In September 2012 ALDA, in cooperation with LDA Zavidovici, started the realisation of this project, funded by the European Union, as a part of IPA 2011 – Information and Communication Programme.
- To help raise awareness on EU enlargement process and pre-accession assistance aimed to support the reform process at local level in Bosnia and Herzegovina;
- To help improve public understanding of the benefits of EU integration;
- To help promote tangible results of EU pre-accession assistance;
- To help reinforce the role of civil society in the public dialogue on EU accession agenda;
- To help strengthen the local ownership over the reform and EU integration process.

- Improved public awareness and knowledge of actual benefits of EU integration;
- Increased information provision about the effects of EU funded projects;
- Improved outreach and information dissemination on EU integration issues;
- Increased number of cross-sectoral partnerships and issue based networking for underpinning reform process;
- Improved public dialogue for common understanding of EU values.
- Conference „EU integration – a dialogue for the future“ in Zavidovići;
- Training seminars for CSO-s and local authorities on EU integration and pre-accession assistance;
- Training seminar for local media titled „EU Integration: prejudices and myth-buster“
- Youth for EU campaign: EU quiz in secondary schools and EU Ambassadors’ visits.