The next 10th and 11th of March will take place in Sarajevo “NEXPO 2011” , the first Local Government Fair including participants from South Eastern Europe. ALDA is actively involved in the programme of this event with a stand and the participation of its President, Per Vinther, in the first panel on Good Governance and EU Integration (see

The stand will mostly present the last activities of ALDA on local governance and citizens participation as well as the activities of the Local Democracy Agencies from Mostar, Prijedor and Zavidovici.
“NEXPO 2011” is organised by NALAS, network of associations of local authorities of South East Europe, and more than 1,000 people will be participating, representatives from local municipalities, associations and international organisations.

A clear definition and extension of the competences of local authorities, appropriate local and regional financial means and autonomy, improvement of governance through increased transparence and participation and strengthening of capacities for public services.
These are the four central needs of local authorities in the Western Balkans indicated by Keith Withmore, President of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities, in his conclusion speech of the conference on the European perspective of the Western Balkans and the contribution of local and regional authorities that took place in Paris, in the French Senate, on 18th and 19th of February.
Mr Keith Whitmore underlined also the involvement of the Congress in the Balkans (citing explicitly the LDAs and their existence since 1993 and ALDA’s work).

The conference united representatives of local authorities and other stakeholders of European decentralised cooperation. It was an excellent occasion for French local authorities and authorities from the Western Balkans to meet and exchange their views on the strategies and priorities of European integration.

A central point of reflection was the role of local authorities’ international cooperation in the integration process. Further subjects discussed included the role of good local governance and public local policy for European integration.
The pause of enlargement is a chance to rethink the relationship between the EU and the Western Balkans, underlined the debate, and the governments in the Balkans have to act now, and at the same time, the EU has to speed up the accession procedures and propose viable political solution to problems such as the Kosovo issue. Many participants also demanded a greater implication of local authorities in the accession process.

Per Vinther, President of ALDA, was present at the conference and informed about its activities in decentralised cooperation in one of the workshops. The project of decentralised cooperation between Lower Normandy and the Republic of Macedonia was at the centre of attention.
The conference was organised by the French Association of the Council of European Municipalities and Regions (AFCCRE) in cooperation with the municipality of Dijon and the Community of Greater Dijon.

On 18th and 19th February, a conference on the European perspective of the Western Balkans and the contribution of local and regional authorities will take place in Paris.
The conference will unite representatives of local authorities and other stakeholders of European decentralised cooperation. It will be an excellent occasion for French local authorities and authorities from the Western Balkans to meet and exchange their views on the strategies and priorities of European integration.

A central point of reflection will be the role of local authorities’ international cooperation in the integration process. Further subjects to be discussed include the role of good local governance and public local policy for European integration.

Per Vinther, President of ALDA, will be present at this conference and will inform about its activities in decentralised cooperation in one of the workshops. The project of decentralised cooperation between Lower Normandy and the Republic of Macedonia will be at the centre of attention.

The conference is organised by the French Association of the Council of European Municipalities and Regions (AFCCRE) in cooperation with the municipality of Dijon and the Community of Greater Dijon.
It will take place in the French Senate.

In the framework of the Project for decentralised cooperation BN/MK, FFRM (Farmers’ Federation of North Macedonia) and AFDI (French Farmers for international development) are organising a working visit of the French delegation in Macedonia.

The planned activities for this period, as a part of the project implemented between FFRM and AFDI, will involve visits to the Macedonian farmers, in order to create and develop future trainings and practices.
The representatives from Lower Normandy, Mr. Richard Demuynick and Mr. Jean Louis Loir will spend ten days in several locations in North Macedonia, in the period of 16 to 26 of February. They will visit the farmers and the cooperatives aiming to define the pilot groups of farmers that will cooperate in the future.

During their stay, the delegation will visit the Mayor of Berovo and the manufacturers of dairy products, as well as the sheep breeders in this region. Berovo is the first farmers’ focus group, followed by the cooperative of apple growers from Resen, along with the scheduled meeting with the Mayor of Resen. In the western region of North Macedonia, the delegation will meet another group of dairy manufacturers, but also a group of cereal manufacturers from the Polog region.

