellery and so on.

Criteria for selection: we will select the handicrafts based on the following criteria, i.e.

  • The crafts must tell a unique story (e.g. the artisan’s history and cultural background, location, context, techniques).
  • Compliance with non-toxicity regulations.
  • Aesthetics, originality and uniqueness.
  • Artisans must be located in ALDA’s areas of operation: European Union, Western Balkans, Eastern Partnership, MENA Region.
  • Cost effectiveness: the most convenient and high-quality artefacts will be prioritised.

What we offer:

  • Support in customising the products and international visibility!
  • Ad-hoc communication and marketing campaigns in the ALDA online marketplace and on social media.
  • A cooperation agreement of 1 year, potentially renewable depending on  the results of the partnership.

Terms and conditions: products will be available for sale on ALDA’s website, and ALDA will increase the original price of the product by 10-15% to sustain its mission and projects. In other words, we want to share the message “Support local artisans and their incredible story while strengthening democracy in Europe and beyond!”.

While payment of products will happen through ALDA’s website, producers will be in charge of shipping the products, and customers will be charged for the shipping costs. ALDA will transfer the payments to the seller once the amount of €250,00 is reached.

How to apply: to access the selection process, please FILL OUT this form(in English) by August 31st, 2020. You will be requested to upload pictures and a video of the product. The form is also available in French.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What kind of products do you select? Everything, except for food. This may include any kind of jewelry,  bag, carpets, bio cosmetics, clothing, decorative objects or similar.

2. What does the story need to tell? Who you are, how you started your business and why you decided to produce this kind of product. We are particularly interested in any fun fact related to the product and its story.

3. Can I present more than one product? Yes, you definitely can.

4. What if I want to interrupt the partnership before 1 year? We prefer not to interrupt this collaboration before 1 year. Nevertheless, for very relevant reasons we invite you to call us and explain the situation and reasons for withdrawing the partnership and we will understand.

5. How many products will I be able to sell throughout the year? We can’t say. This is an experiment: it’s the first time we create this opportunity and how much you sell will depend on the customers’ feedback. In any case, ALDA will boost your products strongly at the European level and beyond.

6. How frequently will the products be promoted on your platforms? We will create tailor-made channels to promote ALDA’s marketplace and we plan to promote the products every week.

7. I don’t have the tools to take good quality pictures, will this influence your decision? We invite you to take the best possible pictures with the tools that you do have! You can use your cell phone. It is important to be able to fully see and get an idea of the product.

You can also send a product sample (not compulsory) to:

Ms Sofia Corsi, ALDA
Viale Milano 36,
36100, Vicenza, Italy

For more information regarding the present call for products, do not hesitate to write to Sofia Corsi: sofia.corsi@aldaintranet.org. Can’t wait to hear from you!

From 10th to 19th of June, the Mind Inclusion partners held an interesting online training. For a total of 7 days, international participants discovered new things, shared experiences and just generally had a lot of fun!

The participants had access to a full training by mixing the attendance to theoretical sessions with practical, hands-on activities. The goals of this training were mainly to increase knowledge about the methodology and tools developed in the Mind Inclusion project; increase facilitation skills related to innovative educational methods; and increase knowledge about the complex concept of inclusion.

It was a great opportunity to gather the project partners as well as educators and caregivers working with people with intellectual disabilities. Together, the consortium spent a great time online. A big thank you to all the participants!

Started in November 2018, the Mind Inclusion 2.0 project , funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Commission, aims to find sustainable and inclusive solutions that help caregivers improve their skills, on one hand, and allow disabled individuals to participate in social life on the other hand — with to help people with disabilities with overcoming obstacles when accessing public places through technology. The project consortium gathers lead partner Margherita: Società Cooperativa Onlus (Italy) together with Polibienestar Research Institute, INTRAS Foundation (Spain), Social IT Software & Consulting Srl (Italy), Lietuvos sutrikusio intelekto zmoniu globos bendrija «Viltis» (Lithuania) and ALDA.

From June 17th to 19th, 2020, the EPIC project hosted three online «focus groups» together with its whole partner consortium, led by Dr Giovanna Astolfo of the Bartlett DPU and by ALDA project manager Dolinda Cavallo as part of the Research and Data collection phase of the project.

Said focus groups aimed to collectively discuss existing practices of migrant integration with partners in each of the involved case cities, sharing challenges, lessons learned and local needs, with the end goal of reaching a common understanding of trends and obstacles and of creating the ground for the capacity-building and matchmaking phases of the project by identifying the priorities that will be the core of the next actions.

Each of the three sessions showcased the individual presentations of small groups of partners on their ongoing work and its adaptation to the Covid-19 outbreak and its consequences. The discussion was then further developed on matters of integration perception; integration practices and their challenges; specific city needs; unrecognized integration practices; and the effectiveness of municipalities, NGOs and the government in supporting this type of work. The impact of the pandemic was deeply discussed and analysed, too, in the attempt to find common issues and trends across the different territories.

More specifically, the first day saw the participation of representatives from Solidaridad Sin Fronteras, the Municipality of Ioannina, the Municipality of Oberhausen, and the Metropolitan Area of Gdansk. On the second day, the focus group hosted representatives of JRS Croatia, the Municipality of Lisbon, the Municipality of Brescia, ADL-Z, and Symbiosis; while the last day concluded the works with the Sardinia Region, Cooperativa Studio e Progetto 2, KITEV, the City of Sisak and JRS Portugal.

All EPIC partners actively took part in the exchange, bringing to the table similar yet different experiences and sharing new and creative ideas that made the conversation stimulating and meaningful! What next? As the surveys carried out by each EPIC partner draw to a close, the consortium is getting ready to meet in Spain in October 2020 to identify the resulting priorities!

