The Mayor of Mostar, Mr. Ljubo Beslic, presented the experience of the City of Mostar on reconciliation and post conflict situation management and the role of the Local Democracy Agency of Mostar in this process still continuing.
His speech, at the seminar on «Local Authorities in the prevention of conflict, peace building and reconciliation» organised in Geneva, Switzerland, on 30th and 31st August, by the International association of Francophone Mayors (AIMF), was very appreciated by all participants, who see in Mostar a very good example of reconciliation. Ms Marine Henry, project manager in ALDA, was also attending this meeting.

The 2 days seminar in Geneva gathered around 50 Mayors and Representative of Association of Local Authorities coming from France, Belgium, Switzerland, African countries, Lebanon, Bosnia Herzegovina, etc.
The first part was dedicated to a dialogue between European Commission and Local Authorities Representatives concerning the future communication of the European Commission on Local Authorities. This text will define the future strategy of intervention of the European Commission towards Local Authorities. Simon Compaoré, Mayor of Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) and General Secretary of AIMF started by reminding the context of the progressive recognition by EU of the role of Local Authorities in cooperation and development. Then Mrs Elena ASCUITTI from Europaid Department presented the new guidelines for the partnership between European Commission and Local Authorities. She invited all Local Authorities Representatives to participate to the consultation by answering to 27 questions dealing with 8 main issues. The deadline for submitting comments and suggestions is November 2012.
The second part consisted on the seminar on «Local Authorities in the prevention of conflict, peace building and reconciliation».
The event was concluded by the presentation of a first version of a toolkit designed on the initiative of AIMF on the role of local elected people in the prevention of conflicts and diversity management on their territories. This tool divided in 5 pillars aims at giving tips on the ways for local authorities to prevent conflict in the prism of the integration of all part of population living on their territories. A more final version will be presented in the General Assembly of AIMF, which will be held in Abidjan (Ivory Coast) next November.

The Metamorphosis Foundation, Macedonian partner of the programme for decentralised cooperation between the Region Lower Normandy (France) and North Macedonia, produced a short animated film entitled “Bully” which addresses the topic of cyberbullying.
The film is translated into five languages (French, English, Albanian, Turkish and Romani) in order to reach a broader audience. The translated versions are available at

The language versions have been made as part of the project for decentralised cooperation between Macedonia and the Lower Normandy Region.
The purpose of the film is to raise awareness among young people of this phenomenon and the consequences it can have both for the harassed individual and for the bully.
Through the initiative to raise awareness of online privacy protection, 13 short films and 10 online games and quizzes were made and translated into French, Albanian, Turkish and Romani. The addressed topics are: cyber-bullying, protection of passwords, video games and chat addiction, online shopping, plagiarism…

ALDA will attend the 29th International Seminar for young people on “Federalism in Europe and in the world”, taking place in Ventotene (Italy) from the 2nd to the 7th September 2012.
Almost 150 young people from across the continent will participate at the event, to form the federalist thinking and develop proposals for action.

The seminar is promoted by the Institute for Federalist Studies «Spinelli», in collaboration with the GFE and the MFE, with the support of Lazio Region, Province of Latina and Ventotene.
The main aims of the Seminar is to spread throughout the World Federalist Movement ideas and their applications in a global context among the participants and several experts that will participate to this seminar.
The seminar deals with several issues related to international economics, migration, peace-building and peace-maintenance and with the integration processes in the European and in the global context.
During this week there will be different moments to share experiences and knowledge about these matters, there will be working groups and roundtables in order to get in depth in these fields and to promote a better understanding of Federalist Movement. ALDA will also actively participate at the seminar, in particular with its representative Mr. Ruggiero Mennea, Governing Board member, that in the last round of the discussion will present the Association, its fields of action and the connections between ALDA and the Federalist Movement.
The European Federalist Movement from 1982 yearly purposes the International seminar in Ventotene Island with a tight program concerning federalism in Europe and in the world.
Ventotene, an island off the Italian coast, was the place where Altiero Spinelli, author of the Federalist Ventotene Manifesto, was imprisoned during the Second World War. Each year, young Federalists gather here to discuss with leading experts from the European and World Federalist Movement federalist ideas European and global issues. The seminar is a unique and intensive experience on European and Federalist studies.