During the Prilep visit, on February 24, AFDI will perform a lecture focused on “Global Market Conditions for cereals – price, supply, demand”. The expected number of participants is around 50, mostly cereal manufactures with mill industry capacities from this region.
The Federation will close this working study in Skopje hosting a Balkan conference for “Cooperative Associations”. The conference participants, including the AFDI delegation, will discuss the possibilities for creating cooperative associations. This type of joining can be a foundation for the increase of farming profit in North Macedonia and neighbouring countries, such as Albania, Bulgaria, Kosovo…

The cooperation between FFRM and AFDI is component “6 – agriculture” of the Project for decentralised cooperation between Republic of North Macedonia and the Region of Lower Normandy, France. This project is coordinated by the Association of Local Democracy Agencies (ALDA).

In cooperation with the The Franco-German Youth Office OFAJ and memorial centresOradur-sur-Glane in France and Dachau in Germany, LDA CSS implemented three cycle seminar entitled « War and Propaganda: An Approach to History in Europe ».

After a seminar in Dachau, this year youth groups from Germany, France and Serbia met in Oradour, France and Nis.
Each seminar has been led by wellknown national historians, experts on each specific topic. Young people had the opportunity to question the relationship between propaganda in the Second World War and the 90s conflicts in the former Yugoslavia while investigating transnational historiography.

The Lisbon Treaty is not and will not be only a piece of paper. It is an instrument to make EU institutions more democratic, giving citizens more space for active participation. It provides some guidelines to modernise Europe and enables it to achieve the objectives of its fifty years of history: to be an instrument of peace and development. These are, in short, the conclusions of the conference on the Lisbon Treaty that took place in Thiene (IT), promoted by the Municipality, its Urban Center and ALDA, Association of Local Democracy Agencies.

In her speech, Maria Rita Busetti, Mayor of Thiene, underlined the importance of the opening to European culture for local communities. The Municipality of Thiene opened, with the Urban Center, its window on Europe, to inform people and make them participate in those lots of opportunities it offers to all of them Antonella Valmorbida, Director of ALDA, has emphasised the role of local communities and authorities in building a Europe of citizens. « Active participation in local decision making process – she said – is the only instrument that can guarantee development. And this is possible only with a strong civil society, willing to get involved and take its responsibility« . An important instrument of information and animation about Europe at local level, about its powers and opportunities, is the Europe Direct network, about which Renzo Michieletto, from the Veneto Region Office of Europe Direct, spoke. This is a great network of 500 branches in 27 European countries, 50 in Italy and 3 in the Veneto Region, that the European Commission created to give citizens the necessary knowledge and make them closer to the institutions and actors. Antonio Di Lorenzo, editor in chief of the Journal of Vicenza, tried to approach a bit more in this world seemingly far away the many participants at the conference. He asked the Meps Mara Bizzotto, Lega Nord, and Debora Serracchiani, Democratic Party, to explain what being a woman in the top European institution means, with regard to their work as well as for their expectations. It was possible to know that they are engaged in a not well known task that has significantly effects in everyday life of all of us. Concerning the Lisbon Treaty Bizzotto and Serracchiani showed shadows and highlights. The shadows are, as Mara Bizzotto said, the lack of a true soul constituent of this document and the remained imbalance between institutions, since the only elected, the Parliament, in fact, do not have full legislative power. Debora Serracchiani, sharing some limits of the Treaty, stated that it contains major advantages, especially for greater democracy and transparency, with a better balance between the Parliament and the European Commission and an increased role of citizens. Both have, however, stated that Italy, one of the most important founders of Europe, would play a greater role in Europe, to be truly protagonist and bridge the gap in attitudes and weight that separates it from other countries that in recent years in the Europe have invested in people, ideas and relationships. In the afternoon two workshops provided an opportunity to discuss the participation of civil society in decision-making process at local level, and the role of local government in the Europe reformed by the Lisbon Treaty.

LDA Kosovo Partner Meeting will take place in Yalova, Türkiye, on the 11th – 12th February 2011.
The meeting will discuss some relevant topics emerged during the last partner meeting, held in Peja/Pec in August 2010 on the occasion of the signature of the Preliminary Partner Agreement.
The partner meeting will be attended by all partners’ representatives, and for ALDA by Mr. Dobrica Milovanovic (Vice-president of ALDA) and by Mrs Antonella Valmorbida (Director of ALDA).