In the meantime, the EPIC newsletter will be launched soon! To keep up to date with all news, sign up and receive all information about the project surveys, interviews and focus groups on migrant integration
; its capacity-building activities for local authorities and NGOs
; its 8 pilot projects
; policy recommendations
; local communication campaigns
; and international and local events.

Subscribe here: https://mailchi.mp/aeidl/epic-newsletter

Funded by the European Union’s Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) programme and coordinated by ALDA, the European Platform of Integrating Cities (EPIC) project aims to create a network of Local Authorities and NGOs to share knowledge and best practices for TCNs’ integration.


Les groupes de réflexion EPIC : conclusions réussies et prochains projets 

Du 17 au 19 juin 2020, le projet EPIC a accueilli trois « groupes de réflexion » en ligne, avec l’ensemble de son consortium partenaire, mené par le Dr Giovanna Astolfo du Bartlett DPU et par la responsable de projets de l’ALDA Dolinda Cavallo, dans le cadre de la phase de recherche et de collecte de données du projet.

Ces groupes de réflexion en question visaient à discuter collectivement des pratiques existantes sur l’intégration des migrants avec des partenaires de chacune des villes concernées, partager les défis rencontrés, les leçons apprises et les besoins locaux. Ceci dans l’objectif final d’atteindre une compréhension commune des tendances et des obstacles tout en aménageant un terrain pour le renforcement des capacités et la mise en relation des différentes phases du projet en identifiant les priorités qui seront au cœur des prochaines actions.

Chacune des trois sessions a mis en avant les présentations individuelles de petits groupes de partenaires sur leur travail en cours et son adaptation face à la pandémie de Covid-19 et ses conséquences. La discussion a ensuite été développée sur les questions de perception de l’intégration, les pratiques d’intégration et ses défis, les besoins spécifiques de chaque ville, les pratiques d’intégration méconnues et l’efficacité des municipalités, ONG et gouvernements pour soutenir ce type d’action. En outre, les conséquences de la pandémie ont été discutées et analysées en profondeur dans une tentative de trouver des tendances et des solutions communes à travers les différents territoires.

En détail, le premier jour a été consacré à la participation des représentants de Solidaridad Sin Fronteras, de la municipalité d’Ioannina, de la municipalité d’Oberhausen et de la région métropolitaine de Gdansk. Durant le deuxième jour, le groupe de réflexion a accueilli des représentants de JRS Croatia, de la municipalité de Lisbonne, de la municipalité de Brescia, d’ADL-Z et de Symbiosis. Le dernier jour a clôt les travaux avec des intervenants de la région de Sardaigne, de Cooperativa Studio e Progetto 2, de KITEV, de la ville de Sisak et de JRS Portugal.

Tous les partenaires EPIC ont activement pris part aux échanges, réunissant autour de la table de expériences similaires bien que différentes et partageant de nouvelles idées créatives qui ont rendu la conversation stimulante et constructive ! Que se passera-t-il ensuite ? Alors que les enquêtes menées par chaque partenaire EPIC touchaient à leur fin, le consortium se tient prêt à se retrouver en Espagne en octobre 2020 pour identifier les priorités qui en résultent!

Pendant ce temps, la newsletter EPIC sera bientôt publiée! Pour rester à jour avec toutes les actualités, inscrivez-vous et recevez toutes les informations à propos des enquêtes du projet ; des entretiens et des groupes de réflexion sur l’intégration des migrants ; des activités de renforcement des capacités pour les collectivités territoriales et les ONG ; des 8 projets pilotes ; des recommandations politiques ; des campagnes de communications locales et des évènements locaux et internationaux.

Abonnez-vous ici : https://mailchi.mp/aeidl/epic-newsletter

Le projet European Platform of Integrating Cities (EPIC) – ou « Plateforme européenne pour l’intégration dans les villes » est financé par le Fonds Asile, Migration et Intégration (FAMI) de l’Union européenne, il a pour objectif de créer un réseau de collectivités territoriales et d’ONG afin de partager des connaissances et des bonnes pratiques pour l’intégration des ressortissants des pays tiers.


EPIC focus groups: conclusioni soddisfacenti e piani futuri

Tra il 17 e il 19 giugno 2020, il consorzio del progetto EPIC ha tenuto tre focus group online. Guidati dalla Dr.ssa Giovanna Astolfo della Bartlett DPU e dalla project manager di ALDA Dolinda Cavallo, i focus group erano parte della fase di ricerca e raccolta dati del progetto.

Lo scopo era di discutere insieme ai partner di tutte le città coinvolte le pratiche esistenti di integrazione dei migranti, condividendo sfide, lezioni imparate e bisogni locali, con l’idea di ottenere un quadro di insieme dei trend e degli ostacoli nei vari Paesi, di fatto definendo le priorità chiave e preparando il terreno per la successiva fase di capacity-building e matchmaking.

In ognuna delle sessioni sono state fatte presentazioni individuali in piccoli gruppi di partner, che hanno mostrato come hanno adattato il loro lavoro allo scoppio della pandemia mondiale. La discussione è poi proseguita verso tematiche di percezione dell’integrazione, pratiche di integrazione e relative sfide, bisogni specifici delle città, pratiche di integrazione non riconosciute ed efficienza di municipalità, NGOs e governi nel supportare questo tipo di iniziative. L’impatto della pandemia è stato ampiamento discusso e analizzato, cercando di identificare problematiche e trend comuni ai diversi territori.