Close to one thousand representatives of civil society organisations from around the world will be coming to Montréal’s Palais des Congrès from September 3 to 7.
These ‘super citizens’, activists working for democracy and the rights of millions of people all over the planet, will be taking part in the 11th World Assembly of global civil society network CIVICUS: World Alliance for Citizen Participation, organised in collaboration with the Institut du Nouveau Monde (INM).

CIVICUS is an international alliance of members and partners working to strengthen people’s participation and democracy. Its network encompasses social activists, protest movements, trade unions, religious networks, professional associations, NGOs, training and research organisations, representatives of the business world and philanthropic foundations and funding agencies.
Here in Canada, there is a new feeling of urgency about the ways in which power is exercised, which reflects people’s concerns elsewhere in the world. The Occupy movement and the casserole movement, the Arab and Maple Springs are all recent citizen actions that reflect a crisis of legitimacy for national governments and a questioning of our current models of governance. More and more people, especially young people, are demonstrating political dissent and demanding to be heard in their efforts to make their societies fairer and more just.
The CIVICUS World Assembly, whose theme this year is Defining a new social contract—making the future together, will bring delegates from a hundred countries from around the world to Montreal to lay the foundations for a new, inclusive social contract to bolster the rights of citizens to exist, express themselves, and interact collectively.
The CIVICUS World Assembly will bring together organisations that are world leaders in the promotion of social progress, along with government and local authorities, traditional and social media, multilateral institutions, and academics and young innovators. Among the organisations represented will be Amnesty International, World Bank, United Nations Development Programme, Rockefeller Foundation, International Association for Public Participation, ActionAid, Greenpeace International, and many others. Among Canadian organisations represented will be Canada World Youth, Confederation of National Trade Unions, Coalition pour la souveraineté alimentaire, Équiterre, and others.
Speakers include Marina Silva, environmental activist and former Minister of Environment (Brazil), Caroline Anstey, World Bank (United Kingdom), Kumi Naidoo, head of Greenpeace International, Ana-Maria Garzón, Sustainable Agriculture Network, Rainforest Alliance (Colombia), Dr Zuhang Ming, Participation Center (China), Daniel Ben-Horin, TechSoup (United States), Kamal Lahbib, Forum des Alternatives (Morocco), Léo Bureau-Blouin, former president of the Fédération étudiante collégiale du Québec (Canada), Lakshmi Puri, UN Women (India), Olav Kjørven, United Nations Development Programme (Norway), Frances Westley, J.W. McConnell Chair in Social Innovation, University of Waterloo (Canada), Reza Eslami-Somea, Shahid Beheshti University (Iran), Yuyun Wahyuningrum, Human Rights Working Group (Indonesia), Éric H. Pelletier, International Organisation of La Francophonie (Canada), Roberto Bissio, Third World Institute (Uruguay), and Auret Van Heerden, Fair Labor Association (South Africa).
According to INM Executive Director Michel Venne, this international event in Montreal will provide an opportunity for all of civil society in Quebec and the rest of Canada to meet face-to-face with close to a thousand delegates from the most important citizen action organisations from around the world. “The CIVICUS World Assembly furthers our objective of contributing to the development of civic competence, especially among young Quebecers, who will benefit from exposure to a rich international perspective early in their lives as citizens,” he observes.
The World Assembly’s programme is divided into three tracks: Changing Nations Through Citizens, Building Partnerships for Social Innovation, and Redefining Global Governance. Some of the topics under discussion at the World Assembly will be:
• New models of consumption and production
• Business and human rights
• Youth leadership at the global level and in institutions
• Boosting women’s participation and voice in governance
• Online activism and offline action
• A new global financial architecture
• Entrepreneurial solutions to social problems
• South-South cooperation
• From food security to food sovereignty
• Desperately seeking sustainability: a post Rio+20 discussion
• Funding trends, innovation and partnership
“The world is facing multiple crises and it is essential that all social actors broaden their dialogue,» explains Henri Valot, Outreach Director at CIVICUS. “Governments alone have neither the capacity nor the reach to fulfill their mandate and to meet contemporary challenges. In response to this crisis of legitimacy, citizens are challenging the governance structures currently in place and questioning their respective roles and responsibilities. We must strengthen ways of acting together, and this international summit on citizen action in Montreal is a key opportunity to mobilise citizens and civil society organisations around the world.”
Registration for the World Assembly is currently under way. Places are filling up fast but organisations and individuals can still register online at:
CIVICUS: World Alliance for Citizen Participation is an international alliance of members and partners in over 100 countries. CIVICUS works to promote the emergence, growth and protection of citizen action, especially in areas where participatory democracy and citizens’ freedom of association are threatened.
The Institut du Nouveau Monde is a non-partisan organisation with the mission of promoting citizen participation and the renewal of ideas in Quebec. The INM’s aim is to encourage citizen participation, to contribute to the development of civic competence and to strengthen social cohesion and democratic institutions.