The partner meeting will last two days, half a day will be fully dedicated to the knowledge of the international and local activities of the Municipality of Yalova aimed at the local development, at the European integration, at the youth empowerment and at the presentation of the activities that the Municipality wants to carry out in Kosovo. In this regard, a meeting is scheduled with the Mayor of Yalova and with the representatives of the relevant Municipality offices.

The City of Yalova was choose to host the partner meeting for a number of reasons. The idea of promoting it in one of the partners’ communities will grant an added value to the meeting. Moreover, the Municipality of Yalova is the last partner that joined the partnership, and it is really important for all the other partners to know better its local community.

Furthermore, on the 29th of October, the Municipality of Yalova and the Municipality of Peja/Pec signed a twinning agreement that is the result of the bilateral relations between the two Municipalities started during the last LDA Kosovo partner meeting.
To conclude, this activity will be a precious opportunity to give visibility to the newly re-launched LDA Kosovo and to continue the discussion among all the partners.

Following the success of the Congress of Ljubljana, the European Movement International (EMI), in cooperation with the Third Sector Foundation of Türkiye (TUSEV), will organise a second congress on civil society dialogue in candidate and potential candidate countries.
The congress on the theme “CSOs challenge public authorities: From political commitment to active dialogue” will take place in Istanbul on 11th -12th of February 2011.

Mrs Antonella Valmorbida, director of ALDA, and as Chair of the Committee on Civil Society and Democracy of the Conference of the INGOs of the Council of Europe, will participate at the Congress, and will present the Code of Good Practices for Civil Participation in the Decision Making Process (
The aim of this Congress will be to examine how the triangle – civil society development, European perspective, and national reforms – can be made to work more effectively. The emphasis will be on
comparing experiences from candidate countries in 6 corresponding workshops.

The Istanbul Congress is a follow-up to the Ljubljana Congress of 16-18 April 2009 which produced a political challenge chart. It was decided on that occasion that the next event involving civil society activities, representatives of the European Institutions and national politicians and civil servants from the candidate countries should be held in Türkiye.
It is expected that there will be some 300 participants from the host country, Croatia, Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina Montenegro, Kosovo and Albania.
The Congress in Istanbul will intend to determine the most effective means of ensuring a conducive framework and environment to the sustainable development of CSOs in candidate and potential candidate countries.
The conference will bring together Civil Society Organisations from Candidates Countries,
Members from National Governments and Parliaments and European institutions’ representatives.
ALDA is very much involved in the dissemination and the promotion of the Code as an instrument to strengthen the dialogue and cooperation between local authorities and civil society”. Stated Mrs Valmorbida.
The instrument has been widely used by the ALDA network and the LDAs in 2010 and will be also assessed in 2011. A call for proposal engaged many municipalities and partner which adopted the methodologies indicated in the Code for enhancing the fruitful problem solving engaging multilayers approach in the community« 

Turkish and EU local authorities met in an introductory meeting held in Ankara from February 1st 2011 to February 4th 2011 to help increase the effectiveness and broaden the scope of the twinning arrangements both between the local authorities of Turkey and Europe as well as among Turkish local authorities. The meeting hosted a total of 48 government officials, two from each of 10 Turkish and 15 other European local authorities of twin cities, meeting to improve co-operation in the management of local public and municipal services.

The meeting within the scope of the Support to Further Implementation of Local Administration Reform in Turkey Project was inaugurated with the remarks of the representatives from EU Delegation to Turkey (Mr. Michele Villani), UNDP Turkey, UMT (Union of Municipalities of Turkey), Ministry of Interior and Central Finance and Contracts Unit (CFCU).
Knowledge and Italian participation to this event was spread in Italy through ALDA, the Association of Local Democracies Agencies, which was guested as international observer and which is implementing lobby?ng activities for the Italian Municipalities in the Republic of Turkey.
After the presentation by UMT of the twinning methodology, the programme continued with answers to the questions regarding the procedures.
It was followed by the presentations of the experiences of EU and Turkish local authorities.

Finally, some facilitated workshops between EU and Turkish municipalities were held on four themes, namely, environmental protection and energy efficiency; tourism and culture; municipal services (ie. social services including gender, elderly care and children, urban transportation, urban planning, emergency management, fire brigade systems, immigrants etc.); and local economic development with citizen participation.
EU and Turkish local authorities will further plan for mutual visits with their twinning partners to broaden the scope of twinning agreements and collaboration, which sprouted during the meetings.
Support to further implementation of Local Administration Reform in Turkey Project is being implemented by the Ministry of Interior with the technical assistance of the UNDP and funded by the European Union within the scope of the EU-Turkey Pre-Accession Financial Co-Operation Programme.

