The EU supports the democratisation of the Southern Mediterranean countries but doesn’t leave East countries apart
March 14, 2011Support and solidarity with citizens of southern Mediterranean Countries is proclaimed unanimously by the Civil Society Forum of the Eastern Partnership in a letter to the High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy of the European Union, Baroness Catherine Margaret Ashton.
The South East Europe Local Governments ask the EU to be involved in a realistic roadmap of integration
March 14, 2011In a declaration signed on the 10th of March, mayors and elected representatives of the local and regional governments of south-east Europe ask the EU to include the local government dimension in its strategic and operational planning for EU enlargement.
Black Sea Regional Policy Conference in Batumi, Adjara, Georgia
March 9, 2011On April 5th and 6th, 2011 the Association of European Regions (AER) will hold its Second Black Sea Regional Policy Conference in Batumi, Adjara, Georgia.
Announced legal action to recover loans from European associations Asael’s partners in many projects – EC investigates
March 9, 2011The members of the Governing Board of Asael, the Association of municipalities of Aragon Region that was dissolved in late 2009 swept away by a scandal, former President Jesus Alone in the head, will be liable personally for debts left.
“The Western Balkans’ European perspective: the contribution of local and regional authorities” – AFCCRE Conference in Paris
February 20, 2011A clear definition and extension of the competences of local authorities, appropriate local and regional financial means and autonomy, improvement of governance through increased transparence and participation and strengthening of capacities for public services.
“The Western Balkans’ European perspective: the contribution of local and regional authorities” – AFCCRE Conference in Paris
February 16, 2011On 18th and 19th February, a conference on the European perspective of the Western Balkans and the contribution of local and regional authorities will take place in Paris.
Antonella Valmorbida co chair of the Civil Society Forum for EaP
February 3, 2011The balance co-chairmanship was approved by the Steering Committee to share the burden and responsibilities and also corresponding to the organisational scheme of the Steering Committee.
From Lisbon Treaty more voice to citizens in Europe
February 2, 2011A more democratic and transparent Europe, strengthening the role of the EU and national Parliaments, and giving the people more opportunities to make their voices heard. These are the most expected aspects of the Lisbon Treaty realisation.
ALDA Staff Meeting 2011 in Subotica
February 1, 2011ALDA Staff meeting 2011 took place in Subotica from 25th 28th of January. The meeting was held with a purpose to get the members to meet each other, to exchange their views and opinions in different topics of work and much more.
Creativity and innovation to give new life to town twinning
January 14, 2011On 13th January, CITIES project final conference took place in Dordrecht (NL). Workshops and exchange of experiences at the International Conference on Town-twinning Initiatives.