The International association of Francophone Mayors (AIMF) will organise a seminar in Geneva on 30th and 31st August, which will gather more than 50 high level participants.
The Mayor of the City of Mostar, Mr. Ljubo Beslic, will be one of speakers during the seminar on «Local Authorities in the prevention of conflict, peace building and reconciliation» and will present the experience of his City and the role of the Local Democracy Agency, and ALDA, in Mostar.

Ms Marine Henry, project manager in ALDA, will also attend this meeting.
This event, organised with the support of the City of Geneva and two departments of the European Commission, will be structured around three pillars.
A dialogue with the European Commission to facilitate exchange between the European Commission and elected people in order to define the guidelines of the cooperation between the European Commission and Local Authorities for the forthcoming years;
A seminar on «Local Authorities in the prevention of conflict, peace building and reconciliation» organised in the framework of the Permanent Commission «Intercultural dialogue and peace» presided by the City of Kinshasa.
A first workshop on the strategic programme planning of AIMF for the definition of the programme 2014-2020.


From August 3 until August 6 2012, Livarot (France) hosted a delegation from Berovo (Macedonia), led by the Mayor Mr. Dragi Nadzinski. The objective of the visit was to officialise the partnership between the two Municipalities by signing a Cooperation Agreement. The signature ceremony took place during the inauguration of the annual Livarot Cheese Fair.

The Agreement, signed by the Mayor of Berovo Nadzinski and the Mayor of Livarot Sebastien Leclerc, reflects the mutual willingness to develop institutional partnership based on the principle of reciprocity and to continue the cooperation in the areas of sustainable and rural development (promotion of local gastronomy), education, protection of the environment, waste management and agricultural development.
Town twinning as a segment in the Decentralised cooperation between Lower Normandy and Macedonia builds up contacts and friendship with communities from the two territories and promotes better understanding. The Programme for Decentralised cooperation is coordinated by the Association of Local Democracy Agencies (ALDA).

The city of Peja will host, for the third year in a row, the International Animation Festival “ANIBAR” (22-27 August 2012).
The international Festival is supported from different donors among them also Local Democracy Agency of Kosovo through the lead partner “Association Trentino con I Balcani”.