The specific objective of the project is to develop and strengthen the administrative capacity and co-operation of the Ministry of Interior (particularly General Directorate of Local Authorities, governorates and district governorates), unions of local authorities and local authorities themselves in the task of ensuring effective implementation of new policy and legislation on local administration.

The balance co-chairmanship was approved by the Steering Committee to share the burden and responsibilities and also corresponding to the organisational scheme of the Steering Committee, where the EaP and the EU representatives are balanced in the Working Group meetings.
The appointment is a great opportunity and challenge for ALDA to be present and work in Eastern Europe with contacts and projects. Antonella Valmorbida is also involved and leader of the lobbying group which promotes the visibility and the contact of the CSF in the European Institutions. In this perspective, number of meetings took place in Brussels, like with the Commissioner Fuele, the President of the Committee of the Regions, Mrs. Bresso and the President of the European and Social Economic Committee, Staffan Nilsson.
A meeting with the Secretary General will take place soon in Strasbourg.

ALDA is partner of the programme Working Together, gathering a large number of training institutions for local governments in Eastern Europe since its creation. The focus is capacity building for local authorities and support of civil society. The annual meeting of the programme took place in Budapest on the 28th and 29th of January at the European Youth Centre of Budapest. It focused on the assessment of the activities related to the programme Fighting Corruption at the Local Level. The leader organisation, FPDL Romania invited 20 participants implementing the strategy and 4 cases where presented. Craiova Municipality. It is the capital of Dolj County, has more than 300.000 inhabitants and a rich history, attested in documents since 1475. It is a powerful industrial city and an important educational center with rich cultural life. Craiova Local Government has more than 500 employees, a directly elected Mayor and 27 elected councillors. Zabok and Vrbvovec, two cities from Croatia. The Georgian team of anticorruption practitioners (Girogi Meshkidze, Helen Romelashvili from Civitas Georgica) and Lanchkhuti city. Sok�?ka City (Poland). Participants received the booklet Healthy Organisations, curing and preventing corruption in local governments that describes shortly the anticorruption approach. The event was attended for ALDA by the Director, Mrs. Antonella Valmorbida, member of the Steering Committee of the programme Working Together.

A more democratic and transparent Europe, strengthening the role of the EU and national Parliaments, and giving the people more opportunities to make their voices heard.
These are the most expected aspects of the Lisbon Treaty realisation.
Its coming into force (December 2009) was only the start of a course of discovery and implementation that will give concrete results if it will involve, in the years to come, all European citizens to make them closer to institutions, at present perceived as far away, and make them active and participatory.
The Municipality of Thiene (IT), the Urban Center and ALDA promoted an info-day about the Lisbon Treaty and the perspectives it will open on participation.

The event is scheduled for the 10th of February (Meeting hall of the City Library, starting at 9:30).
In the morning Meps Mara Bizzotto and Debora Serracchiani, Mr Matteo Fornara, EC Office in Milano, Mrs Maria Rita Busetti, Mayor of Thiene and Mrs Antonella Valmorbida, ALDA Director, moderated by the journalist Antonio Di Lorenzo, will explore the opportunities for citizens by the Treaty.
In the afternoon two workshops will take place, where participants will discuss about decision making process and civil society participation, and the role of the local authorities in Europe after the Treaty.
There are already many ways in which European citizens can find out about and take part in the political process of the EU. The newest of these is the citizens’ initiative, whereby people will be able to ask the Commission to present a proposal in any of the EU’s areas of responsibility. The practical details of this initiative will be worked out once the Treaty of Lisbon takes effect.
The treaty also recognises the importance of consultation and dialogue with associations, civil society, workers and employers, churches and other non-denominational organisations.

To promote citizens participation in the construction of a tighter-knit, democratic, world-oriented and united Europe, tackling the challenge of immigration as an “opportunity” to develop active citizenship and sense of ownership of the EU, whilst enhancing tolerance, solidarity and mutual understanding.
These are the objectives which GOALGranting Opportunities for Active Learning, an ALDA project whose Steering Committee Meeting is taking place for the first time in Strasbourg (2nd- 4th of February) – aims to. In these days also a Training Course will take place, addressed to Citizens’ Panels Activators, those people who will be in charge of setting up the local citizens’ panels on immigration that are the crucial point of the project.