Più precisamente, il primo giorno ha visto la partecipazione di rappresentanti di Solidaridad Sin Fronteras, del Comune di Ioannina, del Comune di Oberhausen, e della Area Metropolitana di Danzica. Il focus group del secondo giorno ha ospitato relatori di JRS Croazia, del Comune di Lisbona, del Comune di Brescia, di ADL-Z, e di Symbiosis; infine, l’ultimo giorno si è concluso con gli interventi della Regione Sardegna, di Cooperativa Studio e Progetto 2, di KITEV, della Città di Sisak e di JRS Portogallo.

Tutti i partner di EPIC sono stati parte attiva dello scambio online, portando esperienze simili ma con prospettive diverse e condividendo idee innovative e creative che hanno reso la conversazione stimolante e significativa. E adesso? Con la chiusura dei sondaggi, il consorzio di EPIC si prepara ad incontrarsi dal vivo in Spagna a Ottobre 2020 per identificare le priorità che sono emerse dai risultati.

Nel frattempo, la newsletter di EPIC è prossima al lancio! Per restare aggiornati sulle novità, iscrivetevi e riceverete tutte le informazioni sui sondaggi, le interviste e i focus group sull’integrazione dei migranti, le attività di acquisizione competenze per autorità locali e associazioni non governative, gli 8 progetti principali, policy recommendations, campagne di comunicazione locali ed eventi.

Iscrivetevi alla newsletter di EPIC qui: https://mailchi.mp/aeidl/epic-newsletter

Finanziato dal fondo AMIF dell’Unione Europea per Migrazione, Integrazione e Richieste di Asilo e coordinato da ALDA, il progetto European Platform of Integrating Cities (EPIC) vuole creare un network di autorità locali e NGO per condividere conoscenze e competenze per l’integrazione dei migranti.


Фокус-группы EPIC: успешные выводы и планы на будущее

В период с 17 по 19 июня 2020 года в рамках проекта EPIC были организованы три онлайн ”фокус-группы” вместе со всем партнерским консорциумом, возглавляемым доктором Джованна Астольфо из DPU в Бартлетте и руководителем проекта ALDA Долиндой Кавалло в рамках этапа исследований и сбора данных проекта.

Упомянутые фокус-группы были нацелены на коллективное обсуждение существующих практик интеграции мигрантов с партнерами в каждом из участвующих тематических городов, обмен опытом, извлеченными уроками и местными потребностями с конечной целью достижения общего понимания тенденций и препятствий и создания основы для развития потенциала и согласования проекта путем определения приоритетов, которые станут основой последующих действий.

На каждой из трех сессий демонстрировались отдельные презентации небольших групп партнеров об их текущей работе и ее адаптации к вспышке Covid-19 и ее последствиям. Затем была продолжена дискуссия по вопросам интеграционного восприятия; интеграционные практики и их проблемы; конкретные потребности города; непризнанные методы интеграции; и эффективность муниципалитетов, НПО и правительства в поддержке этого вида работы. Влияние пандемии также обсуждалось и анализировалось в попытке найти общие проблемы и тенденции на разных территориях.

В частности, в первый день приняли участие представители Solidaridad Sin Fronteras, муниципалитета Янина, муниципалитета Оберхаузена и столичного района Гданьска. Во второй день в фокус-группу были приглашены представители JRS Хорватия, муниципалитета Лиссабона, муниципалитета Брешии, ADL-Z и Симбиоза; в то время как последний день завершил работу с регионом Сардиния, Cooperativa Studio e Progetto 2, KITEV, городом Сисак и JRS Portugal.

Все партнеры EPIC принимали активное участие в обмене, привнося схожий, но разный опыт и делясь новыми и креативными идеями, которые делали разговор стимулирующим и значимым! Что дальше? По мере того как опросы, проводимые каждым партнером EPIC, подходят к концу, консорциум готовится встретиться в Испании в октябре 2020 года, чтобы определить итоговые приоритеты!

Тем временем, информационный бюллетень EPIC будет запущен в ближайшее время! Чтобы быть в курсе всех новостей, зарегистрируйтесь и получите всю информацию об опросах проекта, интервью и фокус-группах по интеграции мигрантов; деятельность по наращиванию потенциала местных органов власти и НПО; его 8 пилотных проектов; политические рекомендации; местные коммуникационные кампании; и международные и местные события.

Подпишитесь здесь: https://mailchi.mp/aeidl/epic-newsletter

Финансируемый программой Европейского союза по убежищу, миграции и интеграции (AMIF) и координируемый ALDA, проект Европейской платформы по интеграции городов (EPIC) направлен на создание сети местных органов власти и неправительственных организаций для обмена знаниями и передовым опытом интеграции TCN.


Fokus grupe projekta “EPIC”: uspešni zaklјučci i predstojeći planovi

Od 17. do 19. juna 2020, projekat “Epic” bio je domaćin tri online «fokus grupe» zajedno sa celim svojim partnerskim konzorcijumom, na čelu sa dr Giovanna Astolfo iz “Bartlett DPU” i ALDA-inom projektnom menadžerkom Dolindom Cavallo kao deo istraživačkog tima projekta.

Navedene fokus grupe imale su cilј da zajednički razgovaraju na temu postojećih praksi integracije migranata sa partnerima u svakom od gradova ukljčenih u projekat, da razmenjuju iskustva, izazove, naučene lekcije i lokalne potrebe, sa krajnjim cilјem postizanja zajedničkog razumevanja trendova i prepreka i stvaranja osnova za fazu izgradnje kapaciteta i povezivanja projekta identifikovanjem prioriteta koji će biti srž budućih akcija.

Svaka od tri sesije prikazala je pojedinačne prezentacije malih grupa partnera o njihovom tekućem radu i prilagođavanju situaciji u vezi sa epidemijom virusa Covid-19 i njegovim posledicama. Diskusija je zatim dodatno razvijena o pitanjima percepcije integracije; integracione prakse i njihovi izazovi; specifične potrebe grada; neprepoznata praksa integracije; i efikasnost opština, nevladinih organizacija i vlada u podržavanju ove vrste rada. Uticaj pandemije takođe je detaljno debatovan i analiziran u pokušaju da se pronađu zajednička pitanja i trendovi na različitim teritorijama.

