European Treasure Hunt in Strasbourg
April 30, 2024On 9 April, five young candidates to the European elections met and exchanged with young citizens in Brussels in an event organised by Stand Up for Europe.
BOOST Kick-off Event to Drive Transformation in the Balkans
April 26, 2024On the April 30 in Tirana (Albania), there will be a kick-off event for BOOST: Balkans for Optimising Opportunities, Sustainability and Transformation of Civil Society
Young citizens and European elections candidates debate in Brussels
April 23, 2024On 9 April, five young candidates to the European elections met and exchanged with young citizens in Brussels in an event organised by Stand Up for Europe.
Students and young professional meet at TALE’s World Cafè in Rome
April 23, 2024On 19 April 2024, in the framework of the European Youth Week, students, young professionals, and local associations met in Rome, Italy to discuss the upcoming European elections as well as youth participation beyond the voting process.
Assessing European Political Groups Manifestos for a Sustainable Future
April 21, 2024On 26 March at the seventh edition of REAL DEAL’s Civil Society Forum for Sustainability, representatives from Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) assessed the promises of political manifestos.
YOUTH Taking the lead: a TALE World Cafè in Rome
April 19, 2024In the framework of the European Youth Week, on April 19, 2024, a successful local event of the TALE – TAke the Lead in the European Elections action took place at Re-Work in Rome, Italy.
1st Youth Forum Exchange and 3rd transnational partner meeting in Novo Mesto, 1-5 April 2024
April 18, 20242030 Youth Vision partners and young people met at First Youth Forum in Novo Mesto, Slovenia.
The “Speak up” project launches with kick-off meeting in Bucharest
April 16, 2024Speak up is an Erasmus+ project, which aims at fostering youth engagement and participation through the creation of a resilient network of youth debate clubs across Romania, Cyprus and Hungary
April 15, 2024Balkans for Optimising Opportunities, Sustainability and Transformation of Civil Society
Inaugurating the “Bench of Europe” in Vicenza
April 15, 2024On 13 April, on the occasion of the inauguration of the “Bench of Europe” in Vicenza on 13 April, Antonella Valmorbida, Secretary-General of ALDA, presented the Better Europe Together campaign.
Empower Your Voice: Apply for the Young Elected Politicians (YEP) programme and make an impact at the EU level!
April 12, 2024Are you a young politician under the age of 35, serving in regional or local positions within the EU and the EU candidate countries? Are you looking for opportunities to network, gather information on EU legislation and EU funding opportunities?
Do you want to be involved in the work of the European Committee of the Regions (CoR), and meet and debate with CoR members and other local, regional and European politicians?
Take part in the Young Elected Politicians (YEP) network and raise your voice at the EU level!
Speak Up for the European elections
April 12, 2024ALDA gave a presentation on the European elections to the Partners of the Speak Up project, looking for synergies two months ahead of the elections. We also presented ALDA’s own campaign for the European elections, Better Europe Together, in which the partners were invited to participate.
Presenting ALDA’s European election’s campaign and activities in Thiene, Italy
April 12, 2024During the Open Days of Villa Fabris in Thiene and within the “Shape your Europe” Lab, ALDA had an informative session about the Better Europe Together campaign and a stand dedicated to the TALE – TAke the Lead in the European Elections project.
Presenting ALDA’s European elections campaign to French social representatives
April 8, 2024On 27 and 28 March 2024, ALDA was present in Paris at the Conseil économique, social et environnemental’s (CESE) two-day event dedicated to the European Union and the European elections. We presented our activities and flagship initiatives to the members of the CESE.
Talking about EU elections at the Officina sociopolitica Altovicentino
April 8, 2024On April 6, 2024, ALDA Secretary General, Mrs. Antonella Valmorbida, delivered a presentation on the importance of the European elections 2024 to the Officina sociopolitica Altovicentino. The presentation included an explanation of the European Parliament, of the functions of the Members of the European Parliament and of ALDA’s campaign ‘Better Europe Together: Local Ideas, European Results’.
ALDA at the Atheneum Royal Jean Absil in Brussels
April 8, 2024On April 5, 2024, ALDA delivered an interactive presentation concerning the upcoming European elections to 60 students of the Atheneum Royal Jean Absil in Brussels. The event was aimed at presenting to the students the role of the European Parliament, the number of MEPs that will be elected and their function, and the date for the elections in Belgium.