YEP gathers 7 partners from Bulgaria, Croatia, Ireland, Italy, and Spain. Its main objective is to favour meeting between international young people, youth workers and experts in youth policies, in order to provide an opportunity for debate and build up of a structured dialogue on a transnational basis with reference to youth unemployment.

This project’s ambition is to offer an opportunity for debate about the youth unemployment challenge, through networking and exchange of best practices. It is expected to generate new and innovative solutions, potential interventions and recommendations to be addressed to the local, national and international communities. As a cross cutting objective, it aims at the same time to transfer to participants some methods for the set up of a structured and efficient dialogue between youth and the decision makers in charge for youth policies.
The work-programme foresees the following main activity:
A 5-day seminar in Strasbourg, France. About 42 participants from 6 different countries will attend several formal and non-formal activities such as: debates and discussion, structured dialogue workshops, sharing of best practices and intercultural activities. Transnational seminar within the project “Youth Employment and Participation” (YEP), 18 -22 February 2013
In the end of the seminar, a publication will gather the results of the work done by the participants.