Prvog dana učestvovali su predstavnici iz Solidaridad Sin Fronteras, Opštine Ioannina, Opštine Oberhausen i Gdanjske metropolitske oblasti. Drugog dana, fokus grupa je ugostila predstavnike JRS Hrvatska, Opštine Lisabon, Opštine Brescia, ADL-Z i Symbiosis; dok je poslednji dan zaklјučen radovima sa Regiona Sardinija, Cooperativa Studio e Progetto 2, KITEV, Grad Sisak i JRS Portugal.

Svi “EPIC” partneri aktivno su učestvovali u razmeni, donoseći za sto slična, ali različita iskustva i razmenjujući nove i kreativne ideje zbog kojih je razgovor bio podsticajan i smislen! Šta dalјe? Kako se ankete svakog “EPIC” partnera privode kraju, konzorcijum se priprema za sastanak u Španiji u oktobru 2020. godine kako bi identifikovao prioritete proistekle iz rezultata!

U međuvremenu, “Epic newsletter” će biti pokrenut uskoro! Da biste bili u toku sa svim vestima, prijavite se da dobijate sve informacije o projektnim anketama, intervjuima i fokus grupama o integraciji migranata; aktivnostima na izgradnji kapaciteta lokalnih vlasti i nevladinih organizacija; 8 pilot projekata ; preporuka politika ; lokalnih komunikacionih kampanja; međunarodnih i lokalnih događaja.

Prijavite se ovde: https://mailchi.mp/aeidl/epic-newsletter

Finansiran iz programa Fonda za azil, migracije i integraciju Evropske unije (AMIF) i koordiniran od strane ALDA-e, European Platform of Integrating Cities (EPIC) projekat ima za cilј stvaranje mreže lokalnih vlasti i NVO-a za razmenu znanja i najbolјih praksi za integraciju.


المنبرالأوروبيلدمجالمدن: الاستنتاجاتالناجحةوالخططالقادمةالمتعلقةبالمجموعاتالمركزعليها

 من 17 إلى 19يونيو 2020 ، استضاف مشروع المنبر الأوروبي لدمج المدنثلاث «مجموعاتتركيز« عبر الإنترنت  إلى جانب مجمل شركاء الاتحاد ، بقيادة من الدكتور جيوفانا استولفو ممثل   Bartlett DPU ومديرة المشاريع بآلدا دوليندا كافالو و يتعلق هذا الإجتماع  بمرحلة البحث وجمع البيانات .

تهدف مجموعات التركيز المذكورة إلى مناقشة جماعية للممارسات الحاليةلإدماجالمهاجرينمعالشركاء في كل مدينة من المدن المعنية من أجل تقاسم التحديات والدروس المستفادة والاحتياجات المحلية ، بهدف نهائي يتمثل في الوصول إلى فهم مشترك للاتجاهات والعقبات    حتى يتم تثبيت الأساس لمراحل بناء القدرات والتوفيق بين المشروع من خلال تحديد الأولويات التي ستكون جوهر الإجراءات الموالية.

عرضت كل جلسة من الجلسات الثلاث العروض الفردية لمجموعات صغيرة من الشركاءحولعملهمالمستمروتكيفهمعتفشيوباءكورونا 19 وعواقبه. ثم تم تطوير المناقشة حول مسائل تصور التكامل. ممارسات التكامل وتحدياتها ؛ احتياجات المدينة المحددة ؛ ممارسات التكامل غير المعترف بها ؛ وفعالية البلديات والمنظمات غير الحكومية والحكومة في دعم هذا النوع من العمل. كما تمت مناقشة وتحليل تأثير الوباء بعمق في محاولة لإيجاد قضايا واتجاهات مشتركة عبر المناطق المختلفة.

وبشكل أكثر تحديدًا ، شهد اليوم الأول مشاركة ممثلين عن Solidaridad Sin Fronteras ، بلدية يوانينا ، بلدية أوبرهاوزن ، ومنطقة العاصمة غدانسك. في اليوم الثاني ، استضافت مجموعة التركيز ممثلين عن JRS كرواتيا ، بلدية لشبونة ، ، ADL-Z ، و Symbiosis .  أما اليوم الأخير فخصص لملخص الأعمال مع منطقة سردينيا , ومدينة سيساك ,JRS Portugal

.KITEV و Cooperativa Studio e Progetto 2

شارك جميع شركاء EPIC بنشاط في التبادل ، وطرحوا على الطاولة تجارب متشابهة ولكن مختلفة وشاركوابأفكارجديدةومبتكرة جعلت المحادثة محفزة وذات مغزى! ماذا بعد؟ مع اقتراب انتهاء الاستبيانات التي أجراها كل شريك ل EPIC ، يستعد الكونسورتيوم للاجتماعفيإسبانيا فيأكتوبر 2020 لتحديدالأولوياتالناتجة

سيتم إطلاقالنشرةالإخباريةالمتعلقةب EPIC  قريبًا! لمواكبة جميع الأخبار ، قم بالتسجبل  للاستطلاع على  جميع المعلومات حول مسوحات المشروع والمقابلات ومجموعات التركيز على اندماج المهاجرين ؛ أنشطتها في مجال بناء القدرات للسلطات المحلية والمنظمات غير الحكومية ؛ مشاريعها التجريبية الثمانية ؛ توصيات السياسة
؛ حملات الاتصال المحلية ؛ والأحداث الدولية والمحلية.