Being its third year, Anibar has earned the prestige of having a large number of animated films that are being screened in the open-air and closed cinemas created by the enthusiasts that organise Anibar.
The Festival was established by the need of having animated films that would be produced in Kosovo and for screening films to the public. During the last two years Anibar has been the organiser of a series of cultural events which promote the production of animated films and their screening. With its cinemas organised for being the venue of screening the films, Anibar has shown emotions to the public and has stimulated the flow of their imagination. Films that are projected in Anibar cinemas have themes of social, economic, environmental, and exploit various animation techniques.
The number of films participating in this year’s edition has almost doubled compared to last year. This year, 167 animated films from different countries of the world will be screened during the 6 days of the festival. 47 films from Albania, Kosovo, Turkey, Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia and Bulgaria will be competing for the Best of Balkans awards, while for The Best of International will be competing 70 films.
This year the festival will incorporate special programs. One of them is “Toon’s and Tunes” a special program made by Nancy Phelps with films that are focused in music. Student Netherlands Animations Program made by Luuk van Huet and Animcracy Program with films that have democracy as their main theme. Last but not least, everyday from 12:00 animated films for kids will be screened in “Jusuf Gervalla” cinema. Besides the “Jusuf Gervalla” cinema and an open-air cinema in the Youth Center, a new improvised op air cinema will screen movies during night time in Peja’s City Park.
Anibar, begin on 22nd and will last until 27th of August.

ALDA supports the Ec-Un Joint Migration Development Initiative.The JMDI would like to seek the collaboration of NGOs and local authorities to gather information on initiatives by local authorities that seek to capitalise the development potential of migrants. This information will feed into a global mapping exercise that is currently being undertaken by the JMDI.
This ‘mapping exercise’ will allow the JMDI to acquire a better understanding of the methodologies local authorities have developed to link migration and development and identify initiatives to be potentially scaled up through funding and support from the JMDI, as well as to continue its work in connecting local authorities globally in order for them to share lessons learned, good practices and identify new potential partners.
Therefore, by sending their locally led initiatives, the organisation and their initiatives could be identified as a key initiative to receive additional funding and support by the JMDI and will be made more visible for other donors and organizations.
JMDI is not looking at integration initiative in the country of residence but rather at initiatives together with local authorities in migrants’ countries of origin, that are implemented by partnerships of local authorities and domestic NGOs, international and diaspora NGOs, the private sector, and municipalities in the countries of residence of the migrants (e.g., city-to-city partnerships). ‘Local authorities’ include all levels of government below the central government, including regions, provinces, districts and municipalities.
JMDI is looking for a wide range of projects that could be connected to remittances, trade, protection of human rights, investment, philanthropy, skills and knowledge transfer, etc. Initiatives may aim at social and economic development in the migrant’s region of origin in the broader sense. Some projects may also affect the migrant community in their country of residence and their integration into the host society. For more information, please see the information below.
JMDI therefore asks to be helped by sending locally led migration and development initiatives and the details as indicated below.
Information has to be sent preferably before 31 August 2012 to and
Mapping Local Authorities’ Practices in the field of Migration and Development
The initiative must

  • Be lead by a local authority or local authorities must be involved in the implementation of the initiative;
  • Engage with civil society organizations;
  • Aim to maximise the benefits of migration for development.
    Of particular interest are:
    • Initiatives using innovative approaches and methodologies.
    • Initiatives that follow an integrated approach including social and environmental, as well as rights and economic issues.
    • Initiatives that contribute to further promoting gender equality.
    • Initiatives that are related to South-South migration.
    • Initiatives that have strong and sustainable effects on local economic development, including employment, importance for SMEs (Small and Medium-sized Enterprises) of the value chain (i.e., on companies and persons in the supply chains and distribution networks).
    This is, however, not an exhaustive list. The mapping includes the widest possible range of initiatives and development objectives. Some projects may also affect the migrant community in the country of residence and their integration into the host society.
    Initiatives’ description must be detailed and must include:
    • Achievements, results and lessons learned
    • Description of the initiative that includes the main objectives and the main activities carried out to achieve these objectives
    • Description of the main beneficiaries and target group
    • Description of the countries where the initiative was implemented and the partner countries, governments, local authorities and all other actors involved and their subsequent roles.
    • Description of the main thematic areas touched on
    • Identify which JMDI focus areas are touched on
    • Identify which MDG are targeted through the initiative
    • Practical details such as start and end date, budget, donors
    • Additional and any relevant information such project documents and reports

Please click here to consult the project database for example initiatives.
The European Commission and the United Nations launched the Joint Migration and Development Initiative (JMDI) in 2009, which reflects the emerging acceptance of a strong nexus between migration and development. The programme, fully funded by the European Commission and run out of UNDP Brussels, also represents a major innovation as a first joint UN programme of its kind, not only with the European Commission, but also in its approach to inter-agency cooperation. Four agencies – IOM, ILO, UNHCR and UNFPA — are directly engaged in the management and direction of the programme and contribute their institutional knowledge, expertise and extensive networks to ensure its success.


