The SCEPA project has the ambition to impact on energy poverty in the North West Regions of Europe, by pursuing the following objectives:
- It aims to have a Joint Action Strategy and Local Action Plans in the area that will allow for a transnational cooperation that will benefit energy-poor households;
- It will pilot some existing energy-saving Tools so to accelerate their efficiency and strengthen local strategies and action plans for energy;
- It will focus on a large outreach, by constantly communicating project results that come from sound monitoring and evaluation processes and spreading them to a newly created Community of Interests via communication or capacity-building initiatives
By defying the current state of little international cooperation, SCEPA will try to create Energy Communities across NW Europe (FR, IRL, BE, UK, DE and NL), which will reduce the monthly energy bills of 105,000+ households, will increase energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gases emissions, as a results.
Financial support: Total budget €6,229,126.11 & total ERDF budget €3,737,475.65.

- Develop a Join Action Strategy (JAS) + Local Action Plans (LAPs) on reducing energy poverty, integrating state of the art knowledge/practices. Findings from the JAS + LAPs are translated into a data platform and toolbox for partners and target groups;
- Enhancing common and target group specific energy poverty tools for vulnerable households, including hard to get target groups;
- Enlarge SCEPA’s outreach to energy poor vulnerable households in NEW, by providing insights in project results + transfer of results to stakeholders and a Community of Interest