Implemented for more than two years and funded by the European Commission’s Erasmus+ programme, the FACE project aimed to address and prevent the growing phenomenon of cyberbullying among young people, through innovative methodologies combining multidisciplinary artistic approaches.
The project enabled different stakeholders to work together to tackle cyberbullying: young people, parents, youth workers but also local authorities and municipalities worked together to find alternative solutions to this increasingly frequent social issue.
FACE project enabled different stakeholders to work together to tackle cyberbullying
The event held on 22 September in Genova, hosted by our Italian partners Cittadini Digitali, was an opportunity for the nine partners, from all over Europe and its neighbourhood, to meet in a hybrid event.
It was an occasion to share all the achievements, the difficulties during the pandemic and all the satisfaction this project gave us. Besides, the event marked the conclusion of a great journey in such an important topic.
In these two years different productions were created:
- practical handbook addressed to youth workers on artistic methodologies to address cyberbullying;
- recommendations for local authorities;
- guidelines for parents to address with their children – whether they are in the position of victim or perpetrator.
Even though the project has come to an end, all the results achieved and all the products developed are still alive and they can be consulted on the official project website
We keep to #LetsFaceUp and stop cyberbullying!