اشتركهنا: https://mailchi.mp/aeidl/epic-newsletter

يحصي مشروع المنبر الأوروبي لدمج المدن  بتمويل من برنامج الاتحاد الأوروبي للجوء والهجرة والاندماج و هذا البرنامج منسق مع آلدا و يهدف إلى إنشاء شبكة من السلطات المحلية والمنظمات غير الحكومية لتبادل المعرفة وأفضل الممارسات لإدماج مواطني البلدان الثالثة

The Balkan Network for Local Democracy is proud to present its new profile video animation! The video presents the BNLD values and engagement through the eyes of its members and those it works with in the Balkans, and gives a brief idea of what the Network does.

Cooperation, Solidarity, Innovative, Equality, Partnership, Multigenerational, Regional are among the core concepts mentioned in the video: it’s through these words that the BNLD showcases its contribution to the regional development and cooperation!

—> Have a look at the video on Youtube <—

The clip was filmed within the Regional Youth Compact for Europe project, implemented by ALDA together with the Center for Democracy Foundation, the Balkan Network for Local Democracy, CRTA, Youth Act and Sodem. The project is funded by the European Union and the Balkan Trust for Democracy, a project of the German Marshall Fund of the United States.

In May 2020, the Balkan Network for Local Democracy (BNLD) was proudly awarded a grant by the prestigious Western Balkan Fund (WBF) for the implementation of the CulTours: Western Balkan Cultural Tours project, starting from the month of June.

CulTours is a 12-month project that involves 5 countries from the Western Balkans (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, Serbia and North Macedonia) with the aim to promote regional cooperation in the field of culture and sustainable growth. It is a follow-up of the Monumental 9 project, currently implemented by the same project partners, and proposes touristic routes of 9 cultural heritage sites from World War 2 in the Western Balkans.

Its activities will include research and work with local stakeholders; the development of a tool for the promotion of cultural heritage; a series of webinars for the exchange of ideas on tourism and local economic development; and one of its planned outcomes is the creation of a phone app that showcases touristic routes linking 9 cultural heritage sites in the Western Balkans.

«The Western Balkan countries have common cultural heritage from World War 2 and the post-war period that is highly interesting from architectural, cultural and ideological points of view«, stated Ivana Petrovska, Director of the Balkan Network for Local Democracy. «Making a link between these sites and providing a shared touristic offer is going to be crucially beneficial for the local communities in all involved countries”.

The award of a grant by the WBF is of great encouragement to the CulTours project, as well as a great honour. The BNLD will work hard to achieve the maximum benefit for all its target communities!

The Balkan Network for Local Democracy is a network created by ALDA and the Local Democracy Agencies in the Western Balkans to support regional cooperation in the region.


Une subvention du Western Balkan Fund pour le projet CulTours du BNLD!

En mai 2020, le Balkan Network for Local Democracy (BNLD) a été fier d’obtenir une subvention du prestigieux Western Balkan Fund (WBF) pour la mise en place du projet CulTours: Western Balkan Cultural Tours, qui a débuté au mois de juin.

CulTours est un projet sur 12 mois qui implique 5 pays des Balkans occidentaux (Bosnie-Herzégovine, Kosovo, Monténégro, Serbie et Macédoine du Nord) avec l’objectif de promouvoir la coopération régionale dans le domaine de la culture et de la croissance durable. Il s’agit du prolongement du projet Monumental 9, qui est actuellement mis en œuvre par les mêmes partenaires du projet, qui propose des routes touristiques dans les Balkans occidentaux autour de 9 sites relevant du patrimoine culturel de la Seconde Guerre mondiale.

Ces activité comprendront des recherches et des actions avec les parties prenantes locales ; le développement d’un outil pour promouvoir le patrimoine culturel ; une série de webinaires pour le partage d’idées autour du tourisme et du développement de l’économie locale et l’un des objectifs attendus est la création d’une application pour smartphone qui met en valeur les routes touristiques qui relient ces 9 sites liés au patrimoine culturel des Balkans occidentaux.

« Les pays des Balkans occidentaux partagent un patrimoine culturel commun provenant de la Seconde Guerre mondiale et de la période d’après-guerre qui est particulièrement intéressant d’un point de vue architectural, culturel et idéologique » a déclaré Ivana Petrovska, Directrice du Balkan Network for Local Democracy. « Créer un lien entre ces sites et fournir une proposition touristique commune sera absolument bénéfique pour les communautés locales de tous les pays concernés ».

L’octroi de la subvention du WBF est un formidable signe d’encouragement pour le projet CulTours ainsi qu’un grand honneur. Le BNLD travaillera d’arrache-pied pour permettre à toutes les communautés en question d’en dégager un maximum de bénéfices!

Le Balkan Network for Local Democracy est un réseau créé par l’ALDA et par les Agences de Démocratie Locale des Balkans occidentaux pour soutenir la coopération régionale dans la région.


Una sovvenzione dal Fondo per i Balcani occidentali per il progetto CulTours del BNLD!

Nel maggio 2020 la Rete dei Balcani per la Democrazia Locale (BNLD) ha orgogliosamente ricevuto una sovvenzione dal prestigioso Fondo per i Balcani Occidentali (WBF) per l’attuazione del progetto CulTours: Western Balkan Cultural Tours, che comincerà a breve.

CulTours è un progetto della durata di 12 mesi che coinvolge 5 paesi dei Balcani Occidentali (Bosnia ed Erzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, Serbia e Macedonia del Nord) e ha l’obiettivo di promuovere la cooperazione regionale nel campo della cultura e della crescita sostenibile. È un seguito del progetto Monumental 9, attualmente implementato dagli stessi partner del progetto, e propone percorsi turistici di 9 siti del patrimonio culturale della Seconda Guerra Mondiale nei Balcani Occidentali.

