Call for participants – THE:PLACE Programme
May 30, 2023THE:PLACE is a collaborative exchange programme designed to establish enduring networks between Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) in Türkiye and the European Union.

Welcome 3P4SSE: a new ALDA+ project on Social and Solidarity Economy
May 24, 2023On April 18th and 19th, 2023, a new Interreg Central Europe project has kicked off in the Italian city of Trento.

Countering hate crime in the EU: read the STAND-UP Handbook!
April 26, 2023Since January 2022, ALDA has been implementing the STAND-UP project – STANDing UP against hate in the EU. The project aims to counter hate in the European Union by creating a comprehensive framework for opposing hate crimes that cover all parts of the countering hate crime, reporting, investigation, prosecution and prevention (RIPP) process, embedded in a victim support framework.

Fostering inclusion and integration: ALDA at the Buk Festival 2023
April 24, 2023The Buk Festival of small and medium publishing is an event conceived by Mr. Francesco Zarzana, ALDA vice president, and organised by Progettarte Officina Culturale (ALDA member), with the intention of giving space and a voice to the hundreds of small Italian and other publishers who present their rich cultural offerings every year.

The “Union of Rural Communes of the Republic of Poland” together to help Ukrainian refugees
April 10, 2023Everyone all over Europe and beyond is committed to help refugees from Ukraine. This is the case of the “Union of Rural Communes of the Republic of Poland” as well. Thus, the two countries share a border of more than 500 km, and in these days exactly this border has become a destination of many. Among them: the municipalities located in the Bieszczady and Lesko poviats [counties].

The consortium of Sports4All meets in Greece to counter Educational Poverty
March 27, 2023From 15 to 17 March 2023, the Transnational practical workshop “Training of Trainers” of the Sports4All project, took place in Volos, Greece. The event, hosted by the Center of Education and Innovation, consisted in developing new and more inclusive methodologies to counter Educational Poverty starting from the mapping of existing ones.

European Gender Policies: projects to foster gender equality and women empowerment
March 22, 2023ALDA works to encourage civic and democratic participation in liaison with gender equality and equity thanks to the creation of the Gender, Inclusion and Human Rights Hub (G,I & HR Hub). The latter develops projects devoted to the social inclusion of the most vulnerable categories, while leading the drafting of the internal policy on Gender and Anti-Discrimination.

Reshaping crucial strategies to fight unemployment through social economy: Good practices
March 8, 2023Read the booklet!

The added value of ALDA’s Thematic Hub on Gender, Inclusion, and Human Rights: foster integration of people with migrant backgrounds
March 7, 2023Within the INCLUDATE* (Educating for Inclusion) project, ALDA organised a PanEU International Conference to make partners share their activities and findings during the first year of its implementation. INCLUDATE aims to include people with a migrant background to share their experiences throughout the storytelling and to imagine together possible solutions to shared issues.

March 1, 2023Economic, Social and Spatial Inequalities in Europe in the Era of Global Mega-trends

Sports 4 All
February 26, 2023Encouraging social inclusion and diversity in sports