7 July: Save the date for the Open Day of Mysea project
June 5, 2021Next Wednesday July 7th 2021, save the date for the Open Day of the Project MYSEA: a unique occasion for all Italian stakeholders interested in the labour inclusion of young people, NEETs and women in the blue and green economy sectors.

Mind Inclusion: press release to conclude this great project
June 3, 2021Mind Inclusion project has come to an end, after two years of full implementation and commitment.

IMPACT Final conference: good practices, guidelines and a video for digital education
May 30, 2021On the 20th of May 2021, the project IMPACT -Inclusion Matters! using Performing Arts towards Cohesion and Tolerance has officially closed its virtual doors with the Final Online Conference.

Innovative Solutions for an Inclusive World
May 12, 2021On May 6th 2021, Mind Inclusion, MIICT, and FACE hosted the 4th MI20 Webinar, inviting great speakers and experts to have an interesting discussion titled: “Shaping inclusive societies: the promising path of innovation”.

RECRUIT: time to start! First national event
May 5, 2021“Social Economy as a tool for territorial development and inclusion” is the tile of the first National event of the project RECRUIT that will take place online on May 6th under the coordination of the Metropolitan City of Bari and the support of Impact Hub and ALDA.

«Freedom award» We voted, did you?
April 20, 2021On April 15th 2021, ALDA and the Human Rights and Peace Institute of Caen have organised a workshop held in French for the young Macedonians francophone, on the “Freedom award”.

Shaping Inclusive societies: the promising path of innovation
April 19, 2021At the occasion of the final event of the Mind Inclusion project, celebrate inclusion and innovation during the 4th Mind Inclusion Webinar!

Educators in rehabilitation centres adopt psychomotor activities from the circus
April 16, 2021The Agency for Local Democracy (LDA) in Tunisia has just successfully held part Ⅱ of the training Psychomotor Activities Adopted from the Circus for Social Inclusion.

ALDA at International Women Day
March 1, 2021The International Women Day represents, every year, a very important recurrence for ALDA, in light of our commitment towards a more just and inclusive society, where males and females enjoy equal rights, and none is victim of discrimination nor injustices.

MYSEA project kicks off – Promoting inclusive job-youth growth in the blue and green economy
February 8, 2021The “Mediterranean Youth, NEETs and women advancing Skills, Employment and Awareness in the Blue and Green Economy – MYSEA” project is co-funded by the European Union under the ENI CBC MED Programme 2014-2020 and will be officially launched on February 15th 2021, 11h00 – 12h45 (Rome time) during a virtual press conference.

Conclusions of the Regional Forum on “Remembrance and Intercultural Dialogue”
February 6, 2021The European Association for Local Democracy (ALDA Skopje) closed the 2020 with an important event: the Regional Forum on “Remembrance and Intercultural Dialogue” which took place on ZOOM, on 21st and 22nd December, 2020.

An innovation wave in the Mediterranean area with MYSEA
December 23, 2020How to give an innovative boost to social inclusion, fight against poverty, youth and women employment in the Mediterranean area?

IMPACT project final local performance
December 22, 2020On December 8th, 2020 took place the Final Performance realised in the framework of the project IMPACT – Inclusion Matters! organized by the Coalition of Youth organizations SEGA from North Macedonia.

ALDA TALKS about.. Gender Equality and Empowerment
December 17, 2020The ALDA Talks episod-series go on providing a safe space of discussion to explore important topics of our times with a shared approach.

Mind Inclusion 2.0 celebrated the International Day of People with Disabilities
December 16, 2020On the 2nd and 3rd of December 2020, the project Mind Inclusion 2.0, funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Commission, organised a series of events to celebrate the official closure of the project and present the numerous results produced during the past 2 years.

Canva as a bridge to the path of social inclusion
November 30, 2020An interview with Maria Tsantsanoglou, Acting General Director at MOMus and the artistic director of MOMus-Museum of Modern Art- Costakis Collection, Thessaloniki, Greece, interviewed by Ana Frangovska, art historian and curator.