Le attività includeranno la ricerca e il lavoro con le parti interessate locali; lo sviluppo di uno strumento per la promozione del patrimonio culturale; una serie di webinar per lo scambio di idee sul turismo e lo sviluppo economico locale; e uno dei risultati previsti è la creazione di un’app che mostra i percorsi turistici che collegano i 9 siti del patrimonio culturale nei Balcani Occidentali.

«I paesi dei Balcani Occidentali hanno un patrimonio culturale riguardanti laSeconda Guerra Mondiale e il dopoguerra in comune, il quale è molto interessante dal punto di vista architettonico, culturale e ideologico«, ha dichiarato Ivana Petrovska, direttrice della Rete Balcanica per la Democrazia Locale. «Creare un collegamento tra questi siti e fornire un’offerta turistica condivisa sarà di fondamentale utilità per le comunità locali in tutti i paesi coinvolti«.

L’assegnazione di una sovvenzione da parte del WBF è un grande incoraggiamento per il progetto CulTours, nonché un grande onore. Il BNLD lavorerà sodo per ottenere il massimo beneficio per tutte le comunità di interesse!

La Rete dei Balcani per la Democrazia Locale è una rete creata da ALDA e dalle Agenzie per la Democrazia Locale nei Balcani Occidentali per sostenere la cooperazione regionale in quest’area.


Грант Фонда Западных Балкан для БСМД CulTours!

В мае 2020 года Балканская сеть местной демократии (БСМД) была награждена грантом престижного Западно-Балканского фонда ЗБФ на реализацию проекта CulTours: Western Balkan Cultural Tours, начиная с июня месяца.

CulTours — это 12-месячный проект, в котором участвуют 5 стран Западных Балкан (Босния и Герцеговина, Косово, Черногория, Сербия и Северная Македония) с целью содействия региональному сотрудничеству в области культуры и устойчивого роста. Он является продолжением проекта Monumental 9, который в настоящее время осуществляется теми же партнерами по проекту, и предлагает туристические маршруты из 9 объектов культурного наследия времен Второй мировой войны на Западных Балканах.

Его деятельность будет включать исследования и работу с местными заинтересованными сторонами; разработка инструмента для пропаганды культурного наследия; серия вебинаров для обмена идеями о туризме и местном экономическом развитии; и одним из запланированных результатов является создание приложения для телефона, которое демонстрирует туристические маршруты, связывающие 9 объектов культурного наследия на Западных Балканах.

Страны Западных Балкан имеют общее культурное наследие Второй мировой войны и послевоенного периода, что очень интересно с архитектурной, культурной и идеологической точек зрения”, — заявила Ивана Петровская, директор Балканской сети местной демократии. ”Создание связи между этими сайтами и предоставление общего туристического предложения будет чрезвычайно полезным для местных сообществ во всех вовлеченных странах”.

Присуждение гранта WBF является большой поддержкой для проекта CulTours, а также большой честью. BNLD будет усердно работать, чтобы добиться максимальной выгоды для всех своих целевых сообществ!

Балканская Сеть Местной Демократии — это сеть, созданная ALDA и Агентствами местной демократии на Западных Балканах для поддержки регионального сотрудничества в регионе.


Grant Fonda za Zapadni Balkan za BNLD projekat “CulTours”!

U maju 2020. Balkanska mreža za lokalnu demokratiju (BNLD) dobila je grant Fonda za Zapadni Balkanestern Balkan (Western Balkans Fund – WBF) za realizaciju projekta “CulTours”: Western Balkan Cultural Tours”, sa početkom u junu mesecu.

“CulTours” je 12-mesečni projekat koji uklјučuje 5 zemalјa sa Zapadnog Balkana (Bosna i Hercegovina, Kosovo*, Crna Gora, Srbija i Severna Makedonija) sa cilјem da promoviše regionalnu saradnju u oblasti kulture i održivog razvoja. Ovaj projekat predstavljaće u izvesnom smislu nastavak projekta Monumental 9, koji trenutno sprovode isti partneri, i predlaže turističke rute koje prate 9 značajnih mesta kulturne baštine iz Drugog svetskog rata na Zapadnom Balkanu.

Aktivnosti projekta će uklјučivati istraživanje i rad sa lokalnim akterima; razvoj alata za promociju kulturne baštine; niz vebinara za razmenu ideja o turizmu i lokalnom ekonomskom razvoju; a jedan od njegovih planiranih rezultata je stvaranje mobilne aplikacije koja prikazuje turističke rute koje povezuju 9 lokacija kulturne baštine na Zapadnom Balkanu.

«Zemlјe Zapadnog Balkana imaju zajedničko kulturno nasleđe iz Drugog svetskog rata i posleratnog perioda, što je veoma interesantno sa arhitektonskog, kulturnog i ideološkog stanovišta», izjavila je Ivana Petrovska, direktorka Balkanske mreže za lokalnu demokratiju. „Uspostavlјanje veze između ovih lokacija i pružanje zajedničke turističke ponude biće od presudne koristi za lokalne zajednice u svim uklјučenim zemlјama “.

Dodela grantova od strane WBF-a predstavlja veliko ohrabrenje za projekat “CulTours”, kao i veliku čast. BNLD će naporno raditi na postizanju maksimalne koristi za sve svoje cilјne zajednice!

Balkanska mreža za lokalnu demokratiju je mreža stvorena od strane ALDA-e i agencija lokalne demokratije iz zemalja Zapadnog Balkana za podršku regionalnoj saradnji u regionu.


