T-TRUST is a project designed to contribute to prevent early school leaving during the transition from the Middle to the High School. The project foresees a thematic seminar specifically targeting educators who deal with activities for/about/with students from 11 to 17 years of age.
The participants will have the opportunity to interact with different professional figures as well as to learn new educational and relational methods and skills from different cultures.

- Support to the professional development of those working in education, training and youth with a view to innovation and improvement of the quality of youth activities across Europe;
- Integration of best practices and new methods in daily activities;
- Open synergies with organisations active in different social, educational and employment fields;
- Improve competences, linked to the participants’ professional profile;
- Disseminate knowledge of practices, policies and systems in education, training or youth across countries;
- Increase understanding of interconnections between formal and non-formal education;
- Improve the ability to address the needs of the disadvantaged;
T-TRUST is structured as follows:
1. Online steering committee – preparation phase presents a first overview of all partners. The partners’ representatives will agree on the methods and possible activities to be implemented, according to the specific features and/or bounds of everyone – both of economic, professional and cultural origin.
2. Seminar for educators. The seminar will cover 5 working days and will be held in the Italian city of Sandrigo from 23-27 June
3. Follow-up activities – to be carried out online in the months following the seminar with all partner organizations. The goal is to share the impact of the training done, good practices implemented and / or limitations encountered when returning to the country of origin.