Immigration and immigrants’ participation represent vivid issues at the EU level and particularly affect citizen’s daily life in the addressed countries.
The project presents a set of activities that allow citizens the chance to interact both at the local and at the European level and offers them the occasion to “work” together towards a common aim.

GOAL specific aim is to further improve the methodology of “citizens’ panels” adding the “component” of immigration.
It represents an unbiased platform where citizens and other stakeholders gather information (with a bottom-up approach), debate, collect individual and collective opinions, formulate their views (duly guided and supported) and draft them in the form of recommendations for policy makers at the European level in the field of “immigration”.

The action foresees 9 steps, having an impact both at the local and at the European level. Following the partnership building phase and the selection of the theme, the process is planned as follows: 1. Training for citizens’ panels activators 2. Set-up of local citizens’ panels 3. Local workshops 4. International meeting of citizens’ panels 5. Open days at the local level 6. Production phase 7. International final workshop 8. Final publication 9. Evaluation and follow-up.

The partners of the project are civil society organisations, local and regional authorities and associations of local authorities coming from 6 different countries, old and new EU Member States and pre-accession countries, where immigration represents one of the most vivid issues on the national and European agenda.

From the 20th to the 27th of February 2011 ALDA and UNDP are organiSing the Study Visit “Local Governments in Europe: responsibilities, competencies and management” in the framework of the project “Support to Further Implementation of Local Administration Reform in Turkey (LAR Phase II)” financed by the European Commission.
The Study Tour (in Birmingham, Wolverhampton, Bristol and London), addressed to a delegation coming from Turkey composed of elected representatives, staff from local authorities and professional managers, will provide the Turkish participants with a view over the local administrative field of European Union countries seeking an interactive approach on the relation between EU local authorities and Turkish ones.

The activity represents only one of ALDA’s contributions to LAR Phase II project. As a matter of fact, the Association is also involved in other components of the project through its support and experts, namely in the development of international municipal partnerships between Turkish and European Municipalities and in training activities.

Mrs. Antonella Valmorbida, Director of ALDA, is senior international trainer in the framework of the programme as for the support to build a community of practices and the approach of peer-to-peer learning and assistance.
The aim of the project is to train the Turkish civil servants and engage them into a critic and positive dialogue with several European local authorities and associations of local authorities thus strengthening their capacity to implement the administrative reform and the new legislation adopted in 2003-2005. The specific objective of the project is to develop and strengthen the administrative capacity and co-operation of Turkish local authorities in the task of ensuring effective and full implementation of new policy and legislation on local administration.

The activity designed is that of a study tour to England enabling the participants to gain a first experience of European best practises in local self-government through meetings with their European counterparts and seminars on specific topics. In particular, the study tour is planned to support activities on improvement of land development and planning services in local government and simplification of approval processes of construction and occupancy licences.

The selected Turkish local authorities will increase their capacity and vision in terms of knowledge and good practices through field visits to municipalities (among which we could mention Birmingham and Wolverhampton), to relevant institutions in the field of land planning or construction and occupancy licenses processes (as RTPI- the Royal Town Planning Institute) and on site observations. In addition to this, trainers from different EU member countries (as Sweden, France and Italy) will deliver presentations on their national administrative systems, especially on the topics of building control, strategic planning and process management.
Mrs. Valmorbida, ALDA Director, will hold one of the training sessions.

ALDA Staff meeting 2011 took place in Subotica from 25th 28th of January. The meeting was held with a purpose to get the members to meet each other, to exchange their views and opinions in different topics of work, to get to know about the overall project progress in their Association, and improve some skills through training. All ALDA staff members were involved in this meeting.

In a three day working period, staff members conducted several training lessons, discussed about resources and fund raising, practised communication and exchanging of information; besides they discussed issues regarding past ALDA projects or/and difficulties in the project management, as well as activities and options for improvement of their work in years to come.

Trainings, discussions, exchanging views and skills improvement were held separately during the first two days of the meeting by two ALDA project management and implementation experts Biljana Zasova and Marco Boaria.
On the third day, director Antonella Valmorbida presented the past year results, aims, objectives and focus for upcoming 2011 and discussed organisational structure and staff improvement.