(BNLD CulTours)  منحةمقدمةمنقبلصندوقغربالبلقانلفائدةمشروعالجولاتالثقافيةلشبكةالبلقانللديمقراطيةالمحلية

في شهر مايو (آيار) من سنة 2020, عبرت شبكة البلقان للديمقراطية المحلية عن فخرها واعتزازها بالحصول على منحة من قبل صندوق غرب البلقان الشهير لتنفيذ مشروع جولاتثقافيةلغربالبلقان, انطلاقا من شهر جوان (حزيران).

يضم مشروع جولات ثقافية لغرب البلقان, الذي يمتد على مدى 12 شهر, عدد 5 بلدان من منطقة غرب البلقان (البوسنة والهرسك, كوسوفو, الجبل الأسود, صربيا وشمال مقدونيا), يهدف هذا المشروع إلىتعزيزالتعاونالإقليميفيمجالالثقافةوالتنميةالمستدامة. كمايمثلهذاالمشروعمتابعةلمشروعآخريعرفباسممشروع 9 الضخم (Monumental 9 projet ), الذي يتم تنفيذه حاليا من قبل نفس الشركاء في المشروع, ويقترحعدد 9 مسالكثقافيةسياحيةتركزعلىمواقعالتراثالتييعود تاريخها إلى الحرب العالمية الثانية وتتواجد بمنطقة غرب البلقان.

تشمل أنشطة هذا المشروع عددا من البحوث والأشغال تنجز بالتعاون مع أصحاب المصلحة المحليين, إضافة إلى امكانية تنمية أداة للنهوض بالتراث الثقافي وسلسلة من حلقات الوابنار يتسم استغلالها للتفاعلوتبادلالأفكارحولالقطاعالسياحيومجالالتنميةالاقتصاديةالمحلية, مع الإشارة إلى إحدى المخرجات الهامة في إطار هذا المشروع والتي تتمثل فيبعثتطبيقةهاتفيةتوضح المسالك السياحية التي تربط مواقع التراث الثقافي في منطقة غرب البلقان.

«بلدانمنطقةغربالبلقانلهاقاسممشتركيتمثلفيتراثثقافيمشتركيعودتاريخهإلىحقبةالحربالعالميةالثانيةوإلىفترةمابعدالحرب, حيثيكتسيهذاالتراثأهميةبالغةمنالناحيةالهندسيةوالثقافيةوالإيديولوجية. الربطبينمختلفهذهالمواقعوتوفيرعروضسياحيةمشتركةيمثلفرصةسانحةويخدممصلحةكافةالمجتمعاتالمحليةفيكلالبلدانالمساهمةفيهذاالمشروع«, كماجاءعلىلسانإيفانابيتروفسكا, مديرةشبكةالبلقانللديمقراطيةالمحلية.

المنحة التي قدمها صندوق غرب البلقان تمثل بادرة طيبة ومشجعة لمشروع جولات ثقافية (CulTours), إضافة إلى انها تعتبر مصدر شرف كبير. ستبذل شبكة البلقان للديمقراطية المحلية قصارى جهدها لتمكين كافة مجتمعاتها المحلية منالاستفادةالقصوىمنهذاالمشروع!

شبكة البلقان للديمقراطية المحلية هي شبكة تم بعثها من قبل ألدا ووكالات الديمقراطية المحلية في منطقة غرب البلقان لدعم التعاون الاقليمي في المنطقة

WeWorld GVC, active in 29 world countries, has received a grant from the European Commission and it intends to launch an INTERNATIONAL TENDER PROCEDURE in the framework of the project entitled “End Climate Change, Start Climate of Change #ClimateOfChange. A Pan-European Campaign to build a better future for climate induced migrants, the human face of climate change — Grant Contract CSO — LA/2019/410-153” (DEAR Programme).

Service to be provided

The subject of this tender procedure is the execution of the following service: a tailored survey on perception and knowledge of the nexus between migration, climate change and the current economic model of young citizens (aged 16-35) in 23 EU countries (Italy, France, Greece, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Austria, Hungary, Poland, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Belgium plus Slovenia, Malta, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Ireland, The Netherlands and Romania).

Instructions to bid and the full procedure is comprehensively explained in the Tender Dossier.

The Tender Dossier will be available only via email and on request to the following email address: natalia.lupi@gvc.weworld.it and federica.massanova@weworld.it from Wednesday 17th June 2020 to Thursday 9th July 2020.

The deadline for tender submissions is Thursday 16th of July 2020, at 18:00 (CEST). Additional information or clarifications will be published on WeWorld GVC website.

Eligible bidders must submit the Tender Dossier by required deadline, Tender Dossiers sent after the deadline will not be considered.

ALDA is project partner of the Climate of Change project, of which WeWorld is the lead partner. Please find the original article HERE.

Big news from the Eastern Partnership area, as both the AGREED and Media Dialogue projects are deep in the works with very exciting initiatives!

Under ALDA management and thanks to the co-financing of the European Union, the sub-grants scheme of the “Activating Governance Reform for Enhancing Development” (AGREED) project was launched on April 12th this year with the deadline for proposal submissions of May 15th.