The first opportunity offered by ALDA’s project “volunteer 4 democracy” will be a one-week seminar in Sidi Bou Said, Tunisia, from 1st to 5th of September 2012.
The deadline for registering is the 22nd ofAugust. More info on the text below.
After a careful analysis of needs and constraints facing Youth and governments following protests and uprisings currently expressed in different forms, it has become obvious that the citizen participation in political life in general, and democratic processes in particular, has to be increased in each country of the South and Eastern Mediterranean. Aware of this need, ALDA’s partner in this project, the J.I.D association proposed to increase and reinforce the participation of youth of civil societies in the decision-making process in the Mediterranean countries. This project will enable Youth to exchange their experience and discuss effective ways in order to increase social inclusion and promote inter-institutional dialogue.
The project would gather Youth from Tunisia, Lebanon, Egypt, France and Italy. Each group involved is expected to produce proposals and final returns, which would help to establish a detailed plan for youth cooperation in the Euro-Mediterranean area. Participants will work during workshops, seminars and roundtables and a final conference will be devoted for the presentation of the outcome of the workshops and the final statements.
The project will last 5 days — three days of work and two day in travel from the 1st to 5th September — and the schedule will be as follow:
1st day: arrival and welcoming of guests/ welcoming dinner
2nd day: breakfast/presentation of the different associations/lunch/workshops/Dinner/food and drinks party (we will be asked to bring some of your traditional food and cloths)
3rd day: Breakfast/workshops/lunch/discovering the beauty of the city (Sidi Bou Said)/Dinner/Free time
4th day: breakfast/workshops/lunch/ceremony/Excursion and visit of the city/Dinner/free time
5th day: departure
JID will fully finance your accommodation and travelling expenses. You will only need to buy the plane ticket yourself and to prepare the visa. JID will reimburse you as soon as you get here.The only condition for the Plane ticket is that the Price should not exceed 250 euro, the excess of this amount will be on the burden of the participants. The receipt of the tickets must be presented to get reimbursement.


On the occasion of the 67th anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, a manifestation for peace in the world without nuclear and other weapons took place in Italy, Slovenia and Croatia.
«Pace in bici» (Peace on bike), was organised by the NGO «Beati costruttori di Pace» with the coordination of Local Democracy Agency in Verteneglio/Brtonigla (Croatia), and this year for the first time it was extended , from Italy, to the Croatian and Slovenian part of Istria.
The event also promoted a worldwide membership in the Association of Mayors for Peace, coordinated by the Mayor of Hiroshima.
Fifty Italian cyclists of all ages, on bicycles decorated with flags in the colors of the rainbow and with the inscription «Pace» (Peace), left on 05th August 2012 Poreč and headed for Vižinada, Opatija, Grožnjan and Buje, on a part of the Parenzana route. The day after the participants continued their path from Buje, where was held, exactly at 8:15 am, the Commemoration in memory of the victims of Hiroshima.
The Head of the Department of International Cooperation and EU Integration of the Region of Istria and President of ALDA Oriano Otočan, Mayor of City of Buje, Edi Andreašić, president of the NGO «Beati costruttori di Pace», Albino Bizzoto, Marino Vocci and LDA Brtonigla delegate Umberto Ademollo, welcomed cyclists and citizens. The event was attended by peace activist and representative of the Association Mayors for Peace Lisa Clark and mayors of Istrian municipalities Brtonigla, Grožnjan and Oprtalj: Doriano Labinjan, Rino Duniš and Aleksander Krt. From Buje the parade went to Piran, Izola, Koper and Trieste. The last day, Thursday 9th August, the event was closed by a public ceremony in front of the USAF air base in Aviano.


