Promoting active engagement of young people and education opportunities focusing on disadvantaged youth
Based on the Eurostat data published in 2022, as of 1 January 2021, 16.3% of the EU’s total population was represented by young people, aged 15-29 years old. Even though the ratio is meant to decrease, and youth are projected to account to less then 15% by 2050, still there are some places, especially university cities and urban areas, where young people represent 1⁄4 of the whole population.
Besides the general trends, what is crucial is the recognition of youth as the generation of tomorrow, as future change-makers.
This thematic hub focuses on young citizens, especially those with fewer opportunities, being crucial to shape a better future, in line with the relevant international and EU policy priorities as well as with the mission of ALDA of promoting good governance and active citizenship.
Hence, through an holistic approach, the Hub on Youth Empowerment and Education is intended to develop synergies with cross-sectoral projects; create and develop actions with youth workers and the whole education sector; brainstorm on new ideas and future proposals.
In line with the international and European policy priorities mentioned above as well as with the ALDA’s mission of promoting good governance and active citizenship, particular attention to young citizens is crucial to shape a better future, with a particular focus on vulnerable groups.

The Hub on Youth Empowerment and Education provides knowledges and resources to facilitate and support young citizens to take a role in their communities and be active in the decision-making process, promoting civic responsibility and social cohesion. Through projects, workshops, partnerships with local and international actors, ALDA advocates for the inclusion of young people, pursuing their aspirations to become agents of a positive change. A comprehensive approach that supports citizens and the new generation, building bridges with local authorities and institutions and promoting inclusivity and democratic progress.
By investing in young people, ALDA aims to create a brighter future for Europe and beyond, based on the principles of democracy, solidarity and inclusion, creating a positive and open environment in which young people are able to realise their full potential, contributing directly to the sustainable development of local communities.
The Hub’s main pillars are:
Projects in action
Shared horizons
The Shared Horizons Project aims to foster peace and reconciliation in the Western Balkans.
SpeakUP – addressing societal problems and fostering participatory democracy through public debates
E-VOICE – A Voice for Europe
Balkans for Optimising Opportunities, Sustainability and Transformation of Civil Society
EnLIGHTening future Schools to deliver BLUE Sustainability in Europe
Extraordinary Citizens aims at encouraging and facilitating the inclusive participation of young people with intellectual and physical disabilities in the society, especially in the democratic processes that affect them directly, that means in the socioeconomic, cultural and political factor.
Empower young women to drive change in their communities, by providing them with a supportive intercultural, inclusive, and sustainable learning environment.