ALDA received 123 project proposals from all districts of Moldova, a number the ALDA team was extremely positively surprised by, especially considering the high quality of the applications. This month, the Evaluation Committee completed its selection according to the criteria that were published together with the call for proposals and, consequently, the projects proposed by the following 17 organisations were approved for up to 6000 euros each in funding:

1. Public Association «Regional Centre for Sustainable Development», Ungheni
2. Public Association «Destin», Schineni, Soroca 
3. Public Association «Development and Involvement», Cimislia
4. Public Association «Ilenuța», Cotova, Drochia
5. Public Association «Floresti District Coulcil of Youth», Floresti
6. Public Association «DOR DE CASA», Criva, Briceni
7. Public Association «Mugurasii de la Bic», Gura Bacului, Anenii Noi
8. Public Association «Ecological Movememt Stefan Voda», Stefan Voda
9. Public Association «PRO  Community Assistance and Develpment», Ciolacu Nou, Falesti
10. Public Association «Pro-Europa», Comrat
11. Public Association «PROSPECT», Cimislia
12. Public Association «Silent Generation», Balti
13. Public Association «For SURUCENENI», Suruceni, Ialoveni
14. Public Association «We — The bright future», Falesti
15. Public Association «MALURILE NISTRULUI», Cosnita, Dubasari
16. The Association of Natives of Telenesti «Brotherhood of Telenesti Everywhere», Telenesti
17. The Association of Natives «CIUCIULEA-VATRA DE DOR», Ciuciulea, Glodeni.

Project implementation is now scheduled to start on June 25th and last for a maximum of 6 months. ALDA and the AGREED consortium are highly pleased with the enthusiasm shown by Moldovan civil society; and a similarly successful grant competition is in progress in Kyrgyzstan, too, in the framework the Media Dialogue project!

As of December 2019, in fact, ALDA and 4 other partners kicked off the Media Dialogue project in Kyrgyzstan and, after a series of preparatory activities, officially launched it in March 2020 in Bishkek with a large presence of stakeholders. Project activities aim to improve the policy and legal environment affecting the media sector and to assist media houses, journalists and editors in upholding professional journalistic standards and acting as democratic watchdogs during the 2020 electoral cycle.

With this in mind, back in April a grant competition was launched to (1) strengthen the media environment in Kyrgyzstan, (2) support the provision of public high-quality journalism and (3) promote media policy reform. More specifically, the call for proposals looked for ways to support media institutions in delivering advocacy campaigns to raise public awareness of the need to maintain and promote freedom of expression, high-quality journalism, contents of public service, access to information and other constituents of a free and democratic media environment.

By the given deadline of May 10th, the Media Dialogue team had received 27 applications from Kyrgyz media outlets and media organisations, out of which 4 proposals were pre-selected for support by the selection committee and are currently in the negotiation and preparation phase for grants agreements. Each organisation will receive up to 30,000 euro, thus meaning that, as of July 2020, ALDA will be supporting 4 media organisations from Kyrgyzstan to increase public access to information, transparency of state institutions and better access to diversified information for vulnerable groups.

We are extremely proud of how far both projects have already come and are looking forward to seeing what’s next!

AGREED is a 2-year project which aims at strengthening the capacity of Moldovan local authorities to perform a transparent and participatory governance in their communities, with a specific reference to the policy-making process related to the local decentralisation reform.

Media Dialogue is an 18-month EU-funded project based in Kyrgyzstan which wishes to strengthen the capacity and responsibility of media actors to operate as drivers of democracy and to prevent potential conflicts during the October 2020 parliamentary elections.

In the framework of the third annual event of the EMEN (European Migrants Entrepreneurship Network) project, the EMEN Consortium has been hosting a series of webinars with the common theme of «Unlocking diversity» on each Monday of June.

With a focus on the noteworthy added value that diversity brings to our societies, each webinar in the series analyses the way that diversity specifically contributes to the development of new businesses and to the better inclusion and integration of vulnerable groups into society and cities — in line with the engagement of the EMEN Consortium in creating an effective ecosystem at the EU level in support of migrant entrepreneurs through the setting up of three Communities of Practice, i.e. coaching and mentoring; access to finance; and professionalisation of migrant entrepreneurs’ associations.

On Monday, June 15th, in particular, the second webinar was held with ALDA’s participation on the topic of «Resilience of diverse cities and communities in times of crisis«.

The session produced an insightful discussion on the crucial role of local authorities in facing the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic on their territories, as well as in keeping up with related challenges like the reduction of inequalities, or the need for digitization: in a context of crisis and swift changes, it was argued, cities and communities are — more than ever — the pivotal stakeholders in sustaining and promoting diversity and integration at the local level.

Panelists included

  • Professor Maurice Crul, who presented the «Becoming a minority» project on the lives of people without a migration background in ethnically diverse neighborhoods in six pilot cities in Europe, and pointed out that diversity benefits community life both economically and socially;
  • Irena Guidikova, Head of the Inclusion and Anti Discrimination Programme at the Council of Europe, who discussed how the Intercultural Cities Programme of the CoE reveals that “unlocking diversity” is most definitely the way to reduce inequalities, develop cities’ potentiality and positively contribute to everyone’s living;
  • and ALDA Secretary-General Antonella Valmorbida, who detailed the many lessons that should be learned from the ongoing health emergency, and presented both EMEN and other ALDA projects with the aim to foster diversity and promote inclusion at the local level — namely WEMIN, Integration and Empowerment of Migrant and Refugee Women; EPIC, European Platform of integrating Cities; and LIME, Labour Integration for Migrant Employment.

It is in fact ALDA’s strong belief that local communities are without doubt the first place of action for positive changes, and Antonella Valmorbida also highlighted how the synergies between local authorities and civil society should be more and more enhanced in this Covid-19 outbreak as they have proved to be most effective for effective reaction. This reflects the very core of ALDA’s mission, too: the strengthening of the resilience of local communities and the promotion of diversity.

This episode of the EMEN webinar series can now be watched HERE, on the Youtube channel of EMEN lead partners AEIDL, the European Association for Information on Local Development.

EMEN — European Migrants Entrepreneurship Network: crossing borders for financial and business development services is a 3-year project within the COSME programme with a 12-partner Consortium which works on developing, sharing and promoting support schemes for individual migrant entrepreneurs and for social and inclusive enterprises benefitting migrants.

Visit the dedicated project website: www.emen-project.eu.