LDA Mostar (BIH) annual report 2011 is now available online
October 16, 2012LDA Mostar, active in Bosnia, as a locally registered nonprofit, non-governmental organisation, exists for more than 7 years now and in that period it has implemented numerous projects in the local community.

Krusevo (MK) and St. James (FR) interested to cooperate in the field of tourism
February 29, 2012French delegation from the municipality of Saint-James, from the Lower Normandy Region was on three-day visit in Kruševo, Republic of Macedonia in order to establish an international cooperation between both municipalities.

Business Forum – “Doing Business Together”
July 12, 2011Within the framework of the project “Georgian Diaspora for Development in Kutaisi”, in order to support local entrepreneurship and promote locally produced goods, Business Forum “Doing Business Together” has been held in Kutaisi on 28 May, 2011.

Practical workshop for renovation of ancient buildings in Lower Normandy by French and Macedonian experts
July 1, 2011Starting from July 4 until July 8, 2011, Macedonian and French professionals will work on discovering and practicing the technics of renovation of traditional buildings in Pont Farcy, Lower Normandy.

Exploratory mission from Lower Normandy will discover tourism potential of South-Western Macedonia
July 1, 2011In the four years that have elapsed since the beginning of the creation of the decentralised cooperation between Lower Normandy Region and North Macedonia, the cooperation has marked significant number of achieved goals.

Agriculture development through study visits in North Macedonia and Kosovo
June 16, 2011The exchange of experience through working visits continues this June and August between FFRM and AFDI.
In the framework of their cooperation, the Macedonian delegation is visiting the organisation IADK in Kosovo on 10, 11 and 12 June.

Territories Networking for Human Development International Forum
June 16, 2011ALDA is attending in Foligno (Italy) the “International Forum on Aid Effectiveness at the Local Level “Territories Networking for Human Development” Innovative Tools and Practices for Decentralised Cooperation”.

Territorial development and multilateral decentralised cooperation
May 25, 2011The International Universities of Responsible Territories, UNITER RES together with the Association of Responsible Territories, TerritoiresResponsables TER RES, are organising in Foix, Toulouse (FR), 3 days seminars and workshops

Reinforcement of the agriculture cooperation through AFDI’s study visit to North Macedonia
February 16, 2011In the framework of the Project for decentralised cooperation BN/MK, FFRM and AFDI are organising a working visit of the French delegation in Macedonia.

New perspectives in cooperation between ALDA and Subotica authorities
February 1, 2011New perspectives and possibilities in the field of international and regional cooperation have emerged from a meeting between ALDA Staff and local authorities in Subotica. This meeting took place in Subotica City Hall on Friday, 28th of January.