The office of ALDA in Italy, located in Vicenza, initiated this year a fruitful cooperation with the Regional branch of the European Federalist. ALDA sponsored two scholarships to students of the College Pigafetta of Vicenza. The students could therefore take part in the Summer Week of the European Federalist in Neumarkt, Austria (from the 30th of July to the 5th of August). They won a concourse on European issues, which was disseminated during the spring of this year.
In the picture: Castle Forchtenstein, the “Europahaus” in Neumarkt (Austria), venue of the Summer Week
The Summer Week gives the opportunity to 35 young students to get acquainted with the challenges of Europe today (see the programme attached). This edition is the 14th promoted by the Regional branch of the EF. In the present situation, this event represents a very valuable experience to better understand difficulties and opportunities in Europe, from a political, social and economic point of view. The students would then be able to develop a critical view on the European issues. The Director of ALDA, Antonella Valmorbida, is in charge of the animation one of the days. She will raise the attention on the issues followed by ALDA and the LDAs, like local governance and citizens’ participation in Europe and in Neighbouring countries.
This workshop will be followed in September with the annual event of the European Federalists in Ventotene, where ALDA will be present with its President, Oriano Otocan, and two representatives from Croatia. ALDA will support three sponsorship for Croatian representatives, in view of the future membership to the EU.


Mr. Oriano Otočan, ALDA President, met on 26th July 2012 in Pula, Croatia, Mr. Martin Guilliermo Ramirez, the Secretary General of the Association of European Border Regions (AEBR).
AEBR organised the 4th AEBR’s Summer Seminar for Border Youth hosted by Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia, and a 1-day visit to Region of Istria was also organised.
Otočan and Ramirez discussed the possibilities of cooperation of the two international associations with joint initiatives and projects. Since ALDA is very active on the territory of Southeast Europe, joint possibilities for action have also been recognised.


ALDA is one of the main European Civil Society Associations that promoted the “Civil Society Alliance for the European Year on active citizenship 2013”, with the support of the European Economic and Social Committee.
For the Alliance, active citizenship means primarily active involvement of citizens as participation in the life of their communities, and thus in democracy, in terms of activity and decision-making.
ALDA, as promoter of the Alliance, is launching its activities in France, Croatia and Italy.
In particular, with reference to the activities to be carried out in Italy, ALDA, in collaboration with the Third Sector Forum and the Italian Council of the European Federalist Movement, has scheduled a meeting between the associations of civil society organizations, to constitute the national network for the EYC 2013.
The meeting will take place in Rome on the 14th of September (11:00, c/o CIME, Piazza della Libertà, 13).
Download here the invitation letter


The House of Europe in Caen, Lower Normandy (F) and the Coalition of Youth organisations SEGA, from Macedonia, organised two seminars in July in Strumica, North Macedonia.
The seminars took place from 9th untile 11th and from 11th until 13th as a part of the component young of the programme.
The first seminar, dedicated to “New Approaches for Youth Employment”, took place from 9th until 11th July 2012. The participants came from different organisations and institutions that work on youth employment in North Macedonia and in the Lower Normandy Region.
All through the seminar the participants presented their activities and discussed over the possibilities for internships. Moreover, they focused on the current economic situation for the youth in North Macedonia and in Lower Normandy and talked over the innovative approaches to resolve the youth unemployment problem. During the seminar, programme holders and policy makers offered solutions in order to reduce the youth unemployment rate in North Macedonia.
The second seminar “Inter–Municipal Collaboration for Encouraging Social Cohesion among Youth” took place from 11th until 13th July, 2012. Among the participants on the seminar, there were representatives from Macedonian municipalities (Skopje, Delčevo, Strumica, Tearce, Kisela Voda, Kavadarci, Veles and Radoviš), from the NGO « Moja Kariera », from the Macedonian Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, from the National Agency for European Educational Programmes and Mobility and representatives from the Lower Normandy Region.
The seminar was opened with a presentation of the programme for decentralised cooperation between the Lower Normandy Region and North Macedonia. The main objective of the seminar was to develop approaches to improve social cohesion between young people through institutional collaboration between local and national authorities. The participants exchanged views on the possibilities offered to young people by the programme “Youth in Action” and European Voluntary Service.
This activity is part of the component: Youth, Local and European Citizenship within the Project for decentralised cooperation between Republic of Macedonia and the region of Lower Normandy – France, managed by ALDA, implemented by the Coalition of youth organizations SEGA – North Macedonia and the European House of Caen – France.


