The earthquakes in 2023 Türkiye caused a mass damage through 11 provinces with loss of 50.000+ people and the financial effect reached 351 Billion TL. Hatay has been the province with the most dramatic destruction. Hatay Metropolitan Municipality was even a new metropolitan governance body before the earthquake and has critical lack of services afterwards. “Support for the Establishment of Temporary Shelter Areas in the Earthquake-Stricken Region of Hatay,” emerged in response to the prevailing circumstances. The funding for this project is provided by the Fons Mallorquí de Solidaritat i Cooperació through the Emergency and Humanitarian Aid Project Funding. Under the umbrella of emergency and humanitarian support, the Fons Mallorqui expressed a commitment to aid in the earthquake response in Türkiye, allocating funds to ALDA for the provision of beds in the Hatay area. Thanks to the financial assistance from Fons Mallorqui, ALDA is supplying 264 beds to households residing in temporary shelters in Hatay. This initiative answers a critical and pressing need, as a significant portion of the affected population lacked suitable or adequately furnished beds, making their living conditions extremely difficult. The project’s objectives are centered around addressing the needs of the region’s inhabitants who have lost their homes, workplaces, schools, health facilities, and more.

Healthy conditions for the built 256 prefabricated units and their infrastructure with better beds, contributing to direct access to decent condition of living by families of the shelters.