The project aims at promoting voluntary activities in sport, together with social inclusion, equal opportunities, health and well-being. Its main purpose is to raise awareness on the importance of sport and physical activity, through increased participation in, and equal access to, sport for all, including people with diabetes or physical disabilities.

To respond to this above priority the specific objectives of the project are to:
- Promote voluntary work in sport associations of runners, bikers and hand-bikers,
- Spread sport among people with difficulty of access to sport (diabetics, with other physical disabilities too)
- Promote access to sports/tourism/cultural route, developed between nature and medieval towns, suitable for special targets,
- Encourage participation in sporting activities for everyone, such as running and cycling (and hand- cycling), for better social integration and personal development of two special target: diabetics athletes and/or people with physical disabilities,
- Create a participatory planning rural laboratory (Sports Rural Lab) aimed at developing sports itineraries suitable for diabetics people, sustainable after the end of the project,
- Develop a participatory planning urban laboratory (Sport Urban Lab) aimed at planning integrated activities and initiatives for and with the project targets.
- Create a (educational/informational) sustainable laboratory (Sports Skill Lab) aimed, after the end of the project, at creating and maintaining a network of specialists, doctors, tour guides, and administrators, about social impact of itineraries suitable for everyone. Experts, also international experts, will be involved in educational activities.
After the participation at the sport event, the involved target will have more confidence in their ability and they will be more aware that they can express their skills despite their physical limitations. The project will contributes also to increase the capacity of public initiatives and institutional dialogue for the promotion and protection of people with disabilities’ rights. Institutions will have an interlocution with different European sport associations, with actors in the field of health promotion and operating in sport and health (in particular prevention of diabetes). This dialogue will strengthen the capacity of institutions to promote and enhance the active participation of associations in implementing public policies on the implementation of services closer to the needs of weaker people.
The involved institutions could create an international network in order to ensure a future collaboration for the creation of sporting events, the promotion of these themes and to guarantee the effective inclusion of involved targets and to improve territorial conditions for sport practice.
- 11 local municipalities located along the bike path
- A regional/national network of 8 sports and cultural associations
- Umbria Region and a promotional organization
- 31 foreigner body from 16 European Countries are also involved