Mr. Per Vinther, member of ALDA’s Governing Board, made last week a presentation of the activities of ALDA and the LDAs to a group of mayors from the German Land of Baden-Wuerttemberg. They appreciated an input from Civil Society rounding off their visit to EU Institutions, CEMR, the Representation Office of Baden-Wuerttemberg and other organisations represented in Brussels.
“There seemed to be an interest in developing some kind of project cooperation with ALDA in the future, possibly drawing on the expertise available in their respective municipalities to the benefit of municipalities with whom ALDA or the LDAs work” Mr. Vinther stated at the end of the meeting.
The meeting was organised by the Europe Office of the Staedtetag of Baden-Wuerttemberg, a Regional Association of Local Authorities that gather has 181 members.
In September representatives of ALDA and Europe Office of the Association will met to see how set up a system to inform selected municipalities of project opportunities, using the Europe Office as distribution channel.


ALDA has been selected by the European Commission to be included in the next European Development Days programme. ALDA will organise a creative laboratory conceived as a learning café session aiming at brainstorming and proposing recommendations integrating the contributions of experts and practitioners on the advantages of creating real synergies between LAs and CSOs in development cooperation.
In order to achieve its main objective, the WTD-Working Together for Development learning café is structured in a dynamic and creative way, which allows not only experts but also practitioners to have a real contribution to the formulations of recommendations. The learning café method allows having informal discussions on themes that are usually threaded in a very formal way. In this manner, WTD learning café wants to formulate recommendations responding to 6 key themes identified as the main features characterising the joint involvement of LAs and CSOs in development cooperation processes.


From the 11th to the 13th of July ALDA will be present at the Romanian Development Camp in Predeal to present the experience of WTD – Working Together for Development and to promote the NSA&LA Programme to Romania NGOs and LAs.
The event will be attended by representative of the Romanian Government, Local Authorities, Academia, NGOs and Media.
Mr Alfonso Aliberti, Project Manager of WTD, will be one of the speakers in the Working Group Local Authorities’ Engagement in Development Cooperation which will be attended by both representatives of NGOs and LAs.
ALDA continues the promotion of the WTD and awareness raising on the EU Development Policy Framework in the new member states trying to involve new actors in EU Development actions.


In the period 9th – 13th July 2012 in the hotel Gligorov- Strumica (MK), Coalition of Youth organizations SEGA (MK) and European House from Caen (FR) are organising a joint seminar on the theme “New approaches for Youth employment” and “Inter–Municipal collaboration for encouraging social cohesion among Youth”. The representatives from the institutions working on support of youth employment in Macedonia and in Lower Normandy as well as representatives from national and local institutions from Macedonia and the Lower Normandy Region will participate on this joint event.
The aim is to affect the improvement of the social cohesion of the young people through institutional cooperation at local and national level and to discuss the current economic situation of the young people in Republic of Macedonia and in the Region Lower Normandy same as to exchange experiences for innovative approaches for salvation of the problem with youth unemployment. The seminar is offering possibility for exchange of good practices and experiences between the participants from Macedonia and the Lower Normandy Region.
This activity is part of the component: Youth, Local and European Citizenship within the Project for decentralised cooperation between Republic of Macedonia and the region of Lower Normandy – France, managed by ALDA, implemented by the Coalition of youth organizations SEGA – Macedonia and the European House of Caen – France.