After a three days work, general conclusion is that all staff members dealing with different types of tasks within ALDA are showing great responsibility and whole-hearted efforts in their work, but also that there is a place for improvement.

New perspectives and possibilities in the field of international and regional cooperation have emerged from a meeting between ALDA Staff and local authorities in Subotica. This meeting took place in Subotica City Hall on Friday, 28th of January.

The meeting was attended by City of Subotica representatives: Mr. Sasa Vucinic (Mayor of Subotica), Mr. Slavko Parac (City Assembly Chairman), Mrs. Erika Kudlik and Melinda Nagy-Kiseresmiss (representatives of International and regional cooperation department); Mrs. Antonella Valmobrida (ALDA Director) and Mrs. Stanka Parac (Partnership manager) and representatives of LDA Subotica and LDA CSS: Sasa Marinkov LDACSS Delegate as well as Olga Perusic and Milan Bosnjak form LDA Subotica.

City of Subotica is the first city supported establishing a Local Democracy Agency. LDA Subotica started activities in 1993 and in the beginning of 2000 LDA Subotica and City of Subotica were first active member and partner of ALDA. As such, City of Subotica enjoys special treatment in ALDA network. Therefore this meeting was a really good opportunity for all sides to determine new perspectives and possibilities in the field of international and regional cooperation. Main aim of the meeting was to enhance and ensure connections and cooperation between actors involved in the meeting.

On January 27th, 1945, 66 years ago, the German concentration and extermination camp of Auschwitz-Birkenau was liberated by the Russian Army, giving name to the International Holocaust Memorial Day on that date every year.

A new Europe has been built on the ruins of war and hatred, with the conviction that something like the Shoah should never be allowed to happen again.
Against such a background Local Democracy Agencies were established in the wake of the conflict leading to the break-up of the former Yugoslavia with the objective of helping to build a society founded on democratic principles, rule of law and respect for human and minority rights.
Engaging various ethnic groups in this endeavour and at times mediating between them has reconfirmed to the

Local Democracy Agencies and their umbrella organisation the Association of Local Democracy Agencies (ALDA) that the past plays an important role in shaping a future based on tolerance and reconciliation.
Together with its partners, ALDA works daily for intercultural understanding and active participation of citizens in its programme on Active Remembrance. The President of ALDA, Per Vinther, stresses that ”one of our goals is to bring people to remember their past and learn from mistakes their ancestors have made! This also has a direct bearing on the appreciation of the benefits of living in a democratic society”

The Association of Local Democracy Agencies, ALDA, is heavily engaged in promoting active citizenship within the EU Programme “Europe for Citizens” and in that vein has embarked also on the project E-For, Education for Remembrance, as a natural element of active citizenship.

Currently, the project PEACE – Peace Education and Active Citizenship in Europe reunites partners from all over Europe to reflect upon innovative ways of transmitting knowledge of past crimes and injustice to generations having grown up in a peaceful society. New pedagogic methodologies are currently being tested in local events and will be discussed in an international conference uniting experts on historical education as well as local authorities and NGOs interested in implementing projects on active remembrance.
Thus, ALDA is linking its involvement for better local governance with the struggle for active remembrance that is so crucial for the survival of our peaceful and democratic societies.

The two days activities in the framework of LAAR 2 – Further support to Local Administrative Reform in Türkiye, conducted by the Director of ALDA, Mrs. Antonella Valmorbida, took place in Antalya the 24th and 25th of January 2011.
70 medium size municipalities took part in the training which based on the presentation of best practices in local government.

The experiences presented with the support of videos are :

  • the city of Strasbourg : intermodal urban transport
  • the city of Reggio Emilia : the international experience of social services for the infants and Reggio Children
  • the city of Brindisi : an experience of dialogue with citizens
  • the city of La Paz and the World bank Institute : tackling corruption:

The training was interactive and made the participants living a peer to peer experience, which is so useful for local government and civil servants. A specific case on tourism, was presented by the Mayor Necdet Aksoy , from the city of Sanfranbolu. The second day was open to the a civil servant of the Ministry of Interior, whom exchanged many concrete inputs with the participants.

The module on Communities of Practices will continue throughout February and March and the final join training will be in Ankara on the 6th and 7th of April 2011.